AlertLFImpl.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)19273Wed May 02 18:00:22 BST 2007javax.microedition.lcdui

 * Copyright  1990-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is
 * included at /legal/license.txt).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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package javax.microedition.lcdui;

import com.sun.midp.i18n.Resource;
import com.sun.midp.i18n.ResourceConstants;
import com.sun.midp.util.ResourceHandler;

import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;


 * Look & Feel implementation of <code>Alert</code> based on
 * platform widget.
class AlertLFImpl extends DisplayableLFImpl implements AlertLF {

     * Creates an <code>AlertLF</code> for the passed in <code>Alert</code>
     * instance.
     * @param a The <code>Alert</code> associated with this look & feel
    AlertLFImpl(Alert a) {
        alert = a;

    // ************************************************************
    //  public methods - AlertLF interface implementation
    // ************************************************************

     * Determines if <code>Alert</code> associated with this view is modal.
     * @return true if this <code>AlertLF</code> should be displayed as modal
    public boolean lIsModal() {
        if (alert.numCommands > 1) {
            return true;

        if (isContentScroll < 0) {

        return (isContentScroll == 1);

     * Gets default timeout for the <code>Alert</code> associated with
     * this view.
     * @return the default timeout
    public int lGetDefaultTimeout() {
        return DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;

     * Return the command that should be mapped to
     * <code>Alert.DISMISS_COMMAND</code>.
     * @return command that maps to <code>Alert.DISMISS_COMMAND</code>
    public Command lGetDismissCommand() {
        return DISMISS_COMMAND;

     * Notifies timeout change.
     * Changing timeout on an already visible <code>Alert</code> will
     * restart the timer, but has no effect on current layout.
     * @param timeout the new timeout set in the corresponding
     *                <code>Alert</code>.
    public void lSetTimeout(int timeout) {
        if (timerTask != null) {
            try {
                if (timeout == Alert.FOREVER) {
                    timerTask = null;
                } else {
                    timerTask = new TimeoutTask();
                    timeoutTimer.schedule(timerTask, timeout);
            } catch (Throwable t) { }

     * Notifies <code>Alert</code> type change.
     * Changing type on an already visible <code>Alert</code> will only
     * update the default icon. No sound will be played.
     * @param type the new <code>AlertType</code> set in the
     *             corresponding <code>Alert</code>.
    public void lSetType(AlertType type) {

     * Notifies string change.
     * @param oldString the old string set in the corresponding
     *                  <code>Alert</code>.
     * @param newString the new string set in the corresponding
     *                  <code>Alert</code>.
    public void lSetString(String oldString, String newString) {

     * Notifies image change.
     * @param oldImg the old image set in the corresponding
     *               <code>Alert</code>.
     * @param newImg the new image set in the corresponding
     *               <code>Alert</code>.
    public void lSetImage(Image oldImg, Image newImg) {

     * Notifies indicator change.
     * @param oldIndicator the old indicator set in the corresponding
     *                     <code>Alert</code>.
     * @param newIndicator the new indicator set in the corresponding
     *                     <code>Alert</code>.
    public void lSetIndicator(Gauge oldIndicator, Gauge newIndicator) {

     * Notify this <code>Alert</code> that it is being displayed.
     * Override the version in <code>DisplayableLFImpl</code>.
    void lCallShow() {

        // Create native resource with title and ticker

        // Play sound
        if (alert.type != null) {

        // Setup contained items and show them

        // Show the Alert dialog window

        // Start Java timer
        // If native dialog will cause VM to freeze, this timer
        // needs to be moved to native.
        if (alert.time != Alert.FOREVER
            && alert.numCommands == 1
            && isContentScroll == 0) {

            if (timeoutTimer == null) {
                timeoutTimer = new Timer();
            timerTask = new TimeoutTask();
            timeoutTimer.schedule(timerTask, alert.time);

     * Notify this <code>Alert</code> that it will no longer be displayed.
     * Override the version in <code>DisplayableLFImpl</code>.
    void lCallHide() {

        // Stop the timer
        if (timerTask != null) {
            try {
                timerTask = null;
            } catch (Throwable t) { }

        // Hide and delete gauge resource
        if (alert.indicator != null) {
            GaugeLFImpl gaugeLF = (GaugeLFImpl)alert.indicator.gaugeLF;



            if (gaugeLF.visibleInViewport) {

        // Hide and delete alert dialog window including title and ticker

     * Called by the event handler to perform a re-layout
     * on this <code>AlertLF</code>.
    public void uCallInvalidate() {
        synchronized (Display.LCDUILock) {

     * Notify return screen about screen size change
    public void uCallSizeChanged(int w, int h) {
        Displayable returnScreen = alert.getReturnScreen();
        if (returnScreen != null) {

    // *****************************************************
    //  Package private methods
    // *****************************************************

     * Called upon content change to schedule a request for relayout and
     * repaint.
    void lRequestInvalidate() {
        isContentScroll = -1; // Unknown scrolling state

    // *****************************************************
    //  Private methods
    // *****************************************************

     * Layout the content of this <code>Alert</code>.
     * Query native resource for two informations:
     * - Whether the content needs scrolling, in 'isContentScroll'
     * - Location of the gauge indicator
     * SYNC NOTE: Caller of this function should hold LCDUILock around
     *            this call.
    private void layout() {

        boolean wasNoNative = (nativeId == INVALID_NATIVE_ID);

        // If no native resource yet, create it temporarily
        if (wasNoNative) {

        Image img = alert.image;

        // If no image is specified, default icon for that type should be used
        if (img == null && alert.type != null) {
            img = getAlertImage(alert.type);

        // Bounds array of gauge
        // The reason gauge bounds is passed back from native is to be
        // consistent with Form's Java layout code.
        int[] gaugeBounds;
        GaugeLFImpl gaugeLF;

        if (alert.indicator == null) {
            gaugeLF = null;
            gaugeBounds = null;
        } else {
            // We temporarily use bounds array in gauge
            // The real values will be set later by setSize() and setLocation()
            gaugeLF = (GaugeLFImpl)alert.indicator.gaugeLF;
            gaugeBounds = new int[4];

            // Pass gauge's preferred size to native layout code
            gaugeBounds[WIDTH]  = gaugeLF.lGetPreferredWidth(-1);
            gaugeBounds[HEIGHT] = gaugeLF.lGetPreferredHeight(-1);

        ImageData imageData = null;

        if (img != null) {
            imageData = img.getImageData();

        // Set content to native dialog and get layout information back
        if (setNativeContents0(nativeId, imageData,
                               gaugeBounds, alert.text)) {
            isContentScroll = 1; // scrolling needed
        } else {
            isContentScroll = 0; // no scrolling

        // Set gauge location and size based on return from native layout code
        if (gaugeBounds != null) {
            gaugeLF.lSetSize(gaugeBounds[WIDTH], gaugeBounds[HEIGHT]);
            gaugeLF.lSetLocation(gaugeBounds[X], gaugeBounds[Y]);

        // Native resource should only be kept alive if it's visible
        // Free temporarily created native resource here
        if (wasNoNative) {

     * Show or update contents on a visible <code>Alert</code>.
     * SYNC NOTE: Caller must hold LCDUILock around this call.
    private void showContents() {

        // Make sure gauge has native resource ready
        GaugeLFImpl gaugeLF = (alert.indicator == null)
                                        ? null
                                        : (GaugeLFImpl)alert.indicator.gaugeLF;

        if (gaugeLF != null && gaugeLF.nativeId == INVALID_NATIVE_ID) {

        // Re-populate the alert with updated contents

        // Make sure gauge is shown
        if (gaugeLF != null) {

            // SYNC NOTE: Since Gauge show and showNotify does not involve
            // application code, we can call it while holding LCDUILock

            // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: when gauge is present in the Alert
            // its visibleInViewport will always be set to true.
            // If dynamic update of gauge's visibleInViewport flag is
            // required in AlertLFImpl
            // uViewportChanged() can be moved up from FormLFImpl to
            // DisplayableLFImpl

     * Create native resource for this <code>Alert</code>.
     * <code>Gauge</code> resource will not be created.
    void createNativeResource() {

        nativeId = createNativeResource0(alert.title,
                        alert.ticker == null ? null : alert.ticker.getString(),
                        alert.type == null ? 0 : alert.type.getType());

     * Create native dialog with image and text widget for this
     * <code>Alert</code>.
     * @param title the title being passed to native
     * @param tickerText text to be displayed on the <code>Ticker</code>
     * @param type the type of <code>Alert</code>
     * @return native resource id
    private native int createNativeResource0(String title,
                                             String tickerText,
                                             int type);

     * (Re)Show native dialog with image and text widget for this
     * <code>Alert<code>.
     * @param nativeId native resource id
    private native void showNativeResource0(int nativeId);

     * Set content to native dialog.
     * @param nativeId IN this alert's resource id (MidpDisplayable *)
     * @param imgId IN icon image native id. 0 if no image.
     * @param indicatorBounds a 4 integer array for indicator gauge
     *                        [0] : OUT x coordinate in alert dialog
     *                        [1] : OUT y coordinate in alert dialog
     *                        [2] : IN/OUT width of the gauge, in pixels
     *                        [3] : IN/OUT height of the gauge, in pixels
     *                        null if no indicator gauge present.
     * @param text IN alert text string
     * @return <code>true</code> if content requires scrolling
    private native boolean setNativeContents0(int nativeId,
                                              ImageData imgId,
                                              int[] indicatorBounds,
                                              String text);

     * Get the corresponding image for a given alert type.
     * @param alertType type defined in <code>AlertType</code>
     * @return image object to be displayed. Null if type is invalid.
    private Image getAlertImage(AlertType alertType) {
        if (alertType != null) {
            if (alertType.equals(AlertType.INFO)) {
                if (ALERT_INFO == null) {
                    ALERT_INFO = getSystemImage("alert.image_icon_info");
                return ALERT_INFO;
            } else if (alertType.equals(AlertType.WARNING)) {
                if (ALERT_WARN == null) {
                    ALERT_WARN = getSystemImage("alert.image_icon_warn");
                return ALERT_WARN;
            } else if (alertType.equals(AlertType.ERROR)) {
                if (ALERT_ERR == null) {
                    ALERT_ERR = getSystemImage("alert.image_icon_errr");
                return ALERT_ERR;
            } else if (alertType.equals(AlertType.ALARM)) {
                if (ALERT_ALRM == null) {
                    ALERT_ALRM = getSystemImage("alert.image_icon_alrm");
                return ALERT_ALRM;
            } else if (alertType.equals(AlertType.CONFIRMATION)) {
                if (ALERT_CFM == null) {
                    ALERT_CFM = getSystemImage("alert.image_icon_cnfm");
                return ALERT_CFM;

        return null;

     * Obtain system image resource and create Image object from it.
     * @param imageName image name
     * @return icon image
    private Image getSystemImage(String imageName) {
        byte[] imageData = ResourceHandler.getSystemImageResource(
                classSecurityToken, imageName);
        if (imageData != null) {
            return Image.createImage(imageData, 0, imageData.length);
        } else {
            // Use a empty immutable image as placeholder
            return Image.createImage(Image.createImage(16, 16));

    // *****************************************************
    //  Private members
    // *****************************************************

     * Inner class to request security token from SecurityInitializer.
     * SecurityInitializer should be able to check this inner class name.
    static private class SecurityTrusted
        implements ImplicitlyTrustedClass {};

    /** Security token to allow access to implementation APIs */
    private static SecurityToken classSecurityToken =
        SecurityInitializer.requestToken(new SecurityTrusted());

     * Internal command used to visually represent
     * <code>Alert.DISMISS_COMMAND</code>.
    private static final Command DISMISS_COMMAND =
        new Command(Resource.getString(ResourceConstants.DONE),
                    Command.CANCEL, 0);

     * The default timeout of all alerts.
    private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 2000;

     * A <code>Timer</code> which serves all <code>Alert</code> objects
     * to schedule their timeout tasks.
    private static Timer timeoutTimer;

     * <code>Alert</code> associated with this view.
    private Alert alert;

     * A <code>TimerTask</code> which will be set to expire this
     * <code>Alert</code> after its timeout period has elapsed.
    private TimerTask timerTask;

     * A flag that indicates whether the content of the alert
     * needs scrolling.
     * Valid values are: -1: unknown, 0: no scrolling, 1: scrolling needed.
    private int isContentScroll = -1; // Default is unknown

     * An image to be drawn in <code>Alert</code> when it was
     * created with AlertType ALARM.
    private static Image ALERT_ALRM; // = null

     * An image to be drawn in <code>Alert</code> when it was
     * created with AlertType CONFIRMATION..
    private static Image ALERT_CFM; // = null

     * An image to be drawn in <code>Alert</code> when it was
     * created with AlertType ERROR.
    private static Image ALERT_ERR; // = null

     * An image to be drawn in <code>Alert</code> when it was
     * created with AlertType INFO.
    private static Image ALERT_INFO; // = null

     * An image to be drawn in <code>Alert</code> when it was
     * created with AlertType WARNING.
    private static Image ALERT_WARN; // = null

    // *****************************************************
    //  Inner Class for timed dismiss
    // *****************************************************

     * A <code>TimerTask</code> subclass which will notify the
     * <code>Display</code> to make the 'returnScreen' of this
     * <code>Alert</code> the new current screen.
    private class TimeoutTask extends TimerTask {

         * Create a new timeout task.
         * This package protected constructor is just to enable creation
         * of new TimerTask instance.
        TimeoutTask() { }

         * Simply set the <code>Display</code>'s current screen to be this
         * <code>Alert</code>'s return screen.
        public void run() {
    } // TimeoutTask