ID3v22Tag.javaAPI DocJaudiotagger 2.0.427293Wed Jun 08 12:05:40 BST 2011org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3

 *  MusicTag Copyright (C)2003,2004
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 *  General Public  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
 *  or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
 *  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not,
 *  you can getFields a copy from or write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3;

import org.jaudiotagger.FileConstants;
import org.jaudiotagger.logging.ErrorMessage;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.*;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.images.Artwork;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.datatype.DataTypes;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.framebody.*;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.valuepair.ImageFormats;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.images.ArtworkFactory;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.reference.PictureTypes;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;

 * Represents an ID3v2.2 tag.
 * @author : Paul Taylor
 * @author : Eric Farng
 * @version $Id: 976 2011-06-08 10:05:34Z paultaylor $
public class ID3v22Tag extends AbstractID3v2Tag

    protected static final String TYPE_COMPRESSION = "compression";
    protected static final String TYPE_UNSYNCHRONISATION = "unsyncronisation";

     * Bit mask to indicate tag is Unsychronization
    public static final int MASK_V22_UNSYNCHRONIZATION = FileConstants.BIT7;

     * Bit mask to indicate tag is compressed, although compression is not
     * actually defined in v22 so just ignored
    public static final int MASK_V22_COMPRESSION = FileConstants.BIT6;

     * The tag is compressed, although no compression scheme is defined in ID3v22
    protected boolean compression = false;

     * If set all frames in the tag uses unsynchronisation
    protected boolean unsynchronization = false;

    public static final byte RELEASE = 2;
    public static final byte MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
    public static final byte REVISION = 0;

     * Retrieve the Release
    public byte getRelease()
        return RELEASE;

     * Retrieve the Major Version
    public byte getMajorVersion()
        return MAJOR_VERSION;

     * Retrieve the Revision
    public byte getRevision()
        return REVISION;

     * Creates a new empty ID3v2_2 tag.
    public ID3v22Tag()
        frameMap = new LinkedHashMap();
        encryptedFrameMap = new LinkedHashMap();

     * Copy primitives applicable to v2.2
    protected void copyPrimitives(AbstractID3v2Tag copyObj)
        logger.config("Copying primitives");

        //Set the primitive types specific to v2_2.
        if (copyObj instanceof ID3v22Tag)
            ID3v22Tag copyObject = (ID3v22Tag) copyObj;
            this.compression = copyObject.compression;
            this.unsynchronization = copyObject.unsynchronization;
        else if (copyObj instanceof ID3v23Tag)
            ID3v23Tag copyObject = (ID3v23Tag) copyObj;
            this.compression = copyObject.compression;
            this.unsynchronization = copyObject.unsynchronization;
        else if (copyObj instanceof ID3v24Tag)
            ID3v24Tag copyObject = (ID3v24Tag) copyObj;
            this.compression = false;
            this.unsynchronization = copyObject.unsynchronization;

     * Copy Constructor, creates a new ID3v2_2 Tag based on another ID3v2_2 Tag
     * @param copyObject
    public ID3v22Tag(ID3v22Tag copyObject)
        //This doesnt do anything.
        logger.config("Creating tag from another tag of same type");

     * Constructs a new tag based upon another tag of different version/type
     * @param mp3tag
    public ID3v22Tag(AbstractTag mp3tag)
        frameMap = new LinkedHashMap();
        encryptedFrameMap = new LinkedHashMap();
        logger.config("Creating tag from a tag of a different version");
        //Default Superclass constructor does nothing
        if (mp3tag != null)
            ID3v24Tag convertedTag;
            //Should use the copy constructor instead
            if ((!(mp3tag instanceof ID3v23Tag)) && (mp3tag instanceof ID3v22Tag))
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Copy Constructor not called. Please type cast the argument");
            //If v2.4 can getFields variables from this
            else if (mp3tag instanceof ID3v24Tag)
                convertedTag = (ID3v24Tag) mp3tag;
            //Any tag (e.g lyrics3 and idv1.1,idv2.3 can be converted to id32.4 so do that
            //to simplify things
                convertedTag = new ID3v24Tag(mp3tag);
            //Set the primitive types specific to v2_2.
            //Set v2.2 Frames
            logger.config("Created tag from a tag of a different version");

     * Creates a new ID3v2_2 datatype.
     * @param buffer
     * @param loggingFilename
     * @throws TagException
    public ID3v22Tag(ByteBuffer buffer, String loggingFilename) throws TagException

     * Creates a new ID3v2_2 datatype.
     * @param buffer
     * @throws TagException
     * @deprecated use {@link #ID3v22Tag(ByteBuffer,String)} instead
    public ID3v22Tag(ByteBuffer buffer) throws TagException
        this(buffer, "");

     * @return an indentifier of the tag type
    public String getIdentifier()
        return "ID3v2_2.20";

     * Return frame size based upon the sizes of the frames rather than the size
     * including padding recorded in the tag header
     * @return size
    public int getSize()
        int size = TAG_HEADER_LENGTH;
        size += super.getSize();
        return size;

     * @param obj
     * @return equality
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        if (!(obj instanceof ID3v22Tag))
            return false;
        ID3v22Tag object = (ID3v22Tag) obj;
        if (this.compression != object.compression)
            return false;
        return this.unsynchronization == object.unsynchronization && super.equals(obj);

    protected void addFrame(AbstractID3v2Frame frame)
            //Special case to handle TDRC frame from V24 that needs breaking up into separate frame in V23
            if ((frame.getIdentifier().equals(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_YEAR)) && (frame.getBody() instanceof FrameBodyTDRC))
            else if (frame instanceof ID3v22Frame)
                ID3v22Frame newFrame = new ID3v22Frame(frame);
                copyFrameIntoMap(newFrame.getIdentifier(), newFrame);
        catch (InvalidFrameException ife)
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to convert frame:" + frame.getIdentifier());

     * Read tag Header Flags
     * @param byteBuffer
     * @throws TagException
    private void readHeaderFlags(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws TagException
        byte flags = byteBuffer.get();
        unsynchronization = (flags & MASK_V22_UNSYNCHRONIZATION) != 0;
        compression = (flags & MASK_V22_COMPRESSION) != 0;

        if (unsynchronization)

        if (compression)

        //Not allowable/Unknown Flags
        if ((flags & FileConstants.BIT5) != 0)
            logger.warning(ErrorMessage.ID3_INVALID_OR_UNKNOWN_FLAG_SET.getMsg(getLoggingFilename(), FileConstants.BIT5));
        if ((flags & FileConstants.BIT4) != 0)
            logger.warning(ErrorMessage.ID3_INVALID_OR_UNKNOWN_FLAG_SET.getMsg(getLoggingFilename(), FileConstants.BIT4));
        if ((flags & FileConstants.BIT3) != 0)
            logger.warning(ErrorMessage.ID3_INVALID_OR_UNKNOWN_FLAG_SET.getMsg(getLoggingFilename(), FileConstants.BIT3));
        if ((flags & FileConstants.BIT2) != 0)
            logger.warning(ErrorMessage.ID3_INVALID_OR_UNKNOWN_FLAG_SET.getMsg(getLoggingFilename(), FileConstants.BIT2));
        if ((flags & FileConstants.BIT1) != 0)
            logger.warning(ErrorMessage.ID3_INVALID_OR_UNKNOWN_FLAG_SET.getMsg(getLoggingFilename(), FileConstants.BIT1));
        if ((flags & FileConstants.BIT0) != 0)
            logger.warning(ErrorMessage.ID3_INVALID_OR_UNKNOWN_FLAG_SET.getMsg(getLoggingFilename(), FileConstants.BIT3));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void read(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws TagException
        int size;
        if (!seek(byteBuffer))
            throw new TagNotFoundException("ID3v2.20 tag not found");
        logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":" + "Reading tag from file");

        //Read the flags

        // Read the size
        size = ID3SyncSafeInteger.bufferToValue(byteBuffer);

        //Slice Buffer, so position markers tally with size (i.e do not include tagheader)
        ByteBuffer bufferWithoutHeader = byteBuffer.slice();

        //We need to synchronize the buffer
        if (unsynchronization)
            bufferWithoutHeader = ID3Unsynchronization.synchronize(bufferWithoutHeader);
        readFrames(bufferWithoutHeader, size);
        logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":" + "Loaded Frames,there are:" + frameMap.keySet().size());

     * Read frames from tag
     * @param byteBuffer
     * @param size
    protected void readFrames(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int size)
        //Now start looking for frames
        ID3v22Frame next;
        frameMap = new LinkedHashMap();
        encryptedFrameMap = new LinkedHashMap();

        //Read the size from the Tag Header
        this.fileReadSize = size;
        logger.finest(getLoggingFilename() + ":" + "Start of frame body at:" + byteBuffer.position() + ",frames sizes and padding is:" + size);
        /* todo not done yet. Read the first Frame, there seems to be quite a
         ** common case of extra data being between the tag header and the first
         ** frame so should we allow for this when reading first frame, but not subsequent frames
        // Read the frames until got to upto the size as specified in header
        while (byteBuffer.position() < size)
                //Read Frame
                logger.finest(getLoggingFilename() + ":" + "looking for next frame at:" + byteBuffer.position());
                next = new ID3v22Frame(byteBuffer, getLoggingFilename());
                String id = next.getIdentifier();
                loadFrameIntoMap(id, next);
            //Found Padding, no more frames
            catch (PaddingException ex)
                logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":Found padding starting at:" + byteBuffer.position());
            //Found Empty Frame
            catch (EmptyFrameException ex)
                logger.warning(getLoggingFilename() + ":" + "Empty Frame:" + ex.getMessage());
                this.emptyFrameBytes += ID3v22Frame.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE;
            catch (InvalidFrameIdentifierException ifie)
                logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":" + "Invalid Frame Identifier:" + ifie.getMessage());
                //Dont try and find any more frames
            //Problem trying to find frame
            catch (InvalidFrameException ife)
                logger.warning(getLoggingFilename() + ":" + "Invalid Frame:" + ife.getMessage());
                //Dont try and find any more frames
            //Failed reading frame but may just have invalid data but correct length so lets carry on
            //in case we can read the next frame
            catch(InvalidDataTypeException idete)
                logger.warning(getLoggingFilename() + ":Corrupt Frame:" + idete.getMessage());

     * This is used when we need to translate a single frame into multiple frames,
     * currently required for TDRC frames.
     * @param frame
    //TODO will overwrite any existing TYER or TIME frame, do we ever want multiples of these
    protected void translateFrame(AbstractID3v2Frame frame)
        FrameBodyTDRC tmpBody = (FrameBodyTDRC) frame.getBody();
        ID3v22Frame newFrame;
        if (tmpBody.getYear().length() != 0)
            //Create Year frame (v2.2 id,but uses v2.3 body)
            newFrame = new ID3v22Frame(ID3v22Frames.FRAME_ID_V2_TYER);
            ((AbstractFrameBodyTextInfo) newFrame.getBody()).setText(tmpBody.getYear());
            frameMap.put(newFrame.getIdentifier(), newFrame);
        if (tmpBody.getTime().length() != 0)
            //Create Time frame (v2.2 id,but uses v2.3 body)
            newFrame = new ID3v22Frame(ID3v22Frames.FRAME_ID_V2_TIME);
            ((AbstractFrameBodyTextInfo) newFrame.getBody()).setText(tmpBody.getTime());
            frameMap.put(newFrame.getIdentifier(), newFrame);

     * Write the ID3 header to the ByteBuffer.
     * <p/>
     * @param padding
     * @param size
     * @return ByteBuffer
     * @throws IOException
    private ByteBuffer writeHeaderToBuffer(int padding, int size) throws IOException
        compression = false;

        //Create Header Buffer
        ByteBuffer headerBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(TAG_HEADER_LENGTH);

        //Major Version
        //Minor Version

        byte flags = (byte) 0;
        if (unsynchronization)
            flags |= (byte) MASK_V22_UNSYNCHRONIZATION;
        if (compression)
            flags |= (byte) MASK_V22_COMPRESSION;


        //Size As Recorded in Header, don't include the main header length
        headerBuffer.put(ID3SyncSafeInteger.valueToBuffer(padding + size));
        return headerBuffer;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void write(File file, long audioStartLocation) throws IOException
        logger.config("Writing tag to file:"+getLoggingFilename());

        // Write Body Buffer
        byte[] bodyByteBuffer = writeFramesToBuffer().toByteArray();

        // Unsynchronize if option enabled and unsync required
        unsynchronization = TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isUnsyncTags() && ID3Unsynchronization.requiresUnsynchronization(bodyByteBuffer);
        if (isUnsynchronization())
            bodyByteBuffer = ID3Unsynchronization.unsynchronize(bodyByteBuffer);
            logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":bodybytebuffer:sizeafterunsynchronisation:" + bodyByteBuffer.length);

        int sizeIncPadding = calculateTagSize(bodyByteBuffer.length + TAG_HEADER_LENGTH, (int) audioStartLocation);
        int padding = sizeIncPadding - (bodyByteBuffer.length + TAG_HEADER_LENGTH);
        logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":Current audiostart:" + audioStartLocation);
        logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":Size including padding:" + sizeIncPadding);
        logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":Padding:" + padding);

        ByteBuffer headerBuffer = writeHeaderToBuffer(padding, bodyByteBuffer.length);
        writeBufferToFile(file,headerBuffer, bodyByteBuffer,padding,sizeIncPadding,audioStartLocation);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void write(WritableByteChannel channel) throws IOException
        logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":Writing tag to channel");

        byte[] bodyByteBuffer = writeFramesToBuffer().toByteArray();
        logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":bodybytebuffer:sizebeforeunsynchronisation:" + bodyByteBuffer.length);

        //Unsynchronize if option enabled and unsync required
        unsynchronization = TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isUnsyncTags() && ID3Unsynchronization.requiresUnsynchronization(bodyByteBuffer);
        if (isUnsynchronization())
            bodyByteBuffer = ID3Unsynchronization.unsynchronize(bodyByteBuffer);
            logger.config(getLoggingFilename() + ":bodybytebuffer:sizeafterunsynchronisation:" + bodyByteBuffer.length);
        ByteBuffer headerBuffer = writeHeaderToBuffer(0, bodyByteBuffer.length);


    public void createStructure()
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().openHeadingElement(TYPE_TAG, getIdentifier());


        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().openHeadingElement(TYPE_HEADER, "");
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_COMPRESSION, this.compression);
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_UNSYNCHRONISATION, this.unsynchronization);


     * @return is tag unsynchronized
    public boolean isUnsynchronization()
        return unsynchronization;

     * @return is tag compressed
    public boolean isCompression()
        return compression;

     * Create Frame
     * @param id frameid
     * @return
    public ID3v22Frame createFrame(String id)
        return new ID3v22Frame(id);

     * Create Frame for Id3 Key
     * <p/>
     * Only textual data supported at the moment, should only be used with frames that
     * support a simple string argument.
     * @param id3Key
     * @param value
     * @return
     * @throws KeyNotFoundException
     * @throws FieldDataInvalidException
    public TagField createField(ID3v22FieldKey id3Key, String value) throws KeyNotFoundException, FieldDataInvalidException
        if (id3Key == null)
            throw new KeyNotFoundException();
        return super.doCreateTagField(new FrameAndSubId(id3Key.getFrameId(), id3Key.getSubId()), value);

     * Retrieve the first value that exists for this id3v22key
     * @param id3v22FieldKey
     * @return
     * @throws org.jaudiotagger.tag.KeyNotFoundException
    public String getFirst(ID3v22FieldKey id3v22FieldKey) throws KeyNotFoundException
        if (id3v22FieldKey == null)
            throw new KeyNotFoundException();

        FrameAndSubId frameAndSubId = new FrameAndSubId(id3v22FieldKey.getFrameId(), id3v22FieldKey.getSubId());
        if (id3v22FieldKey == ID3v22FieldKey.TRACK)
            AbstractID3v2Frame frame = getFirstField(frameAndSubId.getFrameId());
            return String.valueOf(((FrameBodyTRCK)frame.getBody()).getTrackNo());
        else if (id3v22FieldKey == ID3v22FieldKey.TRACK_TOTAL)
            AbstractID3v2Frame frame = getFirstField(frameAndSubId.getFrameId());
            return String.valueOf(((FrameBodyTRCK)frame.getBody()).getTrackTotal());
        else if (id3v22FieldKey == ID3v22FieldKey.DISC_NO)
            AbstractID3v2Frame frame = getFirstField(frameAndSubId.getFrameId());
            return String.valueOf(((FrameBodyTPOS)frame.getBody()).getDiscNo());
        else if (id3v22FieldKey == ID3v22FieldKey.DISC_TOTAL)
            AbstractID3v2Frame frame = getFirstField(frameAndSubId.getFrameId());
            return String.valueOf(((FrameBodyTPOS)frame.getBody()).getDiscTotal());
            return super.doGetValueAtIndex(frameAndSubId, 0);

     * Delete fields with this id3v22FieldKey
     * @param id3v22FieldKey
     * @throws org.jaudiotagger.tag.KeyNotFoundException
    public void deleteField(ID3v22FieldKey id3v22FieldKey) throws KeyNotFoundException
        if (id3v22FieldKey == null)
            throw new KeyNotFoundException();
        super.doDeleteTagField(new FrameAndSubId(id3v22FieldKey.getFrameId(), id3v22FieldKey.getSubId()));

     * Delete fields with this (frame) id
     * @param id
    public void deleteField(String id)
        super.doDeleteTagField(new FrameAndSubId(id,null));

    protected FrameAndSubId getFrameAndSubIdFromGenericKey(FieldKey genericKey)
        ID3v22FieldKey id3v22FieldKey = ID3v22Frames.getInstanceOf().getId3KeyFromGenericKey(genericKey);
        if (id3v22FieldKey == null)
            throw new KeyNotFoundException();
        return new FrameAndSubId(id3v22FieldKey.getFrameId(), id3v22FieldKey.getSubId());

    protected ID3Frames getID3Frames()
        return ID3v22Frames.getInstanceOf();

     * @return comparator used to order frames in preffrred order for writing to file
     * so that most important frames are written first.
    public Comparator getPreferredFrameOrderComparator()
        return ID3v22PreferredFrameOrderComparator.getInstanceof();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public List<Artwork> getArtworkList()
        List<TagField> coverartList = getFields(FieldKey.COVER_ART);
        List<Artwork> artworkList   = new ArrayList<Artwork>(coverartList.size());

        for (TagField next : coverartList)
            FrameBodyPIC coverArt = (FrameBodyPIC) ((AbstractID3v2Frame) next).getBody();
            Artwork artwork = ArtworkFactory.getNew();
            if (coverArt.isImageUrl())
        return artworkList;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public TagField createField(Artwork artwork) throws FieldDataInvalidException
        AbstractID3v2Frame frame = createFrame(getFrameAndSubIdFromGenericKey(FieldKey.COVER_ART).getFrameId());
        FrameBodyPIC body = (FrameBodyPIC) frame.getBody();
            body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_PICTURE_DATA, artwork.getBinaryData());
            body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_PICTURE_TYPE, artwork.getPictureType());
            body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_IMAGE_FORMAT, ImageFormats.getFormatForMimeType(artwork.getMimeType()));
            body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_DESCRIPTION, "");
            return frame;
            catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uoe)
                throw new RuntimeException(uoe.getMessage());
            body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_PICTURE_TYPE, artwork.getPictureType());
            body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_IMAGE_FORMAT, FrameBodyAPIC.IMAGE_IS_URL);
            body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_DESCRIPTION, "");
            return frame;

     public TagField createArtworkField(byte[] data, String mimeType)
        AbstractID3v2Frame frame = createFrame(getFrameAndSubIdFromGenericKey(FieldKey.COVER_ART).getFrameId());
        FrameBodyPIC body = (FrameBodyPIC) frame.getBody();
        body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_PICTURE_DATA, data);
        body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_PICTURE_TYPE, PictureTypes.DEFAULT_ID);
        body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_IMAGE_FORMAT, ImageFormats.getFormatForMimeType(mimeType));
        body.setObjectValue(DataTypes.OBJ_DESCRIPTION, "");
        return frame;