PushPuzzleCanvas.javaAPI DocJ2ME MIDP 2.020475Thu Nov 07 12:02:20 GMT 2002example.pushpuzzle

 * @(#)	1.55 02/08/02 @(#)
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

package example.pushpuzzle;

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;


 * PushPuzzleCanvas displays the game board and handles key events.
 * The PushPuzzle game logic and algorithms are separated into
 * PushPuzzleCanvas does not setup or use any Commands.  Commands for each
 * screen and listeners should be setup outside this class.
 * PushPuzzleCanvas generates a SELECT_COMMAND when the current level 
 * is solved. Sequencing through screens is done in the PushPuzzle MIDlet.
 * <p>
 * PushPuzzleCanvas handles the reading, initialization, and sequencing
 * of individual puzzle screens.
 * <p>
 * PushPuzzleCanvas uses the Score class to restore and save game levels
 * and scores for each level. To display the scores use getScoreScreen.
 * It will be initialized with the current scores.
 * To select a new level use the getLevelScreen and gotoLevel
 * methods.
 * <p>
 * PushPuzzleCanvas handled key events for LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWN to
 * move the pusher in the game board.  Pointer pressed events
 * are used to move the pusher to the target location (if possible).
 * <p>
class PushPuzzleCanvas extends GameCanvas implements Runnable {
    /** The current level */
    private int level = 1;
    /** The current theme index */
    private int theme;
    /** True if the level has been solved */
    private boolean solved;
    /** number of pixels per cell (updated by readscreen) */
    private int cell = 1;	
    /** The width of the canvas */
    private int width;
    /** The height of the canvas */
    private int height;
    /** The width of the board */
    private int bwidth;
    /** The height of the board */
    private int bheight;

    /** The board containing the location of each packet, ground, walls, etc */
    private Board board;
    /** The score object */
    private Score score;
    /** The main MIDlet */
    private PushPuzzle pushpuzzle;
    /** The Display of this MIDlet */
    private Display display;
    /** The listener used to report solved events */
    private CommandListener listener;

    /** The form for score display */
    private Form scoreForm;	// form for scores
    /** The TextBox to input new level numbers */ 
    private TextBox levelText;	// for input of new level

    /** Background color */
    private static int groundColor = 0xff8080;

    /** The index in the image of the Ground */
    public final int TILE_GROUND = 1;
    /** The index in the image of the Packet */
    public final int TILE_PACKET = 2;
    /** The index in the image of the Store */
    public final int TILE_STORE = 3;
    /** The index in the image of the Wall */
    public final int TILE_WALL = 4;
    /** The index in the image of the Pusher */
    public final int TILE_PUSHER = 5;

    /** Background image */
    private Image themeImage;
    /** Tiles forming the background */
    private TiledLayer tiles;
    /** The Sprite that is the pusher */
    private Sprite sprite;

    /** Layer manager */
    private LayerManager layers;

    /** Thread used for key handling and animation */
    private Thread thread;

    /** The target cell for runTo */
    private int targetx;
    /** The target cell for runTo */
    private int targety;
    /** Pan Rate; number of milliseconds between screen updates */
    private static final int PanRate = 50;

    /** The Tone player */
    private Player tonePlayer;
    /** The ToneController */
    private ToneControl toneControl;
    /** Tune to play when puzzle level is solved. */
    private byte[] solvedTune = {
	ToneControl.VERSION, 1,
	74, 8,	// 1/8 note
	75, 8,
	73, 8

    /** Tune to play when a packet enters a store */
    private byte[] storedTune = {
	ToneControl.VERSION, 1,
	50, 8,	// 1/8 note
	60, 8,
	70, 8

     * Construct a new canvas
     * @param pushpuzzle the main MIDlet
     * @param s the score object
    public PushPuzzleCanvas(PushPuzzle pushpuzzle, Score s) {
	super(false);		// Don't suppress key events
	this.pushpuzzle = pushpuzzle;
	display = Display.getDisplay(pushpuzzle);
	score = s;
	board = new Board();
	layers = new LayerManager();


	targetx = targety = -1;

	height = getHeight();
	width = getWidth();

     * Read the previous level number from the score file.
     * Read in the level data.
    public void init() {

	// Read the last level; if it can't be found, revert to level 0
	theme = score.getTheme();
	level = score.getLevel();
	if (!readScreen(level)) {
	    level = 0;
     * Cleanup and destroy.
    public void destroy() {

     * Figure out which set of icons to use based on the colors
    private void initColors() {
	boolean isColor = display.isColor();
	int numColors = display.numColors();

	if (isColor) {

	} else {
	    if (numColors > 2) {

	    } else {
     * Change themes.
     * Cycle to the next index and try it
    public void changeTheme() {
	score.setLevel(level, theme); // save the level and theme

     * Undo the last move if possible. Redraw the cell
     * the pusher occupies after the undone move and the cells
     * in the direction of the original move.
     * Here so undo can be triggered by a command.
    public void undoMove() {
	int pos = board.getPusherLocation();
	int dir = board.undoMove();
	if (dir >= 0) {
	    updateTilesNear(pos, dir);
	solved = board.solved();

     * Restart the current level.
    public void restartLevel() {
	solved = false;

     * Start the next level.
     * @param offset of the next level
     * @return true if the new level was loaded
    public boolean nextLevel(int offset) {
	updateScores();	// save best scores 
	if (level + offset >= 0 && readScreen(level+offset)) {
	    level += offset;
	    score.setLevel(level, theme);
	    solved = false;
	    return true;
	return false;

     * Get the current level.
     * @return the current level.
    public int getLevel() {
	return level;

     * Get a screen to let the user change the level.
     * A simple numeric TextBox will do.
     * @return the textbox used to change the level number
    public Screen getLevelScreen() {
	if (levelText == null) {
	    levelText = new TextBox("Enter Level",
				      Integer.toString(level), // default
				      4, TextField.NUMERIC);
	} else {
	return levelText;

     * Go to the chosen Level.
     * @return true if the new level was loaded.
    public boolean gotoLevel() {
	if (levelText != null) {
	    String s = levelText.getString();
	    int l = Integer.parseInt(s);

	    if (l >= 0 && readScreen(l)) {
		level = l;
		score.setLevel(level, theme);
		solved = false;
		return true;
	return false;

     * Read and setup the next level.
     * Opens the resource file with the name "/Screen.<lev>"
     * and tells the board to read from the stream.
     * <STRONG>Must be called only with the board locked.</STRONG>
     * @param lev the level number to read.
     * @return true if the reading of the level worked, false otherwise.
    private boolean readScreen(int lev) {
	if (lev <= 0) {
	    board.screen0();	// Initialize the default zero screen.
	} else {
	    InputStream is = null;
	    try {
		is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(
					+ lev);
		if (is != null) {, lev);
		} else {
				   "Could not find the game board for level "
				   + lev);
		    return false;
	    } catch ( ex) {
		return false;
	bwidth = board.getWidth();
	bheight = board.getHeight();


	return true;

     * Create the Tiled layer to represent the current board.
    private void setupTiles() {

	if (tiles != null) {

	// Figure out how many cells are needed to cover canvas.
	int w = (width + cell - 1) / cell;
	int h = (height + cell - 1) / cell;
	tiles = new TiledLayer(w > bwidth ? w : bwidth,
			       h > bheight ? h : bheight,
			       themeImage, cell, cell);

	/** Fill it all with background */
	tiles.fillCells(0, 0, w, h, TILE_GROUND);

	// Initialize the background tileset
	for (int y = 0; y < bheight; y++) {
	    for (int x = 0; x < bwidth; x++) {
		updateTile(x, y);

     * Update the tile at the location.
     * @param x the offset of the tile to update
     * @param y the offset of the tile to update
    private void updateTile(int x, int y) {
	int tile = 0;

	byte v = board.get(x, y);
	switch (v & ~Board.PUSHER) {
	case Board.WALL:
	    tile = TILE_WALL;
	case Board.PACKET:
	case Board.PACKET | Board.STORE:
	    tile = TILE_PACKET;
	case Board.STORE:
	    tile = TILE_STORE;
	case Board.GROUND:
	    tile = TILE_GROUND;
	tiles.setCell(x, y, tile);

    private static final int GroundColor0 = 0xffffff;
    private static final int PacketColor0 = 0xff6d00;
    private static final int StoreColor0 = 0xb60055;
    private static final int WallColor0 = 0x006D55;
    private static final int PusherColor0 = 0x6d6dff;

     * Setup Theme-0 generated to match screen
     * size and board size.
    private void setupTheme0() {

	int bwidth = board.getWidth();
	int bheight = board.getHeight();
	int w = getWidth();
	int h = getHeight();	// height of Canvas
	cell = ((h-14) / bheight < w / bwidth) ? (h-14) / bheight : w / bwidth;

	// Create a mutable image and initialize
	themeImage = Image.createImage(cell * 5, cell);
	Graphics g = themeImage.getGraphics();

	g.fillRect((TILE_GROUND - 1 ) * cell, 0, cell*TILE_PUSHER, cell);
	g.fillRect((TILE_PACKET- 1 ) * cell + 1, 1, cell - 2, cell - 2);
	g.drawRect((TILE_STORE- 1 ) * cell + 1, 1, cell - 2, cell - 2);
	g.fillRect((TILE_WALL- 1 ) * cell, 0, cell, cell);
	g.fillArc((TILE_PUSHER- 1 ) * cell, 0, cell, cell, 0, 360);

     * Setup the theme by reading the images and setting up
     * the sprite and picking the tile size.
     * Uses the current theme index.
     * If the image with the current index can't be found
     * retry with theme = 0.
     * @param image containing all the frames used for the board.
    private void setupTheme() {
	if (sprite != null) {
	    sprite = null;

	if (theme > 0) {
	    try {
		StringBuffer name =
		    new StringBuffer("/example/pushpuzzle/images/Theme-");
		themeImage = Image.createImage(name.toString());

		// Cells are square using the minimum of the width and height
		int h = themeImage.getHeight();
		int w = themeImage.getWidth();
		cell = (w < h) ? w : h;
	    } catch (IOException e) {
		theme = 0;
	} else {

	sprite = new Sprite(themeImage, cell, cell);
	sprite.defineReferencePixel(cell/2, cell/2);
	int seq[] = new int[] {TILE_PUSHER-1};
	layers.insert(sprite, 0);

     * Return the Screen to display scores.
     * It returns a screen with the current scores.
     * @return a screen initialized with the current score information.
    public Screen getScoreScreen() {
	Form scoreForm = null; // Temp until form can do setItem
	int currPushes = board.getPushes();
	int bestPushes = score.getPushes();
	int currMoves = board.getMoves();
	int bestMoves = score.getMoves();
	boolean newbest = solved &&
	    (bestPushes == 0 || currPushes < bestPushes);

	scoreForm = new Form(null);

	scoreForm.append(new StringItem(
            newbest ? "New Best:\n" : "Current:\n", 
            currPushes + " pushes\n" + 
            currMoves  + " moves"));

	scoreForm.append(new StringItem(
            newbest ? "Old Best:\n" : "Best:\n",
            bestPushes + " pushes\n" + 
            bestMoves  + " moves"));

	String title = "Scores";
	if (newbest) {
	    title = "Congratulations";
	return scoreForm;

     * Handle a repeated arrow keys as though it were another press.
     * @param keyCode the key pressed.
    protected void keyRepeated(int keyCode) {
        int action = getGameAction(keyCode);
        switch (action) {
        case Canvas.LEFT:
        case Canvas.RIGHT:
        case Canvas.UP:
        case Canvas.DOWN:

     * Handle a single key event.
     * The LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWN keys are used to
     * move the pusher within the Board.
     * Other keys are ignored and have no effect.
     * Repaint the screen on every action key.
    protected void keyPressed(int keyCode) {
        boolean newlySolved = false;

	// Protect the data from changing during painting.
	synchronized (board) {

	    int action = getGameAction(keyCode);
	    int move = 0;
	    switch (action) { 
	    case Canvas.LEFT:
		move = Board.LEFT;
	    case Canvas.RIGHT:
		move = Board.RIGHT;
	    case Canvas.DOWN:
		move = Board.DOWN;
	    case Canvas.UP:
		move = Board.UP;

		// case 0: // Ignore keycode that don't map to actions.

	    // Tell the board to move the piece
	    int stored = board.getStored();
	    int dir = board.move(move);
	    if (stored < board.getStored()) {
		// Play a note if a packet hit the spot.
	    int pos = board.getPusherLocation();
	    updateTilesNear(pos, dir);

	} // End of synchronization on the Board.

     * Update the scores for the current level if it has
     * been solved and the scores are better than before.
    private void updateScores() {
	if (!solved)
	int sp = score.getPushes();
	int bp = board.getPushes();
	int bm = board.getMoves();

	 * Update the scores.  If the score for this level is lower
	 * than the last recorded score save the lower scores.
	if (sp == 0 || bp < sp) {
	    score.setLevelScore(bp, bm);

     * Cancel the animation.
    private void cancelTo() {
	targetx = -1;
	targety = -1;

     * Called when the pointer is pressed. 
     * Record the target for the pusher.
     * @param x location in the Canvas
     * @param y location in the Canvas
    protected void pointerPressed(int x, int y) {
	targetx = (x - tiles.getX()) / cell;
	targety = (y - tiles.getY()) / cell;

     * Add a listener to notify when the level is solved.
     * The listener is send a List.SELECT_COMMAND when the
     * level is solved.
     * @param l the object implementing interface CommandListener
    public void setCommandListener(CommandListener l) {
        listener = l;

     * Update the Sprite location from the board supplied position
     * @param dir the sprite is moving
    private void updateSprite(int dir) {
	int loc = board.getPusherLocation();
	int x = (loc & 0x7fff) * cell;
	int y = ((loc >> 16) & 0x7fff) * cell;
	// Update sprite location
	sprite.setPosition(tiles.getX() + x, tiles.getY() + y);
	dir = Board.RIGHT;	// BUG:  Graphics.drawRegion doesn't do xofrm
	switch (dir & 0x03) {
	case Board.LEFT:
	case Board.UP:
	case Board.DOWN:

     * Queue a repaint for an area around the specified location.
     * @param loc an encoded location from Board.getPusherLocation
     * @param dir that the pusher moved and flag if it pushed a packet
    void updateTilesNear(int loc, int dir) {
	int x = loc & 0x7fff;
	int y = (loc >> 16) & 0x7fff;

	// Update cells if any were moved
	if (dir >= 0 && ((dir & Board.MOVEPACKET) != 0)) {
	    updateTile(x, y);
	    updateTile(x+1, y);
	    updateTile(x-1, y);
	    updateTile(x, y+1);
	    updateTile(x, y-1);

     * Paint the contents of the Canvas.
     * The clip rectangle of the canvas is retrieved and used
     * to determine which cells of the board should be repainted.
     * @param g Graphics context to paint to.
    public void paint(Graphics g) {

     * The canvas is being displayed.
     * Stop the event handling and animation thread.
    protected void showNotify() {
	thread = new Thread(this);

     * The canvas is being removed from the screen.
     * Stop the event handling and animation thread.
    protected void hideNotify() {
	thread = null;

     * The main event processor. Events are polled and
     * actions taken based on the directional events.
    public void run() {
	Graphics g = getGraphics(); // Of the buffered screen image
        Thread mythread = Thread.currentThread();

	// Loop handling events
	while (mythread == thread) {
	    try { // Start of exception handler

		boolean newlySolved = false;
		if (!solved && board.solved()) {
		    newlySolved = solved = true;

		if (newlySolved && listener != null) {
		    listener.commandAction(List.SELECT_COMMAND, this);
		if (targetx >= 0 && targety >= 0) {
		    int dir = board.runTo(targetx, targety, 1);
		    int pos = board.getPusherLocation();
		    if (dir < 0) {
			targetx = targety = -1;	// Cancel target
		    } else {
			updateTilesNear(pos, dir);

		// Check that the pusher is not to close to the edge
		int loc = board.getPusherLocation();
		int x = (loc & 0x7fff) * cell;
		int y = ((loc >> 16) & 0x7fff) * cell;
		int lx = tiles.getX();
		int ly = tiles.getY();
		int panScale = cell / 4;
		if (panScale < 1)
		    panScale = 1;

		// If the sprite is too near the edge (or off) pan
		if (lx + x > width - cell - cell ) {
		    tiles.move(-panScale, 0);
		    sprite.move(-panScale, 0);
		if (lx + x < cell) {
		    tiles.move(panScale, 0);
		    sprite.move(panScale, 0);
		if (ly + y > height - cell - cell) {
		    tiles.move(0, -panScale);
		    sprite.move(0, -panScale);
		if (ly + y < cell) {
		    tiles.move(0, panScale);
		    sprite.move(0, panScale);

		// Draw all the layers and flush
		layers.paint(g, 0, 0);
		if (mythread == thread) {

		// g.drawString("PushPuzzle Level " + level, 0, height,
		//			     Graphics.BOTTOM|Graphics.LEFT);
		try {
		} catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
		    // Ignore
	    } catch (Exception e) {

     * Play the simple tune supplied.
    void play(byte[] tune) {
	try {
	    if (tonePlayer == null) {
		// First time open the tonePlayer
		tonePlayer = Manager.createPlayer(Manager.TONE_DEVICE_LOCATOR);
		toneControl = (ToneControl)tonePlayer.getControl("");
	} catch (Exception ex){
     * Close the tune player and release resources.
    void closePlayer() {
	if ( tonePlayer != null ) {
	    toneControl = null;
	    tonePlayer = null;