LruCacheTest.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API17570Thu Mar 12 22:22:12 GMT 2015android.util


public final class LruCacheTest extends TestCase

Fields Summary
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private voidassertCreated(LruCache cache, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)

        assertEquals(value, cache.get(key));
private voidassertHit(LruCache cache, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)

        assertEquals(value, cache.get(key));
private voidassertMiss(LruCache cache, java.lang.String key)

        assertEquals(null, cache.get(key));
private voidassertSnapshot(LruCache cache, T keysAndValues)

        List<T> actualKeysAndValues = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (Map.Entry<T, T> entry : cache.snapshot().entrySet()) {

        // assert using lists because order is important for LRUs
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList(keysAndValues), actualKeysAndValues);
private voidassertStatistics(LruCache cache)

        assertEquals("create count", expectedCreateCount, cache.createCount());
        assertEquals("put count", expectedPutCount, cache.putCount());
        assertEquals("hit count", expectedHitCount, cache.hitCount());
        assertEquals("miss count", expectedMissCount, cache.missCount());
        assertEquals("eviction count", expectedEvictionCount, cache.evictionCount());
private LruCachenewCreatingCache()

        return new LruCache<String, String>(3) {
            @Override protected String create(String key) {
                return (key.length() > 1) ? ("created-" + key) : null;
private LruCachenewRemovalLogCache(java.util.List log)

        return new LruCache<String, String>(3) {
            @Override protected void entryRemoved(
                    boolean evicted, String key, String oldValue, String newValue) {
                String message = evicted
                        ? (key + "=" + oldValue)
                        : (key + "=" + oldValue + ">" + newValue);
public voidtestCannotPutNullKey()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(3);
        try {
            cache.put(null, "A");
        } catch (NullPointerException expected) {
public voidtestCannotPutNullValue()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(3);
        try {
            cache.put("a", null);
        } catch (NullPointerException expected) {
public voidtestConstructorDoesNotAllowZeroCacheSize()

        try {
            new LruCache<String, String>(0);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public voidtestCreateIsCalledWithoutSynchronization()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(3) {
            @Override protected String create(String key) {
                return null;

public voidtestCreateOnCacheMiss()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = newCreatingCache();
        String created = cache.get("aa");
        assertEquals("created-aa", created);
public voidtestCreateWithConcurrentCreate()
Test what happens when two creates happen concurrently. The result from the first create to return is returned by both gets. The other created values should be released with entryRemove().

        final List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
        LruCache<String, Integer> cache = new LruCache<String, Integer>(3) {
            int callCount = 0;
            @Override protected Integer create(String key) {
                if (callCount++ == 0) {
                    assertEquals(2, get(key).intValue());
                    return 1;
                } else {
                    return 2;
            @Override protected void entryRemoved(
                    boolean evicted, String key, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue) {
                log.add(key + "=" + oldValue + ">" + newValue);

        assertEquals(2, cache.get("a").intValue());
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=1>2"), log);
public voidtestCreateWithConcurrentPut()
Test what happens when a value is added to the map while create is working. The map value should be returned by get(), and the created value should be released with entryRemoved().

        final List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(3) {
            @Override protected String create(String key) {
                put(key, "B");
                return "A";
            @Override protected void entryRemoved(
                    boolean evicted, String key, String oldValue, String newValue) {
                log.add(key + "=" + oldValue + ">" + newValue);

        assertEquals("B", cache.get("a"));
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A>B"), log);
public voidtestCustomSizesImpactsSize()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(10) {
            @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) {
                return key.length() + value.length();

        assertEquals(0, cache.size());
        cache.put("a", "AA");
        assertEquals(3, cache.size());
        cache.put("b", "BBBB");
        assertEquals(8, cache.size());
        cache.put("a", "");
        assertEquals(6, cache.size());
public voidtestDifferentElementSizes()
Naive caches evict at most one element at a time. This is problematic because evicting a small element may be insufficient to make room for a large element.

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(10) {
            @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) {
                return value.length();

        cache.put("a", "1");
        cache.put("b", "12345678");
        cache.put("c", "1");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "1", "b", "12345678", "c", "1");
        cache.put("d", "12345678"); // should evict a and b
        assertSnapshot(cache, "c", "1", "d", "12345678");
        cache.put("e", "12345678"); // should evict c and d
        assertSnapshot(cache, "e", "12345678");
public voidtestEntryEvictedWhenFull()

        List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
        LruCache<String, String> cache = newRemovalLogCache(log);

        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("b", "B");
        cache.put("c", "C");
        assertEquals(Collections.<String>emptyList(), log);

        cache.put("d", "D");
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A"), log);
public voidtestEntryRemovedIsCalledWithoutSynchronization()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(3) {
            @Override protected void entryRemoved(
                    boolean evicted, String key, String oldValue, String newValue) {

        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("a", "A2"); // replaced
        cache.put("b", "B");
        cache.put("c", "C");
        cache.put("d", "D");  // single eviction
        cache.remove("a");    // removed
        cache.evictAll();     // multiple eviction
public voidtestEvictAll()

        List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
        LruCache<String, String> cache = newRemovalLogCache(log);
        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("b", "B");
        cache.put("c", "C");
        assertEquals(0, cache.size());
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A", "b=B", "c=C"), log);
public voidtestEvictAllEvictsSizeZeroElements()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(10) {
            @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) {
                return 0;

        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("b", "B");
public voidtestEvictionThrowsWhenSizesAreInconsistent()

        LruCache<String, int[]> cache = new LruCache<String, int[]>(4) {
            @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, int[] value) {
                return value[0];

        int[] a = { 4 };
        cache.put("a", a);

        // get the cache size out of sync
        a[0] = 1;
        assertEquals(4, cache.size());

        // evict something
        try {
            cache.put("b", new int[] { 2 });
        } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
public voidtestEvictionThrowsWhenSizesAreNegative()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(4) {
            @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) {
                return -1;

        try {
            cache.put("a", "A");
        } catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
public voidtestEvictionWithCustomSizes()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(4) {
            @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) {
                return value.length();

        cache.put("a", "AAAA");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "AAAA");
        cache.put("b", "BBBB"); // should evict a
        assertSnapshot(cache, "b", "BBBB");
        cache.put("c", "CC"); // should evict b
        assertSnapshot(cache, "c", "CC");
        cache.put("d", "DD");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "c", "CC", "d", "DD");
        cache.put("e", "E"); // should evict c
        assertSnapshot(cache, "d", "DD", "e", "E");
        cache.put("f", "F");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "d", "DD", "e", "E", "f", "F");
        cache.put("g", "G"); // should evict d
        assertSnapshot(cache, "e", "E", "f", "F", "g", "G");
        cache.put("h", "H");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "e", "E", "f", "F", "g", "G", "h", "H");
        cache.put("i", "III"); // should evict e, f, and g
        assertSnapshot(cache, "h", "H", "i", "III");
        cache.put("j", "JJJ"); // should evict h and i
        assertSnapshot(cache, "j", "JJJ");
public voidtestEvictionWithSingletonCache()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(1);
        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("b", "B");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "b", "B");
public voidtestNoCreateOnCacheHit()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = newCreatingCache();
        cache.put("aa", "put-aa");
        assertEquals("put-aa", cache.get("aa"));
public voidtestPutCallsEntryRemoved()

        List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
        LruCache<String, String> cache = newRemovalLogCache(log);
        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("a", "A2");
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A>A2"), log);
public voidtestPutCauseEviction()
Replacing the value for a key doesn't cause an eviction but it does bring the replaced entry to the front of the queue.

        List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
        LruCache<String, String> cache = newRemovalLogCache(log);

        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("b", "B");
        cache.put("c", "C");
        cache.put("b", "B2");
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("b=B>B2"), log);
        assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "A", "c", "C", "b", "B2");
public voidtestRemoveAbsentElement()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(10);
        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("b", "B");
        assertEquals(null, cache.remove("c"));
        assertEquals(2, cache.size());
public voidtestRemoveCallsEntryRemoved()

        List<String> log = new ArrayList<String>();
        LruCache<String, String> cache = newRemovalLogCache(log);
        cache.put("a", "A");
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A>null"), log);
public voidtestRemoveNullThrows()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(10);
        try {
        } catch (NullPointerException expected) {
public voidtestRemoveWithCustomSizes()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(10) {
            @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) {
                return value.length();
        cache.put("a", "123456");
        cache.put("b", "1234");
        assertEquals(4, cache.size());
public voidtestStatistics()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(3);

        assertEquals(null, cache.put("a", "A"));
        assertHit(cache, "a", "A");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "A");

        assertEquals(null, cache.put("b", "B"));
        assertHit(cache, "a", "A");
        assertHit(cache, "b", "B");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "A", "b", "B");

        assertEquals(null, cache.put("c", "C"));
        assertHit(cache, "a", "A");
        assertHit(cache, "b", "B");
        assertHit(cache, "c", "C");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "A", "b", "B", "c", "C");

        assertEquals(null, cache.put("d", "D"));
        expectedEvictionCount++; // a should have been evicted
        assertMiss(cache, "a");
        assertHit(cache, "b", "B");
        assertHit(cache, "c", "C");
        assertHit(cache, "d", "D");
        assertHit(cache, "b", "B");
        assertHit(cache, "c", "C");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "d", "D", "b", "B", "c", "C");

        assertEquals(null, cache.put("e", "E"));
        expectedEvictionCount++; // d should have been evicted
        assertMiss(cache, "d");
        assertMiss(cache, "a");
        assertHit(cache, "e", "E");
        assertHit(cache, "b", "B");
        assertHit(cache, "c", "C");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "e", "E", "b", "B", "c", "C");
public voidtestStatisticsWithCreate()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = newCreatingCache();

        assertCreated(cache, "aa", "created-aa");
        assertHit(cache, "aa", "created-aa");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "aa", "created-aa");

        assertCreated(cache, "bb", "created-bb");
        assertMiss(cache, "c");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "aa", "created-aa", "bb", "created-bb");

        assertCreated(cache, "cc", "created-cc");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "aa", "created-aa", "bb", "created-bb", "cc", "created-cc");

        expectedEvictionCount++; // aa will be evicted
        assertCreated(cache, "dd", "created-dd");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "bb", "created-bb",  "cc", "created-cc", "dd", "created-dd");

        expectedEvictionCount++; // bb will be evicted
        assertCreated(cache, "aa", "created-aa");
        assertSnapshot(cache, "cc", "created-cc", "dd", "created-dd", "aa", "created-aa");
public voidtestToString()

        LruCache<String, String> cache = new LruCache<String, String>(3);
        assertEquals("LruCache[maxSize=3,hits=0,misses=0,hitRate=0%]", cache.toString());

        cache.put("a", "A");
        cache.put("b", "B");
        cache.put("c", "C");
        cache.put("d", "D");

        cache.get("a"); // miss
        cache.get("b"); // hit
        cache.get("c"); // hit
        cache.get("d"); // hit
        cache.get("e"); // miss

        assertEquals("LruCache[maxSize=3,hits=3,misses=2,hitRate=60%]", cache.toString());