MP3AudioHeader.javaAPI DocJaudiotagger 2.0.427538Mon Sep 12 16:41:46 BST

 *  @author : Paul Taylor
 *  Version @version:$Id: 996 2011-09-12 14:41:43Z paultaylor $
 *  MusicTag Copyright (C)2003,2004
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 *  General Public  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
 *  or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
 *  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not,
 *  you can get a copy from or write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

import org.jaudiotagger.logging.Hex;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * Represents the audio header of an MP3 File
 * <p/>
 * <p>The audio header consists of a number of
 * audio frames. Because we are not trying to play the audio but only extract some information
 * regarding the audio we only need to read the first  audio frames to ensure that we have correctly
 * identified them as audio frames and extracted the metadata we reuire.
 * <p/>
 * <p>Start of Audio id 0xFF (11111111) and then second byte anded with 0xE0(11100000).
 * For example 2nd byte doesnt have to be 0xE0 is just has to have the top 3 signicant
 * bits set. For example 0xFB (11111011) is a common occurence of the second match. The 2nd byte
 * defines flags to indicate various mp3 values.
 * <p/>
 * <p>Having found these two values we then read the header which comprises these two bytes plus a further
 * two to ensure this really is a MP3Header, sometimes the first frame is actually a dummy frame with summary information
 * held within about the whole file, typically using a Xing Header or LAme Header. This is most useful when the file
 * is variable bit rate, if the file is variable bit rate but does not use a summary header it will not be correctly
 * identified as a VBR frame and the track length will be incorrectly calculated. Strictly speaking MP3 means
 * Layer III file but MP2 Layer II), MP1 Layer I) and MPEG-2 files are sometimes used and named with
 * the .mp3 suffix so this library attempts to supports all these formats.
public class MP3AudioHeader implements AudioHeader
    protected MPEGFrameHeader mp3FrameHeader;
    protected XingFrame mp3XingFrame;
    protected VbriFrame mp3VbriFrame;

    private long fileSize;
    private long startByte;
    private double timePerFrame;
    private double trackLength;
    private long numberOfFrames;
    private long numberOfFramesEstimate;
    private long bitrate;
    private String encoder = "";

    private static final SimpleDateFormat timeInFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("ss", Locale.UK);
    private static final SimpleDateFormat timeOutFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss",Locale.UK);
    private static final SimpleDateFormat timeOutOverAnHourFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("kk:mm:ss",Locale.UK);
    private static final char isVbrIdentifier = '~';
    private static final int CONVERT_TO_KILOBITS = 1000;
    private static final String TYPE_MP3 = "mp3";
    private static final int CONVERTS_BYTE_TO_BITS = 8;

    public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("");

     * After testing the average location of the first MP3Header bit was at 5000 bytes so this is
     * why chosen as a default.
    private final static int FILE_BUFFER_SIZE = 5000;
    private static final int NO_SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 3600;

    public MP3AudioHeader()

     * Search for the first MP3Header in the file
     * <p/>
     * The search starts from the start of the file, it is usually safer to use the alternative constructor that
     * allows you to provide the length of the tag header as a parameter so the tag can be skipped over.
     * @param seekFile
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InvalidAudioFrameException
    public MP3AudioHeader(final File seekFile) throws IOException, InvalidAudioFrameException
        if (!seek(seekFile, 0))
            throw new InvalidAudioFrameException("No audio header found within" + seekFile.getName());

     * Search for the first MP3Header in the file
     * <p/>
     * Starts searching from location startByte, this is because there is likely to be an ID3TagHeader
     * before the start of the audio. If this tagHeader contains unsynchronized information there is a
     * possibility that it might be inaccurately identified as the start of the Audio data. Various checks
     * are done in this code to prevent this happening but it cannot be guaranteed.
     * <p/>
     * Of course if the startByte provided overstates the length of the tag header, this could mean the
     * start of the MP3AudioHeader is missed, further checks are done within the MP3 class to recognize
     * if this has occurred and take appropriate action.
     * @param seekFile
     * @param startByte
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InvalidAudioFrameException
    public MP3AudioHeader(final File seekFile, long startByte) throws IOException, InvalidAudioFrameException
        if (!seek(seekFile, startByte))
            throw new InvalidAudioFrameException("No audio header found within" + seekFile.getName());

     * Returns true if the first MP3 frame can be found for the MP3 file
     * <p/>
     * This is the first byte of  music data and not the ID3 Tag Frame.     *
     * @param seekFile  MP3 file to seek
     * @param startByte if there is an ID3v2tag we dont want to start reading from the start of the tag
     * @return true if the first MP3 frame can be found
     * @throws IOException on any I/O error
     * @noinspection NestedTryStatement
    public boolean seek(final File seekFile, long startByte) throws IOException
        //References to Xing/VRbi Header
        ByteBuffer header;

        //This is substantially faster than updating the filechannels position
        long filePointerCount;

        final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(seekFile);
        final FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel();

        //Read into Byte Buffer in Chunks
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(FILE_BUFFER_SIZE);

        //Move FileChannel to the starting position (skipping over tag if any)

        //Update filePointerCount
        filePointerCount = startByte;

        //Read from here into the byte buffer , doesn't move location of filepointer, startByte);

        boolean syncFound = false;
                //TODO remaining() is quite an expensive operation, isn't there a way we can work this out without
                //interrogating the bytebuffer. Also this is rarely going to be true, and could be made less true
                //by increasing FILE_BUFFER_SIZE
                if (bb.remaining() <= MIN_BUFFER_REMAINING_REQUIRED)
          , fc.position());
                    if (bb.limit() <= MIN_BUFFER_REMAINING_REQUIRED)
                        //No mp3 exists
                        return false;
                //MP3File.logger.finest("fc:"+fc.position() + "bb"+bb.position());
                if (MPEGFrameHeader.isMPEGFrame(bb))
                        if (MP3AudioHeader.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                            MP3AudioHeader.logger.finest("Found Possible header at:" + filePointerCount);

                        mp3FrameHeader = MPEGFrameHeader.parseMPEGHeader(bb);
                        syncFound = true;
                        //if(2==1) use this line when you want to test getting the next frame without using xing

                        if ((header = XingFrame.isXingFrame(bb, mp3FrameHeader))!=null)
                            if (MP3AudioHeader.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                                MP3AudioHeader.logger.finest("Found Possible XingHeader");
                                //Parses Xing frame without modifying position of main buffer
                                mp3XingFrame = XingFrame.parseXingFrame(header);
                            catch (InvalidAudioFrameException ex)
                                // We Ignore because even if Xing Header is corrupted
                                //doesn't mean file is corrupted
                        else if ((header = VbriFrame.isVbriFrame(bb, mp3FrameHeader))!=null)
                            if (MP3AudioHeader.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                                MP3AudioHeader.logger.finest("Found Possible VbriHeader");
                                //Parses Vbri frame without modifying position of main buffer
                                mp3VbriFrame = VbriFrame.parseVBRIFrame(header);
                            catch (InvalidAudioFrameException ex)
                                // We Ignore because even if Vbri Header is corrupted
                                //doesn't mean file is corrupted
                        // There is a small but real chance that an unsynchronised ID3 Frame could fool the MPEG
                        // Parser into thinking it was an MPEG Header. If this happens the chances of the next bytes
                        // forming a Xing frame header are very remote. On the basis that  most files these days have
                        // Xing headers we do an additional check for when an apparent frame header has been found
                        // but is not followed by a Xing Header:We check the next header this wont impose a large
                        // overhead because wont apply to most Mpegs anyway ( Most likely to occur if audio
                        // has an  APIC frame which should have been unsynchronised but has not been) , or if the frame
                        // has been encoded with as Unicode LE because these have a BOM of 0xFF 0xFE
                            syncFound = isNextFrameValid(seekFile, filePointerCount, bb, fc);
                            if (syncFound)

                    catch (InvalidAudioFrameException ex)
                        // We Ignore because likely to be incorrect sync bits ,
                        // will just continue in loop

                //TODO position() is quite an expensive operation, isn't there a way we can work this out without
                //interrogating the bytebuffer
                bb.position(bb.position() + 1);

            while (!syncFound);
        catch (EOFException ex)
            MP3AudioHeader.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Reached end of file without finding sync match", ex);
            syncFound = false;
        catch (IOException iox)
            MP3AudioHeader.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "IOException occurred whilst trying to find sync", iox);
            syncFound = false;
            throw iox;
            if (fc != null)

            if (fis != null)

        //Return to start of audio header
        if (MP3AudioHeader.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
            MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("Return found matching mp3 header starting at" + filePointerCount);
        /*if((filePointerCount - startByte )>0)
            logger.severe(seekFile.getName()+"length:"+startByte+"Difference:"+(filePointerCount - startByte));
        return syncFound;

     * Called in some circumstances to check the next frame to ensure we have the correct audio header
     * @param seekFile
     * @param filePointerCount
     * @param bb
     * @param fc
     * @return true if frame is valid
     * @throws
    private boolean isNextFrameValid(File seekFile, long filePointerCount, ByteBuffer bb, FileChannel fc) throws IOException
        if (MP3AudioHeader.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
            MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("Checking next frame" + seekFile.getName() + ":fpc:" + filePointerCount + "skipping to:" + (filePointerCount + mp3FrameHeader.getFrameLength()));
        boolean result = false;

        int currentPosition = bb.position();

        //Our buffer is not large enough to fit in the whole of this frame, something must
        //have gone wrong because frames are not this large, so just return false
        //bad frame header
        if (mp3FrameHeader.getFrameLength() > (FILE_BUFFER_SIZE - MIN_BUFFER_REMAINING_REQUIRED))
            MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("Frame size is too large to be a frame:" + mp3FrameHeader.getFrameLength());
            return false;

        //Check for end of buffer if not enough room get some more
        if (bb.remaining() <= MIN_BUFFER_REMAINING_REQUIRED + mp3FrameHeader.getFrameLength())
            MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("Buffer too small, need to reload, buffer size:" + bb.remaining());
  , fc.position());
            //So now original buffer has been replaced, so set current position to start of buffer
            currentPosition = 0;
            //Not enough left
            if (bb.limit() <= MIN_BUFFER_REMAINING_REQUIRED)
                //No mp3 exists
                MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("Nearly at end of file, no header found:");
                return false;

            //Still Not enough left for next alleged frame size so giving up
            if (bb.limit() <= MIN_BUFFER_REMAINING_REQUIRED + mp3FrameHeader.getFrameLength())
                //No mp3 exists
                MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("Nearly at end of file, no room for next frame, no header found:");
                return false;

        //Position bb to the start of the alleged next frame
        bb.position(bb.position() + mp3FrameHeader.getFrameLength());
        if (MPEGFrameHeader.isMPEGFrame(bb))
                MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("Check next frame confirms is an audio header ");
                result = true;
            catch (InvalidAudioFrameException ex)
                MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("Check next frame has identified this is not an audio header");
                result = false;
            MP3AudioHeader.logger.finer("isMPEGFrame has identified this is not an audio header");
        //Set back to the start of the previous frame
        return result;

     * Set the location of where the Audio file begins in the file
     * @param startByte
    protected void setMp3StartByte(final long startByte)
        this.startByte = startByte;

     * Returns the byte position of the first MP3 Frame that the
     * <code>file</code> arguement refers to. This is the first byte of music
     * data and not the ID3 Tag Frame.
     * @return the byte position of the first MP3 Frame
    public long getMp3StartByte()
        return startByte;

     * Set number of frames in this file, use Xing if exists otherwise ((File Size - Non Audio Part)/Frame Size)
    protected void setNumberOfFrames()
        numberOfFramesEstimate = (fileSize - startByte) / mp3FrameHeader.getFrameLength();

        if (mp3XingFrame != null && mp3XingFrame.isFrameCountEnabled())
            numberOfFrames = mp3XingFrame.getFrameCount();
        else if (mp3VbriFrame != null)
            numberOfFrames = mp3VbriFrame.getFrameCount();
            numberOfFrames = numberOfFramesEstimate;


     * @return The number of frames within the Audio File, calculated as accurrately as possible
    public long getNumberOfFrames()
        return numberOfFrames;

     * @return The number of frames within the Audio File, calculated by dividing the filesize by
     *         the number of frames, this may not be the most accurate method available.
    public long getNumberOfFramesEstimate()
        return numberOfFramesEstimate;

     * Set the time each frame contributes to the audio in fractions of seconds, the higher
     * the sampling rate the shorter the audio segment provided by the frame,
     * the number of samples is fixed by the MPEG Version and Layer
    protected void setTimePerFrame()
        timePerFrame = mp3FrameHeader.getNoOfSamples() / mp3FrameHeader.getSamplingRate().doubleValue();

     * @return the the time each frame contributes to the audio in fractions of seconds
    private double getTimePerFrame()
        return timePerFrame;

     * Estimate the length of the audio track in seconds
     * Calculation is Number of frames multiplied by the Time Per Frame using the first frame as a prototype
     * Time Per Frame is the number of samples in the frame (which is defined by the MPEGVersion/Layer combination)
     * divided by the sampling rate, i.e the higher the sampling rate the shorter the audio represented by the frame is going
     * to be.
    protected void setTrackLength()
        trackLength = numberOfFrames * getTimePerFrame();

     * @return Track Length in seconds
    public double getPreciseTrackLength()
        return trackLength;

    public int getTrackLength()
        return (int) getPreciseTrackLength();

     * Return the length in user friendly format
     * @return
    public String getTrackLengthAsString()
        final Date timeIn;
            final long lengthInSecs = getTrackLength();
                timeIn = timeInFormat.parse(String.valueOf(lengthInSecs));

            if (lengthInSecs < NO_SECONDS_IN_HOUR)
                    return timeOutFormat.format(timeIn);
                    return timeOutOverAnHourFormat.format(timeIn);
        catch (ParseException pe)
            logger.warning("Unable to parse:"+getPreciseTrackLength() +" failed with ParseException:"+pe.getMessage());
            return "";

     * @return the audio file type
    public String getEncodingType()
        return TYPE_MP3;

     * Set bitrate in kbps, if Vbr use Xingheader if possible
    protected void setBitRate()

        if (mp3XingFrame != null && mp3XingFrame.isVbr())
            if (mp3XingFrame.isAudioSizeEnabled() && mp3XingFrame.getAudioSize() > 0)
                bitrate = (long) ((mp3XingFrame.getAudioSize() * CONVERTS_BYTE_TO_BITS) / (timePerFrame * getNumberOfFrames() * CONVERT_TO_KILOBITS));
                bitrate = (long) (((fileSize - startByte) * CONVERTS_BYTE_TO_BITS) / (timePerFrame * getNumberOfFrames() * CONVERT_TO_KILOBITS));
        else if (mp3VbriFrame != null)
            if (mp3VbriFrame.getAudioSize() > 0)
                bitrate = (long) ((mp3VbriFrame.getAudioSize() * CONVERTS_BYTE_TO_BITS) / (timePerFrame * getNumberOfFrames() * CONVERT_TO_KILOBITS));
                bitrate = (long) (((fileSize - startByte) * CONVERTS_BYTE_TO_BITS) / (timePerFrame * getNumberOfFrames() * CONVERT_TO_KILOBITS));
            bitrate = mp3FrameHeader.getBitRate();

    protected void setEncoder()
        if (mp3XingFrame != null)
            if (mp3XingFrame.getLameFrame() != null)
                encoder = mp3XingFrame.getLameFrame().getEncoder();
        else if (mp3VbriFrame != null)
            encoder = mp3VbriFrame.getEncoder();

     * @return bitrate in kbps, no indicator is provided as to whether or not it is vbr
    public long getBitRateAsNumber()
        return bitrate;

     * @return the BitRate of the Audio, to distinguish cbr from vbr we add a '~'
     *         for vbr.
    public String getBitRate()
        if (mp3XingFrame != null && mp3XingFrame.isVbr())
            return isVbrIdentifier + String.valueOf(bitrate);
        else if (mp3VbriFrame != null)
            return isVbrIdentifier + String.valueOf(bitrate);
            return String.valueOf(bitrate);

     * @return the sampling rate in Hz
    public int getSampleRateAsNumber()
        return mp3FrameHeader.getSamplingRate();

     * @return the sampling rate as string
    public String getSampleRate()
        return String.valueOf(mp3FrameHeader.getSamplingRate());

     * @return MPEG Version (1-3)
    public String getMpegVersion()
        return mp3FrameHeader.getVersionAsString();

     * @return MPEG Layer (1-3)
    public String getMpegLayer()
        return mp3FrameHeader.getLayerAsString();

     * @return the format of the audio (i.e. MPEG-1 Layer3)
    public String getFormat()
        return mp3FrameHeader.getVersionAsString() + " " + mp3FrameHeader.getLayerAsString();

     * @return the Channel Mode such as Stero or Mono
    public String getChannels()
        return mp3FrameHeader.getChannelModeAsString();

     * @return Emphasis
    public String getEmphasis()
        return mp3FrameHeader.getEmphasisAsString();

     * @return if the bitrate is variable, Xing header takes precedence if we have one
    public boolean isVariableBitRate()
        if (mp3XingFrame != null)
            return mp3XingFrame.isVbr();
        else if (mp3VbriFrame != null)
            return mp3VbriFrame.isVbr();
            return mp3FrameHeader.isVariableBitRate();

    public boolean isProtected()
        return mp3FrameHeader.isProtected();

    public boolean isPrivate()
        return mp3FrameHeader.isPrivate();

    public boolean isCopyrighted()
        return mp3FrameHeader.isCopyrighted();

    public boolean isOriginal()
        return mp3FrameHeader.isOriginal();

    public boolean isPadding()
        return mp3FrameHeader.isPadding();

     * @return encoder
    public String getEncoder()
        return encoder;

     * Set the size of the file, required in some calculations
     * @param fileSize
    protected void setFileSize(long fileSize)
        this.fileSize = fileSize;

     * @return a string representation
    public String toString()
        String s = "fileSize:" + fileSize + " encoder:" + encoder + " startByte:" + Hex.asHex(startByte) + " numberOfFrames:" + numberOfFrames + " numberOfFramesEst:" + numberOfFramesEstimate + " timePerFrame:" + timePerFrame + " bitrate:" + bitrate + " trackLength:" + getTrackLengthAsString();

        if (this.mp3FrameHeader != null)
            s += mp3FrameHeader.toString();

        if (this.mp3XingFrame != null)
            s += mp3XingFrame.toString();
        return s;