SecurityConstructorConfig.javaAPI DocJBoss 4.2.12466Fri Jul 13 21:02:28 BST


public class SecurityConstructorConfig extends org.jboss.aop.metadata.ConstructorConfig

Fields Summary
private boolean
The unchecked element specifies that a constructor is not checked for authorization by the container prior to invocation of the constructor. Used in: constructor-permission
private boolean
The exclude-list element defines a set of constructors which the Assembler marks to be uncallable. It contains one or more constructors. If the constructor permission relation contains constructors that are in the exclude list, the Deployer should consider those constructors to be uncallable.
private Set
Constructors Summary
public SecurityConstructorConfig()

   // Static --------------------------------------------------------

   // Constructors --------------------------------------------------
Methods Summary
public java.util.SetgetRoles()

      return permissions;
public booleanisExcluded()

      return excluded;
public booleanisUnchecked()

      return unchecked;
public voidsetExcluded()

      excluded = true;
public voidsetRoles(java.util.Set perm)

      permissions = perm;
public voidsetUnchecked()

      unchecked = true;