AudioOutput.javaAPI DocJMF 2.1.1e1747Mon May 12 12:20:48 BST


public interface AudioOutput

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public intbufferAvailable()
Obtains the number of bytes of data that can be written to the device without blocking.

public voiddispose()
Close the device. Cannot call this close since it clashes InputStream.close for SunAudioOutput which also implements InputStream.

public voiddrain()
Drain the device.

public voidflush()
Flush the device.

public doublegetGain()
Return the audio gain of the device.

public longgetMediaNanoseconds()
Return the time as measured from the samples consumed since the device has opened.

public booleangetMute()
Return if the device is muted.

public floatgetRate()
get the playback rate.

public booleaninitialize( format, int bufferSize)
Initialize the audio output.

public voidpause()
Pause the device.

public voidresume()
Resume the device.

public voidsetGain(double g)
Set the audio gain of the device.

public voidsetMute(boolean m)
Mute the audio device.

public floatsetRate(float rate)
set the playback rate.

public intwrite(byte[] data, int off, int len)
Write data to the device.