ApplicationLifecycle.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API18138Fri Jun 29 05:02:08 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.server


public class ApplicationLifecycle extends Object implements com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycle
This class implements the lifecycle methods used by the J2EE applications. It is responsible for loading and shutting down the applications.
Nazrul Islam
JDK 1.4

Fields Summary
protected com.sun.enterprise.server.ServerContext
protected ApplicationManager
protected StandAloneEJBModulesManager
protected StandAloneConnectorModulesManager
protected ConnectorResourcesLoader
protected StandAloneAppClientModulesManager
protected DummyWebModuleManager
protected static Logger
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidonInitialization(com.sun.enterprise.server.ServerContext sc)
Server is initializing subsystems and setting up the runtime environment. Prepare for the beginning of active use of the public methods of this subsystem. This method is called before any of the public methods of this subsystem are utilized.

sc ServerContext the server runtime context.
IllegalStateException if this subsystem has already been started
ServerLifecycleException if this subsystem detects a fatal error that prevents this subsystem from being used

        // set system environment variables here

        this._context = sc;

        try {
            // ---- J2EE APPLICATIONS ----------------------------------

            // instance environment of this server instance
            InstanceEnvironment iEnv = sc.getInstanceEnvironment();

            // shared class loader is used as the parent for the applications
            ClassLoader sharedCL     = sc.getSharedClassLoader();

            AppsManager appsManager = 
                InstanceFactory.createAppsManager(iEnv, false);
            // manager for the j2ee applications
            //this._applicationMgr = new ApplicationManager(appsManager,sharedCL);
            this._applicationMgr = ManagerFactory.getApplicationManager();

            // ---- STAND ALONE EJB MODULES --------------------------------
            // config manager for stand alone ejb modules
            EjbModulesManager ejbModuleManager = 
                InstanceFactory.createEjbModuleManager(iEnv, false);

            // manager for stand alone ejb modules
            this._ejbMgr =
                new StandAloneEJBModulesManager(ejbModuleManager, sharedCL);
            this._ejbMgr = ManagerFactory.getSAEJBModulesManager();
            // ---- STAND ALONE Web MODULES --------------------------------

            this._webMgr = ManagerFactory.getSAWebModulesManager();

            // ---- STAND ALONE RAR MODULES --------------------------------
            // config manager for stand alone connector modules
            ConnectorModulesManager connModuleManager = 
                InstanceFactory.createConnectorModuleManager(iEnv, false);
            // manager for stand alone connector modules
            this._connMgr = new StandAloneConnectorModulesManager(
                                                connModuleManager, sharedCL);
            this._connMgr = ManagerFactory.getSAConnectorModulesManager();

            this._connectorResLoader = new ConnectorResourcesLoader();

	    // ---- STAND ALONE APPLICATION CLIENT MODULES ----------------------
	    // manager for stand alone application client modules

	    this._acMgr = ManagerFactory.getSAACModulesManager();

        } catch (ConfigException confEx) {
                "core.config_exception_while_app_loading", confEx);
        } catch (Throwable th) {
                "core.unexpected_error_occured_while_app_loading", th);
public voidonReady(com.sun.enterprise.server.ServerContext sc)
Server has complted loading the applications and is ready to serve requests.

sc ServerContext the server runtime context.
ServerLifecycleException if this subsystem detects a fatal error that prevents this subsystem from being used

        try {
            ApplicationRegistry registry  = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
            Collection containers         = null;

            if (registry != null) {
                containers = registry.getAllEjbContainers();

            // call onReady on all the ejb bean containers available 
            // in this server instance
            if (containers != null) {
                Iterator iter = containers.iterator();

                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Container container = (Container);

                    if (container != null) {

            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "core.application_onReady_complete");

        } catch (Throwable th) {
                "core.unexpected_error_occured_while_app_onready", th);

        // Starts the dynamic reload monitor thread. This thread monitors the 
        // $APP_ROOT/.reload file of every applicatons and stand alone ejb
        // module. If the time stamp of these files are updated, this thread
        // sends a callback to the listeners for a dynamic reload.
        // <p> Also starts the auto deploy monitor thread. This monitors the 
        // $INSTANCE/autodeploy directory for new archives to be deployed.

        // server configuration context
        ConfigContext configCtx = sc.getConfigContext();

        // applicatons node from server configuration
        Applications applicationsBean  = null;

        DasConfig dasConfig = null;

        // flag used to turn on/off the dynamic monitor thread
        boolean monitor                = false;

        try {
            //ROB: config changes
            //applicationsBean = 
                 //                       ServerXPathHelper.XPATH_APPLICATIONS);

            dasConfig = ServerBeansFactory.getDasConfigBean(configCtx);

            //monitor = applicationsBean.isDynamicReloadEnabled(); 
            monitor = dasConfig.isDynamicReloadEnabled();

        } catch (ConfigException ce) {
                "core.config_exception_while_dynamic_reloading", ce);
            monitor = false;

        // starts the dynamic reload monitor thread only if it is on
        if (monitor) {
            // reload monitor is initialized in application loader
            ReloadMonitor reloadMonitor = ReloadMonitor.getInstance(2000l);

        /* Nazrul: Auto Deploy will be included in a subsequent release

        // FIXME: get it from the applicationsBean
        //boolean autoDeploy = false;
        boolean autoDeploy = true;

        // start the auto deploy monitor is turned ON in server configuration
        if (autoDeploy) {
            // FIXME: get it from the applicationsBean
            long monitorIntv = 2000l;

            // monitors the auto deploy directory
            AutoDeployMonitor adm = AutoDeployMonitor.getInstance(monitorIntv);

            // instance environment for this server
            InstanceEnvironment env = this.context.getInstanceEnvironment();

            // auto deploy directory 
            File autoDeployDir         = new File(env.getAutoDeployDirPath());

            // handles auto deploy callbacks 
            AutoDeployer autoDeployer  = new AutoDeployer();

            // monitor entry for the auto deploy dir
            MonitorableEntry entry = 
                new MonitorableEntry(autoDeployDir, autoDeployer);


            // starts auto deploy monitor
        ContainerFactory cf = Switch.getSwitch().getContainerFactory();
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
                "ApplicationLifeCycle.onReady():: exception when calling " +
                    "restoreEJBTimers()", ex);
public voidonShutdown()
Server is shutting down applications

ServerLifecycleException if this subsystem detects a fatal error that prevents this subsystem from being used

        if (this._applicationMgr == null) {
            // not initialized
        try {
            _logger.log(Level.INFO, "core.shutting_down_applications");

            // first shuts down the dynamic reload monitor if running

            // application registry for this server instance
            ApplicationRegistry registry  = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
            Collection containers         = null;

            if (registry != null) {
                containers = registry.getAllEjbContainers();

            // shuts down all the ejb bean containers available 
            // in this server instance
            if (containers != null) {
                Iterator iter = containers.iterator();

                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Container container = (Container);

                    if (container != null) {
            // After the applicationmanager shutdown, call stop method
            // of all J2EE Connector 1.5 specification compliant, inbound and
            // outbound resource adapters.
            // This call to stop() of all deployed candidate connector modules
            // is implemented in a concurrent fashion and this call times-out
            // based on the shutdown-timeout-in-seconds attribute in domain.xml
            _logger.log(Level.INFO, "core.shutting_down_resource_adapters");
            _logger.log(Level.INFO, "core.ra_shutdown_complete");

            _logger.log(Level.INFO, "core.application_shutdown_complete");

        } catch (Throwable th) {
                "core.unexpected_error_occured_while_app_shutdown", th);
public voidonStartup(com.sun.enterprise.server.ServerContext sc)
Server is starting up applications

sc ServerContext the server runtime context.
ServerLifecycleException if this subsystem detects a fatal error that prevents this subsystem from being used

        try {

            // Loads the ResourceAdapter Configurations


            // loads all deployed stand alone connector modules
            // stand alone connectors are loaded first since 
            // their class paths gets added to the the shared 
            // class loader. Any application acceessing these 
            // rar modules otherwise will not be able them.

            // Loads connector resources belonging to standalone rars. 
            // Skip the resources belonging to embedded rars
            // Do not reload RAConfigs, they are loaded above

            // Now do recovery
            ResourceInstaller installer = 

            // loads all deployed stand alone application client modules

            // loads all deployed stand alone ejb modules

            // loads all deployed stand alone web modules

            // loads all deployed j2ee applications

            // Loads connector resources belonging to embedded rars. 
            // Resources belonging to stand alone rars are already loaded

        } catch (Throwable th) {
                "core.unexpected_error_occured_while_app_loading", th);
public voidonTermination()
Server is terminating the subsystems and the runtime environment. Gracefully terminate the active use of the public methods of this subsystem. This method should be the last one called on a given instance of this subsystem.

ServerLifecycleException if this subsystem detects a fatal error that prevents this subsystem from being used

        try {
            // application registry for this server instance
            ApplicationRegistry registry  = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
            Collection containers         = null;

            if (registry != null) {
                containers = registry.getAllEjbContainers();

            // final shut down call to all ejb containers
            if (containers != null) {
                Iterator iter = containers.iterator();

                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Container container = (Container);

                    if (container != null) {
        } catch (Throwable th) {
                "core.unexpected_error_occured_while_app_terminate", th);