ID3v11Tag.javaAPI DocJaudiotagger 2.0.419678Wed Jun 08 12:05:40 BST 2011org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3

 *  @author : Paul Taylor
 *  @author : Eric Farng
 *  Version @version:$Id: 976 2011-06-08 10:05:34Z paultaylor $
 *  MusicTag Copyright (C)2003,2004
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 *  General Public  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
 *  or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
 *  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not,
 *  you can get a copy from or write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
 * Description:
 * This class is for a ID3v1.1 Tag
package org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3;

import org.jaudiotagger.logging.ErrorMessage;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.*;
import org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.framebody.*;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

 * Represents an ID3v11 tag.
 * @author : Eric Farng
 * @author : Paul Taylor
public class ID3v11Tag extends ID3v1Tag

    //For writing output
    protected static final String TYPE_TRACK = "track";

    protected static final int TRACK_UNDEFINED = 0;
    protected static final int TRACK_MAX_VALUE = 255;
    protected static final int TRACK_MIN_VALUE = 1;

    protected static final int FIELD_COMMENT_LENGTH = 28;
    protected static final int FIELD_COMMENT_POS = 97;

    protected static final int FIELD_TRACK_INDICATOR_LENGTH = 1;
    protected static final int FIELD_TRACK_INDICATOR_POS = 125;

    protected static final int FIELD_TRACK_LENGTH = 1;
    protected static final int FIELD_TRACK_POS = 126;

     * Track is held as a single byte in v1.1
    protected byte track = (byte) TRACK_UNDEFINED;

    private static final byte RELEASE = 1;
    private static final byte MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
    private static final byte REVISION = 0;

     * Retrieve the Release
    public byte getRelease()
        return RELEASE;

     * Retrieve the Major Version
    public byte getMajorVersion()
        return MAJOR_VERSION;

     * Retrieve the Revision
    public byte getRevision()
        return REVISION;

     * Creates a new ID3v11 datatype.
    public ID3v11Tag()


    public int getFieldCount()
        return 7;

    public ID3v11Tag(ID3v11Tag copyObject)
        this.track = copyObject.track;

     * Creates a new ID3v11 datatype from a non v11 tag
     * @param mp3tag
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
    public ID3v11Tag(AbstractTag mp3tag)
        if (mp3tag != null)
            if (mp3tag instanceof ID3v1Tag)
                if (mp3tag instanceof ID3v11Tag)
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Copy Constructor not called. Please type cast the argument");
                // id3v1_1 objects are also id3v1 objects
                ID3v1Tag id3old = (ID3v1Tag) mp3tag;
                this.title = id3old.title;
                this.artist = id3old.artist;
                this.album = id3old.album;
                this.comment = id3old.comment;
                this.year = id3old.year;
                this.genre = id3old.genre;
                ID3v24Tag id3tag;
                // first change the tag to ID3v2_4 tag if not one already
                if (!(mp3tag instanceof ID3v24Tag))
                    id3tag = new ID3v24Tag(mp3tag);
                    id3tag = (ID3v24Tag) mp3tag;
                ID3v24Frame frame;
                String text;
                if (id3tag.hasFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_TITLE))
                    frame = (ID3v24Frame) id3tag.getFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_TITLE);
                    text = ((FrameBodyTIT2) frame.getBody()).getText();
                    this.title = ID3Tags.truncate(text, FIELD_TITLE_LENGTH);
                if (id3tag.hasFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_ARTIST))
                    frame = (ID3v24Frame) id3tag.getFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_ARTIST);
                    text = ((FrameBodyTPE1) frame.getBody()).getText();
                    this.artist = ID3Tags.truncate(text, FIELD_ARTIST_LENGTH);
                if (id3tag.hasFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_ALBUM))
                    frame = (ID3v24Frame) id3tag.getFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_ALBUM);
                    text = ((FrameBodyTALB) frame.getBody()).getText();
                    this.album = ID3Tags.truncate(text, FIELD_ALBUM_LENGTH);
                if (id3tag.hasFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_YEAR))
                    frame = (ID3v24Frame) id3tag.getFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_YEAR);
                    text = ((FrameBodyTDRC) frame.getBody()).getText();
                    this.year = ID3Tags.truncate(text, FIELD_YEAR_LENGTH);

                if (id3tag.hasFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_COMMENT))
                    Iterator iterator = id3tag.getFrameOfType(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_COMMENT);
                    text = "";
                    while (iterator.hasNext())
                        frame = (ID3v24Frame);
                        text += (((FrameBodyCOMM) frame.getBody()).getText() + " ");
                    this.comment = ID3Tags.truncate(text, FIELD_COMMENT_LENGTH);
                if (id3tag.hasFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_GENRE))
                    frame = (ID3v24Frame) id3tag.getFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_GENRE);
                    text = ((FrameBodyTCON) frame.getBody()).getText();
                        this.genre = (byte) ID3Tags.findNumber(text);
                    catch (TagException ex)
                        logger.log(Level.WARNING, getLoggingFilename() + ":" + "Unable to convert TCON frame to format suitable for v11 tag", ex);
                        this.genre = (byte) ID3v1Tag.GENRE_UNDEFINED;
                if (id3tag.hasFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_TRACK))
                    frame = (ID3v24Frame) id3tag.getFrame(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_TRACK);
                    this.track = (byte) ((FrameBodyTRCK) frame.getBody()).getTrackNo().intValue();

     * Creates a new ID3v11 datatype.
     * @param file
     * @param loggingFilename
     * @throws TagNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
    public ID3v11Tag(RandomAccessFile file, String loggingFilename) throws TagNotFoundException, IOException
        FileChannel fc;
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(TAG_LENGTH);

        fc = file.getChannel();
        fc.position(file.length() - TAG_LENGTH);;


     * Creates a new ID3v11 datatype.
     * @param file
     * @throws TagNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
     * @deprecated use {@link #ID3v11Tag(RandomAccessFile,String)} instead
    public ID3v11Tag(RandomAccessFile file) throws TagNotFoundException, IOException
        this(file, "");


     * Set Comment
     * @param comment
    public void setComment(String comment)
        if (comment == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessage.GENERAL_INVALID_NULL_ARGUMENT.getMsg());
        this.comment = ID3Tags.truncate(comment, FIELD_COMMENT_LENGTH);

     * Get Comment
     * @return comment
    public String getFirstComment()
        return comment;

     * Set the track, v11 stores track numbers in a single byte value so can only
     * handle a simple number in the range 0-255.
     * @param trackValue
    public void setTrack(String trackValue)
        int trackAsInt;
        //Try and convert String representation of track into an integer
            trackAsInt = Integer.parseInt(trackValue);
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
            trackAsInt = 0;

        //This value cannot be held in v1_1
        if ((trackAsInt > TRACK_MAX_VALUE) || (trackAsInt < TRACK_MIN_VALUE))
            this.track = (byte) TRACK_UNDEFINED;
            this.track = (byte) Integer.parseInt(trackValue);

     * Return the track number as a String.
     * @return track

    public String getFirstTrack()
        return String.valueOf(track & BYTE_TO_UNSIGNED);

    public void addTrack(String track)

    public List<TagField> getTrack()
        if (getFirst(FieldKey.TRACK).length() > 0)
            ID3v1TagField field = new ID3v1TagField(, getFirst(FieldKey.TRACK));
            return returnFieldToList(field);
            return new ArrayList<TagField>();

    public void setField(TagField field)
        FieldKey genericKey = FieldKey.valueOf(field.getId());
        if (genericKey == FieldKey.TRACK)

    public List<TagField> getFields(FieldKey genericKey)
        if (genericKey == FieldKey.TRACK)
            return getTrack();
            return super.getFields(genericKey);

    public String getFirst(FieldKey genericKey)
        switch (genericKey)
            case ARTIST:
                return getFirstArtist();

            case ALBUM:
                return getFirstAlbum();

            case TITLE:
                return getFirstTitle();

            case GENRE:
                return getFirstGenre();

            case YEAR:
                return getFirstYear();

            case TRACK:
                return getFirstTrack();

            case COMMENT:
                return getFirstComment();

                return "";

    public TagField getFirstField(String id)
        List<TagField> results;

        if (
            results = getTrack();
            if (results != null)
                if (results.size() > 0)
                    return results.get(0);
            return null;
            return super.getFirstField(id);

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return track <= 0 && super.isEmpty();

     * Delete any instance of tag fields with this key
     * @param genericKey
    public void deleteField(FieldKey genericKey)
        if (genericKey == FieldKey.TRACK)
            track = 0;

     * Compares Object with this only returns true if both v1_1 tags with all
     * fields set to same value
     * @param obj Comparing Object
     * @return
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        if (!(obj instanceof ID3v11Tag))
            return false;
        ID3v11Tag object = (ID3v11Tag) obj;
        return this.track == object.track && super.equals(obj);

     * Find identifier within byteBuffer to indicate that a v11 tag exists within the buffer
     * @param byteBuffer
     * @return true if find header for v11 tag within buffer
    public boolean seek(ByteBuffer byteBuffer)
        byte[] buffer = new byte[FIELD_TAGID_LENGTH];
        // read the TAG value
        byteBuffer.get(buffer, 0, FIELD_TAGID_LENGTH);
        if (!(Arrays.equals(buffer, TAG_ID)))
            return false;

        // Check for the empty byte before the TRACK
        if (byteBuffer.get() != END_OF_FIELD)
            return false;
        //Now check for TRACK if the next byte is also null byte then not v1.1
        //tag, however this means cannot have v1_1 tag with track setField to zero/undefined
        //because on next read will be v1 tag.
        return byteBuffer.get() != END_OF_FIELD;

     * Read in a tag from the ByteBuffer
     * @param byteBuffer from where to read in a tag
     * @throws TagNotFoundException if unable to read a tag in the byteBuffer
    public void read(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws TagNotFoundException
        if (!seek(byteBuffer))
            throw new TagNotFoundException("ID3v1 tag not found");
        logger.finer("Reading v1.1 tag");

        //Do single file read of data to cut down on file reads
        byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[TAG_LENGTH];
        byteBuffer.get(dataBuffer, 0, TAG_LENGTH);
        title = Utils.getString(dataBuffer, FIELD_TITLE_POS, FIELD_TITLE_LENGTH, "ISO-8859-1").trim();
        Matcher m = AbstractID3v1Tag.endofStringPattern.matcher(title);
        if (m.find())
            title = title.substring(0, m.start());
        artist = Utils.getString(dataBuffer, FIELD_ARTIST_POS, FIELD_ARTIST_LENGTH, "ISO-8859-1").trim();
        m = AbstractID3v1Tag.endofStringPattern.matcher(artist);
        if (m.find())
            artist = artist.substring(0, m.start());
        album = Utils.getString(dataBuffer, FIELD_ALBUM_POS, FIELD_ALBUM_LENGTH, "ISO-8859-1").trim();
        m = AbstractID3v1Tag.endofStringPattern.matcher(album);
        if (m.find())
            album = album.substring(0, m.start());
        year = Utils.getString(dataBuffer, FIELD_YEAR_POS, FIELD_YEAR_LENGTH, "ISO-8859-1").trim();
        m = AbstractID3v1Tag.endofStringPattern.matcher(year);
        if (m.find())
            year = year.substring(0, m.start());
        comment = Utils.getString(dataBuffer, FIELD_COMMENT_POS, FIELD_COMMENT_LENGTH, "ISO-8859-1").trim();
        m = AbstractID3v1Tag.endofStringPattern.matcher(comment);
        if (m.find())
            comment = comment.substring(0, m.start());
        track = dataBuffer[FIELD_TRACK_POS];
        genre = dataBuffer[FIELD_GENRE_POS];

     * Write this representation of tag to the file indicated
     * @param file that this tag should be written to
     * @throws IOException thrown if there were problems writing to the file
    public void write(RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException
        logger.config("Saving ID3v11 tag to file");
        byte[] buffer = new byte[TAG_LENGTH];
        int i;
        String str;
        System.arraycopy(TAG_ID, FIELD_TAGID_POS, buffer, FIELD_TAGID_POS, TAG_ID.length);
        int offset = FIELD_TITLE_POS;
        if (TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isId3v1SaveTitle())
            str = ID3Tags.truncate(title, FIELD_TITLE_LENGTH);
            for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
                buffer[i + offset] = (byte) str.charAt(i);
        offset = FIELD_ARTIST_POS;
        if (TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isId3v1SaveArtist())
            str = ID3Tags.truncate(artist, FIELD_ARTIST_LENGTH);
            for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
                buffer[i + offset] = (byte) str.charAt(i);
        offset = FIELD_ALBUM_POS;
        if (TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isId3v1SaveAlbum())
            str = ID3Tags.truncate(album, FIELD_ALBUM_LENGTH);
            for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
                buffer[i + offset] = (byte) str.charAt(i);
        offset = FIELD_YEAR_POS;
        if (TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isId3v1SaveYear())
            str = ID3Tags.truncate(year, FIELD_YEAR_LENGTH);
            for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
                buffer[i + offset] = (byte) str.charAt(i);
        offset = FIELD_COMMENT_POS;
        if (TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isId3v1SaveComment())
            str = ID3Tags.truncate(comment, FIELD_COMMENT_LENGTH);
            for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
                buffer[i + offset] = (byte) str.charAt(i);
        offset = FIELD_TRACK_POS;
        buffer[offset] = track; // skip one byte extra blank for 1.1 definition
        offset = FIELD_GENRE_POS;
        if (TagOptionSingleton.getInstance().isId3v1SaveGenre())
            buffer[offset] = genre;

        logger.config("Saved ID3v11 tag to file");

    public void createStructure()
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().openHeadingElement(TYPE_TAG, getIdentifier());
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_TITLE, this.title);
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_ARTIST, this.artist);
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_ALBUM, this.album);
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_YEAR, this.year);
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_COMMENT, this.comment);
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_TRACK, this.track);
        MP3File.getStructureFormatter().addElement(TYPE_GENRE, this.genre);
