ZipShortTest.javaAPI DocApache Ant 1.702435Wed Dec 13 06:16:18 GMT


public class ZipShortTest extends TestCase
JUnit 3 testcases for

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public ZipShortTest(String name)

Methods Summary
public voidtestEquals()
Test the contract of the equals method.

        ZipShort zs = new ZipShort(0x1234);
        ZipShort zs2 = new ZipShort(0x1234);
        ZipShort zs3 = new ZipShort(0x5678);

        assertTrue("reflexive", zs.equals(zs));

        assertTrue("works", zs.equals(zs2));
        assertTrue("works, part two", !zs.equals(zs3));

        assertTrue("symmetric", zs2.equals(zs));

        assertTrue("null handling", !zs.equals(null));
        assertTrue("non ZipShort handling", !zs.equals(new Integer(0x1234)));
public voidtestFromBytes()
Test conversion from bytes.

        byte[] val = new byte[] {0x34, 0x12};
        ZipShort zs = new ZipShort(val);
        assertEquals("value from bytes", 0x1234, zs.getValue());
public voidtestSign()
Test sign handling.

        ZipShort zs = new ZipShort(new byte[] {(byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFF});
        assertEquals(0x0000FFFF, zs.getValue());
public voidtestToBytes()
Test conversion to bytes.

        ZipShort zs = new ZipShort(0x1234);
        byte[] result = zs.getBytes();
        assertEquals("length getBytes", 2, result.length);
        assertEquals("first byte getBytes", 0x34, result[0]);
        assertEquals("second byte getBytes", 0x12, result[1]);