RTPManager.javaAPI DocJMF 2.1.1e26201Mon May 12 12:20:40 BST


public abstract class RTPManager extends Object implements Controls
The interface implemented by the RTPManager. This is the starting point for creating, maintaining and closing an RTP session.

1. Unicast Session
The following code fragment illustrates how to create a unicast session:


// create the RTP Manager
RTPManager rtpManager = RTPManager.newInstance();

// create the local endpoint for the local interface on
// any local port
SessionAddress localAddress = new SessionAddress();

// initialize the RTPManager
rtpManager.initialize( localAddress);

// add the ReceiveStreamListener if you need to receive data
// and do other application specific stuff
// ...

// specify the remote endpoint of this unicast session
// the address string and port numbers in the following lines
// need to be replaced with your values.
InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName( "");

SessionAddress remoteAddress = new SessionAddress( ipAddress, 3000);

// open the connection
rtpManager.addTarget( remoteAddress);

// create a send stream for the output data source of a processor
// and start it
DataSource dataOutput = createDataSource();

SendStream sendStream = rtpSession.createSendStream( dataOutput, 1);

// send data and do other application specific stuff,
// ...

// close the connection if no longer needed.
rtpManager.removeTarget( remoteAddress, "client disconnected.");

// call dispose at the end of the life-cycle of this RTPManager so
// it is prepared to be garbage-collected.
2. Multi-Unicast Session
Creating multi-unicast sessions is similar to the example above. After creating and starting the SendStream new remote endpoints may be added by subsequent addTarget calls:
addTarget( remoteAddress2);
addTarget( remoteAddress3);
3. Multicast Session
Creating and participating in multicast sessions also works similar to the unicast example. Instead of specifying local and remote endpoints a multicast session address needs to be created and passed into the initialize and addTarget calls. Everything else follows the unicast example.

// create a multicast address for and ports 3000/3001
IPAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName( "");

SessionAddress multiAddress = new SessionAddress( ipAddress, 3000);

// initialize the RTPManager
rtpManager.initialize( multiAddress);

// add the target
rtpManager.addTarget( multiAddress);

// ...

Fields Summary
private static boolean
private static Method
private static Method
private static ClassLoader
private static Method
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public abstract voidaddFormat( format, int payload)
This method is used to add a dynamic payload to format mapping to the RTPManager. The RTPManager maintains all static payload numbers and their correspnding formats as mentioned in the Audio/Video profile document. Using the plugin packethandler interface, a user may plugin his own packetizer or depacketizer to handle RTP streams of a proprietary format using dynamic payload numbers as specified in the AV profile. Before streaming dynamic payloads, a Format object needs to be created for each of the dynamic payload types and associated with a dynamic payload number.

format The Format to be associated with this dynamic payload number.
payload The RTP payload number

public abstract voidaddReceiveStreamListener( listener)
Adds a ReceiveStreamListener. This listener listens to all the events that notify state transitions for a particular ReceiveStream.

public abstract voidaddRemoteListener( listener)
Adds a RemoteListener to the session. This listener listens to all remote RTP events. Currently, these include ReceiverReportEvent, ReceiveSenderReportEvent and RemoteCollisionEvent. This interface would be usefuly for an RTCP monitor that does not wish to receive any particular stream transitionEvents but just wants to monitor the session quality and statistics.

public abstract voidaddSendStreamListener( listener)
Adds a SendStreamListener. This listener listens to all the events that notify state transitions for a particular SendStream.

public abstract voidaddSessionListener( listener)
Adds a SessionListener. A SessionListener will receive events that pertain to the Session as a whole. Currently, these include the NewParticipantEvent and LocalCollisionEvent. Events are notified in the update(SessionEvent) method which must be implemented by all SessionListeners.


public abstract voidaddTarget( remoteAddress)
This method opens the session, causing RTCP reports to be generated and callbacks to be made through the SessionListener interface. This method must be called after session initialization and prior to the creation of any streams on a session.

remoteAddress The RTP session address of a remote end point for this session. i.e. the IP address/port of a remote host
InvalidSessionAddressException This exception is thrown if the remote control and data addresses given in parameter localAddress are not valid session addresses.


static java.util.VectorbuildClassList(java.util.Vector prefixList, java.lang.String name)
Build a list of complete class names.

For each element of the prefix-list the following element is added to the list:

These are added to the list in the same order as the prefixes appear in the prefix-list.

prefixList The list of prefixes to prepend to the class name.
name The name of the class to build the list for.
A vector of class name strings.

        // New list which has the name as the first element ...
        Vector classList = new Vector();

        // Try and instance one directly from the classpath
        // if it's there.
        // $jdr: This has been objected to as confusing,
        // the argument for it's inclusion is that it
        // gives the user (via the classpath) a way
        // of modifying the search list at run time
        // for all applications.

        // ... for each prefix append the name and put it
        // in the class list ...
        Enumeration prefix = prefixList.elements();
        while( prefix.hasMoreElements()) {
            String prefixName = (String)prefix.nextElement();
            classList.addElement(prefixName + "." + name);

        // ... done
        return classList;
private static booleancheckIfJDK12()

        if (jdkInit)
            return (forName3ArgsM != null);
        jdkInit = true;
        try {
            forName3ArgsM = Class.class.getMethod("forName",
                                                  new Class[] {
                String.class, boolean.class, ClassLoader.class
            getSystemClassLoaderM = ClassLoader.class.getMethod("getSystemClassLoader", null);

            // TODO: may need to invoke RuntimePermission("getClassLoader") privilege
            systemClassLoader = (ClassLoader) getSystemClassLoaderM.invoke(ClassLoader.class, null);

            getContextClassLoaderM = Thread.class.getMethod("getContextClassLoader", null);

            return true;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            forName3ArgsM = null;
            return false;
public abstract dataSource, int streamIndex)
This method is used to create a sending stream within the RTP session. For each time the call is made, a new sending stream will be created. This stream will use the SDES items as entered in the initialize() call for all its RTCP messages. Each stream is sent out with a new SSRC (Synchronisation SouRCe identifier), but from the same participant i.e. local participant.

dataSource This is the PushOutputDataSource or PullOutputDataSource which is the output data source of the Processor. This data source may contain more than one stream. The stream which is used in creating this RTP stream is specified in the next parameter of stream.
streamIndex The index of the sourcestream from which data is sent out on this RTP stream. An index of 1 would indicate the first sourcestream of this data source should be used to create the RTP stream. If the index is set to zero, it would indicate a RTP mixer operation is desired. i.e. all the streams of this data source must be mixed into one single stream from one single SSRC.
Note: The RTP payload that is used to send this stream is found from the format set on the SourceStream of the data source supplied.
If the sourcestream has no format set or has a format for which a packetizer plugin cannot be found in the session manager's database, an UnsupportedFormatException will be thrown by the RTPManager.
Note on PullDataSources supplied to the RTPManager: In most cases, it is expected that the data source supplied to the RTPManager for stream creation would be a PushDataSource. In cases that the data source is a PullDataSource, it MUST have a format set on its SourceStreams. This is the only way for RTPManger to determine the RTP payload to use in the header of the stream as well as the bitrate to pulldata from this data source.
The SendStream created by the RTPManager.
UnsupportedFormatException ( ). This exception is thrown if the format is not set on the sourcestream or a RTP payload cannot be located for the format set on the sourcestream.
IOException Thrown for two possible reasons which will be specified in the message part of the exception 1) If the session was initiated with zero rtcpBandwidthFraction which implied that this participant could not send out any RTP/RTCP data or control messages. i.e. it could not also create any send streams and was just a passive listener for this session. 2) If there was any problem opening the sending sockets

public abstract voiddispose()
Releases all objects allocated in the course of the session and prepares the RTPManager to be garbage-collected. This method should be called at the end of any RTP session.

public abstract java.util.VectorgetActiveParticipants()
Returns a vector of all the active (data sending) participants. These participants may be remote and/or the local participant.

public abstract java.util.VectorgetAllParticipants()
Returns all the participants of this session.

static java.lang.ClassgetClassForName(java.lang.String className)

         *  Note: if we don't want this functionality
         *  just replace it with Class.forName(className)

        try {
            return Class.forName(className);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!checkIfJDK12()) {
                throw new ClassNotFoundException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (Error e) {
            if (!checkIfJDK12()) {
                throw e;

         *  In jdk1.2 application, when you have jmf.jar in the ext directory and
         *  you want to access a class that is not in jmf.jar but is in the CLASSPATH,
         *  you have to load it using the the system class loader.
        try {
            return (Class) forName3ArgsM.invoke(Class.class, new Object[] {
                className, new Boolean(true), systemClassLoader});
        } catch (Throwable e) {

         *  In jdk1.2 applet, when you have jmf.jar in the ext directory and
         *  you want to access a class that is not in jmf.jar but applet codebase,
         *  you have to load it using the the context class loader.
        try {
            // TODO: may need to invoke RuntimePermission("getClassLoader") privilege
            ClassLoader contextClassLoader =
                (ClassLoader) getContextClassLoaderM.invoke(Thread.currentThread(), null);
            return (Class) forName3ArgsM.invoke(Class.class, new Object[] {
                className, new Boolean(true), contextClassLoader});
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (Error e) {
            throw e;
public abstract
This method will provide access to overall data and control messsage reception statistics for this session. Statistics on data from individual sources is available from the getSourceReceptionStats() method of the ReceiveStream interface.

The GlobalReceptionStats for this session

public abstract
This method will provide access to overall data and control messsage transmission statistics for this session. Statistics on data from individual sources is available from the getSourceTransmissionStats() method of the SendStream interface.

The GlobalTransmissionStats for this session

public abstract
Retrieves the local participant.

public abstract java.util.VectorgetPassiveParticipants()
Returns all the passive participants. These participants will include the local participant and some remote participants that do not send any data.

static java.util.VectorgetProtocolPrefixList()

        return (Vector);
public static java.util.VectorgetRTPManagerList()
Build a list of RTPManager implementation classes. The implemenation class must be named 'RTPSessionMgr' and is required to extend from

The first name in the list will always be:


Each additional name looks like:

for every <company> in the company-list.

        // The first element is the name of the protocol handler ...
        String sourceName =

        return buildClassList(getProtocolPrefixList(), sourceName);
public abstract java.util.VectorgetReceiveStreams()
Returns the ReceiveStreams created by the RTPManager. These are streams formed when the RTPManager detects a new source of RTP data. ReceiveStreams returned are a snapshot of the current state in the RTPManager and the ReceiveStreamListener interface may be used to get notified of additional streams.

public abstract java.util.VectorgetRemoteParticipants()
Returns a Vector of all the remote participants in the session.This vector is simply a snapshot of the current state in the RTPManager. The SessionListener interface can be used to get notified of additional participants for the Session.

public abstract java.util.VectorgetSendStreams()
Returns the SendStreams created by the RTPManager. SendStreams returned are a snapshot of the current state in the RTPSesion and the SendStreamListener interface may be used to get notified of additional streams.

public abstract voidinitialize( localAddress)
Initializes the session. Once this method has been called, the session is "initialized" and this method cannot be called again.

localAddress Encapsulates the *local* control and data addresses to be used for the session. If either InetAddress contained in this parameter is null, a default local address will be chosen. The ports do not necessarily need to be specified (i.e. they may be the ANY_PORT constant); the RTPManager will pick appropriate ports in that case.

If the session joins a multicast group, the localAddress will be ignored. The multicast address will be taken from the addTarget() call.

public abstract voidinitialize([] localAddresses,[] sourceDescription, double rtcpBandwidthFraction, double rtcpSenderBandwidthFraction, encryptionInfo)
Initializes the session. Once this method has been called, the session is "initialized" and this method cannot be called again.

localAddresses An array of local session adresses. In most cases the address will contain a single session address, but for multi-homed systems (systems with more than one IP interface) there may be several local adresses specified in this parameter.

sourceDescription An array of SourceDescription objects containing information to send in RTCP SDES packets for the local participant. This information can be changed by calling setSourceDescription() on the local Participant object.
rtcpBandwidthFraction The fraction of the session bandwidth that the RTPManager must use when sending out RTCP reports.
rtcpSenderBandwidthFraction The fraction of the rtcpBandwidthFraction that the RTPManager must use to send out RTCP Sender reports from the local participant. The remaining fraction of the rtcp_bw is used for sending out RTCP Receiver reports.

encryptionInfo the encryption information to be used in this session. Note : The rtcpBandwidthFraction is set to zero for a non-participating observer of this session. In this case the application will receive both RTP and RTCP messages, but will not send out any RTCP feedback reports. This is equivalent to setting the outgoing RTP/RTCP bandwidth of this application to zero, implying that this application may NOT send out any data or control streams and can thus not make a call to createSendStream(). If it does, it will receive an exception. Further, this application is NOT considered a Participant since it does not send out any RTCP information. Consequently, this client will NOT appear in the list of Participants for this session.

Init called a second time or thereafter will return without doing anything, since the session had already been initialized. If parameters to init() are different from before, the user must note that the new parameters will ignored as a result of no action being performed.

InvalidSessionAddressException This exception is thrown if the local control and data addresses given in parameter localAddress do not belong to one of the localhost interfaces.

public abstract voidinitialize( connector)
Initializes the session. Once this method has been called, the session is "initialized" and this method cannot be called again.

connector An implementation of the RTPConnector interface that allows the developer to connect the RTPManager to any type of transport. By default, RTP is streamed over UDP. If an RTPConnector is present, the RTPManager will use the connector's send and receive methods to send or receive data. Please note: the methods addTarget, removeTarget and removeTargets cannot be used in conjunction with an RTPConnector since these tasks will be handled directly by the connector object.

public static
Create an RTPManager object for the underlying implementation class.




























        RTPManager rtpManager= null;

        Enumeration SessionList =

        while( SessionList.hasMoreElements()) {
            String protoClassName = (String)SessionList.nextElement();

            try {	    
                Class protoClass = getClassForName(protoClassName);
                rtpManager = (RTPManager)protoClass.newInstance();
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                // System.out.println( "class def not found.");
            } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                String err = "Error instantiating class: " + protoClassName + " : " + e;
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                System.out.println( "illegal access.");
            } catch (Exception e) {		
                String err = "Error instantiating class: " + protoClassName + " : " + e;
            } catch (Error e) {
                String err = "Error instantiating class: " + protoClassName + " : " + e;

            if( rtpManager != null) {

        return rtpManager;
public abstract voidremoveReceiveStreamListener( listener)
Removes a ReceiveStreamListener.


public abstract voidremoveRemoteListener( listener)
Removes a RemoteListener.


public abstract voidremoveSendStreamListener( listener)
Removes a SendStreamListener.


public abstract voidremoveSessionListener( listener)
Removes a SessionListener.


public abstract voidremoveTarget( remoteAddress, java.lang.String reason)
Closes all open streams associated with the endpoint defined by remoteAddress.

remoteAddress The RTP session address of a remote end point for this session. i.e. the IP address/port of a remote host
reason A string that RTCP will send out to other participants as the reason the local participant has quit the session.This RTCP packet will go out with the default SSRC of the session. If supplied as null, a default reason will be supplied by the RTPManager.

public abstract voidremoveTargets(java.lang.String reason)
Closes the open streams associated with all remote endpoints that have been added previously by subsequent addTarget() calls.

reason A string that RTCP will send out to other participants as the reason the local participant has quit the session.This RTCP packet will go out with the default SSRC of the session. If supplied as null, a default reason will be supplied by the RTPManager.