BadInputFilterValve.javaAPI DocExample20089Tue Jul 01 10:09:58 BST 2003com.oreilly.tomcat.valves


public class BadInputFilterValve extends org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestFilterValve
Filters out bad user input from HTTP requests to avoid malicious attacks including Cross Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, and HTML Injection vulnerabilities, among others.
Jason Brittain

Fields Summary
protected static String
Descriptive information about this implementation.
protected boolean
The flag that determines whether or not to escape quotes that are part of the request.
protected boolean
The flag that determines whether or not to escape angle brackets that are part of the request.
protected boolean
The flag that determines whether or not to escape JavaScript function and object names that are part of the request.
protected HashMap
A substitution mapping (regular expression to match, replacement) that is used to replace single quotes (') and double quotes (") with escaped equivalents that can't be used for malicious purposes.
protected HashMap
A substitution mapping (regular expression to match, replacement) that is used to replace angle brackets (<>) with escaped equivalents that can't be used for malicious purposes.
protected HashMap
A substitution mapping (regular expression to match, replacement) that is used to replace potentially dangerous JavaScript function calls with escaped equivalents that can't be used for malicious purposes.
protected int
The debug level.
Constructors Summary
public BadInputFilterValve()
Construct a new instance of this class with default property values.


        // Populate the (regex, substitution) maps.
        quotesHashMap.put("\"", """);
        quotesHashMap.put("\'", "'");
        quotesHashMap.put("`", "`");
        angleBracketsHashMap.put("<", "<");
        angleBracketsHashMap.put(">", ">");
            "document(.*)\\.(.*)cookie", "document.cookie");
        javaScriptHashMap.put("eval(\\s*)\\(", "eval(");
        javaScriptHashMap.put("setTimeout(\\s*)\\(", "setTimeout$1(");
        javaScriptHashMap.put("setInterval(\\s*)\\(", "setInterval$1(");
        javaScriptHashMap.put("execScript(\\s*)\\(", "exexScript$1(");
        javaScriptHashMap.put("javascript:", "javascript:");
Methods Summary
public booleancheckAllowsAndDenies(java.lang.String property, org.apache.catalina.Request request, org.apache.catalina.Response response, org.apache.catalina.ValveContext valveContext)
Perform the filtering that has been configured for this Valve, matching against the specified request property. If the request is allowed to proceed, this method returns true. Otherwise, this method sends a Forbidden error response page, and returns false.

This method borrows heavily from RequestFilterValve.process(), only this method has a boolean return type and doesn't call valveContext.invokeNext().

property The request property on which to filter
request The servlet request to be processed
response The servlet response to be processed
context The valve context used to invoke the next valve in the current processing pipeline
IOException if an input/output error occurs
ServletException if a servlet error occurs
true if the request is still allowed to proceed.

        // Check the deny patterns, if any
        for (int i = 0; i < denies.length; i++) {
            if (denies[i].match(property)) {
                ServletResponse sres = response.getResponse();
                if (sres instanceof HttpServletResponse) {
                    HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) sres;
                    return false;

        // Check the allow patterns, if any
        for (int i = 0; i < allows.length; i++) {
            if (allows[i].match(property)) {
                return true;

        // Allow if denies specified but not allows
        if ((denies.length > 0) && (allows.length == 0)) {
            return true;

        // Deny this request
        ServletResponse sres = response.getResponse();
        if (sres instanceof HttpServletResponse) {
            HttpServletResponse hres = (HttpServletResponse) sres;
        return false;
public voidfilterParameters(java.util.HashMap subs, org.apache.catalina.Request request)
Filters all existing parameters for potentially dangerous content, and escapes any if they are found.

escapes A HashMap containing substitution regex data.
request The Request that contains the parameters.

        ParameterMap paramMap =
            (ParameterMap) ((HttpServletRequest) request).getParameterMap();
        // Unlock the parameters map so we can modify the parameters.
        try {
            // Loop through each of the substitution patterns.
            Iterator x = subs.keySet().iterator();
            while (x.hasNext()) {
                String pattern = (String);
                RE r = new RE(pattern);

                // Loop through the list of parameters.
                Iterator y = paramMap.keySet().iterator();
                while (y.hasNext()) {
                    String name = (String);
                    String[] values = ((HttpServletRequest)
                    // See if the name contains the pattern.
                    boolean nameMatch;
                    synchronized (r) {
                        nameMatch = r.match(name);
                    if (nameMatch) {
                        // The parameter's name matched a pattern, so we
                        // fix it by modifying the name, adding the parameter
                        // back as the new name, and removing the old one.
                        String newName;
                        synchronized (r) {
                            newName = r.subst(name,
                                (String) subs.get(pattern));
                        ((HttpRequest) request).addParameter(newName, values);
                        log("Parameter name " + name +
                            " matched pattern \"" + pattern +
                            "\".  Remote addr: " +
                            ((HttpServletRequest) request).getRemoteAddr());
                    // Check the parameter's values for the pattern.
                    if (values != null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                            String value = values[i];
                            boolean valueMatch;
                            synchronized (r) {
                                valueMatch = r.match(value);
                            if (valueMatch) {
                                // The value matched, so we modify the value
                                // and then set it back into the array.
                                String newValue;
                                synchronized (r) {
                                    newValue = r.subst(value,
                                        (String) subs.get(pattern));
                                values[i] = newValue;
                                ((HttpRequest) request).addParameter(
                                    name, values);
                                log("Parameter \"" + name + "\"'s value \"" +
                                    value + "\" matched pattern \"" +
                                    pattern + "\".  Remote addr: " +
        catch (Exception e) {
        finally {
            // Make sure the parameters map is locked again when we're done.
public booleangetEscapeAngleBrackets()
Gets the flag which determines whether this Valve will escape any angle brackets that are part of the request, before the request is performed.

        return escapeAngleBrackets;

public booleangetEscapeJavaScript()
Gets the flag which determines whether this Valve will escape any potentially dangerous references to JavaScript functions and objects that are part of the request, before the request is performed.

        return escapeJavaScript;

public booleangetEscapeQuotes()
Gets the flag which determines whether this Valve will escape any quotes (both double and single quotes) that are part of the request, before the request is performed.

    // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties


        return escapeQuotes;

public java.lang.StringgetInfo()
Return descriptive information about this Valve implementation.

        return info;

public voidinvoke(org.apache.catalina.Request request, org.apache.catalina.Response response, org.apache.catalina.ValveContext valveContext)
Sanitizes request parameters before bad user input gets into the web application.

request The servlet request to be processed
response The servlet response to be created
valveContext The valve context used to invoke the next valve in the current processing pipeline
IOException if an input/output error occurs
ServletException if a servlet error occurs

        // Skip logging for non-HTTP requests and responses.
        if (!(request instanceof HttpRequest) ||
            !(response instanceof HttpResponse)) {
            valveContext.invokeNext(request, response);

        // Only let requests through based on the allows and denies.
        if (denies.length > 0 || allows.length > 0) {
            if (processAllowsAndDenies(request, response, valveContext)) {

                // Filter the input for potentially dangerous JavaScript
                // code so that bad user input is cleaned out of the request
                // by the time Tomcat begins to perform the request.
                HashMap parameterEscapes = new HashMap();
                if (escapeQuotes) {
                    // Escape all quotes.
                if (escapeAngleBrackets) {
                    // Escape all angle brackets.
                if (escapeJavaScript) {
                    // Escape potentially dangerous JavaScript method calls.
                filterParameters(parameterEscapes, request);

                // Perform the request.
                valveContext.invokeNext(request, response);
protected voidlog(java.lang.String message)
Log the specified message to our current Logger (if any).

message Message to be logged

        Logger logger = container.getLogger();
        if (logger != null)
            logger.log(this.toString() + ": " + message);
            System.out.println(this.toString() + ": " + message);

public booleanprocessAllowsAndDenies(org.apache.catalina.Request request, org.apache.catalina.Response response, org.apache.catalina.ValveContext valveContext)
Uses the functionality of the (abstract) RequestFilterValve to stop requests that contain forbidden string patterns in parameter names and parameter values.

request The servlet request to be processed
response The servlet response to be created
ValveContext The valve context used to invoke the next valve in the current processing pipeline
IOException if an input/output error occurs
ServletException if a servlet error occurs
false if the request is forbidden, true otherwise.

        ParameterMap paramMap =
            (ParameterMap) ((HttpServletRequest) request).getParameterMap();
        // Loop through the list of parameters.
        Iterator y = paramMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (y.hasNext()) {
            String name = (String);
            String[] values = ((HttpServletRequest)

            // See if the name contains a forbidden pattern.
            if (!checkAllowsAndDenies(name, request, response,
                                      valveContext)) {
                return false;

            // Check the parameter's values for the pattern.
            if (values != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                    String value = values[i];
                    if (!checkAllowsAndDenies(value, request, response,
                                              valveContext)) {
                        return false;

        // The request should continue.
        return true;
public voidsetDebug(int debug)
Set the debugging detail level for this Valve.

debug The new debugging detail level.

        this.debug = debug;

public voidsetEscapeAngleBrackets(boolean escapeAngleBrackets)
Sets the flag which determines whether this Valve will escape any angle brackets that are part of the request, before the request is performed.


        this.escapeAngleBrackets = escapeAngleBrackets;

public voidsetEscapeJavaScript(boolean escapeJavaScript)
Sets the flag which determines whether this Valve will escape any potentially dangerous references to JavaScript functions and objects that are part of the request, before the request is performed.


        this.escapeJavaScript = escapeJavaScript;

public voidsetEscapeQuotes(boolean escapeQuotes)
Sets the flag which determines whether this Valve will escape any quotes (both double and single quotes) that are part of the request, before the request is performed.


        this.escapeQuotes = escapeQuotes;

public java.lang.StringtoString()
Return a text representation of this object.

        return ("BadInputFilterValve[container=" + container.getName() + ']");