Temperature.javaAPI DocExample2848Tue Jun 03 23:55:18 BST 1997BeansBook.Simulator

// This example is from the book Developing Java Beans by Robert Englander. 
// Copyright (c) 1997 O'Reilly & Associates.
// You may study, use, modify, and distribute this example for any purpose.
// This example is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY either expressed or implied.

// Chapter 8 -- The Temperature class

package BeansBook.Simulator;

import java.beans.*;

// the temperature bean class definition
public class Temperature
   implements TemperaturePulseListener,  // listens for temperature pulses
           // declare Serializable
   // support object for bound property listeners
   protected PropertyChangeSupport boundSupport;
   // the current temperature
   protected double theTemperature = 22.0;
   // constructor
   public Temperature()
      // construct the support object
         boundSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);

   // add a property change listener
   public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
      // defer to the support object
   // remove a property change listener
   public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
      // defer to the support object

   // get the value of the Temperature property
   public double getTemperature()
      return theTemperature;
   // set the value of the Temperature property
   public void setTemperature(double t)
      // don't bother if the value didn't change
      if (t == theTemperature)

      // save the old value
      Double old = new Double(theTemperature);
      // save the new value         
      theTemperature = t;
      // fire the property change event
      boundSupport.firePropertyChange("Temperature", old, new Double(t));

   // handle a temperature pulse event
   public void temperaturePulse(TemperaturePulseEvent evt)
      // get the pulse temperature
      double p = evt.getPulseTemperature();
      // get the current temp
      double c = getTemperature();
      // if the pulse temperature is greater than the current temperature
      if (p > c)
         // only change if the difference is more than 1
         if ((p - c) >= 1.0)
            // add 1 to the current temperature
            setTemperature(c + 1.0);
      else if (p < c) // pulse less than the current temperature
         // only change if the difference is more than 1
         if ((c - p) >= 1.0)
            // subtract 1 from the current temperature
            setTemperature(c - 1.0);