PostgreSQLPlatform.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API18633Tue May 22 16:54:48 BST 2007oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database


public class PostgreSQLPlatform extends DatabasePlatform

Purpose: Provides Postgres specific behaviour.


  • Native SQL for Date, Time, & Timestamp.
  • Native sequencing.
  • Mapping of class types to database types for the schema framework.
  • Pessimistic locking.
  • Platform specific operators.
OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.1.3)

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public PostgreSQLPlatform()

Methods Summary
protected voidappendBoolean(java.lang.Boolean bool, writer)
Appends a Boolean value. Refer to : In PostgreSQL the following are the values that are value for a boolean field Valid literal values for the "true" state are: TRUE, 't', 'true', 'y', 'yes', '1' Valid literal values for the false" state are : FALSE, 'f', 'false', 'n', 'no', '0' To be consistent with the other data platforms we are using the values '1' and '0' for true and false states of a boolean field.

        if (bool.booleanValue()) {
        } else {
protected java.util.HashtablebuildFieldTypes()

        Hashtable fieldTypeMapping = new Hashtable();

        fieldTypeMapping.put(Boolean.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BOOLEAN", false));

        fieldTypeMapping.put(Integer.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("INTEGER", false));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(Long.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BIGINT", false));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(Float.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("FLOAT"));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(Double.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("FLOAT", false));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(Short.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("SMALLINT", false));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(Byte.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("SMALLINT", false));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.math.BigInteger.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BIGINT", false));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.math.BigDecimal.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DECIMAL",38));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(Number.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DECIMAL",38));

        fieldTypeMapping.put(String.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("VARCHAR", 255));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(Character.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("CHAR", 1));

        fieldTypeMapping.put(Byte[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BYTEA"));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(Character[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TEXT"));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(byte[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BYTEA"));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(char[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TEXT"));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Blob.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BYTEA"));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Clob.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TEXT"));        

        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Date.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DATE", false));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Time.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TIME", false));
        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Timestamp.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TIMESTAMP", false));

        return fieldTypeMapping;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ValueReadQuerybuildSelectQueryForNativeSequence(java.lang.String seqName, java.lang.Integer size)
INTERNAL: Build the identity query for native sequencing.

        ValueReadQuery selectQuery = new ValueReadQuery(); 
        selectQuery.setSQLString("select currval(\'"  + seqName + "\')"); 
        return selectQuery;
public java.lang.StringgetAssignmentString()
INTERNAL Used for stored function calls.

        return ":= ";
protected java.lang.StringgetCreateTempTableSqlBodyForTable(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table)

        // returning null includes fields of the table in body
        // see javadoc of DatabasePlatform#getCreateTempTableSqlBodyForTable(DataBaseTable)
        // for details
        return null;
protected java.lang.StringgetCreateTempTableSqlPrefix()

protected java.lang.StringgetCreateTempTableSqlSuffix()

        return " ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
protected java.lang.StringgetDBSequenceName(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String pkFieldName)

        StringBuffer seqName = new StringBuffer(tableName);
        return seqName.toString();
public java.lang.StringgetInOutputProcedureToken()
This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored procedures are called

        return "OUT";
public intgetMaxFieldNameSize()
INTERNAL: returns the maximum number of characters that can be used in a field name on this platform.

        // The system uses no more than NAMEDATALEN-1 characters of an identifier; longer names can be written in commands, 
        //    but they will be truncated. By default, NAMEDATALEN is 64 so the maximum identifier length is 63 (but at the time PostgreSQL 
        //    is built, NAMEDATALEN can be changed in src/include/postgres_ext.h).
        return 63;
public java.lang.StringgetProcedureBeginString()
INTERNAL: Used for sp calls.

        return "AS $$  BEGIN ";
public java.lang.StringgetProcedureCallHeader()
INTERNAL: Used for sp calls.

        return "EXECUTE ";
public java.lang.StringgetProcedureEndString()
INTERNAL: Used for sp calls.

        return "; END ; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;";
public oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ValueReadQuerygetTimestampQuery()
INTERNAL: This method returns the query to select the timestamp from the server for Derby.

        if (timestampQuery == null) {
            timestampQuery = new ValueReadQuery();
            timestampQuery.setSQLString("SELECT NOW()");
        return timestampQuery;

protected voidinitializePlatformOperators()
INTERNAL: Initialize any platform-specific operators

        addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleLogicalNoParens(ExpressionOperator.Concat, "||"));
        addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleTwoArgumentFunction(ExpressionOperator.Nvl, "NULLIF"));
public booleanisPostgreSQL()
INTERNAL: Answers whether platform is Derby

        return true;
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.ExpressionOperatoroperatorLocate()
INTERNAL: Override the default locate operator

        ExpressionOperator result = new ExpressionOperator();
        Vector v = new Vector(3);
        v.addElement(", ");
        return result;
public voidplatformSpecificSequencingInitialization(oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.DatabaseSession session)
INTERNAL: Platform specific sequencing initialization. This internal method should only be called by SequencingManager. For PostgreSQL database for id fields that are defined as "SERIAL" the database creates an implicit sequence. The name of the sequence provided by the database is of the form __seq. As part of the insert statement we need to get the correct sequence to be able to get the next value. This code ensures that we have our internal structures pointing to the correct sequence name for the runtime code to work correctly. The current version of postgresql allows only 1 SERIAL field to be defined per table.

        Boolean isDefaultSequenceNative = null;
        // We need to iterate over all the entities  
        Iterator iterator = session.getProject().getDescriptors().values().iterator();
        Sequence sequence;
        HashSet toBeRemoved = new HashSet();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor);

            // Ensure that the entity uses sequencing
            if (descriptor.usesSequenceNumbers()) {
                String currSequenceName = descriptor.getSequenceNumberName();
                sequence = getSequence(currSequenceName);

                boolean shouldVerifySequenceName;

                boolean usesDefaultSequence = sequence == null || sequence instanceof DefaultSequence;
                if(usesDefaultSequence) {
                    // is defaultSequence is a NativeSequence?
                    if(isDefaultSequenceNative == null) {
                        isDefaultSequenceNative = new Boolean(getDefaultSequence() instanceof NativeSequence);
                    shouldVerifySequenceName = isDefaultSequenceNative.booleanValue();
                } else {
                    shouldVerifySequenceName = sequence instanceof NativeSequence;

                if(shouldVerifySequenceName) {                                        
                    DatabaseTable tbl = (DatabaseTable)descriptor.getTables().firstElement();
                    String tableName = tbl.getQualifiedName();                                       
                    String pkFieldName = descriptor.getSequenceNumberField().getName();
                    String seqName = getDBSequenceName(tableName, pkFieldName);
                    if(!currSequenceName.equals(seqName)) {
                        if(sequence != null) {
                            Sequence newSequence = (Sequence)sequence.clone();
        Iterator itToBeRemoved = toBeRemoved.iterator();
        while(itToBeRemoved.hasNext()) {
public voidprintFieldIdentityClause( writer)
INTERNAL: Append the receiver's field 'identity' constraint clause to a writer

        try {            
            writer.write(" SERIAL");
        } catch (IOException ioException) {
            throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
public voidprintFieldTypeSize( writer, field, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.FieldTypeDefinition fieldType, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.lang.String qualifiedFieldName)

        if(!shouldAcquireSequenceValueAfterInsert(session,  qualifiedFieldName)) {
            if ((fieldType.isSizeAllowed()) && ((field.getSize() != 0) || (fieldType.isSizeRequired()))) {
                if (field.getSize() == 0) {
                    writer.write(new Integer(fieldType.getDefaultSize()).toString());
                } else {
                    writer.write(new Integer(field.getSize()).toString());
                if (field.getSubSize() != 0) {
                    writer.write(new Integer(field.getSubSize()).toString());
                } else if (fieldType.getDefaultSubSize() != 0) {
                    writer.write(new Integer(fieldType.getDefaultSubSize()).toString());
public voidprintFieldUnique( writer, boolean isUnique, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.lang.String qualifiedFieldName)

       if(!shouldAcquireSequenceValueAfterInsert(session,  qualifiedFieldName)) {
            if (isUnique) {
                if (supportsPrimaryKeyConstraint()) {
                    writer.write(" UNIQUE");
protected voidsetPrimitiveParameterValue(java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, int index, java.lang.Object parameter)
Set a primitive parameter. Postgres jdbc client driver give problem when doing a setObject() for wrapper types. Ideally this code should be in the DatabasePlatform so that all platforms can use this.

       if (parameter instanceof Number) {
            Number number = (Number) parameter;
            if (number instanceof Integer) {
                statement.setInt(index, number.intValue());
            } else if (number instanceof Long) {
                statement.setLong(index, number.longValue());
            } else if (number instanceof Short) {
                statement.setShort(index, number.shortValue());
            } else if (number instanceof Byte) {
                statement.setByte(index, number.byteValue());
            } else if (number instanceof Double) {
                statement.setDouble(index, number.doubleValue());
            } else if (number instanceof Float) {
                statement.setFloat(index, number.floatValue());
            } else if (number instanceof BigDecimal) {
                statement.setBigDecimal(index, (BigDecimal) number);
            } else if (number instanceof BigInteger) {
                statement.setBigDecimal(index, new BigDecimal((BigInteger) number));
            } else {
                statement.setObject(index, parameter);
        } else if (parameter instanceof String) {
            statement.setString(index, (String)parameter);
        } else if (parameter instanceof Boolean) {
            statement.setBoolean(index, ((Boolean) parameter).booleanValue());
        } else {
            statement.setObject(index, parameter);
public booleanshouldNativeSequenceAcquireValueAfterInsert()
INTERNAL: Indicates whether NativeSequence should retrieve sequence value after the object has been inserted into the db This method is to be used *ONLY* by sequencing classes

        return true;
public booleanshouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart()
This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with output parameters

        //TODO: Check with the reviewer where this is used
        return false;
public booleanshouldUseJDBCOuterJoinSyntax()
JDBC defines and outer join syntax, many drivers do not support this. So we normally avoid it.

        return false;
public booleansupportsGlobalTempTables()

        return true;
public booleansupportsNativeSequenceNumbers()

        return true;