LoggingImpl.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API27925Fri May 04 22:23:28 BST


public final class LoggingImpl extends implements com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.LoggingImplHook
Implementation of {@link Logging}.

AMX Logging MBean is hooked directly into the logging subsystem via com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.FileandSyslogHandler which uses com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.AMXLoggingHook to instantiate and call an instance of LoggingImpl.

Fields Summary
private LogMBeanIntf
private final Map
private final Map
private static final String
private static final String
final String
private final String
private static final String
private static MBeanNotificationInfo[]
private static final Integer
private static final Map
private static final Set
private static final Object[]
private long
Constructors Summary
public LoggingImpl(String serverName)

        mServerName = serverName;
    	mLogMBean	= null;
        FILE_SEP   = System.getProperty( "file.separator" );
    	mLevelToNotificationTypeMap = initLevelToNotificationTypeMap();
        mNotificationTypeToNotificationBuilderMap  = new HashMap<String,NotificationBuilder>();
Methods Summary
private java.util.PropertiesattributesToProps(java.util.List attrs)

    	final Properties	props	= new Properties();
    	if ( attrs != null )
    		for( Attribute attr: attrs)
    			final Object	value	= attr.getValue();
    			if ( value == null )
    				throw new IllegalArgumentException( attr.getName() + "=" + null);
    			props.put( attr.getName(), value.toString() );
    	return( props );
private java.util.ListconvertQueryResult( queryResult)

        // extract field descriptions into a String[]
        final AttributeList   fieldAttrs    = (AttributeList)((Attribute)queryResult.get( 0 )).getValue();
        final String[]  fieldHeaders  = new String[ fieldAttrs.size() ];
        for( int i = 0; i < fieldHeaders.length; ++i )
            final Attribute attr    = (Attribute)fieldAttrs.get( i );
            fieldHeaders[ i ] = (String)attr.getValue();
        final List<List<Serializable>> srcRecords    = TypeCast.asList(
                ((Attribute)queryResult.get( 1 )).getValue() );
        // create the new results, making the first Object[] be the field headers
        final List<Serializable[]>  results = new ArrayList<Serializable[]>( srcRecords.size() );
        results.add( fieldHeaders );
        // extract every record
        for( int recordIdx = 0; recordIdx < srcRecords.size(); ++recordIdx )
            final List<Serializable> record    = srcRecords.get( recordIdx );
            assert( record.size() == fieldHeaders.length );
            final Serializable[]  fieldValues = new Serializable[ fieldHeaders.length ];
            for( int fieldIdx = 0; fieldIdx < fieldValues.length; ++fieldIdx )
                fieldValues[ fieldIdx ] = record.get( fieldIdx );
            results.add( fieldValues );
        return results;
protected synchronized selfObjectName)

        ObjectName  containerObjectName = null;
        // work is needed to flesh out the hierarchy in non-DAS server instances.
        // return null for now if that hierarchy is missing
            containerObjectName = super.getContainerObjectName( selfObjectName );
        catch( Exception e )
            // can occur for non-DAS instances
            containerObjectName = null;
        return containerObjectName;
public java.lang.String[]getDiagnosticCauses(java.lang.String messageID)

    	final List<String>	causes	= TypeCast.checkList( 
    		getLogMBean().getDiagnosticCausesForMessageId( messageID ), String.class );
    	String[]	result = null;
    	if ( causes != null )
    	    result  = (String[])causes.toArray( new String[causes.size()] );
        return result;
public java.lang.String[]getDiagnosticChecks(java.lang.String messageID)

    	final List<String>	checks	= TypeCast.checkList( 
    		getLogMBean().getDiagnosticChecksForMessageId( messageID ), String.class );
    	String[]	result = null;
    	if ( checks != null )
    	    result  = new String[checks.size()];
    	    checks.toArray( result );
    	return	result;
public java.lang.StringgetDiagnosticURI(java.lang.String messageID)

    	return getLogMBean().getDiagnosticURIForMessageId( messageID );
public java.util.MapgetErrorDistribution(long timestamp, java.lang.String level)

        if ( ! LEGAL_DISTRIBUTION_LEVELS.contains( level ) )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( level );
        Map<String,Integer>  result =
            getLogMBean().getErrorDistribution( timestamp, Level.parse( level ) );
        // query may return null instead of an empty Map
        if ( result != null )
            final Set<String>  moduleIDs   = result.keySet();
    	     // Ensure that no module has a null count
            for( final String moduleID : moduleIDs )
                if ( result.get( moduleID ) == null )
                    result.put( moduleID, INTEGER_0 );
            // never return a null Map, only an empty one
            result  = EMPTY_ERROR_DISTRIBUTION_MAP;
        return result;
public java.util.Map[]getErrorInfo()

        final List<Map<String,Object>>  infos    = getLogMBean().getErrorInformation();
        final Map<String,Number>[]  results  = TypeCast.asArray( new HashMap[ infos.size() ] );
        for( int i = 0; i < results.length; ++i )
            final Map<String,Object>  info  = infos.get( i );
            assert( info.keySet().size() == 3 );
            final Long  timestamp   = Long.parseLong( info.get( TIMESTAMP_KEY ).toString() );
            final Integer  severeCount = Integer.parseInt( info.get( SEVERE_COUNT_KEY ).toString() );
            final Integer  warningCount= Integer.parseInt( info.get( WARNING_COUNT_KEY ).toString() );
            final Map<String,Number>    item  = new HashMap<String,Number>( info.size() );
            item.put( TIMESTAMP_KEY, timestamp);
            item.put( SEVERE_COUNT_KEY, severeCount);
            item.put( WARNING_COUNT_KEY, warningCount);
            results[ i ] = item;
        return results;
public longgetErrorStatisticsIntervalMinutes()

        return getLogMBean().getErrorStatisticsIntervalDuration();
public java.lang.StringgetGroup()

public intgetKeepErrorStatisticsForIntervals()

        return getLogMBean().getKeepErrorStatisticsForIntervals();
public synchronized java.lang.StringgetLogFile(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String fileName)

        if ( ! SERVER_KEY.equals( key ) )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "" + key );
        final String  dir   = getLogMBean().getLogFilesDirectory();
        final String  file  = dir + FILE_SEP + fileName;
             return FileUtils.fileToString( new File( file ) );
        catch( FileNotFoundException e )
            throw new RuntimeException( e );
        catch( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException( e );
public java.lang.String[]getLogFileKeys()

    	return new String[]	{ SERVER_KEY, ACCESS_KEY };
public synchronized java.lang.String[]getLogFileNames(java.lang.String key)

    	String[]	result	= null;
    	if ( SERVER_KEY.equals( key ) )
    		result	= getLogMBean().getArchivedLogfiles();
    		throw new IllegalArgumentException( key );
        return result;
public intgetLogLevelListenerCount(java.util.logging.Level logLevel)

        final String    notifType   = logLevelToNotificationType( logLevel );
        final int count = getNotificationEmitter().getNotificationTypeListenerCount( notifType );
        return( count );
private LogMBeanIntfgetLogMBean()

    	return mLogMBean;
public java.lang.String[]getLoggerNames()

	    final List<String>  names   =
	        TypeCast.checkList( getLogMBean().getLoggerNames(), String.class );
	    return names.toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY );
public java.lang.String[]getLoggerNamesUnder(java.lang.String loggerName)

	    final List<String>  names   = TypeCast.checkList(
	        getLogMBean().getLoggerNamesUnder( loggerName ), String.class );
	    return names.toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY );
public java.lang.StringgetModuleLogLevel(java.lang.String module)

    	return getLogMBean().getLogLevel( module );

		final MBeanNotificationInfo[]   superInfos = super.getNotificationInfo();
		final MBeanNotificationInfo[]   all =
		    JMXUtil.mergeMBeanNotificationInfos( superInfos, getSelfNotificationInfos() );
		return all;
public static serverName)
Used internally to get the Logging ObjectName for a particular server Logging MBean is a special-case because it needs to load as early as possible.

        final String requiredProps  = Util.makeRequiredProps( XTypes.LOGGING, serverName );
        final String parentProp     = Util.makeProp( XTypes.SERVER_ROOT_MONITOR, serverName );
        final String props          = Util.concatenateProps( requiredProps, parentProp );
        return Util.newObjectName( AMX.JMX_DOMAIN, props );
private static synchronized[]getSelfNotificationInfos()
getMBeanInfo() can be called frequently. By making this static, we avoid needlessly creating new Objects.

        if ( SELF_NOTIFICATION_INFOS == null )
    		final String[]  types   = GSetUtil.toStringArray( ALL_LOG_RECORD_NOTIFICATION_TYPES );
    	    final MBeanNotificationInfo selfInfo  = new MBeanNotificationInfo(
    	        types, Notification.class.getName(),  "LogRecord notifications" );
    	    SELF_NOTIFICATION_INFOS = new MBeanNotificationInfo[]   { selfInfo };
private static java.util.MapinitLevelToNotificationTypeMap()

        final Map<Level,String>    m   = new HashMap<Level,String>();

        for( int i = 0; i < LEVELS_AND_NOTIF_TYPES.length; i += 2 )
            final Level    level       = (Level)LEVELS_AND_NOTIF_TYPES[ i ];
            final String   notifType   = (String)LEVELS_AND_NOTIF_TYPES[ i + 1 ];
            m.put( level, notifType );

        return( Collections.unmodifiableMap( m ) );
private voidinitLogMBean()

        if ( mLogMBean == null )
         synchronized( this )
            if ( mLogMBean == null )
        		final ObjectName logMBeanObjectName	=
        		Util.newObjectName( LOGMBEAN_OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX + mServerName );
        		mLogMBean	= (LogMBeanIntf)newProxy( logMBeanObjectName, LogMBeanIntf.class );
private voidinitNotificationTypeToNotificationBuilderMap( objectName)

        for( final String notifType : ALL_LOG_RECORD_NOTIFICATION_TYPES )
                new NotificationBuilder( notifType, objectName ) );
private java.lang.StringlogLevelToNotificationType(java.util.logging.Level level)

        String notificationType = mLevelToNotificationTypeMap.get( level );

        if ( notificationType == null )

        return notificationType;
private java.util.MaplogRecordToMap(java.util.logging.LogRecord record, java.lang.String recordAsString)

        final Map<String,Serializable>    m   = new HashMap<String,Serializable>();
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_AS_STRING_KEY, recordAsString );
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_LEVEL_KEY, record.getLevel() );
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_LOGGER_NAME_KEY, record.getLoggerName() );
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_MESSAGE_KEY, record.getMessage() );
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_MILLIS_KEY, record.getMillis() );
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_KEY, record.getSequenceNumber() );
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_SOURCE_CLASS_NAME_KEY, record.getSourceClassName() );
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_SOURCE_METHOD_NAME_KEY, record.getSourceMethodName() );
        m.put( LOG_RECORD_THREAD_ID_KEY, record.getThreadID() );
        final Throwable thrown  = record.getThrown();
        if ( thrown != null )
            final Throwable mapped  = new ThrowableMapper( thrown ).map();
            m.put( LOG_RECORD_THROWN_KEY, mapped );
            final Throwable rootCause   = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( thrown );
            if ( rootCause != thrown )
                final Throwable mappedRootCause  = new ThrowableMapper( rootCause ).map();
                m.put( LOG_RECORD_ROOT_CAUSE_KEY, mappedRootCause );
        return m;
protected info)
Hook for subclass to modify anything in MBeanInfo.


	    final MBeanOperationInfo[]  ops = info.getOperations();
	    final int   idx = JMXUtil.findMBeanOperationInfo( info, "queryServerLog", null);
	    final MBeanOperationInfo    op  = ops[idx];
	    ops[idx]    = new MBeanOperationInfo( op.getName(), op.getDescription(),
	                    op.getSignature(), Map.class.getName(),
	                    MBeanOperationInfo.INFO );
	    return JMXUtil.newMBeanInfo( info, ops );
private java.lang.ObjectnewProxy( target, java.lang.Class interfaceClass)

    	return( MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(
    				getMBeanServer(), target, interfaceClass, true ) );
private notificationType)

        NotificationBuilder builder =
            mNotificationTypeToNotificationBuilderMap.get( notificationType );
        assert( builder != null );
        return builder;
protected voidpreRegisterDone()

        initNotificationTypeToNotificationBuilderMap( getObjectName() );
public voidprivateLoggingHook(java.util.logging.LogRecord logRecord, java.util.logging.Formatter formatter)
Internal use only, called by com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.AMXLoggingHook.

        //debug( "LoggingImpl.privateLoggingHook: " + formatter.format( logRecord ) );
        if ( logRecord.getThreadID() == mMyThreadID )
            debug( "privateLoggingHook: recusive call!!!" );
            throw new RuntimeException( "recursive call" );
        synchronized( this )
            mMyThreadID  = Thread.currentThread().getId();
            final Level level       = logRecord.getLevel();
                // don't construct a Notification if there are no listeners.
                if ( getLogLevelListenerCount( level ) != 0 )
                    final String notifType  = logLevelToNotificationType( level );
                    final NotificationBuilder   builder =
                        notificationTypeToNotificationBuilder( notifType );
                    // Notification.getMessage() will be the formatted log record
                    final String    logRecordAsString    = formatter.format( logRecord );
                    final Map<String,Serializable>  userData    =
                        logRecordToMap( logRecord, logRecordAsString );
                    final Notification notif    =
                        builder.buildNewWithMap( logRecordAsString, userData);
                    debug( "privateLoggingHook: sending: " + notif );
                    sendNotification( notif );
                   // debug( "privateLogHook: no listeners for level " + level );
                mMyThreadID = -1;
public java.util.ListqueryServerLog(java.lang.String name, long startIndex, boolean searchForward, int maximumNumberOfResults, java.lang.Long fromTime, java.lang.Long toTime, java.lang.String logLevel, java.util.Set modules, java.util.List nameValuePairs)

        final List<Serializable[]>    result  = queryServerLogInternal(
                 name, startIndex, searchForward, maximumNumberOfResults,
                 fromTime, toTime, logLevel, modules, nameValuePairs );
        return result;
private java.util.ListqueryServerLogInternal(java.lang.String name, long startIndex, boolean searchForward, int maximumNumberOfResults, java.lang.Long fromTime, java.lang.Long toTime, java.lang.String logLevel, java.util.Set modules, java.util.List nameValuePairs)

        if ( name == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "use MOST_RECENT_NAME, not null" );
    	final boolean  sortAscending	= true;
    	final List<String>     moduleList	= ListUtil.newListFromCollection( modules );
    	final Properties  props	= attributesToProps( nameValuePairs );
    	String  actualName;
    	if ( MOST_RECENT_NAME.equals( name ) )
    	    actualName  = null;
    	    actualName  = name;
        final AttributeList result	= getLogMBean().getLogRecordsUsingQuery(actualName,
                                              searchForward, sortAscending,
                                              fromTime == null ? null
                                                               : new Date(fromTime),
                                              toTime == null ? null
                                                             : new Date(toTime),
                                              logLevel, true, moduleList, props) ;
        return convertQueryResult( result );
public synchronized voidrotateAllLogFiles()

    	getLogMBean().rotateNow( );
public synchronized voidrotateLogFile(java.lang.String key)

    	if ( ACCESS_KEY.equals( key ) )
    	    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "not supported: " + key );
    		// getLogMBean().rotateAccessLog();
    	else if ( SERVER_KEY.equals( key ) )
    		throw new IllegalArgumentException( "" + key );
public voidsetErrorStatisticsIntervalMinutes(long minutes)

        getLogMBean().setErrorStatisticsIntervalDuration( minutes );
public voidsetKeepErrorStatisticsForIntervals(int num)

        getLogMBean().setKeepErrorStatisticsForIntervals( num );
public voidsetModuleLogLevel(java.lang.String module, java.lang.String level)

    	getLogMBean().setLogLevel( module, level );
public voidtestEmitLogMessage(java.lang.String level, java.lang.String message)

        final Level saveLevel   = getMBeanLogLevel();
        setMBeanLogLevel( Level.parse( level ) );
            debug( "testEmitLogMessage: logging: message = " + message );
            getLogger().log( Level.parse( level ), message );
            setMBeanLogLevel( saveLevel );