TransientContext.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API23425Fri May 04 22:35:08 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.naming

 * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
 * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
 * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
 * file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
 * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
 * as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
 * accompanied this code.  If applicable, add the following below the License
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package com.sun.enterprise.naming;

import java.util.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import java.rmi.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.ORBManager;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextHelper;
import javax.rmi.CORBA.Tie;

//START OF IASRI 4660742
import java.util.logging.*;
import com.sun.logging.*;
//END OF IASRI 4660742

/** Class to implement multiple level of subcontexts in SerialContext. To use this 
 * class a new object of class InitialContext (env) should be instantiated. 
 * The env i.e the Environment is initialised with SerialInitContextFactory
 * An example for using this is in /test/subcontext
public class TransientContext implements Context, Serializable {

    // START OF IASRI 4660742
    static Logger _logger=LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.JNDI_LOGGER);
    // END OF IASRI 4660742

    public static final boolean debug = false;
    Hashtable myEnv;
    private Hashtable bindings = new Hashtable ();
    static NameParser myParser = new SerialNameParser();
    public TransientContext() {
     * Create a subcontext with the specified name.
     * @return the created subcontext.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RMIException if there is an RMI exception.
    public Context createSubcontext(String name) throws NamingException {
	return drillDownAndCreateSubcontext (name);
     * Create a subcontext with the specified name.
     * @return the created subcontext.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RMIException if there is an RMI exception.
    public Context createSubcontext(Name name) throws NamingException {
	return createSubcontext(name.toString());

     * Destroy the subcontext with the specified name.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RMIException if there is an RMI exception.
    public void destroySubcontext(String name) throws NamingException {
	drillDownAndDestroySubcontext (name);

     * Destroy the subcontext with the specified name.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RMIException if there is an RMI exception.
    public void destroySubcontext(Name name) throws NamingException {
    /** Handles making nested subcontexts
     * i.e. if you want abcd/efg/hij. It will go  subcontext efg in abcd 
     * (if not present already - it will create it) and then
     * make subcontext hij
     * @return the created subcontext.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a Naming exception
    public Context drillDownAndCreateSubcontext (String name) 
	throws NamingException {
	Name n = new CompositeName (name);
	if (n.size () < 1){
	    throw new InvalidNameException ("Cannot create empty subcontext");
	if (n.size() == 1){ // bottom
	    if (bindings.containsKey (name)){
		throw new NameAlreadyBoundException ("Subcontext " +
						     name + "already present");
	    TransientContext ctx = null; 
	    ctx = new TransientContext ();
	    bindings.put (name, ctx);
	    return ctx;
	} else {
	    String suffix = n.getSuffix(1).toString();
	    Context retCtx, ctx; // the created context
	    try {
		ctx = resolveContext(n.get(0));
	    } catch (NameNotFoundException e){
		ctx = new TransientContext ();
	    retCtx = ctx.createSubcontext (suffix);
	    bindings.put (n.get(0), ctx);
	    return retCtx; 

    /** Handles deleting nested subcontexts
     * i.e. if you want delete abcd/efg/hij. It will go  subcontext efg in abcd 
     * it will delete it) and then delete subcontext hij
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
    public void drillDownAndDestroySubcontext (String name) 
	throws NamingException {
	Name n = new CompositeName (name);
	if (n.size () < 1){
	    throw new InvalidNameException ("Cannot destoy empty subcontext");
	if (n.size() == 1){ // bottom
	    if (bindings.containsKey (name)){
		bindings.remove (name);
		throw new NameNotFoundException ("Subcontext: " + name +
						" not found");
	} else {
	    String suffix = n.getSuffix(1).toString();
	    Context ctx; // the context to drill down from
	    ctx = resolveContext(n.get(0));
	    ctx.destroySubcontext (suffix);
     * Lookup the specified name.
     * @return the object or context bound to the name.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RemoteException if there is an RMI exception.
     public Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException {
	Name n = new CompositeName(name);
	if (n.size() < 1) {
	    throw new InvalidNameException("Cannot bind empty name");
	if(n.size() == 1) { // bottom
	    return doLookup(n.toString());
	} else {
	    String suffix = n.getSuffix(1).toString();
	    TransientContext ctx = resolveContext(n.get(0));
	    return ctx.lookup(suffix);

     * Lookup the specified name.
     * @return the object or context bound to the name.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RemoteException if there is an RMI exception.
    public Object lookup(Name name) throws NamingException {
	return lookup(name.toString());

     * Lookup the specified name in the current objects hashtable.
     * @return the object or context bound to the name.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RemoteException if there is an RMI exception.
    private Object doLookup(String name) throws NamingException
	Object answer = bindings.get(name);
	if (answer == null) {
            throw new NameNotFoundException(name + " not found");
        return answer;
     * Bind the object to the specified name.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RemoteException if there is an RMI exception.
    public void bind(String name, Object obj) throws NamingException{
	Name n = new CompositeName(name);
	if (n.size() < 1) {
	    throw new InvalidNameException("Cannot bind empty name");
	if(n.size() == 1) { // bottom
	    doBindOrRebind(n.toString(), obj, false);
	} else {
	    String suffix = n.getSuffix(1).toString();
	    Context ctx;
	    try {
		ctx = resolveContext(n.get(0));
	    } catch (NameNotFoundException e){
		ctx = createSubcontext (n.get (0));
	    ctx.bind(suffix, obj);

     * Bind the object to the specified name.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception.
     * @exception RemoteException if there is an RMI exception.
    public void bind(Name name, Object obj)
	throws NamingException {
	bind(name.toString(), obj);
     * Finds out if the subcontext specified is present in the current context
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    /* Finds if the name searched for is a type of context or anyother type of 
     * object.
    private TransientContext resolveContext(String s) throws NamingException {
	//TransientContext ctx = (TransientContext) bindings.get(s);
	TransientContext ctx;
	Object obj = bindings.get (s);
	if(obj  == null) {
	    throw new NameNotFoundException();
	if (obj instanceof TransientContext){
	    ctx = (TransientContext) obj;
	else {
	    throw new NameAlreadyBoundException (s);
	return ctx;
     * Binds or rebinds the object specified by name
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    private void doBindOrRebind(String name, Object obj, boolean rebind)
	throws NamingException
        if (name.equals("")) {
            throw new InvalidNameException("Cannot bind empty name");
	if(!rebind) {
            if (bindings.get(name) != null) {
                throw new NameAlreadyBoundException(
						    "Use rebind to override");
        bindings.put(name, obj);

     * Rebinds the object specified by name
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public void rebind(String name, Object obj) 
        throws NamingException {
	Name n = new CompositeName(name);
	if (n.size() < 1) {
	    throw new InvalidNameException("Cannot bind empty name");
	if(n.size() == 1) { // bottom
	    doBindOrRebind(n.toString(), obj, true);
	} else {
	    String suffix = n.getSuffix(1).toString();
	    Context ctx=null;
	    try {
		ctx = resolveContext(n.get(0));
		ctx.rebind(suffix, obj);
	    } catch (NameNotFoundException e){
		ctx = createSubcontext (n.get(0));
		ctx.rebind(suffix, obj);

     * Binds or rebinds the object specified by name
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public void rebind(Name name, Object obj)
	throws NamingException {
	rebind(name.toString(), obj);

     * Unbinds the object specified by name. Traverses down the context tree
     * and unbinds the object if required.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    private void doUnbind(String name) throws NamingException {
        if (name.equals("")) {
            throw new InvalidNameException("Cannot unbind empty name");
        if (bindings.get(name) == null) {
	    throw new NameNotFoundException(
					    "Cannot find name to unbind");

     * Unbinds the object specified by name. Calls itself recursively to
     * traverse down the context tree and unbind the object.
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public void unbind(String name) throws NamingException {
	Name n = new CompositeName(name);
	if (n.size() < 1) {
	    throw new InvalidNameException("Cannot unbind empty name");
	if(n.size() == 1) { // bottom
	} else {
	    String suffix = n.getSuffix(1).toString();
	    TransientContext ctx = resolveContext(n.get(0));

     * Unbinds the object specified by name
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public void unbind(Name name)
	throws NamingException {

     * Rename the object specified by oldname to newname
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public void rename(Name oldname, Name newname) throws NamingException {
	rename(oldname.toString(), newname.toString());

     * Rename the object specified by oldname to newname
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public void rename(String oldname, String newname)
        throws NamingException {
        if (oldname.equals("") || newname.equals("")) {
            throw new InvalidNameException("Cannot rename empty name");

        // Check if new name exists
        if (bindings.get(newname) != null) {
            throw new NameAlreadyBoundException(newname +
                                                " is already bound");

        // Check if old name is bound
        Object oldBinding = bindings.remove(oldname);
        if (oldBinding == null) {
            throw new NameNotFoundException(oldname + " not bound");

        bindings.put(newname, oldBinding);

     * list the objects stored by the current context
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public Hashtable list() {
	return bindings;

     * List the objects specified by name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public Hashtable listContext(String name) throws NamingException {
	if(debug) {
	    return bindings;
	Object target = lookup(name);
	if(target instanceof TransientContext) {
	    return ((TransientContext)target).listContext("");
	throw new NotContextException(name + " cannot be listed");

     * List the objects specified by name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public NamingEnumeration list(Name name) throws NamingException {
        return list(name.toString());

     * List the objects specified by name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public NamingEnumeration list(String name) throws NamingException {
	if(debug) {
	    return new RepNames(bindings);
	Object target = lookup(name);
	if(target instanceof Context) {
	    return ((Context)target).list("");
	throw new NotContextException(name + " cannot be listed");

     * List the bindings of objects present in name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public NamingEnumeration listBindings(String name) throws NamingException {
	    return new RepBindings(bindings);

	Object target = lookup(name);
	if(target instanceof Context) {
	    return ((Context)target).listBindings("");
	throw new NotContextException(name + " cannot be listed");

     * List the binding of objects specified by name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public NamingEnumeration listBindings(Name name) throws NamingException {
	return listBindings(name.toString());

     * Lookup the name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public Object lookupLink(String name) throws NamingException {
        // This flat context does not treat links specially
        return lookup(name);

     * Lookup name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public Object lookupLink(Name name) throws NamingException {
        // Flat namespace; no federation; just call string version
        return lookupLink(name.toString());
     * List the NameParser specified by name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public NameParser getNameParser(String name) throws NamingException {
        return myParser;

     * List the NameParser specified by name. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public NameParser getNameParser(Name name) throws NamingException {
        // Flat namespace; no federation; just call string version
        return getNameParser(name.toString());

     * Compose a new name specified by name and prefix. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
     * @return null
    public String composeName(String name, String prefix)
	throws NamingException {
        return null;

     * Compose a new name specified by name and prefix. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
     * @return Name result of the concatenation
    public Name composeName(Name name, Name prefix)
	throws NamingException {
        Name result = (Name)(prefix.clone());
        return result;

     * Add the property name and value to the environment. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public Object addToEnvironment(String propName, Object propVal)
	throws NamingException {
        if (myEnv == null) {
            myEnv = new Hashtable(5, 0.75f);
        return myEnv.put(propName, propVal);

     * Remove property from the environment. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public Object removeFromEnvironment(String propName) 
	throws NamingException {
        if (myEnv == null) {
            return null;
        return myEnv.remove(propName);

     * List the current environment. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public Hashtable getEnvironment() throws NamingException {
        if (myEnv == null) {
            // Must return non-null
            myEnv = new Hashtable(3, 0.75f);
        return myEnv;

     * Invalidate the current environment. 
     * @exception NamingException if there is a naming exception
     * @exception RemoteException if there is a RMI exception
    public void close() throws NamingException {
        myEnv = null;
     * Operation not supported. 
    public String getNameInNamespace() throws NamingException {
        throw new OperationNotSupportedException("getNameInNamespace() " +
						 "not implemented");

     * Print the current hashtable. 
    private static void print(Hashtable ht) {
        for (Enumeration en = ht.keys(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {
            Object key = en.nextElement();
            Object value = ht.get(key);
	          /** IASRI 4660742
            System.out.println("[" + key + ":" + key.getClass().getName() + 
                               ", " + value + ":" + value.getClass().getName()
                               + "]");
	          // START OF IASRI 4660742
            if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
	             _logger.log(Level.FINE,"[" + key + ":" + 
                        key.getClass().getName() +
                        ", " + value + ":" + value.getClass().getName() + "]");
	          // END OF IASRI 4660742

    // Class for enumerating name/class pairs
    class RepNames implements NamingEnumeration {
        Hashtable bindings;
        Enumeration names;

        RepNames (Hashtable bindings) {
            this.bindings = bindings;
            this.names = bindings.keys();

        public boolean hasMoreElements() {
            return names.hasMoreElements();

        public boolean hasMore() throws NamingException {
            return hasMoreElements();

        public Object nextElement() {
		    String name = (String)names.nextElement();
		    String className = bindings.get(name).getClass().getName();
		    return new NameClassPair(name, className);
                return null;

        public Object next() throws NamingException {
            return nextElement();

        // New API for JNDI 1.2
        public void close() throws NamingException {
            throw new OperationNotSupportedException("close() not implemented");

    // Class for enumerating bindings
    class RepBindings implements NamingEnumeration {
        Enumeration names;
        Hashtable bindings;

        RepBindings (Hashtable bindings) {
            this.bindings = bindings;
            this.names = bindings.keys();

        public boolean hasMoreElements() {
            return names.hasMoreElements();

        public boolean hasMore() throws NamingException {
            return hasMoreElements();

        public Object nextElement() {
		    String name = (String)names.nextElement();
		    return new Binding(name, bindings.get(name));
                return null;
        public Object next() throws NamingException {
            return nextElement();

        // New API for JNDI 1.2
        public void close() throws NamingException {
            throw new 
		OperationNotSupportedException("close() not implemented");