TestEscherPropertyFactory.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.12356Mon Jan 01 12:39:46 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.ddf


public class TestEscherPropertyFactory extends TestCase
Glen Stampoultzis (glens @

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidtestCreateProperties()

        String dataStr = "41 C1 " +     // propid, complex ind
                "03 00 00 00 " +         // size of complex property
                "01 00 " +              // propid, complex ind
                "00 00 00 00 " +         // value
                "41 C1 " +              // propid, complex ind
                "03 00 00 00 " +         // size of complex property
                "01 02 03 " +
                "01 02 03 "
        byte[] data = HexRead.readFromString( dataStr );
        EscherPropertyFactory f = new EscherPropertyFactory();
        List props = f.createProperties( data, 0, (short)3 );
        EscherComplexProperty p1 = (EscherComplexProperty) props.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( (short)0xC141, p1.getId() );
        assertEquals( "[01, 02, 03, ]", HexDump.toHex( p1.getComplexData() ) );

        EscherComplexProperty p3 = (EscherComplexProperty) props.get( 2 );
        assertEquals( (short)0xC141, p3.getId() );
        assertEquals( "[01, 02, 03, ]", HexDump.toHex( p3.getComplexData() ) );