NativeConverter.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API18744Wed May 06 22:41:04 BST

* Copyright (C) 1996-2006, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *


 * Class for accessing the underlying JNI methods
 * @internal ICU 2.4
final class NativeConverter{
    //Native methods
     * Converts an array of bytes containing characters in an external
     * encoding into an array of Unicode characters.  This  method allows
     * a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream.  The state of the
     * conversion is saved between calls to convert.  Among other things,
     * this means multibyte input sequences can be split between calls.
     * If a call to convert results in an Error, the conversion may be
     * continued by calling convert again with suitably modified parameters.
     * All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
     * @param input byte array containing text to be converted.
     * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
     * @param output character array to receive conversion result.
     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
     * @param data integer array containing the following data    
     *        data[0] = inputOffset
     *        data[1] = outputOffset
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int convertByteToChar( long converterHandle,
                                   byte[] input, int inEnd,
                                   char[] output, int outEnd,
                                   int[] data,
                                   boolean flush);
     * Converts an array of bytes containing characters in an external
     * encoding into an array of Unicode characters.  This  method allows
     * a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream.  The state of the
     * conversion is saved between calls to convert.  Among other things,
     * this means multibyte input sequences can be split between calls.
     * If a call to convert results in an Error, the conversion may be
     * continued by calling convert again with suitably modified parameters.
     * All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
     * @param input byte array containing text to be converted.
     * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
     * @param output character array to receive conversion result.
     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
     * @param data integer array containing the following data    
     *        data[0] = inputOffset
     *        data[1] = outputOffset
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int decode( long converterHandle,
                                   byte[] input, int inEnd,
                                   char[] output, int outEnd,
                                   int[] data,
                                   boolean flush);
     * Converts an array of Unicode chars containing characters in an 
     * external encoding into an array of bytes.  This  method allows
     * a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream.  The state of the
     * conversion is saved between calls to convert.  Among other things,
     * this means multibyte input sequences can be split between calls.
     * If a call to convert results in an Error, the conversion may be
     * continued by calling convert again with suitably modified parameters.
     * All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
     * @param input char array containing text to be converted.
     * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
     * @param output byte array to receive conversion result.
     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
     * @param data integer array containing the following data    
     *        data[0] = inputOffset
     *        data[1] = outputOffset
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int convertCharToByte(long converterHandle,
                                   char[] input, int inEnd,
                                   byte[] output, int outEnd,
                                   int[] data,
                                   boolean flush); 
     * Converts an array of Unicode chars containing characters in an 
     * external encoding into an array of bytes.  This  method allows
     * a buffer by buffer conversion of a data stream.  The state of the
     * conversion is saved between calls to convert.  Among other things,
     * this means multibyte input sequences can be split between calls.
     * If a call to convert results in an Error, the conversion may be
     * continued by calling convert again with suitably modified parameters.
     * All conversions should be finished with a call to the flush method.
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
     * @param input char array containing text to be converted.
     * @param inEnd stop conversion at this offset in input array (exclusive).
     * @param output byte array to receive conversion result.
     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
     * @param data integer array containing the following data    
     *        data[0] = inputOffset
     *        data[1] = outputOffset
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int encode(long converterHandle,
                                   char[] input, int inEnd,
                                   byte[] output, int outEnd,
                                   int[] data,
                                   boolean flush);
     * Writes any remaining output to the output buffer and resets the
     * converter to its initial state. 
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by C code
     * @param output byte array to receive flushed output.
     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @param data integer array containing the following data    
     *        data[0] = inputOffset
     *        data[1] = outputOffset
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int flushCharToByte(long converterHandle,
                                   byte[] output, 
                                   int outEnd, 
                                   int[] data);
     * Writes any remaining output to the output buffer and resets the
     * converter to its initial state. 
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param output char array to receive flushed output.
     * @param outEnd stop writing to output array at this offset (exclusive).
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @param data integer array containing the following data    
     *        data[0] = inputOffset
     *        data[1] = outputOffset
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int flushByteToChar(long converterHandle,
                                   char[] output,  
                                   int outEnd, 
                                   int[] data);
     * Open the converter with the specified encoding
     * @param converterHandle long array for recieving the adress of converter object
     *        created by the native code
     * @param encoding string representing encoding
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native long openConverter(String encoding);
     * Resets the ByteToChar (toUnicode) state of specified converter 
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native void resetByteToChar(long  converterHandle);
     * Resets the CharToByte (fromUnicode) state of specified converter 
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native void resetCharToByte(long  converterHandle);
     * Closes the specified converter and releases the resources
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native void closeConverter(long converterHandle);
     * Sets the substitution Unicode chars of the specified converter used
     * by encoder
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param subChars array of chars to used for substitution
     * @param length length of the array 
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int setSubstitutionChars( long converterHandle,
                                   char[] subChars,int length); 
     * Sets the substitution bytes of the specified converter used by decoder
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param subChars array of bytes to used for substitution
     * @param length length of the array 
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int setSubstitutionBytes( long converterHandle,
                                   byte[] subChars,int length);
     * Sets the substitution mode of CharToByte(fromUnicode) for the specified converter 
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param mode to set the true/false
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int setSubstitutionModeCharToByte(long converterHandle, 
                                   boolean mode);
     * Sets the substitution mode of CharToByte(fromUnicode) for the specified converter 
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param mode to set the true/false
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 3.6
    public static final native int setSubstitutionModeByteToChar(long converterHandle, 
                                   boolean mode);
     * Gets the numnber of invalid bytes in the specified converter object 
     * for the last error that has occured
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param length array of int to recieve length of the array 
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int countInvalidBytes(long converterHandle, int[] length);
     * Gets the numnber of invalid chars in the specified converter object 
     * for the last error that has occured
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param length array of int to recieve length of the array 
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int countInvalidChars(long converterHandle, int[] length);
     * Gets the number of bytes needed for converting a char
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @return number of bytes needed
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int getMaxBytesPerChar(long converterHandle);
     * Gets the number of bytes needed for converting a char
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @return number of bytes needed
     * @internal ICU 3.2
    public static final native int getMinBytesPerChar(long converterHandle);
     * Gets the average numnber of bytes needed for converting a char
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @return number of bytes needed
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native float getAveBytesPerChar(long converterHandle);
     * Gets the number of chars needed for converting a byte
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @return number of bytes needed
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int getMaxCharsPerByte(long converterHandle);
     * Gets the average numnber of chars needed for converting a byte
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @return number of bytes needed
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native float getAveCharsPerByte(long converterHandle);
    //CSDL: added by Jack
     * Determines whether charset1 contains charset2.
    public static final native boolean contains(long converterHandle1, long converterHandle2);
    public static final native byte[] getSubstitutionBytes(long converterHandle);
     * Ascertains if a given Unicode code unit can 
     * be converted to the target encoding
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param  codeUnit the character to be converted
     * @return true if a character can be converted
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native boolean canEncode(long converterHandle,int codeUnit);
     * Ascertains if a given a byte sequence can be converted to Unicode
     * @param converterHandle Address of converter object created by the native code
     * @param  bytes the bytes to be converted
     * @return true if a character can be converted
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native boolean canDecode(long converterHandle,byte[] bytes);
     * Gets the number of converters installed in the current installation of ICU
     * @return int number of converters installed
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int countAvailable();
     * Gets the canonical names of available converters 
     * @return Object[] names as an object array
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native String[] getAvailable();
     * Gets the number of aliases for a converter name
     * @param enc encoding name
     * @return number of aliases for the converter
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int countAliases(String enc);
     * Gets the aliases associated with the converter name
     * @param enc converter name
     * @return converter names as elements in an object array
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native String[] getAliases(String enc);
     * Gets the canonical name of the converter
     * @param enc converter name
     * @return canonical name of the converter
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native String getCanonicalName(String enc);
     * Gets the canonical name of the converter as defined by Java
     * @param enc converter name
     * @return canonical name of the converter
     * @internal ICU 3.4
    public static final native String getICUCanonicalName(String enc);
     * Gets the canonical name of the converter as defined by Java
     * @param icuCanonicalName converter name
     * @return canonical name of the converter
     * @internal ICU 3.4
    public static final native String getJavaCanonicalName(String icuCanonicalName);
     * Sets the callback to Unicode for ICU conveter. The default behaviour of ICU callback
     * is to call the specified callback function for both illegal and unmapped sequences.
     * @param converterHandle Adress of the converter object created by native code
     * @param mode call back mode to set. This is either STOP_CALLBACK, SKIP_CALLBACK or SUBSTITUE_CALLBACK
     *        The converter performs the specified callback when an error occurs
     * @param stopOnIllegal If true sets the alerts the converter callback to stop on an illegal sequence
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int setCallbackDecode(long converterHandle, int onMalformedInput, int onUnmappableInput, char[] subChars, int length);
     * Sets the callback from Unicode for ICU conveter. The default behaviour of ICU callback
     * is to call the specified callback function for both illegal and unmapped sequences.
     * @param converterHandle Adress of the converter object created by native code
     * @param mode call back mode to set. This is either STOP_CALLBACK, SKIP_CALLBACK or SUBSTITUE_CALLBACK
     *        The converter performs the specified callback when an error occurs
     * @param stopOnIllegal If true sets the alerts the converter callback to stop on an illegal sequence
     * @return int error code returned by ICU
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native int setCallbackEncode(long converterHandle, int onMalformedInput, int onUnmappableInput, byte[] subBytes, int length);
     * Returns a thread safe clone of the converter
     * @internal ICU 2.4
    public static final native long safeClone(long converterHandle);
    /** @internal ICU 2.4 */
    public static final int STOP_CALLBACK = 0;//CodingErrorAction.REPORT
    /** @internal ICU 2.4 */
    public static final int SKIP_CALLBACK = 1;//CodingErrorAction.IGNORE
    /** @internal ICU 2.4 */
    public static final int SUBSTITUTE_CALLBACK = 2;//CodingErrorAction.REPLACE