Wrapped_HoldersTestCase.javaAPI DocApache Axis 1.42249Sat Apr 22 18:57:26 BST 2006test.wsdl.wrapped_holders


public class Wrapped_HoldersTestCase extends TestCase
This test verify's that arrays in a wrapped doc/lit service get holders generated for them, and that they work.
Tom Jordahl

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public Wrapped_HoldersTestCase(String name)

Methods Summary
public voidtest1ThingFind_aThing()

        test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.Thing binding;
        try {
            binding = new test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.Wrapped_holdersLocator().getThing();
        catch (javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException jre) {
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError("JAX-RPC ServiceException caught: " + jre);
        assertTrue("binding is null", binding != null);

        // expected results
        String[] things = new String[2];
        things[0] = new String("Thing one");
        things[1] = new String("Thing two");
        String[] others = new String[2];
        others[0] = new String("Other 1");
        others[1] = new String("Other 2");
        // input arguments
        String AthingInput = new String("This is a test");
        test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.holders.AThingArrayHolder AThingsOut = new test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.holders.AThingArrayHolder();
        test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.holders.OtherDataArrayHolder OtherDataOut = new test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.holders.OtherDataArrayHolder();

        // call the operation
        binding.find_aThing(AthingInput, AThingsOut, OtherDataOut);
        // verify results
        assertEquals("Output argument (Things) does not match expected", things[0], AThingsOut.value[0]);
        assertEquals("Output argument (Things) does not match expected", things[1], AThingsOut.value[1]);
        assertEquals("Output argument (OtherData) does not match expected", others[0], OtherDataOut.value[0]);
        assertEquals("Output argument (OtherData) does not match expected", others[1], OtherDataOut.value[1]);