MBeanServerFactory.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API20923Tue Jun 10 00:26:14 BST


public class MBeanServerFactory extends Object

Provides MBean server references. There are no instances of this class.

Since JMX 1.2 this class makes it possible to replace the default MBeanServer implementation. This is done using the {@link} class. The class of the initial MBeanServerBuilder to be instantiated can be specified through the system property. The specified class must be a public subclass of {@link}, and must have a public empty constructor.

By default, if no value for that property is specified, an instance of {@link} is created. Otherwise, the MBeanServerFactory attempts to load the specified class using {@link java.lang.Thread#getContextClassLoader() Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()}, or if that is null, {@link java.lang.Class#forName(java.lang.String) Class.forName()}. Then it creates an initial instance of that Class using {@link java.lang.Class#newInstance()}. If any checked exception is raised during this process (e.g. {@link java.lang.ClassNotFoundException}, {@link java.lang.InstantiationException}) the MBeanServerFactory will propagate this exception from within a RuntimeException.

The system property is consulted every time a new MBeanServer needs to be created, and the class pointed to by that property is loaded. If that class is different from that of the current MBeanServerBuilder, then a new MBeanServerBuilder is created. Otherwise, the MBeanServerFactory may create a new MBeanServerBuilder or reuse the current one.

If the class pointed to by the property cannot be loaded, or does not correspond to a valid subclass of MBeanServerBuilder then an exception is propagated, and no MBeanServer can be created until the system property is reset to valid value.

The MBeanServerBuilder makes it possible to wrap the MBeanServers returned by the default MBeanServerBuilder implementation, for the purpose of e.g. adding an additional security layer.


Fields Summary
private static MBeanServerBuilder
The builder that will be used to construct MBeanServers.
private static final ArrayList
Constructors Summary
private MBeanServerFactory()

Methods Summary
private static synchronized voidaddMBeanServer( mbs)

private static synchronized voidcheckMBeanServerBuilder()
Instantiate a new builder according to the System property - if needed.

	try {
	    GetPropertyAction act =
		new GetPropertyAction(JmxProperties.JMX_INITIAL_BUILDER);
	    String builderClassName = AccessController.doPrivileged(act);

	    try {
		final Class newBuilderClass;
		if (builderClassName == null || builderClassName.length() == 0)
		    newBuilderClass = MBeanServerBuilder.class;
		    newBuilderClass = loadBuilderClass(builderClassName);

		// Check whether a new builder needs to be created
		if (builder != null) {
		    final Class builderClass = builder.getClass();
		    if (newBuilderClass == builderClass)
			return; // no need to create a new builder...

		// Create a new builder 
		builder = newBuilder(newBuilderClass);	    
	    } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {
		final String msg =
		    "Failed to load MBeanServerBuilder class " +
		    builderClassName + ": " + x;
		throw new JMRuntimeException(msg, x);
	} catch (RuntimeException x) {
		  "Failed to instantiate MBeanServerBuilder: " + x +
		  "\n\t\tCheck the value of the " + 
		  JmxProperties.JMX_INITIAL_BUILDER + " property." );
	    throw x;
private static voidcheckPermission(java.lang.String action)

	SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
	if (sm != null) {
	    Permission perm = new MBeanServerPermission(action);
public static

Return a new object implementing the MBeanServer interface with a standard default domain name. The default domain name is used as the domain part in the ObjectName of MBeans when the domain is specified by the user is null.

The standard default domain name is DefaultDomain.

The MBeanServer reference is internally kept. This will allow findMBeanServer to return a reference to this MBeanServer object.

This method is equivalent to createMBeanServer(null).

the newly created MBeanServer.
SecurityException if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply {@link MBeanServerPermission}("createMBeanServer").
JMRuntimeException if the property exists but the class it names cannot be instantiated through a public no-argument constructor; or if the instantiated builder returns null from its {@link MBeanServerBuilder#newMBeanServerDelegate newMBeanServerDelegate} or {@link MBeanServerBuilder#newMBeanServer newMBeanServer} methods.
ClassCastException if the property exists and can be instantiated but is not assignment compatible with {@link MBeanServerBuilder}.

	return createMBeanServer(null);
public static domain)

Return a new object implementing the {@link MBeanServer} interface with the specified default domain name. The given domain name is used as the domain part in the ObjectName of MBeans when the domain is specified by the user is null.

The MBeanServer reference is internally kept. This will allow findMBeanServer to return a reference to this MBeanServer object.

domain the default domain name for the created MBeanServer. This is the value that will be returned by {@link MBeanServer#getDefaultDomain}.
the newly created MBeanServer.
SecurityException if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply {@link MBeanServerPermission}("createMBeanServer").
JMRuntimeException if the property exists but the class it names cannot be instantiated through a public no-argument constructor; or if the instantiated builder returns null from its {@link MBeanServerBuilder#newMBeanServerDelegate newMBeanServerDelegate} or {@link MBeanServerBuilder#newMBeanServer newMBeanServer} methods.
ClassCastException if the property exists and can be instantiated but is not assignment compatible with {@link MBeanServerBuilder}.


	final MBeanServer mBeanServer = newMBeanServer(domain);
	return mBeanServer;
private static voiddebug(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String message)
Private Stuff

	if (Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_DEBUG, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER)) {
	    Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_DEBUG, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER,
		       MBeanServerFactory.class.getName(), method, message);
private static voiderror(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String message)
Private Stuff

	if (Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_ERROR, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER)) {
	    Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_ERROR, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER,
		       MBeanServerFactory.class.getName(), method, message);
public static synchronized java.util.ArrayListfindMBeanServer(java.lang.String agentId)

Return a list of registered MBeanServer objects. A registered MBeanServer object is one that was created by one of the createMBeanServer methods and not subsequently released with releaseMBeanServer.

agentId The agent identifier of the MBeanServer to retrieve. If this parameter is null, all registered MBeanServers in this JVM are returned. Otherwise, only MBeanServers whose id is equal to agentId are returned. The id of an MBeanServer is the MBeanServerId attribute of its delegate MBean.
A list of MBeanServer objects.
SecurityException if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply {@link MBeanServerPermission}("findMBeanServer").


	if (agentId == null)
	    return new ArrayList<MBeanServer>(mBeanServerList);

	ArrayList<MBeanServer> result = new ArrayList<MBeanServer>();
	for (MBeanServer mbs : mBeanServerList) {
	    String name = mBeanServerName(mbs);
	    if (agentId.equals(name))
	return result;
public static server)
Return the ClassLoaderRepository used by the given MBeanServer. This method is equivalent to {@link MBeanServer#getClassLoaderRepository() server.getClassLoaderRepository()}.

server The MBeanServer under examination. Since JMX 1.2, if server is null, the result is a {@link NullPointerException}. This behavior differs from what was implemented in JMX 1.1 - where the possibility to use null was deprecated.
The Class Loader Repository used by the given MBeanServer.
SecurityException if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply {@link MBeanPermission}("getClassLoaderRepository").
NullPointerException if server is null.
JMX 1.1

	return server.getClassLoaderRepository(); 
private static synchronized
Get the current {@link}, as specified by the current value of the property. This method consults the property and instantiates a new builder if needed.

the new current {@link}.
SecurityException if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not make it possible to instantiate a new builder.
JMRuntimeException if the builder instantiation fails with a checked exception - {@link java.lang.ClassNotFoundException} etc...
JMX 1.2

	return builder;
private static java.lang.ClassloadBuilderClass(java.lang.String builderClassName)
Load the builder class through the context class loader.

builderClassName The name of the builder class.

	final ClassLoader loader = 

	if (loader != null) {
	    // Try with context class loader
	    return loader.loadClass(builderClassName);

	// No context class loader? Try with Class.forName()
	return Class.forName(builderClassName);  
private static java.lang.StringmBeanServerName( mbs)

	try {
	    return (String) mbs.getAttribute(MBeanServerDelegate.DELEGATE_NAME,
	} catch (JMException e) {
	    return null;
private static builderClass)
Creates the initial builder according to the System property - if specified. If any checked exception needs to be thrown, it is embedded in a JMRuntimeException.

	try {
	    final Object builder = builderClass.newInstance();
	    return (MBeanServerBuilder)builder;
	} catch (RuntimeException x) {
	    throw x;
	} catch (Exception x) {
	    final String msg =
               "Failed to instantiate a MBeanServerBuilder from " +
	       builderClass + ": " + x;
	    throw new JMRuntimeException(msg, x);
public static

Return a new object implementing the MBeanServer interface with a standard default domain name, without keeping an internal reference to this new object. The default domain name is used as the domain part in the ObjectName of MBeans when the domain is specified by the user is null.

The standard default domain name is DefaultDomain.

No reference is kept. findMBeanServer will not be able to return a reference to this MBeanServer object, but the garbage collector will be able to remove the MBeanServer object when it is no longer referenced.

This method is equivalent to newMBeanServer(null).

the newly created MBeanServer.
SecurityException if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply {@link MBeanServerPermission}("newMBeanServer").
JMRuntimeException if the property exists but the class it names cannot be instantiated through a public no-argument constructor; or if the instantiated builder returns null from its {@link MBeanServerBuilder#newMBeanServerDelegate newMBeanServerDelegate} or {@link MBeanServerBuilder#newMBeanServer newMBeanServer} methods.
ClassCastException if the property exists and can be instantiated but is not assignment compatible with {@link MBeanServerBuilder}.

	return newMBeanServer(null);
public static domain)

Return a new object implementing the MBeanServer interface with the specified default domain name, without keeping an internal reference to this new object. The given domain name is used as the domain part in the ObjectName of MBeans when the domain is specified by the user is null.

No reference is kept. findMBeanServer will not be able to return a reference to this MBeanServer object, but the garbage collector will be able to remove the MBeanServer object when it is no longer referenced.

domain the default domain name for the created MBeanServer. This is the value that will be returned by {@link MBeanServer#getDefaultDomain}.
the newly created MBeanServer.
SecurityException if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply {@link MBeanServerPermission}("newMBeanServer").
JMRuntimeException if the property exists but the class it names cannot be instantiated through a public no-argument constructor; or if the instantiated builder returns null from its {@link MBeanServerBuilder#newMBeanServerDelegate newMBeanServerDelegate} or {@link MBeanServerBuilder#newMBeanServer newMBeanServer} methods.
ClassCastException if the property exists and can be instantiated but is not assignment compatible with {@link MBeanServerBuilder}.


	// Get the builder. Creates a new one if necessary.
	final MBeanServerBuilder mbsBuilder = getNewMBeanServerBuilder();
	// Returned value cannot be null.  NullPointerException if violated.

	synchronized(mbsBuilder) {
	    final MBeanServerDelegate delegate  = 
	    if (delegate == null) {
		final String msg =
		    "MBeanServerBuilder.newMBeanServerDelegate() " +
		    "returned null";
		throw new JMRuntimeException(msg);
	    final MBeanServer mbeanServer =
	    if (mbeanServer == null) {
		final String msg =
		    "MBeanServerBuilder.newMBeanServer() returned null";
		throw new JMRuntimeException(msg);
	    return mbeanServer;
public static voidreleaseMBeanServer( mbeanServer)
Remove internal MBeanServerFactory references to a created MBeanServer. This allows the garbage collector to remove the MBeanServer object.

mbeanServer the MBeanServer object to remove.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if mbeanServer was not generated by one of the createMBeanServer methods, or if releaseMBeanServer was already called on it.
SecurityException if there is a SecurityManager and the caller's permissions do not include or imply {@link MBeanServerPermission}("releaseMBeanServer").

    // public static synchronized void 
    //    setMBeanServerBuilder(MBeanServerBuilder builder) {
    //    checkPermission("setMBeanServerBuilder");
    //    MBeanServerFactory.builder = builder;
    // }
    // public static synchronized MBeanServerBuilder getMBeanServerBuilder() {
    //     checkPermission("getMBeanServerBuilder");
    //     return builder;
    // }


private static synchronized voidremoveMBeanServer( mbs)

	boolean removed = mBeanServerList.remove(mbs);
	if (!removed) {
	    trace("removeMBeanServer", "MBeanServer was not in list!");
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("MBeanServer was not in list!");
private static voidtrace(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String message)
Private Stuff

	if (Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_TRACE, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER)) {
	    Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_TRACE, Trace.INFO_MBEANSERVER,
		       MBeanServerFactory.class.getName(), method, message);