ThreadMXBean.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API22250Fri Aug 26 14:57:06 BST

 * @(#)	1.14 04/04/29 
 * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.


 * The management interface for the thread system of
 * the Java virtual machine.
 * <p> A Java virtual machine has a single instance of the implementation
 * class of this interface.  This instance implementing this interface is
 * an <a href="ManagementFactory.html#MXBean">MXBean</a>
 * that can be obtained by calling
 * the {@link ManagementFactory#getThreadMXBean} method or
 * from the {@link ManagementFactory#getPlatformMBeanServer
 * platform <tt>MBeanServer</tt>} method.
 * <p>The <tt>ObjectName</tt> for uniquely identifying the MXBean for
 * the thread system within an MBeanServer is:
 * <blockquote>
 *    {@link ManagementFactory#THREAD_MXBEAN_NAME 
 *           <tt>java.lang:type=Threading</tt>}
 * </blockquote>
 * <h4>Thread ID</h4>
 * Thread ID is a positive long value returned by calling the
 * {@link java.lang.Thread#getId} method for a thread.
 * The thread ID is unique during its lifetime.  When a thread 
 * is terminated, this thread ID may be reused.
 * <p> Some methods in this interface take a thread ID or an array
 * of thread IDs as the input parameter and return per-thread information.
 * <h4>Thread CPU time</h4>
 * A Java virtual machine implementation may support measuring
 * the CPU time for the current thread, for any thread, or for no threads.
 * <p>
 * The {@link #isThreadCpuTimeSupported} method can be used to determine
 * if a Java virtual machine supports measuring of the CPU time for any 
 * thread.  The {@link #isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported} method can 
 * be used to determine if a Java virtual machine supports measuring of 
 * the CPU time for the current  thread.
 * A Java virtual machine implementation that supports CPU time measurement 
 * for any thread will also support that for the current thread.
 * <p> The CPU time provided by this interface has nanosecond precision
 * but not necessarily nanosecond accuracy.
 * <p>
 * A Java virtual machine may disable CPU time measurement
 * by default.
 * The {@link #isThreadCpuTimeEnabled} and {@link #setThreadCpuTimeEnabled}
 * methods can be used to test if CPU time measurement is enabled
 * and to enable/disable this support respectively.
 * Enabling thread CPU measurement could be expensive in some
 * Java virtual machine implementations.
 * <h4>Thread Contention Monitoring</h4>
 * Some Java virtual machines may support thread contention monitoring.
 * The {@link #isThreadContentionMonitoringSupported} method can be used to 
 * determine if a Java virtual machine supports thread contention monitoring.
 * The thread contention monitoring is disabled by default.  The 
 * {@link #setThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled} method can be used to enable
 * thread contention monitoring.
 * @see <a href="../../../javax/management/package-summary.html">
 *      JMX Specification.</a>
 * @see <a href="package-summary.html#examples">
 *      Ways to Access MXBeans</a>
 * @author  Mandy Chung
 * @version 1.14, 04/29/04
 * @since   1.5
public interface ThreadMXBean {
     * Returns the current number of live threads including both 
     * daemon and non-daemon threads.
     * @return the current number of live threads.
    public int getThreadCount();
     * Returns the peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine 
     * started or peak was reset.
     * @return the peak live thread count.
    public int getPeakThreadCount();
     * Returns the total number of threads created and also started 
     * since the Java virtual machine started.
     * @return the total number of threads started.
    public long getTotalStartedThreadCount();  

     * Returns the current number of live daemon threads.
     * @return the current number of live daemon threads.
    public int getDaemonThreadCount();

     * Returns all live thread IDs. 
     * Some threads included in the returned array
     * may have been terminated when this method returns.
     * @return an array of <tt>long</tt>, each is a thread ID.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("monitor").
    public long[] getAllThreadIds();

     * Returns the thread info for a thread of the specified
     * <tt>id</tt> with no stack trace. This method is equivalent to calling:
     * <blockquote>
     *   {@link #getThreadInfo(long, int) getThreadInfo(id, 0);}
     * </blockquote>
     * <p>
     * This method returns a <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> object representing
     * the thread information for the thread of the specified ID.
     * The stack trace in the returned <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> object will
     * be an empty array of <tt>StackTraceElement</tt>.
     * If a thread of the given ID is not alive or does not exist,
     * this method will return <tt>null</tt>.  A thread is alive if 
     * it has been started and has not yet died.
     * <p>
     * <b>MBeanServer access</b>:<br>
     * The mapped type of <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> is
     * <tt>CompositeData</tt> with attributes as specified in
     * {@link ThreadInfo#from ThreadInfo}.
     * @param id the thread ID of the thread. Must be positive. 
     * @return a {@link ThreadInfo} object for the thread of the given ID 
     * with no stack trace;
     * <tt>null</tt> if the thread of the given ID is not alive or
     * it does not exist.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>id <= 0</tt>.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("monitor").
    public ThreadInfo getThreadInfo(long id);

     * Returns the thread info for each thread 
     * whose ID is in the input array <tt>ids</tt> with no
     * stack trace. This method is equivalent to calling:
     * <blockquote><pre>
     *   {@link #getThreadInfo(long[], int) getThreadInfo}(ids, 0);
     * </pre></blockquote>
     * <p>
     * This method returns an array of the <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> objects.
     * The stack trace in each <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> object will
     * be an empty array of <tt>StackTraceElement</tt>.
     * If a thread of a given ID is not alive or does not exist,
     * the corresponding element in the returned array will
     * contain <tt>null</tt>.  A thread is alive if 
     * it has been started and has not yet died.
     * <p>
     * <b>MBeanServer access</b>:<br>
     * The mapped type of <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> is
     * <tt>CompositeData</tt> with attributes as specified in
     * {@link ThreadInfo#from ThreadInfo}.
     * @param ids an array of thread IDs 
     * @return an array of the {@link ThreadInfo} objects, each containing
     * information about a thread whose ID is in the corresponding
     * element of the input array of IDs. 
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any element in the input array 
     *      <tt>ids</tt> is <tt><= 0</tt>.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("monitor").
    public ThreadInfo[] getThreadInfo(long[] ids);

     * Returns a thread info for a thread of 
     * the specified <tt>id</tt>.
     * The <tt>maxDepth</tt> parameter indicates the maximum number of 
     * <tt>StackTraceElement</tt> to be retrieved from the stack trace.
     * If <tt>maxDepth == Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt>, the entire stack trace of 
     * the thread will be dumped. 
     * If <tt>maxDepth == 0</tt>, no stack trace of the thread 
     * will be dumped. 
     * <p>
     * When the Java virtual machine has no stack trace information 
     * about a thread or <tt>maxDepth == 0</tt>, 
     * the stack trace in the 
     * <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> object will be an empty array of 
     * <tt>StackTraceElement</tt>.
     * <p>
     * If a thread of the given ID is not alive or does not exist, 
     * this method will return <tt>null</tt>.  A thread is alive if 
     * it has been started and has not yet died.
     * <p>
     * <b>MBeanServer access</b>:<br>
     * The mapped type of <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> is
     * <tt>CompositeData</tt> with attributes as specified in
     * {@link ThreadInfo#from ThreadInfo}.
     * @param id the thread ID of the thread. Must be positive. 
     * @param maxDepth the maximum number of entries in the stack trace 
     * to be dumped. <tt>Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt> could be used to request
     * the entire stack to be dumped.
     * @return a {@link ThreadInfo} of the thread of the given ID.
     * <tt>null</tt> if the thread of the given ID is not alive or
     * it does not exist.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>id <= 0</tt>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>maxDepth is negative</tt>.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("monitor").
    public ThreadInfo getThreadInfo(long id, int maxDepth);

     * Returns the thread info for each thread 
     * whose ID is in the input array <tt>ids</tt>.
     * The <tt>maxDepth</tt> parameter indicates the maximum number of 
     * <tt>StackTraceElement</tt> to be retrieved from the stack trace.
     * If <tt>maxDepth == Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt>, the entire stack trace of 
     * the thread will be dumped. 
     * If <tt>maxDepth == 0</tt>, no stack trace of the thread 
     * will be dumped.
     * <p>
     * When the Java virtual machine has no stack trace information 
     * about a thread or <tt>maxDepth == 0</tt>, 
     * the stack trace in the
     * <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> object will be an empty array of 
     * <tt>StackTraceElement</tt>.
     * <p>
     * This method returns an array of the <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> objects,
     * each is the thread information about the thread with the same index
     * as in the <tt>ids</tt> array.
     * If a thread of the given ID is not alive or does not exist,
     * <tt>null</tt> will be set in the corresponding element 
     * in the returned array.  A thread is alive if 
     * it has been started and has not yet died.
     * <p>
     * <b>MBeanServer access</b>:<br>
     * The mapped type of <tt>ThreadInfo</tt> is
     * <tt>CompositeData</tt> with attributes as specified in
     * {@link ThreadInfo#from ThreadInfo}.
     * @param ids an array of thread IDs 
     * @param maxDepth the maximum number of entries in the stack trace 
     * to be dumped. <tt>Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt> could be used to request
     * the entire stack to be dumped.
     * @return an array of the {@link ThreadInfo} objects, each containing
     * information about a thread whose ID is in the corresponding
     * element of the input array of IDs. 
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>maxDepth is negative</tt>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any element in the input array 
     *      <tt>ids</tt> is <tt><= 0</tt>.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("monitor").
    public ThreadInfo[] getThreadInfo(long[] ids, int maxDepth);

     * Tests if the Java virtual machine supports thread contention monitoring.
     * @return
     *   <tt>true</tt>
     *     if the Java virtual machine supports thread contention monitoring;
     *   <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
    public boolean isThreadContentionMonitoringSupported();

     * Tests if thread contention monitoring is enabled.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if thread contention monitoring is enabled;
     *         <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the Java virtual 
     * machine does not support thread contention monitoring.

     * @see #isThreadContentionMonitoringSupported
    public boolean isThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled();

     * Enables or disables thread contention monitoring.
     * Thread contention monitoring is disabled by default.
     * @param enable <tt>true</tt> to enable;
     *               <tt>false</tt> to disable.
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the Java 
     * virtual machine does not support thread contention monitoring.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("control").
     * @see #isThreadContentionMonitoringSupported
    public void setThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled(boolean enable);

     * Returns the total CPU time for the current thread in nanoseconds.
     * The returned value is of nanoseconds precison but
     * not necessarily nanoseconds accuracy.
     * If the implementation distinguishes between user mode time and system 
     * mode time, the returned CPU time is the amount of time that 
     * the current thread has executed in user mode or system mode.
     * <p>
     * This is a convenient method for local management use and is 
     * equivalent to calling:
     * <blockquote><pre>
     *   {@link #getThreadCpuTime getThreadCpuTime}(Thread.currentThread().getId());
     * </pre></blockquote>
     * @return the total CPU time for the current thread if CPU time
     * measurement is enabled; <tt>-1</tt> otherwise.
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the Java 
     * virtual machine does not support CPU time measurement for
     * the current thread.
     * @see #getCurrentThreadUserTime
     * @see #isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported
     * @see #isThreadCpuTimeEnabled
     * @see #setThreadCpuTimeEnabled
    public long getCurrentThreadCpuTime();

     * Returns the CPU time that the current thread has executed 
     * in user mode in nanoseconds.
     * The returned value is of nanoseconds precison but
     * not necessarily nanoseconds accuracy.
     * <p>
     * This is a convenient method for local management use and is 
     * equivalent to calling:
     * <blockquote><pre>
     *   {@link #getThreadUserTime getThreadUserTime}(Thread.currentThread().getId());
     * </pre></blockquote>
     * @return the user-level CPU time for the current thread if CPU time
     * measurement is enabled; <tt>-1</tt> otherwise.
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the Java 
     * virtual machine does not support CPU time measurement for
     * the current thread.
     * @see #getCurrentThreadCpuTime
     * @see #isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported
     * @see #isThreadCpuTimeEnabled
     * @see #setThreadCpuTimeEnabled
    public long getCurrentThreadUserTime();

     * Returns the total CPU time for a thread of the specified ID in nanoseconds.
     * The returned value is of nanoseconds precision but
     * not necessarily nanoseconds accuracy.
     * If the implementation distinguishes between user mode time and system 
     * mode time, the returned CPU time is the amount of time that 
     * the thread has executed in user mode or system mode.
     * <p>
     * If the thread of the specified ID is not alive or does not exist,
     * this method returns <tt>-1</tt>. If CPU time measurement
     * is disabled, this method returns <tt>-1</tt>.
     * A thread is alive if it has been started and has not yet died.
     * <p>
     * If CPU time measurement is enabled after the thread has started,
     * the Java virtual machine implementation may choose any time up to
     * and including the time that the capability is enabled as the point
     * where CPU time measurement starts.
     * @param id the thread ID of a thread
     * @return the total CPU time for a thread of the specified ID
     * if the thread of the specified ID exists, the thread is alive,
     * and CPU time measurement is enabled;
     * <tt>-1</tt> otherwise.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>id <= 0 </tt>.
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the Java 
     * virtual machine does not support CPU time measurement for 
     * other threads.
     * @see #getThreadUserTime
     * @see #isThreadCpuTimeSupported
     * @see #isThreadCpuTimeEnabled
     * @see #setThreadCpuTimeEnabled
    public long getThreadCpuTime(long id);

     * Returns the CPU time that a thread of the specified ID 
     * has executed in user mode in nanoseconds.
     * The returned value is of nanoseconds precision but
     * not necessarily nanoseconds accuracy.
     * <p>
     * If the thread of the specified ID is not alive or does not exist,
     * this method returns <tt>-1</tt>. If CPU time measurement
     * is disabled, this method returns <tt>-1</tt>.
     * A thread is alive if it has been started and has not yet died.
     * <p>
     * If CPU time measurement is enabled after the thread has started,
     * the Java virtual machine implementation may choose any time up to
     * and including the time that the capability is enabled as the point
     * where CPU time measurement starts.
     * @param id the thread ID of a thread
     * @return the user-level CPU time for a thread of the specified ID
     * if the thread of the specified ID exists, the thread is alive,
     * and CPU time measurement is enabled;
     * <tt>-1</tt> otherwise.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>id <= 0 </tt>.
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the Java 
     * virtual machine does not support CPU time measurement for 
     * other threads.
     * @see #getThreadCpuTime
     * @see #isThreadCpuTimeSupported
     * @see #isThreadCpuTimeEnabled
     * @see #setThreadCpuTimeEnabled
    public long getThreadUserTime(long id);

     * Tests if the Java virtual machine implementation supports CPU time
     * measurement for any thread.
     * A Java virtual machine implementation that supports CPU time
     * measurement for any thread will also support CPU time
     * measurement for the current thread.  
     * @return
     *   <tt>true</tt>
     *     if the Java virtual machine supports CPU time 
     *     measurement for any thread;
     *   <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
    public boolean isThreadCpuTimeSupported();

     * Tests if the Java virtual machine supports CPU time
     * measurement for the current thread.
     * This method returns <tt>true</tt> if {@link #isThreadCpuTimeSupported}
     * returns <tt>true</tt>.
     * @return
     *   <tt>true</tt>
     *     if the Java virtual machine supports CPU time 
     *     measurement for current thread;
     *   <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
    public boolean isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported();

     * Tests if thread CPU time measurement is enabled.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if thread CPU time measurement is enabled;
     *         <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the Java virtual 
     * machine does not support CPU time measurement for other threads
     * nor for the current thread.
     * @see #isThreadCpuTimeSupported
     * @see #isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported
    public boolean isThreadCpuTimeEnabled();

     * Enables or disables thread CPU time measurement.  The default
     * is platform dependent.
     * @param enable <tt>true</tt> to enable;
     *               <tt>false</tt> to disable.
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the Java 
     * virtual machine does not support CPU time measurement for
     * any threads nor for the current thread.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("control").
     * @see #isThreadCpuTimeSupported
     * @see #isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported
    public void setThreadCpuTimeEnabled(boolean enable);

     * Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire
     * object monitors. That is, threads that are blocked waiting to enter a
     * synchronization block or waiting to reenter a synchronization block
     * after an {@link Object#wait Object.wait} call, 
     * where each thread owns one monitor while
     * trying to obtain another monitor already held by another thread
     * in a cycle.
     * <p>
     * More formally, a thread is <em>monitor deadlocked</em> if it is
     * part of a cycle in the relation "is waiting for an object monitor
     * owned by".  In the simplest case, thread A is blocked waiting
     * for a monitor owned by thread B, and thread B is blocked waiting
     * for a monitor owned by thread A.
     * <p>
     * This method is designed for troubleshooting use, but not for
     * synchronization control.  It might be an expensive operation.
     * @return an array of IDs of the threads that are monitor
     * deadlocked, if any; <tt>null</tt> otherwise.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("monitor").
    public long[] findMonitorDeadlockedThreads();

     * Resets the peak thread count to the current number of
     * live threads.
     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager
     *         exists and the caller does not have
     *         ManagementPermission("control").
     * @see #getPeakThreadCount
     * @see #getThreadCount
    public void resetPeakThreadCount();