RecordEnumerationImpl.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)21856Wed May 02 18:00:12 BST 2007javax.microedition.rms


public class RecordEnumerationImpl extends Object implements RecordEnumeration, RecordListener
This class implements the RecordEnumeration interface.

Fields Summary
private RecordStore
The associated record store for this enumeration
private RecordFilter
The record filter this enumeration should use, or null if none
private RecordComparator
The record comparator this enumeration should use, or null if none
private boolean
True if this should listen to recordStore for changes
private int
Current pos within the enumeration
private int[]
Array of recordId's of records included in the enumeration
private static final int
A constant recordId indicating the splice point between the last and first records in the enumeration. Returned by nextElement() and prevElement() when the next or prev element does not exist.
Constructors Summary
RecordEnumerationImpl(RecordStore inp_recordStore, RecordFilter inp_filter, RecordComparator inp_comparator, boolean keepUpdated)
Builds an enumeration to traverse a set of records in the given record store in an optionally specified order.

The filter, if non-null, will be used to determine what subset of the record store records will be used.

The comparator, if non-null, will be used to determine the order in which the records are returned.

If both the filter and comparator are null, the enumeration will traverse all records in the record store in an undefined order. This is the most efficient way to traverse all of the records in a record store.

inp_recordStore the RecordStore to enumerate.
inp_filter if non-null, will be used to determine what subset of the record store records will be used.
inp_comparator if non-null, will be used to determine the order in which the records are returned.
keepUpdated if true, the enumerator will keep its enumeration current with any changes in the records of the record store. Use with caution as there are performance consequences.

	recordStore = inp_recordStore;
	filter = inp_filter;
	comparator = inp_comparator;
	keepEnumUpdated = keepUpdated;

	if (keepUpdated) {

Methods Summary
private voidQuickSort(int[] a, int lowIndex, int highIndex, RecordComparator inp_comparator)
Quicksort helper function for sorting the records.

a the array of recordId's to sort using comparator.
lowIndex the low bound of the range to sort.
highIndex the hight bound of the range to sort.
inp_comparator the RecordComparator to use to compare records.

	 * A different sorting algorithm may be preferred, because a
	 * large recursive quicksort can consume lots of
	 * stack. Quicksort is very fast for most random sequences
	 * however...
	int left = lowIndex;	// the "left" index
	int right = highIndex;	// the "right" index

	 * First partition the data into two regions, where every
	 * element on the left side of the partition is less than
	 * every element on the right side of the element.
	if (highIndex > lowIndex) {
	     * Arbitrarily choose the initial pivot point to be the
	     * middle of the array.
	    int ind = (lowIndex + highIndex) / 2;
	    int pivotIndex = a[ind];
	    byte[] pivotData = recordStore.getRecord(pivotIndex);
	    // loop through the array until the indices cross
	    while (left <= right) {
		 * Starting on the left, scan right until the
		 * first element greater than or equal to the
		 * pivot element is found.
		while ((left < highIndex) && 
					   pivotData) ==
			RecordComparator.PRECEDES)) {
		 * Starting on the right, scan left until the
		 * first element that is less than or equal to the
		 * pivot element is found.
		while ((right > lowIndex) && 
					  pivotData) ==
		       RecordComparator.FOLLOWS)) {

		// if the indexes haven't crossed, swap the elements
		if (left <= right) {
		    int tmp = a[left];
		    a[left] = a[right];
		    a[right] = tmp;
	    // Sort the left side of the partition
	    if (lowIndex < right) {
		QuickSort(a, lowIndex, right, inp_comparator);
	    // Sort the right side of the partition
	    if (left < highIndex) {
		QuickSort(a, left, highIndex, inp_comparator);
private voidcheckDestroyed()
Helper method that checks if this enumeration can be used. If this enumeration has been destroyed, an exception is thrown.

IllegalStateException if RecordEnumeration has been destroyed.

	if (recordStore == null) {
	    throw new IllegalStateException();
public synchronized voiddestroy()
Implements RecordEnumeration.destroy() interface. Called to signal that this enumeration will no longer be used, and that its resources may be collected.

	if (keepEnumUpdated) {

	filter = null;
	comparator = null;
	records = null;
	recordStore = null; // a signal that this is destroyed!
private voidfilterAdd(int recordId)
Used to add a record to an already filtered and sorted records array. More efficient than reFilterSort because it relies on records being in sorted order. First ensures that record recordId meets this enumeration's filter criteria. If it does it is added to records as array element 0. If a comparator is defined for this enumeration, the helper method sortAdd is called to properly position recordId within the ordered records array. Should be called from within a synchronized (recordStore.rsLock) block.

recordId the record to add to this enumeration

	int insertPoint = -1;
	if (filter != null) {
	    try {
		if (!filter.matches(recordStore.getRecord(recordId))) {
		    if (Logging.REPORT_LEVEL <= Logging.WARNING) {, LogChannels.LC_RMS,
				       "Unexpected case in filterAdd: " + 
				       "recordId filtered out");
		    return;  // recordId filtered out
	    } catch (RecordStoreException rse) {
		return;  // recordId does not exist

	// the new record has been accepted by the filter
	int[] newrecs = new int[records.length + 1];
	newrecs[0] = recordId;  // insert new record at front of list
	System.arraycopy(records, 0, newrecs, 1, records.length);
	records = newrecs;
	if (comparator != null) {  // move the new record into place
	    try {
		insertPoint = sortInsert();
	    } catch (RecordStoreException rse) {
		// NOTE: - should never be here
		// throw a RSE?  destroy record enumeration?
		if (Logging.TRACE_ENABLED) {
		    Logging.trace(rse, "Unexpected case in filterAdd: " + 
				  "caught RSE");
	// keep index up to date as well
	if (index != NO_SUCH_RECORD && insertPoint <= index) {
private intfindIndexOfRecord(int recordId)
Find the index in records of record recordId and return it.

recordId the record index to find
the index of the record, or -1.

	int idx;
	int recIndex = -1;
	for (idx = records.length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
	    if (records[idx] == recordId) {
		recIndex = idx;
	return recIndex;
public booleanhasNextElement()
Returns true if more elements exist in the next direction.

true if more elements exist in the next direction.

	if (records.length == 0 || !recordStore.isOpen()) {
	    return false;
	return (index != records.length - 1);
public booleanhasPreviousElement()
Returns true if more elements exist in the previous direction.

true if more elements exist in the previous direction.

	if (records.length == 0 || !recordStore.isOpen()) {
	    return false;  // no records in the enumeration
	return (index != 0);
public booleanisKeptUpdated()
Returns true if the enumeration keeps its enumeration current with any changes in the records.

true if the enumeration keeps its enumeration current with any changes in the records

	return keepEnumUpdated;
public voidkeepUpdated(boolean keepUpdated)
Used to set whether the enumeration should be registered as a listener of the record store, and rebuild its internal index with every record addition/deletion in the record store. Note that this should be used carefully due to the potential performance cost associated with maintaining the enumeration with every change.

keepUpdated if true, the enumerator will keep its enumeration current with any changes in the records of the record store. Use with caution as there are possible performance consequences. If false, the enumeration will not be kept current and may return recordIds for records that have been deleted or miss records that are added later. It may also return records out of order that have been modified after the enumeration was built.

	if (keepUpdated != keepEnumUpdated) {
	    keepEnumUpdated = keepUpdated;
	    if (keepUpdated) {
	    } else {
public synchronized byte[]nextRecord()
Returns a copy of the next record in this enumeration, where next is defined by the comparator and/or filter supplied in the constructor of this enumerator. The byte array returned is a copy of the record. Any changes made to this array will NOT be reflected in the record store. After calling this method, the enumeration is advanced to the next available record.

InvalidRecordIDException no more records are available
the next record in this enumeration.

	return recordStore.getRecord(nextRecordId());
public synchronized intnextRecordId()
Returns the recordId of the next record in this enumeration, where next is defined by the comparator and/or filter supplied in the constructor of this enumerator. After calling this method, the enumeration is advanced to the next available record.

InvalidRecordIDException no more records are available.
the recordId of the next record in this enumeration.

	if (index == records.length - 1) {
	    throw new InvalidRecordIDException();
	if (index == NO_SUCH_RECORD) {
	    index = 0;
	} else {
	return records[index];
public synchronized intnumRecords()
Returns the number of records available in this enumeration's set. That is, the number of records that have matched the filter criterion. Note that this forces the RecordEnumeration to fully build the enumeration by applying the filter to all records, which may take a non-trivial amount of time if there are a lot of records in the record store.

the number of records available in this enumeration's set. That is, the number of records that have matched the filter criterion.


	return records.length;
public synchronized byte[]previousRecord()
Returns a copy of the previous record in this enumeration, where previous is defined by the comparator and/or filter supplied in the constructor of this enumerator. The byte array returned is a copy of the record. Any changes made to this array will NOT be reflected in the record store. After calling this method, the enumeration is advanced to the next (previous) available record.

InvalidRecordIDException no more records are available.
the previous record in this enumeration.

        return recordStore.getRecord(previousRecordId());
public synchronized intpreviousRecordId()
Returns the recordId of the previous record in this enumeration, where previous is defined by the comparator and/or filter supplied in the constructor of this enumerator. After this method is called, the enumeration is advanced to the next (previous) available record.

InvalidRecordIDException when no more records are available.
the recordId of the previous record in this enumeration.

	if (index == 0 || records.length == 0) {
	    throw new InvalidRecordIDException();
	if (index == NO_SUCH_RECORD) {
	    index = records.length - 1;
	} else {
	return records[index];
private voidreFilterSort(int[] filtered)
Internal helper method for filtering and sorting records if necessary. Called from rebuild(). Should be called from within a synchronized(recordStore.rsLock) block

filtered array of record stores to filter and sort.

	int filteredIndex = 0;
	if (filter == null) {
	     * If this enumeration doesn't have any filters, the
	     * recordId's returned by getRecordIDs should be 
	     * used as they are.
	    records = filtered;
	} else {
	     * If a filter has been specified, filter the recordStore
	     * records to determine the subset to be used for this
	     * enumeration.
	    for (int i = 0; i < filtered.length; i++) {
		// if this record matches the filter keep it
		try {
		    if (filter.matches(recordStore.getRecord(filtered[i]))) {
			// need revisit : if element overlap is allowed
			if (filteredIndex != i) {
			    filtered[filteredIndex++] = filtered[i];
			} else {
		} catch (RecordStoreException rse) {
		    // if a record can't be found it doesn't match
	    records = new int[filteredIndex];
	    System.arraycopy(filtered, 0, records, 0, filteredIndex);
	 * If a comparator has been specified, sort the remaining
	 * records by comparing records against each other using
	 * the comparator the application provides.
	if (comparator != null) {
	    try {
		QuickSort(records, 0, records.length - 1, comparator);
	    catch (RecordStoreException rse) {
		// NOTE: - should never be here
		// throw a RSE?  destroy record enumeration?

		if (Logging.TRACE_ENABLED) {
		    Logging.trace(rse, "Unexpected case in reFilterSort:" + 
				  " caught RSE");
	reset(); // reset the current index of this enumeration
public voidrebuild()
Request that the enumeration be updated to reflect the current record set. Useful for when an application makes a number of changes to the record store, and then wants an existing RecordEnumeration to enumerate the new changes.



	int[] tmp = recordStore.getRecordIDs();
public synchronized voidrecordAdded(RecordStore inp_recordStore, int recordId)
From the RecordListener interface. This method is called if a record is added to recordStore.

inp_recordStore the record store to which a record was added
recordId the record ID of the new record

public synchronized voidrecordChanged(RecordStore inp_recordStore, int recordId)
From the RecordListener interface. This method is called if a record in recordStore is modified.

inp_recordStore the record store in which a record was modified
recordId the record ID of the modified record.

	int recIndex = findIndexOfRecord(recordId);
	if (recIndex >= 0) {
	} // else record not previously in the enumeration
public synchronized voidrecordDeleted(RecordStore inp_recordStore, int recordId)
From the RecordListener interface. This method is called when a record in recordStore is deleted.

inp_recordStore the record store from which a record was deleted
recordId the record id of the deleted record


	 * Remove the deleted element from the records array.
	 * No resorting is required.

	int recIndex = findIndexOfRecord(recordId);
	if (recIndex < 0) {
	    return;  // not in the enumeration

	// remove this record from the enumeration
private voidremoveRecordAtIndex(int recIndex)
Internal helper method which removes the array element at index recIndex from the internal records array. recIndex should be non negative.

recIndex the array element to remove.

	int[] tmp = new int[records.length - 1];
	System.arraycopy(records, 0, tmp, 0, recIndex);
	System.arraycopy(records, recIndex + 1, tmp, 
			 recIndex, (records.length - recIndex) - 1);
	records = tmp;
	 * If a record prior to current index was deleted
	 * update index so nothing is skipped
	if (index != NO_SUCH_RECORD && recIndex <= index) {
	    index --;
	} else if (index == records.length) {
	    // last element in records removed
	    index --;
public voidreset()
Returns the index point of the enumeration to the beginning.

	index = NO_SUCH_RECORD;
private intsortInsert()
Helper method called by filterAdd. Moves the possibly unsorted element zero in the records array to its sorted position within the array.

index of inserted element.
RecordStoreException if an error occurs in the comparator function.

	// bubble sort the first record in records into place
	int tmp;
	int i;
	int j;
	for (i = 0, j = 1; i < records.length - 1; i++, j++) {
	    if ([i]),
				   recordStore.getRecord(records[j])) ==
		RecordComparator.FOLLOWS) {
		// if i follows j swap them in records
		tmp = records[i];
		records[i] = records[j];
		records[j] = tmp;
	    } else {
		break;  // done sorting if compare returns EQUALS or PRECEDES 
	return i; // final index of new record in records