ReportProperties.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API21678Wed May 06 22:41:16 BST


public abstract class ReportProperties extends Object implements com.vladium.emma.IAppErrorCodes
Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003

Fields Summary
public static final IProperties.IMapper
private static final boolean
private static final com.vladium.util.ObjectIntMap
Constructors Summary
private ReportProperties()

Methods Summary
private static java.lang.StringgetReportProperty(com.vladium.util.IProperties properties, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String key, boolean allowBlank)

        return getReportProperty (properties, type, key, allowBlank, null);
private static java.lang.StringgetReportProperty(com.vladium.util.IProperties properties, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String key, boolean allowBlank, java.lang.String dflt)

        if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (properties != null, "null input: properties");
        if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (key != null, "null input: key");
        final String result = properties.getProperty (IReportProperties.PREFIX.concat (type).concat (".").concat (key), dflt);
        if (! allowBlank && (result != null) && (result.trim ().length () == 0))
            return dflt;
            return result;
public static$ParsedPropertiesparseProperties(com.vladium.util.IProperties properties, java.lang.String type)

        if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (properties != null, "properties = null");
        final ParsedProperties result = new ParsedProperties ();
            result.setOutEncoding (getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.OUT_ENCODING, false));
        // TODO: outDirName is no longer supported
            final String outDirName = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.OUT_DIR, true);
            final String outFileName = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.OUT_FILE, false);
            // renormalize the out dir and file combination:
            if (outFileName != null)
                final File fullOutFile = Files.newFile (outDirName, outFileName);
                final File dir = fullOutFile.getParentFile ();
                if (dir != null) result.setOutDir (dir);
                result.setOutFile (new File (fullOutFile.getName ()));
            else if (outDirName != null)
                result.setOutDir (new File (outDirName));

            final String unitsType = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.UNITS_TYPE, true, IReportProperties.DEFAULT_UNITS_TYPE);
            result.setUnitsType (IReportProperties.COUNT_UNITS.equals (unitsType) ? IItemAttribute.UNITS_COUNT : IItemAttribute.UNITS_INSTR);
            // TODO: invalid setting not checked
            /* view type is no longer a user-overridable property [it is driven by SourceFile attribute presence]

            final String viewType = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.VIEW_TYPE, IReportProperties.DEFAULT_VIEW_TYPE);
            result.setViewType (IReportProperties.SRC_VIEW.equals (viewType) ? IReportDataView.HIER_SRC_VIEW : IReportDataView.HIER_CLS_VIEW);
            result.setViewType (IReportDataView.HIER_SRC_VIEW);
            final String hideClasses = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.HIDE_CLASSES, true, IReportProperties.DEFAULT_HIDE_CLASSES);
            result.setHideClasses (Property.toBoolean (hideClasses));
            // TODO: log this
            if (result.getViewType () == IReportDataView.HIER_CLS_VIEW)
                result.setHideClasses (false);
            final String depth = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.DEPTH, false, IReportProperties.DEFAULT_DEPTH);
            if (IReportProperties.DEPTH_ALL.equals (depth))
                result.setDepth (AllItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ());
            else if (IReportProperties.DEPTH_PACKAGE.equals (depth))
                result.setDepth (PackageItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ());
            else if (IReportProperties.DEPTH_SRCFILE.equals (depth))
                result.setDepth (SrcFileItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ());
            else if (IReportProperties.DEPTH_CLASS.equals (depth))
                result.setDepth (ClassItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ());
            else if (IReportProperties.DEPTH_METHOD.equals (depth))
                result.setDepth (MethodItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ());
                // TODO: properly prefixes prop name
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, new Object [] {IReportProperties.DEPTH, depth});
        if (result.getHideClasses () &&
           (result.getViewType () == IReportDataView.HIER_SRC_VIEW) &&
           (result.getDepth () == IItemMetadata.TYPE_ID_CLASS))
            result.setDepth (IItemMetadata.TYPE_ID_SRCFILE);
        final Set /* String */ columnNames = new HashSet ();
            final String columnList = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.COLUMNS, false, IReportProperties.DEFAULT_COLUMNS);
            final IntVector _columns = new IntVector ();
            final int [] out = new int [1];
            for (StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (columnList, ","); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens (); )
                final String columnName = tokenizer.nextToken ().trim ();
                if (! COLUMNS.get (columnName, out))
                    // TODO: generate the entire enum list in the err msg
                    throw new EMMARuntimeException (INVALID_COLUMN_NAME, new Object [] {columnName});
                if (! REMOVE_DUPLICATE_COLUMNS || ! columnNames.contains (columnName))
                    columnNames.add (columnName);
                    _columns.add (out [0]);
            result.setColumnOrder (_columns.values ());
        // [assertion: columnNames contains all columns for the report (some
        // may get removed later by individual report generators if some debug info
        // is missing)]
            final String sortList = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.SORT, false, IReportProperties.DEFAULT_SORT);
            final IntVector _sort = new IntVector ();
            final int [] out = new int [1];
            for (StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (sortList, ","); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens (); )
                final String sortSpec = tokenizer.nextToken ().trim ();
                final String columnName;
                final int dir;
                switch (sortSpec.charAt (0))
                    case IReportProperties.ASC:
                        dir = +1;
                        columnName = sortSpec.substring (1);
                    case IReportProperties.DESC:
                        dir = -1;
                        columnName = sortSpec.substring (1);
                        dir = +1;
                        columnName = sortSpec;
                } // end of switch
                // silently ignore columns not in the column list:
                if (columnNames.contains (columnName))
                    COLUMNS.get (columnName, out);
                    _sort.add (out [0]);    // sort attribute ID
                    _sort.add (dir);        // sort direction
                result.setSortOrder (_sort.values ());
            final String metricList = getReportProperty (properties, type, IReportProperties.METRICS, true, IReportProperties.DEFAULT_METRICS);
            final IntIntMap _metrics = new IntIntMap ();
            final int [] out = new int [1];
            // TODO: perhaps should throw on invalid input here
            for (StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (metricList, ","); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens (); )
                final String metricSpec = tokenizer.nextToken ().trim ();
                final String columnName;
                final double criterion;
                final int separator = metricSpec.indexOf (IReportProperties.MSEPARATOR);
                if (separator > 0) // silently ignore invalid entries
                    // silently ignore invalid cutoff values:
                        criterion = Double.parseDouble (metricSpec.substring (separator + 1));
                        if ((criterion < 0.0) || (criterion > 101.0)) continue;
                    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
                        nfe.printStackTrace (System.out);
                    columnName = metricSpec.substring (0, separator);
                    // silently ignore columns not in the column list:
                    if (columnNames.contains (columnName))
                        COLUMNS.get (columnName, out);
                        _metrics.put (out [0], (int) Math.round (((criterion * IItem.PRECISION) / 100.0)));
            result.setMetrics (_metrics);
        result.validate ();
        return result;