GenericTest.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API20114Fri May 04 22:23:54 BST


public final class GenericTest extends

Fields Summary
final boolean
final boolean
final boolean
final boolean
private static final String
Constructors Summary
public GenericTest()

		mDoInfo				= true;
		mDoAttributes		= true;
		mDoOperations		= true;
		mwarnings		= true;
Methods Summary
voidcheckGetterResult( conn, callee, operationInfo, java.lang.Object resultOfCall)

		if ( resultOfCall instanceof ObjectName )
			final ObjectName	name	= (ObjectName)resultOfCall;
			checkObjectNameReturnValue( conn, callee, operationInfo, name );
		else if ( resultOfCall instanceof ObjectName[] )
			final ObjectName[]	names	= (ObjectName[])resultOfCall;
			for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
				checkObjectNameReturnValue( conn, callee, operationInfo, names[ i ]);
voidcheckObjectNameReturnValue( conn, callee, operationInfo, resultOfCall)

			printVerbose( "checking MBean info for: " + resultOfCall );
			final MBeanInfo	mbeanInfo	= conn.getMBeanInfo( resultOfCall );
		catch( InstanceNotFoundException e )
			trace( "WARNING: MBean " + resultOfCall + " returned from " +
				operationInfo.getReturnType() + " " + operationInfo.getName() + "() does not exist" );
		catch( Exception e )
			trace( "WARNING: MBean " + resultOfCall + " returned from " +
				operationInfo.getReturnType() + " " + operationInfo.getName() +
				"() can't supply MBeanInfo: " + getExceptionMsg( e )
			if ( e instanceof IOException )
				throw (IOException)e;
private voiddisplayAttributeFailuresOrWarnings(boolean failure, objectName,[] infos, java.util.Map problems)

		trace( "" );
		trace( problems.keySet().size() + (failure ? " Failures: " : " Warnings: ") + objectName  );
		int	i = 0;
		for( final String attrName : problems.keySet() )
			final Throwable	t = problems.get( attrName );
			final MBeanAttributeInfo	info	= findAttributeInfo( infos, attrName );
			final String prefix	= "(" + (i+1) + ")" + " getting Attribute \"" + attrName + "\" of type " +
				info.getType() + " ";
			if ( t == null )
				trace( prefix + "returned null" );
				trace( prefix + getExceptionMsg( t ) );
		}[] infos, java.lang.String attrName)

		MBeanAttributeInfo	info	= null;
		for( int i = 0; i < infos.length; ++i )
			if ( infos[ i ] != null && infos[ i ].getName().equals( attrName ) )
				info	= infos[ i ];
		assert( info != null );
		return( info );
public static

	    return getOfflineCapableCapabilities( true );
private java.lang.StringgetExceptionMsg(java.lang.Throwable e)

		String	msg	= null;
		if ( e instanceof IOException )
			msg	= "received an exception of class " + e.getClass().getName();
			if ( shouldPrintStackTraces() )
				msg	= msg + "Stack trace = \n" + 
				ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace( ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e ) );
			msg	= "threw an Exception of type " +
				e.getClass().getName() + ", message =  " + e.getMessage();
			if ( shouldPrintStackTraces() )
				msg	= msg + "\n" + ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace( e );
		final Throwable rootCause	= ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e );
		if ( rootCause != e )
			msg	= msg + "...\nRoot cause was exception of type " + e.getClass().getName() + ", message = " +
			if ( shouldPrintStackTraces() )
				msg	= msg + "\n" + ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace( rootCause );
		return( msg );
private voidprintDuplicateAttributes( objectName,[] attrInfos, java.lang.String name)

		String	msg	= "MBean " + quote( objectName ) + " has the same Attribute listed more than once:\n";
		for( int i = 0; i < attrInfos.length; ++i )
			final MBeanAttributeInfo	a	= attrInfos[ i ];
			if ( a.getName().equals( name ) )
				msg	= msg + name + ": " + a.getType() + ", " + quote( a.getDescription() );
		warning( msg );

		return( true );
public voidtestGenerically()

		final Set<ObjectName>	all	= getTestUtil().getAllObjectNames();
		final ObjectName[]	allObjectNames	= new ObjectName[ all.size() ];
		all.toArray( allObjectNames );
		validate( allObjectNames );
private booleanvalidate( objectName)

		boolean	valid	= true;

		MBeanServerConnection conn	= getConnection();
		MBeanInfo	info	= null;
			info	= conn.getMBeanInfo( objectName );
		catch( Exception e )
			valid	= false;
			warning( " during getMBeanInfo() for: " + objectName + "\n" +
				" message = " + e.getMessage() );
			// abort--the connection has died
			throw e;
		if ( mDoInfo && ! validateMBeanInfo( objectName, info ) )
			trace( "validateMBeanInfo failed for: " + objectName );
			valid	= false;
		if ( mDoAttributes &&
			! validateAttributes( objectName, info.getAttributes() ) )
			trace( "validateAttributes failed for: " + objectName );
			valid	= false;
		if ( mDoOperations &&
			! validateGetters( objectName, info.getOperations() ) )
			trace( "validateGetters failed for: " + objectName );
			valid	= false;
		return( valid );
private voidvalidate([] objectNames)

		int	failureCount	= 0;
		trace( "Validating: " );
		if ( mDoInfo )
			trace( "- MBeanInfo" );
		if ( mDoAttributes )
			trace( "- Attributes" );
		if ( mDoOperations )
			trace( "- Operations (getters)" );
		trace( "" );
		for( int i = 0; i < objectNames.length; ++i )
			final ObjectName	objectName	= objectNames[ i ];
			printVerbose( "Validating: " + objectName );
			if ( ! shouldTest( objectName ) )
				notTested( objectName );
			final boolean	valid	= validate( objectName );
			if ( ! valid )
		trace( "Total mbeans failing: " + failureCount );
private booleanvalidateAttributeTypes( objectName, attrs,[] attrInfos)

		boolean	valid	= true;
		final Map<String,MBeanAttributeInfo>	attrInfosMap	= JMXUtil.attributeInfosToMap( attrInfos );
		final Iterator	iter	= attrs.iterator();
		while ( iter.hasNext() )
			final Attribute	attr	= (Attribute);
			final String	name	= attr.getName();
			final Object	value	= attr.getValue();
			final MBeanAttributeInfo	attrInfo = (MBeanAttributeInfo)attrInfosMap.get( name );
			if ( attrInfo == null )
				valid	= false;
				warning( "MBean " + objectName + " returned an Attribute not " +
					"declared in its MBeanInfo: " + name );
			else if ( value != null )
				final String	typeName	= attrInfo.getType();
				final Class<?>		infoClass	= ClassUtil.getClassFromName( typeName );
				final Class<?>		valueClass	= value.getClass();
				if ( infoClass == null )
					valid	= false;
					warning( "Can't find class for: " + typeName );
				else if ( ! infoClass.isAssignableFrom( valueClass ) )
					final Class<?> objectClass	= ClassUtil.PrimitiveClassToObjectClass( infoClass );
					if ( ! objectClass.isAssignableFrom( valueClass ) )
						valid	= false;
						warning( "MBean " + objectName + " returned Attribute " +
							name + "=" + value +
							" of class " + value.getClass().getName() +
							" not matching its MBeanInfo: " + infoClass.getName() );
		return( valid );
private booleanvalidateAttributes( objectName,[] attrInfos)

		boolean	valid	= true;
		final MBeanAttributeInfo[]	readableInfos	= JMXUtil.filterAttributeInfos( attrInfos,
				ReadWriteAttributeFilter.READABLE_FILTER );
		final String[]	attrNames	= JMXUtil.getAttributeNames( readableInfos );
		Arrays.sort( attrNames  );
		if ( attrNames.length != 0 )
			// if we can fetch all the attributes, then the MBean is OK;
			// try this first for efficiency
                //trace( objectName.getKeyProperty( "j2eeType" ) + ": " + attrNames.length );
				final AttributeList	attrs	= getConnection().getAttributes( objectName, attrNames );
				if ( attrs == null )
					warning( "MBean " + quote( objectName ) + " returned NULL for its AttributeList" );
					valid	= false;
				else if ( attrs.size() != readableInfos.length )
					// mismatch between claimed number of attributes and actual
					final ArrayStringifier	as	= new ArrayStringifier( ", ", true );
					final String claimedString	= as.stringify( attrNames );
					final Set<String>	actualSet	= JMXUtil.attributeListToValueMap( attrs ).keySet();
					final Set<String>	missingSet	= ArrayConversion.arrayToSet( attrNames );
					missingSet.removeAll( actualSet );
					final String[]	missingNames	= (String[])ArrayConversion.setToArray( missingSet, true );
					Arrays.sort( missingNames  );
					final String	missingString	= as.stringify( missingNames );
					warning( "MBean " + quote( objectName ) +
						" did not supply the " +
						missingNames.length + " attributes " + missingString );
				valid	= validateAttributeTypes( objectName, attrs, readableInfos  );
			catch( Exception e )
				trace( SECTION_LINE );
				final String	msg	= "getAttributes() failed on " + quote( objectName ) + ", exception =\n" + e;
				if ( e instanceof NotSerializableException )
					warning( msg );
					warning( msg );
					valid	= false;
				// do them one-at-a time to see where failure occurs
				final Map<String,Throwable>	failures	= new HashMap<String,Throwable>();
				final Map<String,Throwable>	warnings	= new HashMap<String,Throwable>();
				validateAttributesSingly( objectName, attrNames, failures, warnings );
				trace( "Validating attributes one-at-a-time using getAttribute() for " + quote( objectName ));
				if ( failures.size() == 0 && warnings.size() == 0 )
					warning( " during getAttributes(" +
						ArrayStringifier.stringify( attrNames, "," ) + ") for: " + objectName +
						" (but Attributes work when queried one-at-a-time).\nIt " +
						getExceptionMsg( e ) );
				if ( failures.size() != 0 )
					displayAttributeFailuresOrWarnings( true, objectName, readableInfos, failures );
				if ( warnings.size() != 0 )
					displayAttributeFailuresOrWarnings( false, objectName, readableInfos, warnings );
				trace( SECTION_LINE );
			valid	= true;
		if ( ! validateUniqueAttributeNames( objectName, attrInfos ) )
			valid	= false;
		if ( ! validateMissingAndEmptyAttributeNames( objectName ) )
			valid	= false;
		return( valid );
private java.util.MapvalidateAttributesSingly( objectName, java.lang.String[] attrNames, java.util.Map failures, java.util.Map warnings)

		MBeanServerConnection conn	= getConnection();
		for( int i = 0; i < attrNames.length; ++i )
			final String	attrName	= attrNames[ i ];
				final Object	a	= conn.getAttribute( objectName, attrName );
				if ( a == null )
					// null is legal, apparently
			catch( NotSerializableException e )
				warnings.put( attrName, e );
			catch( IOException e )
				failures.put( attrName, e );
			catch( Exception e )
				failures.put( attrName, e );
		return( failures );
private booleanvalidateGetters( objectName,[] operationInfos)

		boolean	valid	= true;
		MBeanServerConnection conn	= getConnection();
		for( int i = 0; i < operationInfos.length; ++i )
			final MBeanOperationInfo	info	= operationInfos[ i ];
			if ( JMXUtil.isGetter( info ) )
				boolean	opValid	= false;
					printVerbose( "invoking getter: " + info.getName() + "()" );
					final Object	result	= conn.invoke( objectName, info.getName(), null, null );
					checkGetterResult( conn, 
					objectName, info, result );
				catch( Exception e )
					warning( "Failure: calling " + info.getName() + "() on " + objectName +
						": " + getExceptionMsg( e ) );
					if ( e instanceof IOException)
						throw( (IOException)e );
					valid	= false;
		return( valid );
private booleanvalidateMBeanInfo( objectName, info)

		boolean	valid	= true;
		if ( ArrayUtil.arrayContainsNulls( info.getAttributes() ) )
			warning( "MBean has nulls in its MBeanAttributeInfo[]: " + objectName );
			valid	= false;
		if ( ArrayUtil.arrayContainsNulls( info.getConstructors() ) )
			warning( "MBean has nulls in its MBeanConstructorInfo[]: " + objectName );
			valid	= false;
		if ( ArrayUtil.arrayContainsNulls( info.getOperations() ) )
			warning( "MBean has nulls in its MBeanOperationInfo[]: " + objectName );
			valid	= false;
		if ( ArrayUtil.arrayContainsNulls( info.getNotifications() ) )
			warning( "MBean has nulls in its MBeanNotificationInfo[]: " + objectName );
			valid	= false;
		return( valid );
private booleanvalidateMissingAndEmptyAttributeNames( objectName)

		boolean						valid	= true;
		final MBeanServerConnection	conn	= getConnection();
		AttributeList	attrs	= null;
			attrs	= conn.getAttributes( objectName, new String[0] );
			if ( attrs == null )
				warning( "MBean " + quote( objectName ) +
					" returned NULL for an empty AttributeList" );
				valid	= false;
			else if ( attrs.size() != 0 )
				warning( "MBean " + quote( objectName ) +
					" returned attributes for an empty AttributeList" );
				valid	= false;
		catch( Exception e )
			valid	= false;
			warning( "MBean " + quote( objectName ) +
				" threw an exception getting an empty attribute list" );
			final String	notFoundName	= "bogus." + System.currentTimeMillis();
			attrs	= conn.getAttributes( objectName, new String[] { notFoundName });
			if ( attrs == null )
				warning( "MBean " + quote( objectName ) +
					" returned NULL for a missing Attribute" );
				valid	= false;
			else if ( attrs.size() != 0 )
				warning( "MBean " + quote( objectName ) +
					" returned attributes for a non-existent name" );
				valid	= false;
		catch( Exception e )
			valid	= false;
			warning( "MBean " + quote( objectName ) +
				" threw an exception when getAttributes() was called with a " +
				"non-existent Attribute, exception class = " +
				e.getClass().getName() );
		return( valid );
private booleanvalidateUniqueAttributeNames( objectName,[] attrInfos)

		boolean	valid	= true;
		final MBeanAttributeInfo[]	infos	=
			JMXUtil.filterAttributeInfos( attrInfos, ReadWriteAttributeFilter.READABLE_FILTER );
		final String[]	names	= JMXUtil.getAttributeNames( infos );
		if ( ArrayConversion.arrayToSet( names ).size() != attrInfos.length )
			final Set<String>	set		= new HashSet<String>();
			for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
				final String	name	= names[ i ];
				if ( set.contains( name ) )
					valid	= false;
					printDuplicateAttributes( objectName, attrInfos, name );
					set.add( name );
		return( valid );