RepositorySupport.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API21575Fri Aug 26 14:55:00 BST 2005com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver


public class RepositorySupport extends Object implements Repository
The RepositorySupport implements the Repository interface. This repository does not support persistency.

Fields Summary
private static final ObjectName
An object name for query describing the whole set of mbeans. Optimization helper for queries.
private static int
two int utilities to minimize wildmatch method stack frame overhead during recursions.
private static int
private final Hashtable
The structure for storing the objects is very basic . A Hashtable is used for storing the different domains For each domain, a hashtable contains the instances with canonical key property list string as key and named object aggregated from given object name and mbean instance as value.
private int
Number of elements contained in the Repository
private final String
Domain name of the server the repository is attached to. It is quicker to store the information in the repository rather than querying the framework each time the info is required.
private static final String
The name of this class to be used for tracing
Constructors Summary
public RepositorySupport(String domain)
Construct a new repository with the given default domain.

	domainTb= new Hashtable(5);
	if (domain != null && domain.length() != 0) 
	    this.domain = domain;
	    this.domain = ServiceName.DOMAIN;

        // Creates an new hastable for the default domain
	domainTb.put(this.domain.intern(), new Hashtable());

	// ------------------------------ 
	// ------------------------------
Methods Summary
private final voidaddAllMatching(java.util.Hashtable moiTb, java.util.Set result, com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.RepositorySupport$ObjectNamePattern pattern)
Add all the matching objects from the given hashtable in the result set for the given ObjectNamePattern Do not check whether the domains match (only check for matching key property lists - see matchKeys())

	synchronized (moiTb) {
	    for (Enumeration e = moiTb.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {   
		final NamedObject no = (NamedObject) e.nextElement();
                final ObjectName on = no.getName();

		// if all couples (property, value) are contained 
		if (pattern.matchKeys(on)) result.add(no);
public voidaddMBean(java.lang.Object object, name)
Stores an MBean associated with its object name in the repository.

object MBean to be stored in the repository.
name MBean object name.

	if (isTraceOn()) {
	    trace("addMBean", "name=" + name);

	// Extract the domain name. 
	String dom = name.getDomain().intern();     
	boolean to_default_domain = false;

        // Set domain to default if domain is empty and not already set
	if (dom.length() == 0) {

	     try {
                name = new ObjectName(domain + name.toString());

            } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {

                if (isDebugOn()) {
			  "Unexpected MalformedObjectNameException");
	// Do we have default domain ?
	if (dom == domain) {
	    to_default_domain = true;
	    dom = domain;
	} else {
	    to_default_domain = false;

	// ------------------------------ 
	// ------------------------------

	// Validate name for an object     
	if (name.isPattern() == true) {
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(
	     new IllegalArgumentException("Repository: cannot add mbean for pattern name " + name.toString()));

        // Domain cannot be JMImplementation if entry does not exists
        if ( !to_default_domain &&
             dom.equals("JMImplementation") &&
             domainTb.containsKey("JMImplementation")) {

		throw new RuntimeOperationsException(
		  new IllegalArgumentException(
                      "Repository: domain name cannot be JMImplementation"));

	// If domain not already exists, add it to the hash table
	final Hashtable moiTb= (Hashtable) domainTb.get(dom);
	if (moiTb == null) {
	    addNewDomMoi(object, dom, name);
        else {
            // Add instance if not already present
            String cstr = name.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString();
            Object elmt= moiTb.get(cstr);
            if (elmt != null) {
                throw new InstanceAlreadyExistsException(name.toString());
            } else {
                moiTb.put(cstr, new NamedObject(name, object));
private final voidaddNewDomMoi(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.String dom, name)

	final Hashtable moiTb= new Hashtable();
	domainTb.put(dom, moiTb);
		  new NamedObject(name, object));
public booleancontains( name)
Checks whether an MBean of the name specified is already stored in the repository.

name name of the MBean to find.
true if the MBean is stored in the repository, false otherwise.

	if (isTraceOn()) {
	    trace("contains", "name=" + name);
	return (retrieveNamedObject(name) != null);
private static final voiddebug(java.lang.String clz, java.lang.String func, java.lang.String info)

        Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_DEBUG, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER, clz, func, 
private static final voiddebug(java.lang.String func, java.lang.String info)

        debug(dbgTag, func, info);
public java.lang.IntegergetCount()
Gets the number of MBeans stored in the repository.

Number of MBeans.

	return new Integer(nbElements);
public java.lang.StringgetDefaultDomain()
Gets the name of the domain currently used by default in the repository.

A string giving the name of the default domain name.

	return domain;
public java.lang.String[]getDomains()
Returns the list of domains in which any MBean is currently registered.

JMX RI 1.2

	final ArrayList result;
	synchronized(domainTb) {
	    // Temporary list
	    result = new ArrayList(domainTb.size());

	    // Loop over all domains
	    for (Enumeration e = domainTb.keys();e.hasMoreElements();) {
		// key = domain name
		final String key = (String)e.nextElement();
		if (key == null) continue;

		// If no MBean in domain continue
		final Hashtable t = (Hashtable)domainTb.get(key);
		if (t == null || t.size()==0) continue;

		// Some MBean are registered => add to result.

	// Make an array from result.
	return (String[]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); 
private static final booleanisDebugOn()

        return Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_DEBUG, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER);
public booleanisFiltering()
Indicates whether or not the Repository Service supports filtering. If the Repository Service does not support filtering, the MBean Server will perform filtering.

true if filtering is supported, false otherwise.

	// Let the MBeanServer perform the filtering !     
	return false;
private static final booleanisTraceOn()

    // Private fields <=============================================

    // Private methods --------------------------------------------->

	return Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_TRACE, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER);
public java.util.Setquery( pattern, query)
Selects and retrieves the list of MBeans whose names match the specified object name pattern and which match the specified query expression (optionally).

pattern The name of the MBean(s) to retrieve - may be a specific object or a name pattern allowing multiple MBeans to be selected.
query query expression to apply when selecting objects - this parameter will be ignored when the Repository Service does not support filtering.
The list of MBeans selected. There may be zero, one or many MBeans returned in the set.

	// ------------------------------ 
	// ------------------------------
        ObjectNamePattern on_pattern = null; // intermediate Object name pattern for performance
	final HashSet result = new HashSet();
	// The following filter cases are considered :
	// null, "", "*:*"" :  names in all domains
	// ":*" : names in defaultDomain
	// "domain:*" : names in the specified domain
	// "domain:[key=value], *"
        // Surely one of the most frequent case ... query on the whole world
        ObjectName name = null;
        if (pattern == null ||
            pattern.getCanonicalName().length() == 0 ||
           name = _WholeWordQueryObjectName;
        else name = pattern;
	// If pattern is not a pattern, retrieve this mbean !
	if (!name.isPattern()) {       
		final NamedObject no = retrieveNamedObject(name);
		if (no != null) result.add(no);
	    return result;
	// all  names in all domains
	if  (name == _WholeWordQueryObjectName) {   
	    synchronized(domainTb) {
		for(final Enumeration e = domainTb.elements(); 
		    e.hasMoreElements();) {	
		    final Hashtable moiTb = (Hashtable) e.nextElement();
	    return result;

        String canonical_key_property_list_string = name.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString();

	// all names in default domain
	// DF: fix 4618986 - take into account the case where the 
	//     property list is not empty.
	if (name.getDomain().length() == 0) {
	    final Hashtable moiTb = (Hashtable) domainTb.get(domain);
	    if  (canonical_key_property_list_string.length() == 0) {
	    } else {
                if (on_pattern == null) 
		    on_pattern = new ObjectNamePattern(name);
	    return result;
	// Pattern matching in the domain name (*, ?)
        synchronized (domainTb) {
            char[] dom2Match = name.getDomain().toCharArray();
            String nextDomain;
            char [] theDom;
            for (final Enumeration enumi = domainTb.keys(); enumi.hasMoreElements();) {
                nextDomain = (String) enumi.nextElement();
                theDom = nextDomain.toCharArray();

                if (wildmatch(theDom, dom2Match, 0, 0)) {
                    final Hashtable moiTb = 
			(Hashtable) domainTb.get(nextDomain);

                    if (canonical_key_property_list_string.length() == 0)
                    else {
                        if (on_pattern == null) 
			    on_pattern = new ObjectNamePattern(name);
	return result;
public voidremove( name)
Removes an MBean from the repository.

name name of the MBean to remove.
InstanceNotFoundException The MBean does not exist in the repository.

        // Debugging stuff
	if (isTraceOn()) {
	    trace("remove", "name=" + name);

	// Extract domain name.       
	String dom= name.getDomain().intern();

        // Default domain case
	if (dom.length() == 0) dom = domain;

        // Find the domain subtable
        Object tmp_object =  domainTb.get(dom);
	if (tmp_object == null) {
	    throw new InstanceNotFoundException(name.toString());

        // Remove the corresponding element
	Hashtable moiTb= (Hashtable) tmp_object;
	if (moiTb.remove(name.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString()) == null) {
	    throw new InstanceNotFoundException(name.toString());

        // We removed it !
        // No more object for this domain, we remove this domain hashtable
        if (moiTb.isEmpty()) {

            // set a new default domain table (always present)
            // need to reinstantiate a hashtable because of possible
            // big buckets array size inside table, never cleared, 
	    // thus the new !
            if (dom == domain) 
		domainTb.put(domain, new Hashtable());
public java.lang.Objectretrieve( name)
Retrieves the MBean of the name specified from the repository. The object name must match exactly.

name name of the MBean to retrieve.
The retrieved MBean if it is contained in the repository, null otherwise.

	// ------------------------------ 
	// ------------------------------
	if (isTraceOn()) {
	    trace("retrieve", "name=" + name);

        // Calls internal retrieve method to get the named object
        NamedObject no = retrieveNamedObject(name);
        if (no == null) return null;
        else return no.getObject();

private com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.NamedObjectretrieveNamedObject( name)
Retrieves the named object contained in repository from the given objectname.

        // No patterns inside reposit
	if (name.isPattern() == true) return null;

	// Extract the domain name.       
	String dom= name.getDomain().intern();

        // Default domain case
	if (dom.length() == 0) {
            dom = domain;

        Object tmp_object = domainTb.get(dom);
	if (tmp_object == null) {
            return null; // No domain containing registered object names

        // If name exists in repository, we will get it now 
	Hashtable moiTb= (Hashtable) tmp_object;
        Object o = moiTb.get(name.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString());
        if (o != null ) {
            return (NamedObject) o;
        else return null;
public voidsetConfigParameters(java.util.ArrayList configParameters)
The purpose of this method is to provide a unified way to provide whatever configuration information is needed by the specific underlying implementation of the repository.

configParameters An list containing the configuration parameters needed by the specific Repository Service implementation.

private static final voidtrace(java.lang.String clz, java.lang.String func, java.lang.String info)

	Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_TRACE, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER, clz, func, 
private static final voidtrace(java.lang.String func, java.lang.String info)

        trace(dbgTag, func, info);
private static booleanwildmatch(char[] s, char[] p, int si, int pi)

        char c;
	// Be careful: this is dangerous: it works because wildmatch
	// is protected by a synchronized block on domainTb
        _slen = s.length;
        _plen = p.length;
	// end of comment.

        while (pi < _plen) {            // While still string
            c = p[pi++];
            if (c == '?") {
                if (++si > _slen) return false;
            } else if (c == '*") {        // Wildcard
                if (pi >= _plen) return true;
                do {
                    if (wildmatch(s,p,si,pi)) return true;
                } while (++si < _slen);
                return false;
            } else {
                if (si >= _slen || c != s[si++]) return false;
        return (si == _slen);