Putter.javaAPI DocExample2739Tue Nov 13 16:41:20 GMT 2001None

// File:
// T Balls : Nov 2001
// Class that implements an object that generates random integers
// and stores then in a Store object

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;

 * A threaded object that generates random integers and attempts
 * to store them in an associated Store object.
 * After successfully putting an object, the thread sleeps for a variable
 * time in the range 1-10 seconds
public class Putter extends JPanel implements Runnable
     *   Constructor - needs a reference to the Store object to use
     *   The Putter class maintains an on-screen log and has a Run/Stop button
     *   that can be used to control its actions
   public Putter( Store theStoreToUse )
      theStore = theStoreToUse;

      setLayout( new BorderLayout() );

      log = new Log( 30, 20 );
      add( log, BorderLayout.CENTER );
      add( runToggle, BorderLayout.SOUTH );

      runToggle.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
            if( running )
               running = false;
               runToggle.setText( "Run" );
               running = true;
               runToggle.setText( "Stop" ); 

      putRunner = new Thread( this, "Putter" );
      running = false;

   private Store theStore;
   private JButton runToggle = new JButton( "Run" );
   private Log log;
   private Thread putRunner;
   private boolean running;
   private Random randomGenerator = new Random();
     *   The main method of the thread.
     *   Implements the "run-control" and also the generation of the random
     *   number to put and also the sleep period
   public void run()
      while( true )
         if( !running )
            synchronized( this )
               while( !running )
                  catch( InterruptedException ie )
         int valueToPut = randomGenerator.nextInt( 100 );
         log.append( "Put " + valueToPut + " in the store\n" );
         theStore.put( valueToPut );
         int pause = 1 + randomGenerator.nextInt( 9 );
         log.append( "Sleep for " + pause + " seconds\n" );
            putRunner.sleep( 1000*pause );
         catch( InterruptedException ie2 )
