ServerManagerImpl.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API20108Fri Aug 26 14:54:18 BST


public class ServerManagerImpl extends implements
Rohit Garg
Ken Cavanaugh
Hemanth Puttaswamy

Fields Summary
private int
Constructors Summary
ServerManagerImpl( orb, transportManager, repository, String dbDirName, boolean debug)

        this.orb = orb;
	wrapper = ActivationSystemException.get( orb, CORBALogDomains.ORBD_ACTIVATOR ) ;

        this.transportManager = transportManager; // REVISIT - NOT USED.
	this.repository = repository;
	this.dbDirName = dbDirName;
	this.debug = debug ;

	LegacyServerSocketEndPointInfo endpoint =

	initialPort = ((SocketOrChannelAcceptor)endpoint)
        serverTable = new HashMap(256);

        // The ServerStartupDelay is the delay added after the Server registers
        // end point information. This is to allow the server to completely
        // initialize after ORB is instantiated.
        serverStartupDelay = ORBConstants.DEFAULT_SERVER_STARTUP_DELAY;
        String  delay = System.getProperty( ORBConstants.SERVER_STARTUP_DELAY);
        if( delay != null ) {
            try {
                serverStartupDelay = Integer.parseInt( delay );
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                // Just use the default 1000 milliseconds as the default

        Class cls = orb.getORBData( ).getBadServerIdHandler();
        if( cls == null ) {
            orb.setBadServerIdHandler( this );
        } else {
	    orb.initBadServerIdHandler() ;

        ProcessMonitorThread.start( serverTable );
Methods Summary
public voidactivate(int serverId)

        ServerLocation   location;
        ServerTableEntry entry;
        Integer key = new Integer(serverId);

	synchronized(serverTable) {
            entry = (ServerTableEntry) serverTable.get(key);

        if (entry != null && entry.isActive()) {
	    if (debug)
		System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: activate for server Id " +
				    serverId + " failed because server is already active. " +
				    "entry = " + entry ) ;

            throw new ServerAlreadyActive( serverId );

        // locate the server
        try {

	    // We call getEntry here so that state of the entry is
	    // checked for validity before we actually go and locate a server

	    entry = getEntry(serverId);

            if (debug)
                System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: locateServer called with " +
                                " serverId=" + serverId + " endpointType="
                                + IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT.value + " block=false" ) ;

	    location = locateServer(entry, IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT.value, false);

	    if (debug)
		System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: activate for server Id " +
				    serverId + " found location " +
				    location.hostname + " and activated it" ) ;
        } catch (NoSuchEndPoint ex) {
            if (debug)
                System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: activate for server Id " +
                                    " threw NoSuchEndpoint exception, which was ignored" );
public voidactive(int serverId, server)

        ServerTableEntry entry;
        Integer key = new Integer(serverId);

        synchronized (serverTable) {
            entry = (ServerTableEntry) serverTable.get(key);

            if (entry == null) {
		if (debug)
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: active for server Id " +
					serverId + " called, but no such server is registered." ) ;

		throw wrapper.serverNotExpectedToRegister() ;
            } else {
		if (debug)
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: active for server Id " +
					serverId + " called.  This server is now active." ) ;

public int[]getActiveServers()

	ServerTableEntry entry;
        int[] list = null;

        synchronized (serverTable) {
	    // unlike vectors, list is not synchronized

	    ArrayList servers = new ArrayList(0);

	    Iterator serverList = serverTable.keySet().iterator();

	    try {
	        while (serverList.hasNext()) {
	            Integer key = (Integer);
	            // get an entry
	            entry = (ServerTableEntry) serverTable.get(key);

		    if (entry.isValid() && entry.isActive()) {
	    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
	        // all done

	    // collect the active entries
	    list = new int[servers.size()];
	    for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) {
	        entry = (ServerTableEntry) servers.get(i);
		list[i] = entry.getServerId();

	if (debug) {
	    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer() ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<list.length; ctr++) {
		sb.append( ' " ) ;
		sb.append( list[ctr] ) ;

	    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: getActiveServers returns" +
				sb.toString() ) ;

        return list;
public intgetEndpoint(java.lang.String endpointType)

        return orb.getLegacyServerSocketManager()
private ServerTableEntrygetEntry(int serverId)

        Integer key = new Integer(serverId);
	ServerTableEntry entry = null ;

	synchronized (serverTable) {
            entry = (ServerTableEntry) serverTable.get(key);

	    if (debug)
		if (entry == null) {
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: getEntry: " +
					"no active server found." ) ;
		} else {
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: getEntry: " +
					" active server found " + entry + "." ) ;

            if ((entry != null) && (!entry.isValid())) {
                entry = null;

            if (entry == null) {
		ServerDef serverDef = repository.getServer(serverId);

                entry = new ServerTableEntry( wrapper,
		    serverId, serverDef, initialPort, dbDirName, false, debug);
		serverTable.put(key, entry);
		entry.activate() ;

	return entry ;
public java.lang.String[]getORBNames(int serverId)

	try {
	    ServerTableEntry entry = getEntry( serverId ) ;
	    return (entry.getORBList());
	} catch (Exception ex) {
	    throw new ServerNotRegistered(serverId);
private ServerTableEntrygetRunningEntry(int serverId)

	ServerTableEntry entry = getEntry( serverId ) ;

	try {
	    // this is to see if the server has any listeners
	    ORBPortInfo [] serverORBAndPortList = entry.lookup(IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT.value) ;
	} catch (Exception exc) {
	    return null ;
	return entry;

public intgetServerPortForType( location, java.lang.String endPointType)

	EndPointInfo[] listenerPorts = location.ports;
	for (int i = 0; i < listenerPorts.length; i++) {
	    if ((listenerPorts[i].endpointType).equals(endPointType)) {
		return listenerPorts[i].port;
	throw new NoSuchEndPoint();
public voidhandle( okey)

	IOR newIOR = null;
	ServerLocationPerORB location;

	// we need to get the serverid and the orbid from the object key
	ObjectKeyTemplate oktemp = okey.getTemplate();
	int serverId = oktemp.getServerId() ;
	String orbId = oktemp.getORBId() ;

	try {
	    // get the ORBName corresponding to the orbMapid, that was
	    // first registered by the server
	    ServerTableEntry entry = getEntry( serverId ) ;
	    location = locateServerForORB(entry, orbId, true);
	    if (debug)
	        System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: handle called for server id" +
			serverId + "  orbid  " + orbId) ;

	    // we received a list of ports corresponding to an ORB in a
            // particular server, now retrieve the one corresponding
	    // to IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT, and for other created the tagged
	    // components to be added to the IOR

	    int clearPort = 0;
	    EndPointInfo[] listenerPorts = location.ports;
	    for (int i = 0; i < listenerPorts.length; i++) {
	        if ((listenerPorts[i].endpointType).equals(IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT.value)) {
	            clearPort = listenerPorts[i].port;

	    // create a new IOR with the correct port and correct tagged
            // components
	    IIOPAddress addr = IIOPFactories.makeIIOPAddress( orb, 
		location.hostname, clearPort ) ;
	    IIOPProfileTemplate iptemp = 
                    orb, GIOPVersion.V1_2, addr ) ;
	    if (GIOPVersion.V1_2.supportsIORIIOPProfileComponents()) {
	    IORTemplate iortemp = IORFactories.makeIORTemplate(oktemp) ;
	    iortemp.add( iptemp ) ;

	    newIOR = iortemp.makeIOR(orb, "IDL:org/omg/CORBA/Object:1.0", 
		okey.getId() );
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    throw wrapper.errorInBadServerIdHandler( e ) ;

	if (debug)
	    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: handle " +
				"throws ForwardException" ) ;

        try {
            // This delay is required in case of Server is activated or 
            // re-activated the first time. Server needs some time before 
            // handling all the requests. 
            // (Talk to Ken to see whether there is a better way of doing this).
            Thread.sleep( serverStartupDelay );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            System.out.println( "Exception = " + e );

	throw new ForwardException(orb, newIOR);
public voidinstall(int serverId)

	ServerTableEntry entry = getRunningEntry( serverId ) ;
	if (entry != null) {
	    repository.install( serverId ) ;
	    entry.install() ;
public serverId, java.lang.String endpointType)

	ServerTableEntry entry = getEntry( serverId ) ;
        if (debug)
            System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: locateServer called with " +
                                " serverId=" + serverId + " endpointType=" +
				endpointType + " block=true" ) ;

	// passing in entry to eliminate multiple lookups for
	// the same entry in some cases

	return locateServer(entry, endpointType, true);
private entry, java.lang.String endpointType, boolean block)

	ServerLocation location = new ServerLocation() ;

	// if server location is desired, then wait for the server
	// to register back, then return location

	ORBPortInfo [] serverORBAndPortList;
	if (block) {
	    try {
	            serverORBAndPortList = entry.lookup(endpointType);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
		if (debug)
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: locateServer: " +
					"server held down" ) ;

	        throw new ServerHeldDown( entry.getServerId() );

            String host = 
            location.hostname = host ;
	    int listLength;
	    if (serverORBAndPortList != null) {
	        listLength = serverORBAndPortList.length;
	    } else {
	        listLength = 0;
	    location.ports = new ORBPortInfo[listLength];
	    for (int i = 0; i < listLength; i++) {
	        location.ports[i] = new ORBPortInfo(serverORBAndPortList[i].orbId,
			serverORBAndPortList[i].port) ;

	        if (debug)
	            System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: locateServer: " +
				    "server located at location " +
				    location.hostname + " ORBid  " +
	                            serverORBAndPortList[i].orbId +
	                            " Port " + serverORBAndPortList[i].port) ;

	return location;
public serverId, java.lang.String orbId)
This method is used to obtain the registered ports for an ORB. This is useful for custom Bad server ID handlers in ORBD.

	ServerTableEntry entry = getEntry( serverId ) ;

	// passing in entry to eliminate multiple lookups for
	// the same entry in some cases

	if (debug)
	    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: locateServerForORB called with " +
				" serverId=" + serverId + " orbId=" + orbId +
				" block=true" ) ;
	return locateServerForORB(entry, orbId, true);
private entry, java.lang.String orbId, boolean block)

	ServerLocationPerORB location = new ServerLocationPerORB() ;

	// if server location is desired, then wait for the server
	// to register back, then return location

	EndPointInfo [] endpointInfoList;
	if (block) {
	    try {
	        endpointInfoList = entry.lookupForORB(orbId);
	    } catch (InvalidORBid ex) {
		throw ex;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
		if (debug)
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: locateServerForORB: " +
					"server held down" ) ;

	        throw new ServerHeldDown( entry.getServerId() );

            String host = 
            location.hostname = host ;
	    int listLength;
	    if (endpointInfoList != null) {
	        listLength = endpointInfoList.length;
	    } else {
	        listLength = 0;
	    location.ports = new EndPointInfo[listLength];
	    for (int i = 0; i < listLength; i++) {
	        location.ports[i] = new EndPointInfo(endpointInfoList[i].endpointType,
			endpointInfoList[i].port) ;

	        if (debug)
	            System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: locateServer: " +
				    "server located at location " +
				    location.hostname + " endpointType  " +
	                            endpointInfoList[i].endpointType +
	                            " Port " + endpointInfoList[i].port) ;

	return location;
public voidregisterEndpoints(int serverId, java.lang.String orbId,[] endpointList)

	// orbId is ignored for now
        ServerTableEntry entry;
        Integer key = new Integer(serverId);

        synchronized (serverTable) {
            entry = (ServerTableEntry) serverTable.get(key);

            if (entry == null) {
		if (debug)
			"ServerManagerImpl: registerEndpoint for server Id " +
			serverId + " called, but no such server is registered." ) ;

		throw wrapper.serverNotExpectedToRegister() ;
            } else {
		if (debug)
			"ServerManagerImpl: registerEndpoints for server Id " +
			serverId + " called.  This server is now active." ) ;

		entry.registerPorts( orbId, endpointList );
public voidshutdown(int serverId)

        ServerTableEntry entry;
        Integer key = new Integer(serverId);

	synchronized(serverTable) {
            entry = (ServerTableEntry) serverTable.remove(key);

            if (entry == null) {
	        if (debug)
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: shutdown for server Id " +
				    serverId + " throws ServerNotActive." ) ;

	        throw new ServerNotActive( serverId );

            try {

	        if (debug)
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: shutdown for server Id " +
				    serverId + " completed." ) ;
            } catch (Exception e) {
	        if (debug)
		    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: shutdown for server Id " +
				    serverId + " threw exception " + e ) ;
public voiduninstall(int serverId)

	ServerTableEntry entry = 
            (ServerTableEntry) serverTable.get( new Integer(serverId) );
	if (entry != null) {

            entry = 
                (ServerTableEntry) serverTable.remove(new Integer(serverId));

            if (entry == null) {
                if (debug)
                    System.out.println( "ServerManagerImpl: shutdown for server Id " +
                                    serverId + " throws ServerNotActive." ) ;

                throw new ServerHeldDown( serverId );
