CWindow.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)26267Wed May 02 18:00:20 BST 2007com.sun.midp.chameleon


public abstract class CWindow extends Object
This class is a top-level "window" in Chameleon. A window is a collection of other layers and serves to maintain a z-ordering of those layers. The window also contains the complex repaint logic to support semi-transparent windows, their dirty regions, and the rectangle logic to repaint other layers of the window when necessary.

Fields Summary
protected int[]
An array holding the bounds of this window. The indices are as follows: 0 = window's 'x' coordinate 1 = window's 'y' coordinate 2 = window's width 3 = window's height Note: The window's x and y coordinate can only be interpreted by some outside entity. For example, if some sort of manager was in charge of overseeing the placement of windows on the screen, it could do so by using the x and y coordinate values of this window's bounds.
protected boolean
Flag indicating that at least one layer belonging to this window is in need of repainting
protected CLayerList
Ordered bi-directional list with all the layers of this window.
protected int
The number of dirty layers to repaint
protected int
Initial maximal number of the dirty layers
protected CLayer[]
Layers replication to not keep the lock on painting
protected com.sun.midp.chameleon.layers.BackgroundLayer
Background layer of this window, should be the bottom most layer of the window, can be invisible for transparent windows.
protected int
Cache values for the clip rectangle
protected int
protected int
protected int
protected int
Cache values for the graphics translation
protected int
protected Font
Cache value for the graphics font
protected int
Cache value for the graphics foreground color
public static final int
Constant used to reference the '0' index of the bounds array
public static final int
Constant used to reference the '1' index of the bounds array
public static final int
Constant used to reference the '2' index of the bounds array
public static final int
Constant used to reference the '3' index of the bounds array
Constructors Summary
public CWindow(Image bgImage, int bgColor)
Construct a new CWindow given the background image and color. If the background image is null, the fill color will be used instead. In the case null image and negative color are specified the window is considered to be transparent.

bgImage the background image to use for the window background
bgColor the background fill color in 0xrrggbbaa format to use for the window background if the background image is null.

        bounds = new int[4];
        bounds[X] = 0; bounds[Y] = 0;
        bounds[W] = ScreenSkin.WIDTH;
        bounds[H] = ScreenSkin.HEIGHT;

        layers = new CLayerList();

        /* Add the most bottom background layer */
        bgLayer = new BackgroundLayer(bgImage, bgColor);
        bgLayer.setBounds(0, 0, ScreenSkin.WIDTH, ScreenSkin.HEIGHT);
Methods Summary
public booleanaddLayer(CLayer layer)
Add a new CLayer to the "deck" of layers associated with this CWindow. This method will sequentially add layers to the window, placing subsequently added layers on top of previously added layers.

layer the new layer to add to this window
true if new layer was added, false otherwise

        if (layer != null) {
            if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
                System.err.println("Add Layer: " + layer);
            synchronized (layers) {
                if (layers.find(layer) == null) {
                    layer.owner = this;
                    return true;
        return false;
private voidcleanLowerDirtyRegions(CLayerElement le)
Subtract this layer area from an underlying dirty regions. The method is designed to reduce dirty regions of a layres below the opaque visible layer.

le layer list element

        if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
            System.err.println("Clean dirty regions under opaque layer: " +

        CLayer l = le.getLayer();
        for(CLayerElement le2 = le.getLower();
                le2 != null; le2 = le2.getLower()) {
            CLayer l2 = le2.getLayer();
            if (l2.isDirty()) {
                    l.bounds[X] - l2.bounds[X],
                    l.bounds[Y] - l2.bounds[Y],
                    l.bounds[W], l.bounds[H]);
private voidcopyDirtyLayers()
Copy dirty layer references to array for further painting. The copying is needed to not keep lock on layers list when layers painting will happen.

        if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
            System.err.println("[Copy dirty layers]");
        CLayer l;
        dirtyCount = 0;
        int layersCount = layers.size();
        // Heuristics to increase array for copied dirty layers
        if (layersCount > dirtyMaxCount) {
            dirtyMaxCount += layersCount;
            dirtyLayers = new CLayer[dirtyMaxCount];
        // Copy dirty layer references
        for (CLayerElement le = layers.getBottom();
                le != null; le = le.getUpper()) {
            l = le.getLayer();
            if (l.visible && l.isDirty()) {
                dirtyLayers[dirtyCount++] = l;

            } else { // !(visible && dirty)
                if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
                    System.err.println("Skip Layer: " + l);
            } // if
        } // for

public booleanisDirty()
Returns true if any layer of this window is in need of repainting.

true if any layer of this window is marked as 'dirty' and needs repainting.

        return this.dirty;
public booleankeyInput(int type, int keyCode)
Allow this window to process key input. The type of key input will be press, release, repeat, etc. The key code will identify which key generated the event. This method will return true if the event was processed by this window or one of its layers, false otherwise.

type the type of key event (press, release, repeat)
keyCode the identifier of the key which generated the event
true if this window or one of its layers processed the event

        CLayer layer;
        synchronized (layers) {
            for (CLayerElement le = layers.getTop();
                    le != null; le = le.getLower()) {
                layer = le.getLayer();
                if (layer.supportsInput &&
                        layer.keyInput(type, keyCode))
                    return true;
        } // sync
        return false;
public booleanmethodInput(java.lang.String str)
Handle input from some type of device-dependent input method. This could be input from something such as T9, or a phonebook lookup, etc.

str the text to handle as direct input
true if this window or one of its layers processed the event

        CLayer layer;
        synchronized (layers) {
            for (CLayerElement le = layers.getTop();
                    le != null; le = le.getLower()) {
                layer = le.getLayer();
                if (layer.visible && layer.supportsInput &&
                    return true;
        } // sync
        return false;
public voidpaint(Graphics g, CGraphicsQ refreshQ)
Paint this window. This method should not generally be overridden by subclasses. This method carefully stores the clip, translation, and color before calling into subclasses. The graphics context should be translated such that it is in this window's coordinate space (0,0 is the top left corner of this window).

g The graphics object to use to paint this window.
refreshQ The custom queue which holds the set of refresh regions needing to be blitted to the screen

        // We reset our dirty flag first. Any layers that become
        // dirty in the duration of this method will then cause it
        // to toggle back to true for the subsequent pass.
        // IMPL NOTE: when layers start to do complex animation, there will
        // likely need to be better atomic handling of the dirty state,
        // and layers becoming dirty and getting painted
        this.dirty = false;

        // Store the clip, translate, font, color
        cX = g.getClipX();
        cY = g.getClipY();
        cW = g.getClipWidth();
        cH = g.getClipHeight();

        tranX = g.getTranslateX();
        tranY = g.getTranslateY();

        font = g.getFont();
        color = g.getColor();

        // We set the basic clip to the size of this window
        g.setClip(bounds[X], bounds[Y], bounds[W], bounds[H]);

        synchronized (layers) {
        paintLayers(g, refreshQ);

        // We restore the original clip. The original font, color, etc.
        // have already been restored
        g.setClip(cX, cY, cW, cH);
private voidpaintLayers(Graphics g, CGraphicsQ refreshQ)
Second Pass: We sweep through the layers from the bottom to the top and paint each one that is marked as dirty Note, that the painting for copied layers is done here to not hold the layers lock during the painting.

g The graphics object to use to paint this window.
refreshQ The custom queue which holds the set of refresh regions needing to be blitted to the screen

        if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
            System.err.println("[Paint dirty layers]");

        for (int i = 0; i < dirtyCount; i++) {
            CLayer l = dirtyLayers[i];

            // Prepare relative dirty region coordinates
            // of the current layer
            int dx = l.dirtyBoundsCopy[X];
            int dy = l.dirtyBoundsCopy[Y];
            int dw = l.dirtyBoundsCopy[W];
            int dh = l.dirtyBoundsCopy[H];

            // Before we call into the layer to paint, we
            // translate the graphics context into the layer's
            // coordinate space
            g.translate(l.boundsCopy[X], l.boundsCopy[Y]);

            if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
                System.err.println("Painting Layer: " + l);
                System.err.println("\tClip: " +
                    dx + ", " + dy + ", " + dw + ", " + dh);

            // Clip the graphics to only contain the dirty region of
            // the layer (if the dirty region isn't set, clip to the
            // whole layer contents).
            g.clipRect(dx, dy, dw, dh);
                l.boundsCopy[X] + dx, l.boundsCopy[Y] + dy, dw, dh);

            // We restore our graphics context to prepare
            // for the next layer
            g.translate(-g.getTranslateX(), -g.getTranslateY());
            g.translate(tranX, tranY);

            // We reset our clip to this window's bounds again.
            g.setClip(bounds[X], bounds[Y], bounds[W], bounds[H]);

        } // for
public booleanpointerInput(int type, int x, int y)
Allow this window to process pointer input. The type of pointer input will be press, release, drag, etc. The x and y coordinates will identify the point at which the pointer event occurred in the coordinate system of this window. This window will translate the coordinates appropriately for each layer contained in this window. This method will return true if the event was processed by this window or one of its layers, false otherwise.

type the type of pointer event (press, release, drag)
x the x coordinate of the location of the event
y the y coordinate of the location of the event
true if this window or one of its layers processed the event

        CLayer layer;
        synchronized (layers) {
            for (CLayerElement le = layers.getTop();
                    le != null; le = le.getLower()) {
                layer = le.getLayer();
                if (layer.visible && layer.supportsInput &&
                    layer.handlePoint(x, y))
                    // If the layer is visible, supports input, and
                    // contains the point of the pointer press, we translate
                    // the point into the layer's coordinate space and
                    // pass on the input
                    if (layer.pointerInput(type, x - layer.bounds[X],
                                           y - layer.bounds[Y]))
                        return true;
        } // sync
        return false;
public booleanrelocateLayer(CLayer layer, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Move layer to anotger location

newBounds new bounds for this layer
x New 'x' coordinate of the layer's origin
y New 'y' coordinate of the layer's origin
w New width of the layer
h New height of the layer
true if successful, false otherwise

        if (layer != null) {
            synchronized (layers) {
                if (sweepLayer(layer) != null) {
                    if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
                        System.err.println("Relocate Layer: " + layer);
                    int[] oldBounds = { 
                                layer.bounds[H] };

                    if (oldBounds[X] != x || oldBounds[Y] != y ||
                        oldBounds[W] != w || oldBounds[H] != h) {
                        layer.setBounds(x, y, w, h);
                        return true;
        return false;
public booleanremoveLayer(CLayer layer)
Remove a layer from this CWindow. This method will remove the given layer from the "deck" of layers associated with this CWindow. If successfull, this method will return true, false otherwise (for example, if the layer does not belong to this window).

layer the layer to remove from this window
true if successful, false otherwise

        synchronized (layers) {
            CLayerElement le = sweepLayer(layer);
            if (le != null) {
                if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
                    System.err.println("Remove Layer: " + layer);
                layer.owner = null;
                return true;
        return false;
public abstract voidrequestRepaint()
Request a repaint. This method MUST be overridden by subclasses to provide the implementation.

public voidresize()
Resize window and its background according to updated skin values

        bounds[W] = ScreenSkin.WIDTH;
        bounds[H] = ScreenSkin.HEIGHT;
        bgLayer.setBounds(0, 0, ScreenSkin.WIDTH, ScreenSkin.HEIGHT);
public voidsetAllDirty()
Sets all visible layers to dirty state. The method is needed on system events like screen rotation, when generic layers system is not capabel to properly analyze layers changes, e.g. of move/resize kind. It could be fixed in the future and this method will be out of use.

        synchronized(layers) {
            CLayer l;
            for (CLayerElement le = layers.getBottom();
                    le != null; le = le.getUpper()) {
                l = le.getLayer();
                if (l.visible) {
                } // if
            } // for
        } // synchronized
synchronized voidsetBackground(Image bgImage, int bgColor)
Establish a background. This method will evaluate the parameters and create a background which is appropriate. If the image is non-null, the image will be used to create the background. If the image is null, the values for the colors will be used and the background will be painted in fill color instead. If the image is null, and the background color is a negative value, this layer will become transparent and no background will be painted.

bgImage the image to use for the background tile (or null)
bgColor if the image is null, use this color as a background fill color

          bgLayer.setBackground(bgImage, bgColor);
public voidsetDirty()
Mark this window as being dirty and requiring a repaint.

        this.dirty = true;
private CLayerElementsweepAndMarkDirtyLayer(CLayerElement le, boolean hidden)
Propagate dirty region of the layer to other layers in the stack. The method should be called for dirty layers only. The dirty layer can be invisible in the case it has been hidden since the previous paint. IMPL_NOTE: The layer been removed or set to invisible state since the previous paint is considered as "hidden", thus it should be entirely dirty and must affect other visible layers accordingly.

le dirty layer element to be propagated to other layers
hidden indicates whether the dirty layer has been hidden since the previous repaint
the highest layer element above le with modified dirty region, or null if none

        if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
            System.err.println("Sweep and mark dirty layer: " +

        CLayer l2;
        CLayerElement res = null;
        CLayer l = le.getLayer();

        // Prepare absolute dirty region coordinates of layer l
        int dx = l.bounds[X];
        int dy = l.bounds[Y];
        int dh, dw;
        if (l.isEmptyDirtyRegions()) {
            dw = l.bounds[W];
            dh = l.bounds[H];
        } else {
            dx += l.dirtyBounds[X];
            dy += l.dirtyBounds[Y];
            dw = l.dirtyBounds[W];
            dh = l.dirtyBounds[H];

        // Sweep dirty region to upper layers
        for (CLayerElement le2 = le.getUpper();
                le2 != null; le2 = le2.getUpper()) {
            l2 = le2.getLayer();
            if (l2.visible) {
                if (l2.addDirtyRegion(
                        dx-l2.bounds[X], dy-l2.bounds[Y], dw, dh)) {
                    // Remember the highest changed layer
                    res = le2;

        // Sweep non-opaque dirty region to undelying layers
        if (!l.opaque || hidden) {
            for (CLayerElement le2 = le.getLower();
                    le2 != null; le2 = le2.getLower()) {

                l2 = le2.getLayer();
                if (l2.visible) {
                        dx-l2.bounds[X], dy-l2.bounds[Y], dw, dh);

            // A newly hidden layer should be dirty only for the first
            // succeeded paint, it should be cleaned as soon as underlying
            // layers are properly marked as dirty. 
            if (hidden) {

        return res;
private voidsweepAndMarkLayers()
First Pass: We do sweep and mark of all layers requiring a repaint, the areas behind a visible opaque layers need no repaint

        if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
            System.err.println("[Sweep and mark layers]");

        CLayer l;
        CLayerElement changed;
        CLayerElement le = layers.getTop();

        while (le != null) {
            l = le.getLayer();

            if (l.visible && l.opaque) {

            // The dirty layer can be invisible, that means it
            // has been hidden since the previous paint.
            if (l.isDirty()) {
                // In the case higher layer was changed we need to
                // restart all the algorithm from the changed layer
                changed = sweepAndMarkDirtyLayer(le, !l.visible);
                if (changed != null) {
                    if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
                        System.err.println("Restart sweep and mark: " +
                    le = changed;
                    changed = null;
            // Go to next lower layer
            le = le.getLower();
CLayerElementsweepLayer(CLayer layer)
Update dirty regions of all visible layers in the stack regarding the entire area of the given layer as being dirty. The method is needed to perform layer move/resize/remove opertion, since other layers should be informed of changed area.

layer the layer whose area should be reported as dirty to other stack layers

        if (layer != null) {
            if (CGraphicsQ.DEBUG) {
                System.err.println("Sweep Layer: " + layer);
            synchronized (layers) {
                CLayerElement le = layers.find(layer);
                if (le != null) {
                    // IMPL NOTE: when a layer gets removed (or has its setVisible(false))
                    // called, the parent window must loop through all the other
                    // layers and mark them as dirty if they intersect with the
                    // layer being removed (or having its visibility changed).
                    sweepAndMarkDirtyLayer(le, true);
                    return le;
        return null;