ServantActivatorOperations.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API2593Tue Jun 10 01:33:18 BST 2008org.omg.PortableServer


public interface ServantActivatorOperations implements org.omg.PortableServer.ServantManagerOperations
When the POA has the RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantActivators.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidetherealize(byte[] oid, org.omg.PortableServer.POA adapter, org.omg.PortableServer.Servant serv, boolean cleanup_in_progress, boolean remaining_activations)
This operation is invoked whenever a servant for an object is deactivated, assuming the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and RETAIN policies.

oid object Id associated with the object being deactivated.
adapter object reference for the POA in which the object was active.
serv contains reference to the servant associated with the object being deactivated.
cleanup_in_progress if TRUE indicates that destroy or deactivate is called with etherealize_objects param of TRUE. FALSE indicates that etherealize was called due to other reasons.
remaining_activations indicates whether the Servant Manager can destroy a servant. If set to TRUE, the Servant Manager should wait until all invocations in progress have completed.

public org.omg.PortableServer.Servantincarnate(byte[] oid, org.omg.PortableServer.POA adapter)
This operation is invoked by the POA whenever the POA receives a request for an object that is not currently active, assuming the POA has the USE_SERVANT_MANAGER and RETAIN policies.

oid object Id associated with the object on the request was made.
adapter object reference for the POA in which the object is being activated.
Servant corresponding to oid is created or located by the user supplied servant manager.
ForwardRequest to indicate to the ORB that it is responsible for delivering the current request and subsequent requests to the object denoted in the forward_reference member of the exception.