SecondApplet.javaAPI DocExample1986Sun Dec 27 15:20:32 GMT 1998None


public class SecondApplet extends FirstApplet
FirstApplet is a simple applet that changes color when you click on a Draw button. SecondApplet extends it to allow Parameters. Depends on our ColorName class to map names to java.awt.Colors.

Fields Summary
the number of colors
The array of Colors to use
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringgetAppletInfo()
Return information about this applet.

		return "SecondApplet (Parameter Demo), Version 0\n" +
			"Copyright Ian F. Darwin";
public java.lang.String[][]getParameterInfo()
Return list of allowable parameters.

		String param_info[][] = {
			{"colorN",    "n = 0, 1, ...",    "Name or hex-tuple of color"},
		return param_info;
public voidinit()
init() is an Applet method called by the browser to initialize

		super.init();			// Call FirstApplet's init() to setup the GUI.

		// Now get the colors. Since we don't want the webmaster
		// to have to specify both the list of colors and the name,
		// we first count the colors.
		for (nColors=0; ; nColors++)
			if (getParameter("color" + nColors) == null)
		// Now we know the number, make the array
		if (nColors == 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("SecondApplet needs colors!");
		colors = new Color[nColors];
		for (int i=0; i<nColors; i++)
			colors[i] = ColorName.lookup(getParameter("color" + i));
public voidpaint(java.awt.Graphics g)
paint() is an AWT Component method, called when the component needs to be painted.

		/* If the drawn button has been pressed, draw something */
		if (requested) {
			int w = getSize().width, h=getSize().height;
			for (int i = 0; i<nColors; i++) {
				if (colors[i] == null)
				g.fillRect(i*w/nColors, 0, w/nColors, h);
			g.drawString("Welcome to Java", 50, 50);