MudClient.javaAPI DocExample19278Mon Sep 22 13:30:32 BST 1997None

// This example is from _Java Examples in a Nutshell_. (
// Copyright (c) 1997 by David Flanagan
// This example is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either expressed or implied.
// You may study, use, modify, and distribute it for non-commercial purposes.
// For any commercial use, see

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.rmi.registry.*;
import java.util.*;
import Mud.*;

 * This class is a client program for the MUD.  The main() method sets up 
 * a connection to a RemoteMudServer, gets the initial RemoteMudPlace object,
 * and creates a MudPerson object to represent the user in the MUD.  Then it 
 * calls runMud() to put the person in the place, begins processing
 * user commands.  The getLine() and getMultiLine() methods are convenience
 * methods used throughout to get input from the user.
public class MudClient {
   * The main program.  It expects two or three arguments:
   *   0) the name of the host on which the mud server is running
   *   1) the name of the MUD on that host
   *   2) the name of a place within that MUD to start at (optional).
   * It uses the Naming.lookup() method to obtain a RemoteMudServer object
   * for the named MUD on the specified host.  Then it uses the getEntrance()
   * or getNamedPlace() method of RemoteMudServer to obtain the starting
   * RemoteMudPlace object.  It prompts the user for a their name and 
   * description, and creates a MudPerson object.  Finally, it passes
   * the person and the place to runMud() to begin interaction with the MUD.
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      String hostname = args[0];   // Each MUD is uniquely identified by a 
      String mudname = args[1];    //   host and a MUD name.
      String placename = null;     // Each place within a MUD has a unique name
      if (args.length > 2) placename = args[2];

      // Set the RMI security manager so that untrusted stub objects loaded 
      // over the network can't cause havoc.
      System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());

      // Look up the RemoteMudServer object for the named MUD using
      // the default registry on the specified host.  Note the use of
      // the Mud.mudPrefix constant to help prevent naming conflicts
      // in the registry.
      RemoteMudServer server = 
        (RemoteMudServer)Naming.lookup("rmi://" + hostname + "/" +
                                       Mud.mudPrefix + mudname);

      // If the user did not specify a place in the mud, use getEntrance()
      // to get the initial place.  Otherwise, call getNamedPlace() to find
      // the initial place.
      RemoteMudPlace location = null;
      if (placename == null) location = server.getEntrance();
      else location = (RemoteMudPlace) server.getNamedPlace(placename);

      // Greet the user and ask for their name and description.
      // This relies on getLine() and getMultiLine() defined below.
      System.out.println("Welcome to " + mudname);
      String name = getLine("Enter your name: ");
      String description = getMultiLine("Please describe what " +
                                        "people see when they look at you:");

      // Define an output stream that the MudPerson object will use to
      // display messages sent to it to the user.  We'll use the console.
      PrintWriter myout = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));

      // Create a MudPerson object to represent the user in the MUD.
      // Use the specified name and description, and the output stream.
      MudPerson me = new MudPerson(name, description, myout);

      // Lower this thread's priority one notch so that broadcast messages
      // can appear even when we're blocking for I/O.  This is necessary
      // on the Linux platform, but may not be necessary on all platforms.
      int pri = Thread.currentThread().getPriority();

      // Finally, put the MudPerson into the RemoteMudPlace, and start
      // prompting the user for commands.
      runMud(location, me);
    // If anything goes wrong, print a message and exit.
    catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Usage: java MudClient <host> <mud> [<place>]");

   * This method is the main loop of the MudClient.  It places the person
   * into the place (using the enter() method of RemoteMudPlace).  Then it
   * calls the look() method to describe the place to the user, and enters a
   * command loop to prompt the user for a command and process the command
  public static void runMud(RemoteMudPlace entrance, MudPerson me) 
       throws RemoteException {
    RemoteMudPlace location = entrance;   // The current place
    String myname = me.getName();         // The person's name
    String placename = null;              // The name of the current place
    String mudname = null;                // The name of the mud of that place

    try { 
      // Enter the MUD
      location.enter(me, myname, myname + " has entered the MUD."); 
      // Figure out where we are (for the prompt)
      mudname = location.getServer().getMudName();
      placename = location.getPlaceName();
      // Describe the place to the user
    catch (Exception e) {

    // Now that we've entered the MUD, begin a command loop to process
    // the user's commands.  Note that there is a huge block of catch
    // statements at the bottom of the loop to handle all the things that
    // could go wrong each time through the loop.
    for(;;) {  // Loop until the user types "quit"
      try {    // Catch any exceptions that occur in the loop
        // Pause just a bit before printing the prompt, to give output
        // generated indirectly by the last command a chance to appear.
        try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

        // Display a prompt, and get the user's input
        String line = getLine(mudname + '.' + placename + "> ");

        // Break the input into a command and an argument that consists 
        // of the rest of the line.  Convert the command to lowercase.
        String cmd, arg;
        int i = line.indexOf(' ');
        if (i == -1) { cmd = line; arg = null; }
        else {
          cmd = line.substring(0, i).toLowerCase();
          arg = line.substring(i+1);
        if (arg == null) arg = "";

        // Now go process the command.  What follows is a huge repeated 
        // if/else statement covering each of the commands supported by
        // this client.  Many of these commands simply invoke one of the
        // remote methods of the current RemoteMudPlace object.  Some have
        // to do a bit of additional processing.

        // LOOK: Describe the place and its things, people, and exits
        if (cmd.equals("look")) look(location);
        // EXAMINE: Describe a named thing
        else if (cmd.equals("examine")) 
        // DESCRIBE: Describe a named person
        else if (cmd.equals("describe")) {
          try { 
            RemoteMudPerson p = location.getPerson(arg);
          catch(RemoteException e) {
            System.out.println(arg + " is having technical difficulties.  " + 
                               "No description is available.");
        // GO: Go in a named direction
        else if (cmd.equals("go")) {
          location = location.go(me, arg);
          mudname = location.getServer().getMudName();
          placename = location.getPlaceName();
        // SAY: Say something to everyone 
        else if (cmd.equals("say")) location.speak(me, arg);
        // DO: Do something that will be described to everyone
        else if (cmd.equals("do")) location.act(me, arg);
        // TALK: Say something to one named person
        else if (cmd.equals("talk")) {
          try {
            RemoteMudPerson p = location.getPerson(arg);
            String msg = getLine("What do you want to say?: ");
            p.tell(myname + " says \"" + msg + "\"");
          catch (RemoteException e) {
            System.out.println(arg + " is having technical difficulties.  " + 
                               "Can't talk to them.");
        // CHANGE: Change my own description 
        else if (cmd.equals("change"))
          me.setDescription(getMultiLine("Describe yourself for others: "));
        // CREATE: Create a new thing in this place
        else if (cmd.equals("create")) {
          if (arg.length() == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("name expected");
          String desc = getMultiLine("Please describe the " + arg + ": ");
          location.createThing(me, arg, desc);
        // DESTROY: Destroy a named thing
        else if (cmd.equals("destroy")) location.destroyThing(me, arg);
        // OPEN: Create a new place and connect this place to it through
        // the exit specified in the argument.
        else if (cmd.equals("open")) {
          if (arg.length() == 0) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction expected");
          String name = getLine("What is the name of place there?: ");
          String back = getLine("What is the direction from " + 
                                "there back to here?: ");
          String desc = getMultiLine("Please describe " + name + ":");
          location.createPlace(me, arg, back, name, desc);
        // CLOSE: Close a named exit.  Note: only closes an exit
        // uni-directionally, and does not destroy a place.
        else if (cmd.equals("close")) {
          if (arg.length() == 0) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction expected");
          location.close(me, arg);
        // LINK: Create a new exit that connects to an existing place
        // that may be in another MUD running on another host
        else if (cmd.equals("link")) {
          if (arg.length() == 0) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction expected");
          String host = getLine("What host are you linking to?: ");
          String mud = getLine("What is the name of the MUD on that host?: ");
          String place = getLine("What is the place name in that MUD?: ");
          location.linkTo(me, arg, host, mud, place);
          System.out.println("Don't forget to make a link from there " +
                             "back to here!");
        // DUMP: Save the state of this MUD into the named file,
        // if the password is correct
        else if (cmd.equals("dump")) {
          if (arg.length() == 0) 
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("filename expected");
          String password = getLine("Password: ");
          location.getServer().dump(password, arg);
        // QUIT: Quit the game
        else if (cmd.equals("quit")) {
          try { location.exit(me, myname + " has quit."); } 
          catch (Exception e) {}
        // HELP: Print out a big help message
        else if (cmd.equals("help")) {
          String help = 
            "Commands are:\n" + 
            "look: Look around\n" +
            "examine <thing>: examine the named thing in more detail\n" +
            "describe <person>: describe the named person\n" +
            "go <direction>: go in the named direction (i.e. a named exit)\n" +
            "say <message>: say something to everyone\n" +
            "do <message>: tell everyone that you are doing something\n" +
            "talk <person>: talk to one person.  Will prompt for message\n" +
            "change: change how you are described.  Will prompt for input\n" +
            "create <thing>: create a new thing.  Prompts for description \n" +
            "destroy <thing>: destroy a thing.\n" + 
            "open <direction>: create an adjoining place. Prompts for input\n"+
            "close <direction>: close an exit from this place.\n" +
            "link <direction>: create an exit to an existing place,\n" +
            "     perhaps on another server.  Will prompt for input.\n" +
            "dump <filename>: save server state.  Prompts for password\n" +
            "quit: leave the Mud\n" +
            "help: display this message";
        // Otherwise, this is an unrecognized command.
        else System.out.println("Unknown command.  Try 'help'.");
      // Handle the many possible types of MudException
      catch (MudException e) {
        if (e instanceof NoSuchThing) 
          System.out.println("There isn't any such thing here."); 
        else if (e instanceof NoSuchPerson) 
          System.out.println("There isn't anyone by that name here.");
        else if (e instanceof NoSuchExit) 
          System.out.println("There isn't an exit in that direction."); 
        else if (e instanceof NoSuchPlace) 
          System.out.println("There isn't any such place."); 
        else if (e instanceof ExitAlreadyExists)
          System.out.println("There is already an exit in that direction.");
        else if (e instanceof PlaceAlreadyExists)
          System.out.println("There is already a place with that name.");
        else if (e instanceof LinkFailed)
          System.out.println("That exit is not functioning.");
        else if (e instanceof BadPassword) 
          System.out.println("Invalid password."); 
        else if (e instanceof NotThere)      // Shouldn't happen
          System.out.println("You can't do that when you're not there."); 
        else if (e instanceof AlreadyThere)  // Shouldn't happen
          System.out.println("You can't go there; you're already there.");
      // Handle RMI exceptions
      catch (RemoteException e) {
        System.out.println("The MUD is having technical difficulties.");
        System.out.println("Perhaps the server has crashed:");
      // Handle everything else that could go wrong.
      catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Syntax or other error:");
        System.out.println("Try using the 'help' command.");

   * This convenience method is used in several places in the
   * runMud() method above.  It displays the name and description of
   * the current place (including the name of the mud the place is in), 
   * and also displays the list of things, people, and exits in
   * the current place.
  public static void look(RemoteMudPlace p) 
       throws RemoteException, MudException {
    String mudname = p.getServer().getMudName();  // Mud name
    String placename = p.getPlaceName();          // Place name
    String description = p.getDescription();      // Place description
    Vector things = p.getThings();                // List of things here
    Vector names = p.getNames();                  // List of people here
    Vector exits = p.getExits();                  // List of exits from here

    // Print it all out
    System.out.println("You are in: " + placename + " of the Mud: " + mudname);
    System.out.print("Things here: ");
    for(int i = 0; i < things.size(); i++) {      // Display list of things
      if (i > 0) System.out.print(", ");
    System.out.print("\nPeople here: ");
    for(int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {       // Display list of people
      if (i > 0) System.out.print(", ");
    System.out.print("\nExits are: ");
    for(int i = 0; i < exits.size(); i++) {       // Display list of exits
      if (i > 0) System.out.print(", ");
    System.out.println();                         // Blank line
    System.out.flush();                           // Make it appear now!

  /** This static input stream reads lines from the console */
  static BufferedReader in =
       new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

   * A convenience method for prompting the user and getting a line of 
   * input.  It guarantees that the line is not empty and strips off 
   * whitespace at the beginning and end of the line.
  public static String getLine(String prompt) {
    String line = null;
    do {                           // Loop until a non-empty line is entered
      try {
        System.out.print(prompt);             // Display prompt
        System.out.flush();                   // Display it right away
        line = in.readLine();                 // Get a line of input
        if (line != null) line = line.trim(); // Strip off whitespace
      } catch (Exception e) {}                // Ignore any errors
    } while((line == null) || (line.length() == 0));
    return line;

   * A convenience method for getting multi-line input from the user.
   * It prompts for the input, displays instructions, and guarantees that
   * the input is not empty.  It also allows the user to enter the name of
   * a file from which text will be read.
  public static String getMultiLine(String prompt) {
    String text = "";
    for(;;) {  // We'll break out of this loop when we get non-empty input
      try {
        BufferedReader br = in;       // The stream to read from 
        System.out.println(prompt);   // Display the prompt
        // Display some instructions
        System.out.println("You can enter multiple lines.  " + 
                           "End with a '.' on a line by itself.\n" +
                           "Or enter a '<<' followed by a filename");
        // Make the prompt and instructions appear now.
        // Read lines
        String line;
        while((line = br.readLine()) != null) {    // Until EOF
          if (line.equals(".")) break;             // Or until a dot by itself
          // Or, if a file is specified, start reading from it instead of
          // from the console.
          if (line.trim().startsWith("<<")) {      
            String filename = line.trim().substring(2).trim();
            br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
            continue;  // Don't count the << line as part of the input
          else text += line + "\n";  // Add the line to the collected input
        // If we got at least one line, return it.  Otherwise, chastise the
        // user and go back to the prompt and the instructions.
        if (text.length() > 0) return text;
        else System.out.println("Please enter at least one line.");
      // If there were errors, for example an IO error reading a file,
      // display the error and loop again, displaying prompt and instructions
      catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); }