CashErrors.javaAPI DocExample1841Mon Oct 29 11:09:58 GMT 2001None

// Cash program
// This contains different kinds of errors
// Try to put them right
// syntax errors, runtime errors, logic errors, errors in the layout of the output
// Finally improve the look of the program by adding comments and improving the layout

import java.awt.*;
//import java.applet.*;

public class CashErrors extends Applet 
	d0uble billsCash;
	double bensCash;
	iny jillsCash;
	int Totalcash
	double averageCash;
	public void init() 
		billsCash = 67.02;
		bensCash	== 3.54;
		jillsCash= 33.48;

	public void paintGraphics g) 
		g.drawString("Bill has £" + billsCash, 50);
		g.drawString("Ben  has £" + bensCash, 50, 75 );
		g.drawString("Jill has £" + jillsCash, 50, 90 );
		averageCash = totalCash/0;
		totalCash = billsCash + bensCash + jillsCash;
		g.drawString("Between them they have £" + totalCash, 50,105);
		g.drawString("Here is a graph of their money:", 50,120);
		g.drawString ("Bill", 0, 140;
		g.fillRect(50, 130,  (int)billsCash*4, 15);
		g.drawString ("Ben", 0, 170);
		g.fillRect(50, 145, 15,  (int)bensCash*4);
		g.drawstring ("Jill", 0, 155);
		g.fillRect(50, 160,  (int)jillsCash*4, 15);

		f.drawString("Average cash is £" + averageCash, 50,190);
		g.DrawString("If Bill gives Ben £ + (billsCash - averageCash), 50,205);
		g.drawString("and Ben gives Jill £" + (averageCash - jillsCash), 220,50,);
		g.drawString("They will each have £" + averageCash, 50,235);
		g.drawString("They can earn more by resizing the applet",265);
		billsCash = billsCash + (billsCash*0.05);
		bensCosh = bensCash + (bensCash*0.05);
		jillsCash = bensCash + (jillsCash*0.05);
		g.drawString("Look how inaccurate doubles are!!", 50,290);