Guard.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API2133Fri Aug 26 14:54:38 BST


public interface Guard
Ken Cavanaugh

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public$Resultevaluate(FSM fsm, Input in)
Called by the state engine to determine whether a transition is enabled, defered, or disabled. The result is interpreted as follows:
  • ENABLED if the transition is ready to proceed
  • DISABLED if the transition is not ready to proceed
  • DEFERED if the action associated with the transition is to be deferred. This means that the input will not be acted upon, but rather it will be saved for later execution. Typically this is implemented using a CondVar wait, and the blocked thread represents the defered input. The defered input is retried when the thread runs again.

FSM fsm is the state machine causing this action.
Input in is the input that caused the transition.