DateFormatSymbols.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API27674Tue Jun 10 00:25:50 BST 2008java.text


public class DateFormatSymbols extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable
DateFormatSymbols is a public class for encapsulating localizable date-time formatting data, such as the names of the months, the names of the days of the week, and the time zone data. DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat both use DateFormatSymbols to encapsulate this information.

Typically you shouldn't use DateFormatSymbols directly. Rather, you are encouraged to create a date-time formatter with the DateFormat class's factory methods: getTimeInstance, getDateInstance, or getDateTimeInstance. These methods automatically create a DateFormatSymbols for the formatter so that you don't have to. After the formatter is created, you may modify its format pattern using the setPattern method. For more information about creating formatters using DateFormat's factory methods, see {@link DateFormat}.

If you decide to create a date-time formatter with a specific format pattern for a specific locale, you can do so with:

new SimpleDateFormat(aPattern, DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(aLocale)).

DateFormatSymbols objects are cloneable. When you obtain a DateFormatSymbols object, feel free to modify the date-time formatting data. For instance, you can replace the localized date-time format pattern characters with the ones that you feel easy to remember. Or you can change the representative cities to your favorite ones.

New DateFormatSymbols subclasses may be added to support SimpleDateFormat for date-time formatting for additional locales.

1.48 04/25/06
Chen-Lieh Huang

Fields Summary
Era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC". An array of 2 strings, indexed by Calendar.BC and Calendar.AD.
Month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc. An array of 13 strings (some calendars have 13 months), indexed by Calendar.JANUARY, Calendar.FEBRUARY, etc.
Short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc. An array of 13 strings (some calendars have 13 months), indexed by Calendar.JANUARY, Calendar.FEBRUARY, etc.
Weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc. An array of 8 strings, indexed by Calendar.SUNDAY, Calendar.MONDAY, etc. The element weekdays[0] is ignored.
Short weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc. An array of 8 strings, indexed by Calendar.SUNDAY, Calendar.MONDAY, etc. The element shortWeekdays[0] is ignored.
AM and PM strings. For example: "AM" and "PM". An array of 2 strings, indexed by Calendar.AM and Calendar.PM.
Localized names of time zones in this locale. This is a two-dimensional array of strings of size n by m, where m is at least 5. Each of the n rows is an entry containing the localized names for a single TimeZone. Each such row contains (with i ranging from 0..n-1):
  • zoneStrings[i][0] - time zone ID
  • zoneStrings[i][1] - long name of zone in standard time
  • zoneStrings[i][2] - short name of zone in standard time
  • zoneStrings[i][3] - long name of zone in daylight saving time
  • zoneStrings[i][4] - short name of zone in daylight saving time
The zone ID is not localized; it's one of the valid IDs of the {@link java.util.TimeZone TimeZone} class that are not custom IDs. All other entries are localized names.
transient boolean
Indicates that zoneStrings is set externally with setZoneStrings() method.
static final String
Unlocalized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'y', 'd', etc. All locales use the same these unlocalized pattern characters.
Localized date-time pattern characters. For example, a locale may wish to use 'u' rather than 'y' to represent years in its date format pattern strings. This string must be exactly 18 characters long, with the index of the characters described by DateFormat.ERA_FIELD, DateFormat.YEAR_FIELD, etc. Thus, if the string were "Xz...", then localized patterns would use 'X' for era and 'z' for year.
The locale which is used for initializing this DateFormatSymbols object.
static final long
static final int
Useful constant for defining time zone offsets.
private static Hashtable
Cache to hold the FormatData and TimeZoneNames ResourceBundles of a Locale.
Constructors Summary
public DateFormatSymbols()
Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from resources for the default locale. This constructor can only construct instances for the locales supported by the Java runtime environment, not for those supported by installed {@link java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider DateFormatSymbolsProvider} implementations. For full locale coverage, use the {@link #getInstance(Locale) getInstance} method.

java.util.MissingResourceException if the resources for the default locale cannot be found or cannot be loaded.

public DateFormatSymbols(Locale locale)
Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from resources for the given locale. This constructor can only construct instances for the locales supported by the Java runtime environment, not for those supported by installed {@link java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider DateFormatSymbolsProvider} implementations. For full locale coverage, use the {@link #getInstance(Locale) getInstance} method.

java.util.MissingResourceException if the resources for the specified locale cannot be found or cannot be loaded.

Methods Summary
private static java.util.ResourceBundlecacheLookup(java.util.Locale desiredLocale)
Look up resource data for the desiredLocale in the cache; update the cache if necessary.

    ResourceBundle rb;
    SoftReference data
        = (SoftReference)cachedLocaleData.get(desiredLocale);
    if (data == null) {
        rb = LocaleData.getDateFormatData(desiredLocale);
        data = new SoftReference(rb);
        cachedLocaleData.put(desiredLocale, data);
    } else {
        if ((rb = (ResourceBundle)data.get()) == null) {
        rb = LocaleData.getDateFormatData(desiredLocale);
        data = new SoftReference(rb);
    return rb;
public java.lang.Objectclone()
Overrides Cloneable

            DateFormatSymbols other = (DateFormatSymbols)super.clone();
            copyMembers(this, other);
            return other;
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new InternalError();
private final voidcopyMembers(java.text.DateFormatSymbols src, java.text.DateFormatSymbols dst)
Clones all the data members from the source DateFormatSymbols to the target DateFormatSymbols. This is only for subclasses.

src the source DateFormatSymbols.
dst the target DateFormatSymbols.

        dst.eras = duplicate(src.eras);
        dst.months = duplicate(src.months);
        dst.shortMonths = duplicate(src.shortMonths);
        dst.weekdays = duplicate(src.weekdays);
        dst.shortWeekdays = duplicate(src.shortWeekdays);
        dst.ampms = duplicate(src.ampms);
        if (src.zoneStrings != null) {
            if (dst.zoneStrings == null) {
                dst.zoneStrings = new String[src.zoneStrings.length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < dst.zoneStrings.length; ++i) {
                dst.zoneStrings[i] = duplicate(src.zoneStrings[i]);
        } else {
            dst.zoneStrings = null;
        dst.localPatternChars = new String (src.localPatternChars);
private final java.lang.String[]duplicate(java.lang.String[] srcArray)
Clones an array of Strings.

srcArray the source array to be cloned.
count the number of elements in the given source array.
a cloned array.

        String[] dstArray = new String[srcArray.length];
        System.arraycopy(srcArray, 0, dstArray, 0, srcArray.length);
        return dstArray;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
Override equals

        if (this == obj) return true;
        if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
        DateFormatSymbols that = (DateFormatSymbols) obj;
        return (Arrays.equals(eras, that.eras)
                && Arrays.equals(months, that.months)
                && Arrays.equals(shortMonths, that.shortMonths)
                && Arrays.equals(weekdays, that.weekdays)
                && Arrays.equals(shortWeekdays, that.shortWeekdays)
                && Arrays.equals(ampms, that.ampms)
                && Arrays.deepEquals(getZoneStringsWrapper(), that.getZoneStringsWrapper())
                && ((localPatternChars != null
                  && localPatternChars.equals(that.localPatternChars))
                 || (localPatternChars == null
                  && that.localPatternChars == null)));
private final booleanequals(java.lang.String[] current, java.lang.String[] other)
Compares the equality of the two arrays of String.

current this String array.
other that String array.

        int count = current.length;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            if (!current[i].equals(other[i]))
                return false;
        return true;
public java.lang.String[]getAmPmStrings()
Gets ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".

the ampm strings.

        return duplicate(ampms);
public static java.util.Locale[]getAvailableLocales()
Returns an array of all locales for which the getInstance methods of this class can return localized instances. The returned array represents the union of locales supported by the Java runtime and by installed {@link java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider DateFormatSymbolsProvider} implementations. It must contain at least a Locale instance equal to {@link java.util.Locale#US Locale.US}.

An array of locales for which localized DateFormatSymbols instances are available.

        LocaleServiceProviderPool pool=
	return pool.getAvailableLocales();
public java.lang.String[]getEras()
Gets era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".

the era strings.

        return duplicate(eras);
public static final java.text.DateFormatSymbolsgetInstance()
Gets the DateFormatSymbols instance for the default locale. This method provides access to DateFormatSymbols instances for locales supported by the Java runtime itself as well as for those supported by installed {@link java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider DateFormatSymbolsProvider} implementations.

a DateFormatSymbols instance.

	return getInstance(Locale.getDefault());
public static final java.text.DateFormatSymbolsgetInstance(java.util.Locale locale)
Gets the DateFormatSymbols instance for the specified locale. This method provides access to DateFormatSymbols instances for locales supported by the Java runtime itself as well as for those supported by installed {@link java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider DateFormatSymbolsProvider} implementations.

locale the given locale.
a DateFormatSymbols instance.
NullPointerException if locale is null

        // Check whether a provider can provide an implementation that's closer 
        // to the requested locale than what the Java runtime itself can provide.
        LocaleServiceProviderPool pool =
        if (pool.hasProviders()) {
            DateFormatSymbols providersInstance = pool.getLocalizedObject(
                                DateFormatSymbolsGetter.INSTANCE, locale);
            if (providersInstance != null) {
                return providersInstance;

        return new DateFormatSymbols(locale);
public java.lang.StringgetLocalPatternChars()
Gets localized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'u', 't', etc.

the localized date-time pattern characters.

        return new String(localPatternChars);
public java.lang.String[]getMonths()
Gets month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.

the month strings.

        return duplicate(months);
public java.lang.String[]getShortMonths()
Gets short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.

the short month strings.

        return duplicate(shortMonths);
public java.lang.String[]getShortWeekdays()
Gets short weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.

the short weekday strings. Use Calendar.SUNDAY, Calendar.MONDAY, etc. to index the result array.

        return duplicate(shortWeekdays);
public java.lang.String[]getWeekdays()
Gets weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.

the weekday strings. Use Calendar.SUNDAY, Calendar.MONDAY, etc. to index the result array.

        return duplicate(weekdays);
final intgetZoneIndex(java.lang.String ID)
Package private: used by SimpleDateFormat Gets the index for the given time zone ID to obtain the time zone strings for formatting. The time zone ID is just for programmatic lookup. NOT LOCALIZED!!!

ID the given time zone ID.
the index of the given time zone ID. Returns -1 if the given time zone ID can't be located in the DateFormatSymbols object.

        String[][] zoneStrings = getZoneStringsWrapper();
        for (int index=0; index<zoneStrings.length; index++)
            if (ID.equalsIgnoreCase(zoneStrings[index][0])) return index;

        return -1;
public java.lang.String[][]getZoneStrings()
Gets time zone strings. Use of this method is discouraged; use {@link java.util.TimeZone#getDisplayName() TimeZone.getDisplayName()} instead.

The value returned is a two-dimensional array of strings of size n by m, where m is at least 5. Each of the n rows is an entry containing the localized names for a single TimeZone. Each such row contains (with i ranging from 0..n-1):

  • zoneStrings[i][0] - time zone ID
  • zoneStrings[i][1] - long name of zone in standard time
  • zoneStrings[i][2] - short name of zone in standard time
  • zoneStrings[i][3] - long name of zone in daylight saving time
  • zoneStrings[i][4] - short name of zone in daylight saving time
The zone ID is not localized; it's one of the valid IDs of the {@link java.util.TimeZone TimeZone} class that are not custom IDs. All other entries are localized names. If a zone does not implement daylight saving time, the daylight saving time names should not be used.

If {@link #setZoneStrings(String[][]) setZoneStrings} has been called on this DateFormatSymbols instance, then the strings provided by that call are returned. Otherwise, the returned array contains names provided by the Java runtime and by installed {@link java.util.spi.TimeZoneNameProvider TimeZoneNameProvider} implementations.

the time zone strings.

	return getZoneStringsImpl(true);
private final java.lang.String[][]getZoneStringsImpl(boolean needsCopy)

        if (zoneStrings == null) {
            zoneStrings = TimeZoneNameUtility.getZoneStrings(locale);

        if (needsCopy) {
            String[][] aCopy = new String[zoneStrings.length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < zoneStrings.length; ++i) {
                aCopy[i] = duplicate(zoneStrings[i]);
            return aCopy;
        } else {
            return zoneStrings;
final java.lang.String[][]getZoneStringsWrapper()
Wrapper method to the getZoneStrings(), which is called from inside the java.text package and not to mutate the returned arrays, so that it does not need to create a defensive copy.

        if (isSubclassObject()) {
            return getZoneStrings();
        } else {
            return getZoneStringsImpl(false);
public inthashCode()
Override hashCode. Generates a hash code for the DateFormatSymbols object.

        int hashcode = 0;
        String[][] zoneStrings = getZoneStringsWrapper();
        for (int index = 0; index < zoneStrings[0].length; ++index)
            hashcode ^= zoneStrings[0][index].hashCode();
        return hashcode;
private voidinitializeData(java.util.Locale desiredLocale)

        int i;
        ResourceBundle resource = cacheLookup(desiredLocale);

        // FIXME: cache only ResourceBundle. Hence every time, will do
        // getObject(). This won't be necessary if the Resource itself
        // is cached.
        eras = (String[])resource.getObject("Eras");
        months = resource.getStringArray("MonthNames");
        shortMonths = resource.getStringArray("MonthAbbreviations");
        String[] lWeekdays = resource.getStringArray("DayNames");
        weekdays = new String[8];
        weekdays[0] = "";  // 1-based
        for (i=0; i<lWeekdays.length; i++)
            weekdays[i+1] = lWeekdays[i];
        String[] sWeekdays = resource.getStringArray("DayAbbreviations");
        shortWeekdays = new String[8];
        shortWeekdays[0] = "";  // 1-based
        for (i=0; i<sWeekdays.length; i++)
            shortWeekdays[i+1] = sWeekdays[i];
        ampms = resource.getStringArray("AmPmMarkers");
        localPatternChars = resource.getString("DateTimePatternChars");

	locale = desiredLocale;
private final booleanisSubclassObject()

        return !getClass().getName().equals("java.text.DateFormatSymbols");
public voidsetAmPmStrings(java.lang.String[] newAmpms)
Sets ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".

newAmpms the new ampm strings.

        ampms = duplicate(newAmpms);
public voidsetEras(java.lang.String[] newEras)
Sets era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".

newEras the new era strings.

        eras = duplicate(newEras);
public voidsetLocalPatternChars(java.lang.String newLocalPatternChars)
Sets localized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'u', 't', etc.

newLocalPatternChars the new localized date-time pattern characters.

        localPatternChars = new String(newLocalPatternChars);
public voidsetMonths(java.lang.String[] newMonths)
Sets month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.

newMonths the new month strings.

        months = duplicate(newMonths);
public voidsetShortMonths(java.lang.String[] newShortMonths)
Sets short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.

newShortMonths the new short month strings.

        shortMonths = duplicate(newShortMonths);
public voidsetShortWeekdays(java.lang.String[] newShortWeekdays)
Sets short weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.

newShortWeekdays the new short weekday strings. The array should be indexed by Calendar.SUNDAY, Calendar.MONDAY, etc.

        shortWeekdays = duplicate(newShortWeekdays);
public voidsetWeekdays(java.lang.String[] newWeekdays)
Sets weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.

newWeekdays the new weekday strings. The array should be indexed by Calendar.SUNDAY, Calendar.MONDAY, etc.

        weekdays = duplicate(newWeekdays);
public voidsetZoneStrings(java.lang.String[][] newZoneStrings)
Sets time zone strings. The argument must be a two-dimensional array of strings of size n by m, where m is at least 5. Each of the n rows is an entry containing the localized names for a single TimeZone. Each such row contains (with i ranging from 0..n-1):
  • zoneStrings[i][0] - time zone ID
  • zoneStrings[i][1] - long name of zone in standard time
  • zoneStrings[i][2] - short name of zone in standard time
  • zoneStrings[i][3] - long name of zone in daylight saving time
  • zoneStrings[i][4] - short name of zone in daylight saving time
The zone ID is not localized; it's one of the valid IDs of the {@link java.util.TimeZone TimeZone} class that are not custom IDs. All other entries are localized names.

newZoneStrings the new time zone strings.
IllegalArgumentException if the length of any row in newZoneStrings is less than 5
NullPointerException if newZoneStrings is null

        String[][] aCopy = new String[newZoneStrings.length][];
        for (int i = 0; i < newZoneStrings.length; ++i) {
	    if (newZoneStrings[i].length < 5) {
	        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            aCopy[i] = duplicate(newZoneStrings[i]);
        zoneStrings = aCopy;
	isZoneStringsSet = true;
private voidwriteObject( stream)
Write out the default serializable data, after ensuring the zoneStrings field is initialized in order to make sure the backward compatibility.


        if (zoneStrings == null) {
            zoneStrings = TimeZoneNameUtility.getZoneStrings(locale);