TransactionDemarcationHomeInterface.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API17533Fri May 04 22:33:36 BST


public class TransactionDemarcationHomeInterface extends implements
Entity Bean transaction demarcation type home interface methods test. Transaction attributes must be specified for the methods of an entity bean's home interface, excluding getEJBMetaData and getHomeHandle methods.

Fields Summary
static String[]
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public Resultcheck(EjbDescriptor descriptor)
Entity Bean transaction demarcation type home interface methods test. Transaction attributes must be specified for the methods of an entity bean's home interface, excluding getEJBMetaData and getHomeHandle methods.

descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
Result the results for this assertion


	result = getInitializedResult();
	compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
	boolean oneFailed = false;
	// hack try/catch block around test, to exit gracefully instead of
	// crashing verifier on getMethodDescriptors() call, XML mods cause
	// java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: verifier.ejb.hello.BogusEJB
	// Replacing <ejb-class>verifier.ejb.hello.HelloEJB with
	//  <ejb-class>verifier.ejb.hello.BogusEJB...
	try {
	    // Transaction attributes must be specified for the methods of an entity
	    // bean's home interface, excluding getEJBMetaData and getHomeHandle methods

	    if (descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor) {
		if(descriptor.getHomeClassName() != null && !"".equals(descriptor.getHomeClassName()))
		    oneFailed = commonToBothInterfaces(descriptor.getHomeClassName(),descriptor, MethodDescriptor.EJB_HOME);
        else {
            addNaDetails(result, compName);
                         (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable2",
                          "There is no home interface specified for [ {0} ]",
                          new Object[] {descriptor.getName()}));
            return result;
		//donot need to look at the local interface since the clause is applicable to only the remote interface	
		/*if(oneFailed == false) {
		  if(descriptor.getLocalHomeClassName() != null && !"".equals(descriptor.getLocalHomeClassName()))
		  oneFailed = commonToBothInterfaces(descriptor.getLocalHomeClassName(),descriptor);
		if (oneFailed) {
		} else {
		return result;
	    } else {
		addNaDetails(result, compName);
				     (getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable",
				      "{0} expected {1} bean, but called with {2} bean.",
				      new Object[] {getClass(),"Entity","Session"}));
		return result;
	} catch (Throwable t) {
	    addErrorDetails(result, compName);
			  (getClass().getName() + ".failedException1",
			   "Error: Home interface does not contain class [ {0} ] within bean [ {1} ]",
			   new Object[] { t.getMessage(), descriptor.getName()}));
	    return result;
private booleancommonToBothInterfaces(java.lang.String home, EjbDescriptor descriptor, java.lang.String methodIntf)
This method is responsible for the logic of the test. It is called for both local and remote interfaces.

descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
home for the Home interface of the Ejb.
methodIntf is the interface type
boolean the results for this assertion i.e if a test has failed or not

	boolean oneFailed = false;
	try {
	    Class c = Class.forName(home, false, getVerifierContext().getClassLoader());
	    Method methods[] = c.getDeclaredMethods();
	    boolean lookForIt = false;
	    for (int i=0; i< methods.length; i++) {
		if (Arrays.binarySearch(EJBObjectMethods, methods[i].getName()) < 0) {
            		    try {
			ContainerTransaction containerTransaction = null;
			boolean resolved = false;
                        // This flag is a workaround introduced by Harminder
                        // because currently methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol() is
                        // returning NULL
                        //boolean allMethods = false;
                        boolean wildCardWasPresent = false;

			if (!descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().isEmpty()) {
			    for (Enumeration ee = descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().keys(); ee.hasMoreElements();) {
				lookForIt = false;
				MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = (MethodDescriptor) ee.nextElement();
    /*** Fixed the bug: 4883730. ejbClassSymbol is null when method-intf is not 
     * defined in the xml, since it is an optional field. Removed the earlier 
     * checks. A null method-intf indicates that the method is supposed to be 
     * in both Local & Home interfaces. ***/                    
                                // This code is a workaround introduced by Harminder
                                // because currently methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol() is
                                // returning NULL
                                String methodIntf = null;
                                try {
                                    methodIntf = methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol();
                                } catch ( Exception ex ) {}
                                if ( methodIntf == null ) { //|| methodIntf.equals("") 
                                    //probably a wildcard was there
                                    wildCardWasPresent = true;
                                 //allMethods = true;
                                 // end of workaround
				// here we have to check that each method descriptor
				// corresponds to a or some methods on the home interface
				// according to the six styles
				// style 1)
                 if (methodDescriptor.getName().equals(MethodDescriptor.ALL_EJB_METHODS)) {
				    // if getEjbClassName() is Remote -> CARRY ON
				    // if Home - PASS
                    if (methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol() == null) {
					lookForIt = true;
                    } else if (methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals(MethodDescriptor.EJB_HOME)) {
					lookForIt = true;
					// if empty String PASS
				    } else if (methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals("")) {
					lookForIt = true;
				    }else if (methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals(MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCALHOME)) {
					lookForIt = true;
				    } else if (methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals(MethodDescriptor.EJB_REMOTE)) {
					lookForIt = false;
				    } else if (methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals(MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCAL)) {
					lookForIt = false;
					// else (Bogus)
				    } else {
					// carry on & don't look for 
					// container transaction
					lookForIt = false;
				} else if (methodDescriptor.getParameterClassNames() == null) {
				    // if (getEjbClassSybol() is Home or is the empty String AND if methods[i].getName().equals(methodDescriptor.getName()) 
				    if (((methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol() == null) || 
					 methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals("") ||
					 methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals(MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCALHOME)) &&
					(methods[i].getName().equals(methodDescriptor.getName()))) { 
					//  PASS
					lookForIt = true;
				    } else {
					// carry on
					lookForIt = false;
				} else {
				    // if (getEjbClassSybol() is Home or is the empty String AND if methods[i].getName().equals(methodDescriptor.getName()) AND 
				    // the parameters of the method[i] are the same as the parameters of the method descriptor ) 
				    if (((methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol() == null) || 
					 methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals("") || 
					 methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol().equals(MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCALHOME)) &&
					(methods[i].getName().equals(methodDescriptor.getName())) && 
					(MethodUtils.stringArrayEquals(methodDescriptor.getParameterClassNames(), (new MethodDescriptor(methods[i], methodIntf)).getParameterClassNames()))) { 
					// PASS    	
					lookForIt = true;
				    } else {
					// CARRY ON
					lookForIt = false;
				if (lookForIt) {
				    containerTransaction = 
					(ContainerTransaction) descriptor.getMethodContainerTransactions().get(methodDescriptor);				    				    
				    if (containerTransaction != null) {
					String transactionAttribute  = 
					// danny is doing this in the DOL, but is it possible to not have 
					// any value for containerTransaction.getTransactionAttribute() 
					// in the DOL? if it is possible to have blank value for this, 
					// then this check is needed here, otherwise we are done and we 
					// don't need this check here
					if (ContainerTransaction.NOT_SUPPORTED.equals(transactionAttribute)
					    || ContainerTransaction.SUPPORTS.equals(transactionAttribute)
					    || ContainerTransaction.REQUIRED.equals(transactionAttribute)
					    || ContainerTransaction.REQUIRES_NEW.equals(transactionAttribute)
					    || ContainerTransaction.MANDATORY.equals(transactionAttribute)
					    || ContainerTransaction.NEVER.equals(transactionAttribute)
					    || (!transactionAttribute.equals(""))) {
					    addGoodDetails(result, compName);
						(getClass().getName() + ".passed",
					         "Valid: [ {0} ] TransactionAttribute [ {1} ] for method [ {2} ] is valid.   Transaction attributes must be specified for all methods except getEJBMetaData and getHomeHandle methods of home interface [ {3} ]",
						 new Object[] {methods[i].getName(),transactionAttribute,methodDescriptor.getName(), home}));
					    resolved = true;
					} else {
					    oneFailed = true;
					    addErrorDetails(result, compName);
						 (getClass().getName() + ".failed",
					      "Error: [ {0} ] TransactionAttribute [ {1} ] for method [ {2} ] " +
					      "is not valid.   Transaction attributes must be specified for " +
					      "all methods except getEJBMetaData and getHomeHandle methods of "+
					      "home interface [ {3} ]",
					      new Object[] {methods[i].getName(), transactionAttribute, methodDescriptor.getName(),home}));
				    } else {
					oneFailed = true;
							       (getClass().getName() + ".failedException",
								"Error: TransactionAttribute is null for method [ {0} ]",
								new Object[] {methodDescriptor.getName()}));
			    // before you go on to the next method,
			    // did you resolve the last one okay?
			    if (!resolved) {
                                // This if-stmt code is a workaround introduced by Harminder
                                // because currently methodDescriptor.getEjbClassSymbol() is
                                // returning NULL
                                //if (allMethods){
                                if (!wildCardWasPresent) {
				oneFailed = true;
				addErrorDetails(result, compName);
						       (getClass().getName() + ".failed1",
							"Error: Transaction attributes must be specified for the methods defined in the home interface [ {0} ].  Method [ {1} ] has no transaction attribute defined within this bean [ {2} ].",
							new Object[] {home, methods[i].getName(),descriptor.getName()}));
                             else {
                                                                    "For [ {0} ]",
                                                                    new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
						(getClass().getName() + ".passed",
					         "Valid: [ {0} ] TransactionAttribute [ {1} ] for method [ {2} ] is valid.   Transaction attributes must be specified for all methods except getEJBMetaData and getHomeHandle methods of home interface [ {3} ]",
						 new Object[] {methods[i].getName(),"*","*", home}));
//                              }
                              // End of workaround code. Note : this else also has to be removed once
                              // the original bug of methodDesc.getEjbClassSymbol() is fixed

			} else {
			    oneFailed = true;
			    addErrorDetails(result, compName);
						   (getClass().getName() + ".failed2",
						    "Error: There are no method container transactions within this bean [ {0} ].   Transaction attributes must be specified for the methods defined in the home interface [ {1} ].  Method [ {2} ] has no transaction attribute defined.", 
						    new Object[] {descriptor.getName(),home, methods[i].getName()}));
                      if(oneFailed == true && i==methods.length-1)
                       return oneFailed;

		    } catch (Exception e) {
			addErrorDetails(result, compName);
				      (getClass().getName() + ".failedException1",
				       "Error: Home interface [ {0} ] does not contain class [ {1} ] within bean [ {2} ]",                                                          
				       new Object[] {home, e.getMessage(), descriptor.getName()}));
			oneFailed = true;
			return oneFailed;
		} // if found relevant Home interface method
		else {
		    oneFailed = true;
		    addErrorDetails(result, compName);
				  (getClass().getName() + ".failedExcep",
				   "Error: Method [ {0} ] should not be assigned a transaction attribute.",
				   new Object[] {methods[i].getName()}));
	    } // for all the methods within the home interface class, loop
	    return oneFailed;
	} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
	    addErrorDetails(result, compName);
			  (getClass().getName() + ".failedException2",
			   "Error: Home interface [ {0} ] does not exist or is not loadable within bean [ {1} ]",
			   new Object[] {home, descriptor.getName()}));
	    oneFailed = true;
	    return oneFailed;