Script.javaAPI DocExample2244Tue Dec 08 01:21:00 GMT 1998oisoft.togetherx.scriptapi

Copyright © 1998 Object International Software GmbH
package oisoft.togetherx.scriptapi;

 **  The <i>Script</i> interface defines the basic functionality
 **  for Together/J 2.0 scripts. 
 **  Each Together script should be a Java class being declared
 **  in the <i>oisoft.togetherx.scripts</i> package and
 **  implementing the <i>Script</i> interface.
 **  The implementing class must define the method <i>'doIt()'</i>
 **  All the classes of the <i>oisoft.togetherx.scripts</i> package
 **  are listed in the "Open script..." dialog.
 **  That's why we recommend you to create auxiliary classes, 
 **  that are not scripts, in subpackages.
 **  <br>
 **  Naming convention:
 **  Use underscore ('_') symbol as word separator in the class name. 
 **  It is represented as space in the "Open script" dialog.
 **  For example, if you declare a class:<br><tt>
 **  public class Write_RTF_Class_Diagrams_Documentation implements Script...
 **  </tt><br>
 **  then in the dialog it will look like:<br><tt>
 **  Write RTF Class Diagrams Documentation
 **  </tt><br>
 **  @version  2.1.01  12.03.1998
 **  @author   Andrei Ivanov
 **  @see      APIManager
 **  @see      #doIt
 **  @see      ScriptResources
 public interface Script
  /** Executing a script is just a call of the method 'doIt' of 
  the object that implements the Script interface. 
  @param apiManager is a reference to all API interfaces.
  Contains common utility functions.
  @see   APIManager 
  public void   doIt (APIManager apiManager);