Click0.javaAPI DocExample2057Wed Apr 19 11:22:18 BST 2000None

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;

 * Here's a simple example of an anonymous nested class that implements
 * the MouseMotionListener interface.  It does so by extending 
 * MouseMotionAdapter, a utility class that provides no-op implementations
 * for all of the methods in MouseMotionListener.  In this case we're
 * just handling mouseMoved() events by moving the "puck" along the
 * bottom edge of the applet.
 * Note that the listener implementation can refer to fields defined
 * in enclosing scopes, e.g. the Box field called puck, directly.  
 * This applet runs correctly in HotJava, it requires JDK 1.1.

public class Click0 extends Applet
  Color puckColor = new Color(200, 0, 10);
  Box puck = new Box(puckColor);

  public Click0()
    MouseMotionListener movePuck = new MouseMotionAdapter() {
      public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
	int x = e.getX();
	int y = getSize().height - puck.getSize().height;
	puck.setLocation(x, y);


  public static void main(String[] args)
    WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter()
	public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}

    Frame f = new Frame("Click");
    f.add(new Click0());
    f.setSize(400, 400);;

  public String getAppletInfo() 
    return "Click0 by Hans Mueller.  This is a simple example of an anonymous nested class that implements the MouseMotionListener interface.  It does so by extending MouseMotionAdapter, a utility class that provides no-op implementations for all of the methods in MouseMotionListener.  In this case we're just handling mouseMoved() events by moving the 'puck' along the bottom edge of the applet.  Note that the listener implementation can refer to fields defined in enclosing scopes, e.g. the Box field called puck, directly.  This applet requires JDK 1.1.";
  public String[][] getParameterInfo() {
    return null;