Options.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API20126Wed May 06 22:41:22 BST 2009jdiff


public class Options extends Object
Class to handle options for JDiff. See the file LICENSE.txt for copyright details.
Matthew Doar,

Fields Summary
public static String
All the options passed on the command line. Logged to XML.
private static boolean
Set to enable increased logging verbosity for debugging.
Constructors Summary
public Options()
Default constructor.

Methods Summary
public static intoptionLength(java.lang.String option)
Returns the "length" of a given option. If an option takes no arguments, its length is one. If it takes one argument, its length is two, and so on. This method is called by Javadoc to parse the options it does not recognize. It then calls {@link #validOptions} to validate them.
The options arrive as case-sensitive strings. For options that are not case-sensitive, use toLowerCase() on the option string before comparing it.

option a String containing an option
an int telling how many components that option has

        String opt = option.toLowerCase();
        // Standard options
        if (opt.equals("-authorid"))  return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-versionid")) return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-d"))         return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-classlist")) return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-title"))     return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-docletid"))  return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-evident"))   return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-skippkg"))   return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-skipclass")) return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-execdepth")) return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-help"))      return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-version"))      return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-package"))   return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-protected")) return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-public"))    return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-private"))   return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-sourcepath")) return 2;
        // Options to control JDiff
        if (opt.equals("-apiname"))    return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-oldapi"))    return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-newapi"))    return 2;

        // Options to control the location of the XML files
        if (opt.equals("-apidir"))       return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-oldapidir"))    return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-newapidir"))    return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-usercommentsdir"))    return 2;

        // Options for the exclusion level for classes and members
        if (opt.equals("-excludeclass"))    return 2;
        if (opt.equals("-excludemember"))    return 2;

        if (opt.equals("-firstsentence"))    return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-docchanges"))    return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-packagesonly"))    return 1;
        if (opt.equals("-showallchanges"))    return 1;

        // Option to change the location for the existing Javadoc
        // documentation for the new API. Default is "../"
        if (opt.equals("-javadocnew"))    return 2;
        // Option to change the location for the existing Javadoc
        // documentation for the old API. Default is null.
        if (opt.equals("-javadocold"))    return 2;

        if (opt.equals("-baseuri"))    return 2;

        // Option not to suggest comments at all
        if (opt.equals("-nosuggest"))    return 2;

        // Option to enable checking that the comments end with a period.
        if (opt.equals("-checkcomments"))    return 1;
        // Option to retain non-printing characters in comments.
        if (opt.equals("-retainnonprinting"))    return 1;
        // Option for the name of the exclude tag
        if (opt.equals("-excludetag"))    return 2;
        // Generate statistical output
        if (opt.equals("-stats"))    return 1;

        // Set the browser window title
        if (opt.equals("-windowtitle"))    return 2;
        // Set the report title
        if (opt.equals("-doctitle"))    return 2;

        return 0;
public static voidusage()
Display the arguments for JDiff.

        System.err.println("JDiff version: " + JDiff.version);
        System.err.println("Valid JDiff arguments:");
        System.err.println("  -apiname <Name of a version>");
        System.err.println("  -oldapi <Name of a version>");
        System.err.println("  -newapi <Name of a version>");
        System.err.println("  Optional Arguments");
        System.err.println("  -d <directory> Destination directory for output HTML files");
        System.err.println("  -oldapidir <directory> Location of the XML file for the old API");
        System.err.println("  -newapidir <directory> Location of the XML file for the new API");
        System.err.println("  -sourcepath <location of Java source files>");
        System.err.println("  -javadocnew <location of existing Javadoc files for the new API>");
        System.err.println("  -javadocold <location of existing Javadoc files for the old API>");
        System.err.println("  -usercommentsdir <directory> Path to dir containing the user_comments* file(s)");
        System.err.println("  -baseURI <base> Use \"base\" as the base location of the various DTDs and Schemas used by JDiff");
        System.err.println("  -excludeclass [public|protected|package|private] Exclude classes which are not public, protected etc");
        System.err.println("  -excludemember [public|protected|package|private] Exclude members which are not public, protected etc");
        System.err.println("  -firstsentence Save only the first sentence of each comment block with the API.");
        System.err.println("  -docchanges Report changes in Javadoc comments between the APIs");
        System.err.println("  -nosuggest [all|remove|add|change] Do not add suggested comments to all, or the removed, added or chabged sections");
        System.err.println("  -checkcomments Check that comments are sentences");
        System.err.println("  -stripnonprinting Remove non-printable characters from comments.");
        System.err.println("  -excludetag <tag> Define the Javadoc tag which implies exclusion");
        System.err.println("  -stats Generate statistical output");
        System.err.println("  -help       (generates this output)");
        System.err.println("For more help, see jdiff.html");
public static booleanvalidOptions(java.lang.String[][] options, com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter reporter)
After parsing the available options using {@link #optionLength}, Javadoc invokes this method with an array of options-arrays, where the first item in any array is the option, and subsequent items in that array are its arguments. So, if -print is an option that takes no arguments, and -copies is an option that takes 1 argument, then
-print -copies 3
produces an array of arrays that looks like:
option[0][0] = -print
option[1][0] = -copies
option[1][1] = 3
(By convention, command line switches start with a "-", but they don't have to.)

Javadoc passes allparameters to this method, not just those that Javadoc doesn't recognize. The only way to identify unexpected arguments is therefore to check for every Javadoc parameter as well as doclet parameters.

options an array of String arrays, one per option
reporter a DocErrorReporter for generating error messages
true if no errors were found, and all options are valid

        final DocErrorReporter errOut = reporter;
        // A nice object-oriented way of handling errors. An instance of this
        // class puts out an error message and keeps track of whether or not
        // an error was found.
        class ErrorHandler {
            boolean noErrorsFound = true;
            void msg(String msg) {
                noErrorsFound = false;
        ErrorHandler err = new ErrorHandler();
        if (trace)
            System.out.println("Command line arguments: "); 
        for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < options[i].length; j++) {
                Options.cmdOptions += " " + options[i][j];
                if (trace)
                    System.out.print(" " + options[i][j]); 
        if (trace)

        for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-apiname")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No version identifier specified after -apiname option.");
                } else if (JDiff.compareAPIs) {
                    err.msg("Use the -apiname option, or the -oldapi and -newapi options, but not both.");
                } else { 
                    String filename = options[i][1];
                    RootDocToXML.apiIdentifier = filename;
                    filename = filename.replace(' ", '_");
                    RootDocToXML.outputFileName =  filename + ".xml";
                    JDiff.writeXML = true;
                    JDiff.compareAPIs = false;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-apidir")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No directory specified after -apidir option.");
                } else {
		    RootDocToXML.outputDirectory = options[i][1];
	    if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-oldapi")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No version identifier specified after -oldapi option.");
                } else if (JDiff.writeXML) {
                    err.msg("Use the -apiname or -oldapi option, but not both.");
                } else { 
                    String filename = options[i][1];
                    filename = filename.replace(' ", '_");
                    JDiff.oldFileName =  filename + ".xml";
                    JDiff.writeXML = false;
                    JDiff.compareAPIs = true;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-oldapidir")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No directory specified after -oldapidir option.");
                } else { 
                	JDiff.oldDirectory = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-newapi")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No version identifier specified after -newapi option.");
                } else if (JDiff.writeXML) {
                    err.msg("Use the -apiname or -newapi option, but not both.");
                } else { 
                    String filename = options[i][1];
                    filename = filename.replace(' ", '_");
                    JDiff.newFileName =  filename + ".xml";
                    JDiff.writeXML = false;
                    JDiff.compareAPIs = true;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-newapidir")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No directory specified after -newapidir option.");
                } else { 
                	JDiff.newDirectory = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-usercommentsdir")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("Android: No directory specified after -usercommentsdir option.");
                } else { 
                    HTMLReportGenerator.commentsDir = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-d")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No directory specified after -d option.");
                } else {
                    HTMLReportGenerator.outputDir = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-javadocnew")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No location specified after -javadocnew option.");
                } else {
                    HTMLReportGenerator.newDocPrefix = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-javadocold")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No location specified after -javadocold option.");
                } else {
                    HTMLReportGenerator.oldDocPrefix = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-baseuri")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No base location specified after -baseURI option.");
                } else {
                    RootDocToXML.baseURI = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-excludeclass")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No level (public|protected|package|private) specified after -excludeclass option.");
                } else { 
                    String level = options[i][1];
                    if (level.compareTo("public") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("protected") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("package") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("private") != 0) {
                        err.msg("Level specified after -excludeclass option must be one of (public|protected|package|private).");
                    } else {
                        RootDocToXML.classVisibilityLevel = level;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-excludemember")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No level (public|protected|package|private) specified after -excludemember option.");
                } else { 
                    String level = options[i][1];
                    if (level.compareTo("public") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("protected") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("package") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("private") != 0) {
                        err.msg("Level specified after -excludemember option must be one of (public|protected|package|private).");
                    } else {
                        RootDocToXML.memberVisibilityLevel = level;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-firstsentence")) {
                RootDocToXML.saveAllDocs = false;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-docchanges")) {
                HTMLReportGenerator.reportDocChanges = true;
                Diff.noDocDiffs = false;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-packagesonly")) {
                RootDocToXML.packagesOnly = true;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-showallchanges")) {
                Diff.showAllChanges = true;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-nosuggest")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No level (all|remove|add|change) specified after -nosuggest option.");
                } else { 
                    String level = options[i][1];
                    if (level.compareTo("all") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("remove") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("add") != 0 &&
                        level.compareTo("change") != 0) {
                        err.msg("Level specified after -nosuggest option must be one of (all|remove|add|change).");
                    } else {
                        if (level.compareTo("removal") == 0)
                            HTMLReportGenerator.noCommentsOnRemovals = true;
                        else if (level.compareTo("add") == 0)
                            HTMLReportGenerator.noCommentsOnAdditions = true;
                        else if (level.compareTo("change") == 0)
                            HTMLReportGenerator.noCommentsOnChanges = true;
                        else if (level.compareTo("all") == 0) {
                            HTMLReportGenerator.noCommentsOnRemovals = true;
                            HTMLReportGenerator.noCommentsOnAdditions = true;
                            HTMLReportGenerator.noCommentsOnChanges = true;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-checkcomments")) {
                APIHandler.checkIsSentence = true;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-retainnonprinting")) {
                RootDocToXML.stripNonPrintables = false;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-excludetag")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No exclude tag specified after -excludetag option.");
                } else { 
                    RootDocToXML.excludeTag = options[i][1];
                    RootDocToXML.excludeTag = RootDocToXML.excludeTag.trim();
                    RootDocToXML.doExclude = true;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-stats")) {
                HTMLReportGenerator.doStats = true;
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-doctitle")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No HTML text specified after -doctitle option.");
                } else { 
                    HTMLReportGenerator.docTitle = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-windowtitle")) {
                if (options[i].length < 2) {
                    err.msg("No text specified after -windowtitle option.");
                } else { 
                    HTMLReportGenerator.windowTitle = options[i][1];
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-version")) {
                System.out.println("JDiff version: " + JDiff.version);
            if (options[i][0].toLowerCase().equals("-help")) {
        if (!JDiff.writeXML && !JDiff.compareAPIs) {
            err.msg("First use the -apiname option to generate an XML file for one API.");
            err.msg("Then use the -apiname option again to generate another XML file for a different version of the API.");
            err.msg("Finally use the -oldapi option and -newapi option to generate a report about how the APIs differ.");
        return err.noErrorsFound;