XMLRequestProcessor2.javaAPI DocAzureus Mar 28 11:08:36 BST 2007org.gudy.azureus2.ui.webplugin.remoteui.xml.server


public class XMLRequestProcessor2 extends Object
Main methods here: : Takes input and output stream and starts off the processing. Is responsible for parsing XML, writing data to output stream, and capturing all unexpected exceptions. process: Mainly involved in chaining together the main subfunctions. Will get RPRequest object from XML document, get RPReply returned and serialise reply into XMLElement object. deserialiseObject: Takes XML node and is involve in reconstructing the object's fields - usually just for RPRequest objects. serialiseObject: Takes any object (including primitive wrapper objects) and tries to generate their XML. deserialiseValue: Deserialises any object, either normal Java types or resolves it to be RPObject instances (or their delegation). No other calls are performed, we don't deserialise any fields.

Fields Summary
protected org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.RPRequestHandler
protected org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocument
protected boolean
protected boolean
protected org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.LoggerChannel
Constructors Summary
protected XMLRequestProcessor2(org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.RPRequestHandler _request_handler, org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.RPRequestAccessController _access_controller, String _client_ip, InputStream _request, OutputStream _reply, org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface pi, org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.LoggerChannel rp_channel, boolean serialise_debug, boolean deserialise_debug, boolean space_out_xml)

        PrintWriter pw = null;
        try {
            pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(_reply, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING));
        catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){
            pw = new PrintWriter(_reply);

        this.serialise_debug = serialise_debug;
        this.deserialise_debug = deserialise_debug;
        this.request_handler = _request_handler;
        this.logger = rp_channel;
        pw.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");

        XMLElement response_xml = new XMLElement("RESPONSE", true);
            this.request = SimpleXMLParserDocumentFactory.create( _request);
            process(_client_ip , _access_controller, response_xml, pi);
        catch(Throwable e){
            RPException rpe = null;
            if (e instanceof SimpleXMLParserDocumentException) {
                rpe = new RPMalformedXMLException(e);
            else if (e instanceof RPException) {
                rpe = (RPException)e;
            else {
                rpe = new RPInternalProcessException(e);

            response_xml.printTo(pw, space_out_xml);
Methods Summary
public voiddebug_in(java.lang.String s)

        if (deserialise_debug) {
public voiddebug_in(java.lang.String s, java.lang.Throwable t)

        if (deserialise_debug) {
            this.logger.log(s, t);
public voiddebug_out(java.lang.String s, java.lang.Throwable t)

        if (serialise_debug) {
            this.logger.log(s, t);
public voiddebug_out(java.lang.String s)

        if (serialise_debug) {
public org.gudy.azureus2.core3.xml.util.XMLElementdescribeError(org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.RPException rpe)

        XMLElement xe = new XMLElement("ERROR", true);

        Class c = rpe.getErrorClass();
        if (c != null) {
            xe.addAttribute("class", RPUtils.getName(c));

        String type = rpe.getRPType();
        if (type != null) {
            xe.addAttribute("type", type);


        Throwable t = rpe.getSerialisableObject();

        try {
            if (t != null) {
                serialiseObject(t, ~Modifier.PRIVATE, xe);
        catch (RuntimeException re) {
             * Only uncheck this comment if you're a developer. Of course, only
             * developers would actually be uncommenting this line. ;)
            // throw re;
            Debug.out("Error serialising error object.");
        return xe;
protected java.lang.ObjectdeserialiseObject(org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode node, java.lang.Class cla)

         * hack I'm afraid, when deserialising request objects we need to use
         * the method to correctly deserialise parameters
        String request_method = null;

        if ( cla == RPRequest.class ){
            request_method = node.getChild( "METHOD" ).getValue().trim();
            debug_in("Beginning deserialisation of " + RPUtils.getName(cla) + " instance.");
            Object obj = cla.newInstance();
            Field[] fields = cla.getDeclaredFields();
            for (int i=0;i<fields.length;i++) {
                Field field = fields[i];
                int modifiers = field.getModifiers();

                // Field is either transient and / or static, so skip it.
                if ((modifiers & (Modifier.TRANSIENT | Modifier.STATIC)) !=0)

                String name = field.getName();
                SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode child = node.getChild(name);

                // There's no value for this field given in the XML.
                if (child == null)

                Class type = field.getType();

                debug_in("Deserialising field (\"" + name + "\", type: " + RPUtils.getName(type) + ")");

                if (type.isArray()) {
                    Class sub_type = type.getComponentType();

                    SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode[] entries = child.getChildren();
                    String[] bits = null;
                    int arr_length = entries.length;
                    if (request_method != null) {
                    	 * If we have a method signature, we will allow the number
                    	 * of arguments allowed there to determine how many arguments
                    	 * we are expecting - this gives us the caller a way of passing
                    	 * null as an argument (by omitting the ENTRY for the value they
                    	 * want to use null for).
                    	bits = MethodSignature.parse(request_method).arg_classes;
                    	arr_length = bits.length;
                    else {
                    	bits = (String[])Collections.nCopies(arr_length, "String").toArray(new String[arr_length]);

                    Object array = Array.newInstance(sub_type, arr_length);

                    debug_in("Attempting to deserialise " + entries.length + " entries for this field (which is an array type).");

                    for (int j=0; j<entries.length; j++) {

                        SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode array_child = entries[j];
                        SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute index_attr = array_child.getAttribute("index");
                        String index_str = index_attr==null?null:index_attr.getValue().trim();
                        int array_index = index_str==null?j:Integer.parseInt(index_str);
                        String bit = bits[array_index];
                        String sub_value = array_child.getValue().trim();
                        Object value_to_store = deserialiseValue(array_child, sub_value, bit, true);
                        Array.set(array, array_index, value_to_store);


                    debug_in("Finished deserialising array, about to set value.");
                    field.set(obj, array);
                    debug_in("Field \"" + name + "\" deserialised and set.");
                else {
                    String value = child.getValue().trim();

                    // We need to look at remote objects - because we need to
                    // get the object field to store on RPRequest.
                    Object obj_value = deserialiseValue(child, value, RPUtils.getName(type), true);
                    field.set(obj, obj_value);
                    debug_in("Field \"" + name + "\" deserialised and set.");
            } // end for loop
            return obj;

        catch (RPException e) {
            throw e;
public java.lang.ObjectdeserialiseValue(org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode node, java.lang.String string_value, java.lang.String class_type, boolean rp_lookup)

        Object parsed_value = null;
        Class result_class = XMLSerialisationUtils.getClass(class_type);
        if (result_class != null) {
            debug_in("Attempting to deserialise simple value of type \"" + RPUtils.getName(result_class) + "\"");

            try {
                parsed_value = XMLSerialisationUtils.deserialise(string_value, result_class);
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RPDeserialiseParseException(e, string_value, result_class);

        if (parsed_value != null) {
            debug_in("Deserialisation of simple value successful.");
            return parsed_value;

        if (rp_lookup) {
            debug_in("About to see if there is an object reference to process.");
            SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode obj_node_parent, obj_node = null;

             * We'll be a bit flexible with how we handle object references.
             * In most cases, they should be embedded in a OBJECT/_object_id
             * tag. However, that's not always possible - an RPRequest instance
             * never has the ID in an OBJECT tag.
             * Given that we can be called when node is either the parent of
             * an OBJECT tag or an _object_id tag, we'll cope with both
             * situations.
            obj_node_parent = node.getChild("OBJECT");
            if (obj_node_parent == null) {
                obj_node_parent = node;

            obj_node = obj_node_parent.getChild("_object_id");

            if (obj_node != null) {
                debug_in("Found object ID node, processing...");
                String oid_str = obj_node.getValue().trim();
                long oid = Long.parseLong(oid_str);
                RPObject local_rp_obj = RPObject._lookupLocal(oid);

                 * If we need an RPObject, then we'll just use this object.
                 * (RPRequest wants a RPObject).
                if (class_type.equals("RPObject")) {
                    debug_in("Found object (type required was RPObject, so we don't need to unwrap the value).");
                    return local_rp_obj;

                 * Otherwise, we want to provide the underlying object
                 * (like if we are passing a parameter).

                // Type check.
                Object local_obj = local_rp_obj._getDelegate();
                if (!RPUtils.issubclassByName(local_obj.getClass(), class_type)) {
                    throw new RPDeserialiseClassMismatchException(class_type, local_rp_obj._getName());

                debug_in("Found object with ID - returning " + RPUtils.describeObject(local_obj));
                return local_obj;
            else {
                debug_in("No object ID node found.");
        throw new RPUnsupportedInputTypeException(class_type);
public voidlog_general(java.lang.String s)

protected voidprocess(java.lang.String client_ip, org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.remote.RPRequestAccessController access_controller, org.gudy.azureus2.core3.xml.util.XMLElement response_xml, org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface pi)

        debug_in("About to deserialise the RPRequest");
        RPRequest req_obj = (RPRequest)deserialiseObject(this.request, RPRequest.class);

        log_general("REQUEST: " +
            "method=" + req_obj.getMethod() + ", " +
            "object=" + req_obj.getObject());


        RPReply reply = request_handler.processRequest(req_obj, access_controller);

        debug_out("About to serialise the RPReply");
        Map props = reply.getProperties();
        Iterator it = props.entrySet().iterator();
        XMLElement response_attr = null;
        Map.Entry mapping = null;
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            mapping = (Map.Entry);
            response_attr = new XMLElement((String)mapping.getKey());

        Object response = null;
        try {
            response = reply.getResponse();
        /* We don't need to catch all exceptions, we can just let them
           propogate. */
        catch (RPException e) {
            debug_out("RPException occurred - possibly occurred during the method invocation", e);
            log_general("RESPONSE (ERROR): " +
                ((e.getCause() == null) ? e : e.getCause()));

        if (RPUtils.hasDescriptiveToStringMethod(response)) {
            log_general("RESPONSE: " + response);
        else {
            log_general("RESPONSE: value=" + response + ", type=" + RPUtils.describeObject(response));

        if (response != null) {
            if (response.getClass().isArray()) {
            serialiseObject(response, 0xFFFFFFFF, response_xml);
protected voidserialiseObject(java.lang.Object obj, int original_modifier_filter, org.gudy.azureus2.core3.xml.util.XMLElement container)

        int modifier_filter = original_modifier_filter & (~(Modifier.TRANSIENT | Modifier.STATIC));

        Class cla = null;
        if (obj != null) {
        	cla = obj.getClass();
        String cla_name = (cla == null) ? "null" : RPUtils.getName(cla);
        debug_out("Serialising object of type \"" + cla_name + "\"");
        String value = XMLSerialisationUtils.serialise(obj, cla);
        if (value != null) {
            debug_out("Value was easily serialised into a string format.");

        if (cla.isArray()) {
            int len = Array.getLength(obj);
            debug_out("Object is array type - processing " + len + " item(s).");
            XMLElement entry_xml = null;
            for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
                entry_xml = new XMLElement("ENTRY", true);
                entry_xml.addAttribute("index", i);
                serialiseObject(Array.get(obj, i), original_modifier_filter, entry_xml);
            debug_out("Finished serialising array.");

        String obj_descr = RPUtils.describeObject(obj);

        debug_out("Need to use XMLSerialisationUtils to serialise " + obj_descr);
        Map[] attribute_data = XMLSerialisationUtils.getAttributeData(obj, modifier_filter);
        Map attribute_types = attribute_data[0];
        Map attribute_values = attribute_data[1];

        debug_out("Going to process " + attribute_values.size() + " attributes on " + obj_descr);

        Iterator attr_itr = attribute_values.entrySet().iterator();
        Map.Entry me = null;
        String key = null;
        while (attr_itr.hasNext()) {
            me = (Map.Entry);
            key = (String)me.getKey();
            if (me.getValue() != null) {
                debug_out("About to serialise attribute \"" + key + "\"");
                Class attr_class = (Class)attribute_types.get(key);
                if (attr_class == null) {
                    throw new NullPointerException("Trying to serialise attribute on " + obj + " (which belongs to " + container + ") - attrname: " + key + ", attrvalue: " + me.getValue() + ", but type not given!");
                XMLElement attribute_content = container.makeContent(key, !attr_class.isArray());
                serialiseObject(me.getValue(), original_modifier_filter, attribute_content);
            else {
                debug_out("Attribute \"" + key + "\" was null, skipping.");
        debug_out("Finished serialising " + obj_descr);