UserDictionary.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API23885Wed May 06 22:42:48 BST


public class UserDictionary extends Dictionary

Fields Summary
private static final String[]
private static final int
private static final int
private static final char
private android.content.Context
private int
private int
public static final int
private char[]
private android.database.ContentObserver
private boolean
static final char[]
Table mapping most combined Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic characters to their base characters. If c is in range, BASE_CHARS[c] == c if c is not a combined character, or the base character if it is combined.
Constructors Summary
public UserDictionary(android.content.Context context)

        mContext = context;
        // Perform a managed query. The Activity will handle closing and requerying the cursor
        // when needed.
        ContentResolver cres = context.getContentResolver();
        cres.registerContentObserver(Words.CONTENT_URI, true, mObserver = new ContentObserver(null) {
            public void onChange(boolean self) {
                mRequiresReload = true;

Methods Summary
public synchronized voidaddWord(java.lang.String word, int frequency)
Adds a word to the dictionary and makes it persistent.

word the word to add. If the word is capitalized, then the dictionary will recognize it as a capitalized word when searched.
frequency the frequency of occurrence of the word. A frequency of 255 is considered the highest.
use a higher or float range for frequency

        if (mRequiresReload) loadDictionary();
        // Safeguard against adding long words. Can cause stack overflow.
        if (word.length() >= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) return;
        addWordRec(mRoots, word, 0, frequency);
        Words.addWord(mContext, word, frequency, Words.LOCALE_TYPE_CURRENT);
        // In case the above does a synchronous callback of the change observer
        mRequiresReload = false;
private voidaddWordRec(java.util.List children, java.lang.String word, int depth, int frequency)

        final int wordLength = word.length();
        final char c = word.charAt(depth);
        // Does children have the current character?
        final int childrenLength = children.size();
        Node childNode = null;
        boolean found = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {
            childNode = children.get(i);
            if (childNode.code == c) {
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            childNode = new Node();
            childNode.code = c;
        if (wordLength == depth + 1) {
            // Terminate this word
            childNode.terminal = true;
            childNode.frequency += frequency; // If there are multiple similar words
        if (childNode.children == null) {
            childNode.children = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
        addWordRec(childNode.children, word, depth + 1, frequency);
private voidaddWords(android.database.Cursor cursor)

        mRoots = new ArrayList<Node>();
        if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
                String word = cursor.getString(INDEX_WORD);
                int frequency = cursor.getInt(INDEX_FREQUENCY);
                // Safeguard against adding really long words. Stack may overflow due
                // to recursion
                if (word.length() < MAX_WORD_LENGTH) {
                    addWordRec(mRoots, word, 0, frequency);
public synchronized voidclose()

        if (mObserver != null) {
            mObserver = null;
public synchronized voidgetWords(WordComposer codes, WordCallback callback)

        if (mRequiresReload) loadDictionary();
        mInputLength = codes.size();
        mMaxDepth = mInputLength * 3;
        getWordsRec(mRoots, codes, mWordBuilder, 0, false, 1.0f, 0, callback);
private voidgetWordsRec(java.util.List roots, WordComposer codes, char[] word, int depth, boolean completion, float snr, int inputIndex, WordCallback callback)
Recursively traverse the tree for words that match the input. Input consists of a list of arrays. Each item in the list is one input character position. An input character is actually an array of multiple possible candidates. This function is not optimized for speed, assuming that the user dictionary will only be a few hundred words in size.

roots node whose children have to be search for matches
codes the input character codes
word the word being composed as a possible match
depth the depth of traversal - the length of the word being composed thus far
completion whether the traversal is now in completion mode - meaning that we've exhausted the input and we're looking for all possible suffixes.
snr current weight of the word being formed
inputIndex position in the input characters. This can be off from the depth in case we skip over some punctuations such as apostrophe in the traversal. That is, if you type "wouldve", it could be matching "would've", so the depth will be one more than the inputIndex
callback the callback class for adding a word

        final int count = roots.size();
        final int codeSize = mInputLength;
        // Optimization: Prune out words that are too long compared to how much was typed.
        if (depth > mMaxDepth) {
        int[] currentChars = null;
        if (codeSize <= inputIndex) {
            completion = true;
        } else {
            currentChars = codes.getCodesAt(inputIndex);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final Node node = roots.get(i); 
            final char c = node.code;
            final char lowerC = toLowerCase(c);
            boolean terminal = node.terminal;
            List<Node> children = node.children;
            int freq = node.frequency;
            if (completion) {
                word[depth] = c;
                if (terminal) {
                    if (!callback.addWord(word, 0, depth + 1, (int) (freq * snr))) {
                if (children != null) {
                    getWordsRec(children, codes, word, depth + 1, completion, snr, inputIndex, 
            } else if (c == QUOTE && currentChars[0] != QUOTE) {
                // Skip the ' and continue deeper
                word[depth] = QUOTE;
                if (children != null) {
                    getWordsRec(children, codes, word, depth + 1, completion, snr, inputIndex, 
            } else {
                for (int j = 0; j < currentChars.length; j++) {
                    float addedAttenuation = (j > 0 ? 1f : 3f);
                    if (currentChars[j] == -1) {
                    if (currentChars[j] == lowerC || currentChars[j] == c) {
                        word[depth] = c;

                        if (codes.size() == depth + 1) {
                            if (terminal) {
                                if (INCLUDE_TYPED_WORD_IF_VALID 
                                        || !same(word, depth + 1, codes.getTypedWord())) {
                                    callback.addWord(word, 0, depth + 1,
                                        (int) (freq * snr * addedAttenuation 
                                                * FULL_WORD_FREQ_MULTIPLIER));
                            if (children != null) {
                                getWordsRec(children, codes, word, depth + 1, 
                                        true, snr * addedAttenuation, inputIndex + 1, callback);
                        } else if (children != null) {
                            getWordsRec(children, codes, word, depth + 1, 
                                    false, snr * addedAttenuation, inputIndex + 1, callback);
public synchronized booleanisValidWord(java.lang.CharSequence word)

        if (mRequiresReload) loadDictionary();
        return isValidWordRec(mRoots, word, 0, word.length());
private booleanisValidWordRec(java.util.List children, java.lang.CharSequence word, int offset, int length)

        final int count = children.size();
        char currentChar = word.charAt(offset);
        for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
            final Node node = children.get(j);
            if (node.code == currentChar) {
                if (offset == length - 1) {
                    if (node.terminal) {
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (node.children != null) {
                        if (isValidWordRec(node.children, word, offset + 1, length)) {
                            return true;
        return false;
private synchronized voidloadDictionary()

        Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver()
                .query(Words.CONTENT_URI, PROJECTION, "(locale IS NULL) or (locale=?)", 
                        new String[] { Locale.getDefault().toString() }, null);
        mRequiresReload = false;
static chartoLowerCase(char c)

        if (c < BASE_CHARS.length) {
            c = BASE_CHARS[c];
        c = Character.toLowerCase(c);
        return c;