JdbcCheckup.javaAPI DocExample2136Wed Sep 17 13:50:16 BST 1997None

 * This sample can be used to check the JDBC installation.
 * Just run it and provide the connect information.  It will select
 * "Hello World" from the database.

// You need to import the java.sql package to use JDBC
import java.sql.*;

// We import to be able to read from the command line

class JdbcCheckup
  public static void main (String args [])
       throws SQLException, IOException
    // Load the Oracle JDBC driver
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());

    // Prompt the user for connect information
    System.out.println ("Please enter information to test connection to the database");
    String user;
    String password;
    String database;

    user = readEntry ("user: ");
    int slash_index = user.indexOf ('/');
    if (slash_index != -1)
      password = user.substring (slash_index + 1);
      user = user.substring (0, slash_index);
      password = readEntry ("password: ");
    database = readEntry ("database (a TNSNAME entry): ");

    System.out.print ("Connecting to the database...");
    System.out.flush ();

    System.out.println ("Connecting...");
    Connection conn =
      DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci7:@" + database,
				   user, password);

    System.out.println ("connected.");

    // Create a statement
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();

    // Do the SQL "Hello World" thing
    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery ("select 'Hello World' from dual");

    while ( ())
      System.out.println (rset.getString (1));

    System.out.println ("Your JDBC installation is correct.");

  // Utility function to read a line from standard input
  static String readEntry (String prompt)
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer ();
      System.out.print (prompt);
      System.out.flush ();
      int c = ();
      while (c != '\n' && c != -1)
	buffer.append ((char)c);
	c = ();
      return buffer.toString ().trim ();
    catch (IOException e)
      return "";