Property.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.117443Mon Jan 01 12:39:36 GMT


public abstract class Property extends Object implements POIFSViewable, Child
This abstract base class is the ancestor of all classes implementing POIFS Property behavior.
Marc Johnson (mjohnson at apache dot org)

Fields Summary
private static final byte
private static final int
private static final int
protected static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
protected static final byte
protected static final byte
private static final int
private String
private ShortField
private ByteField
private ByteField
private IntegerField
private IntegerField
private IntegerField
private ClassID
private IntegerField
private IntegerField
private IntegerField
private IntegerField
private IntegerField
private IntegerField
private IntegerField
private byte[]
private int
private Child
private Child
Constructors Summary
protected Property()
Default constructor


        _raw_data = new byte[ POIFSConstants.PROPERTY_SIZE ];
        Arrays.fill(_raw_data, _default_fill);
        _name_size         = new ShortField(_name_size_offset);
        _property_type     =
            new ByteField(PropertyConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_OFFSET);
        _node_color        = new ByteField(_node_color_offset);
        _previous_property = new IntegerField(_previous_property_offset,
                                              _NO_INDEX, _raw_data);
        _next_property     = new IntegerField(_next_property_offset,
                                              _NO_INDEX, _raw_data);
        _child_property    = new IntegerField(_child_property_offset,
                                              _NO_INDEX, _raw_data);
        _storage_clsid     = new ClassID(_raw_data,_storage_clsid_offset);
        _user_flags        = new IntegerField(_user_flags_offset, 0, _raw_data);
        _seconds_1         = new IntegerField(_seconds_1_offset, 0,
        _days_1            = new IntegerField(_days_1_offset, 0, _raw_data);
        _seconds_2         = new IntegerField(_seconds_2_offset, 0,
        _days_2            = new IntegerField(_days_2_offset, 0, _raw_data);
        _start_block       = new IntegerField(_start_block_offset);
        _size              = new IntegerField(_size_offset, 0, _raw_data);
        _index             = _NO_INDEX;
protected Property(int index, byte[] array, int offset)
Constructor from byte data

index index number
array byte data
offset offset into byte data

        _raw_data = new byte[ POIFSConstants.PROPERTY_SIZE ];
        System.arraycopy(array, offset, _raw_data, 0,
        _name_size         = new ShortField(_name_size_offset, _raw_data);
        _property_type     =
            new ByteField(PropertyConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_OFFSET, _raw_data);
        _node_color        = new ByteField(_node_color_offset, _raw_data);
        _previous_property = new IntegerField(_previous_property_offset,
        _next_property     = new IntegerField(_next_property_offset,
        _child_property    = new IntegerField(_child_property_offset,
        _storage_clsid     = new ClassID(_raw_data,_storage_clsid_offset);
        _user_flags        = new IntegerField(_user_flags_offset, 0, _raw_data);
        _seconds_1         = new IntegerField(_seconds_1_offset, _raw_data);
        _days_1            = new IntegerField(_days_1_offset, _raw_data);
        _seconds_2         = new IntegerField(_seconds_2_offset, _raw_data);
        _days_2            = new IntegerField(_days_2_offset, _raw_data);
        _start_block       = new IntegerField(_start_block_offset, _raw_data);
        _size              = new IntegerField(_size_offset, _raw_data);
        _index             = index;
        int name_length = (_name_size.get() / LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE)
                          - 1;

        if (name_length < 1)
            _name = "";
            char[] char_array  = new char[ name_length ];
            int    name_offset = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < name_length; j++)
                char_array[ j ] = ( char ) new ShortField(name_offset,
                name_offset     += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
            _name = new String(char_array, 0, name_length);
        _next_child     = null;
        _previous_child = null;
Methods Summary
protected intgetChildIndex()
Get the child property (its index in the Property Table)

child property index

        return _child_property.get();
protected intgetIndex()
get the index for this Property

the index of this Property within its Property Table

        return _index;
public java.lang.StringgetName()
Get the name of this property

property name as String

        return _name;
Get the next Child, if any

the next Child; may return null

        return _next_child;
get the next sibling

index of next sibling

        return _next_property.get();
Get the previous Child, if any

the previous Child; may return null

        return _previous_child;
get the previous sibling

index of previous sibling

        return _previous_property.get();
public java.lang.StringgetShortDescription()
Provides a short description of the object, to be used when a POIFSViewable object has not provided its contents.

short description

        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

        buffer.append("Property: \"").append(getName()).append("\"");
        return buffer.toString();
public intgetSize()
find out the document size

size in bytes

        return _size.get();
public intgetStartBlock()

the start block

        return _start_block.get();
public org.apache.poi.hpsf.ClassIDgetStorageClsid()
Sets the storage clsid, which is the Class ID of a COM object which reads and writes this stream

storage Class ID for this property stream

        return _storage_clsid;
public java.lang.Object[]getViewableArray()
Get an array of objects, some of which may implement POIFSViewable

an array of Object; may not be null, but may be empty

        Object[] results = new Object[ 5 ];

        results[ 0 ] = "Name          = \"" + getName() + "\"";
        results[ 1 ] = "Property Type = " + _property_type.get();
        results[ 2 ] = "Node Color    = " + _node_color.get();
        long time = _days_1.get();

        time         <<= 32;
        time         += (( long ) _seconds_1.get()) & 0x0000FFFFL;
        results[ 3 ] = "Time 1        = " + time;
        time         = _days_2.get();
        time         <<= 32;
        time         += (( long ) _seconds_2.get()) & 0x0000FFFFL;
        results[ 4 ] = "Time 2        = " + time;
        return results;
public java.util.IteratorgetViewableIterator()
Get an Iterator of objects, some of which may implement POIFSViewable

an Iterator; may not be null, but may have an empty back end store

        return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
public abstract booleanisDirectory()

true if a directory type Property

public static booleanisSmall(int length)
does the length indicate a small document?

length length in bytes
true if the length is less than _big_block_minimum_bytes

        return length < _big_block_minimum_bytes;
static booleanisValidIndex(int index)
determine whether the specified index is valid

index value to be checked
true if the index is valid

        return index != _NO_INDEX;
protected abstract voidpreWrite()
Perform whatever activities need to be performed prior to writing

public booleanpreferArray()
Give viewers a hint as to whether to call getViewableArray or getViewableIterator

true if a viewer should call getViewableArray, false if a viewer should call getViewableIterator

        return true;
protected voidsetChildProperty(int child)
Set the child property.

child the child property's index in the Property Table

        _child_property.set(child, _raw_data);
protected voidsetIndex(int index)
Set the index for this Property

index this Property's index within its containing Property Table

        _index = index;
protected final voidsetName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name; silently truncates the name if it's too long.

name the new name

        char[] char_array = name.toCharArray();
        int    limit      = Math.min(char_array.length, _max_name_length);

        _name = new String(char_array, 0, limit);
        short offset = 0;
        int   j      = 0;

        for (; j < limit; j++)
            new ShortField(offset, ( short ) char_array[ j ], _raw_data);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
        for (; j < _max_name_length + 1; j++)
            new ShortField(offset, ( short ) 0, _raw_data);
            offset += LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;

        // double the count, and include the null at the end
            .set(( short ) ((limit + 1)
                            * LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE), _raw_data);
public voidsetNextChild( child)
Set the next Child

child the new 'next' child; may be null, which has the effect of saying there is no 'next' child

        _next_child = child;
        _next_property.set((child == null) ? _NO_INDEX
                                           : (( Property ) child)
                                               .getIndex(), _raw_data);
protected voidsetNodeColor(byte nodeColor)
Set the node color.

nodeColor the node color (red or black)

        _node_color.set(nodeColor, _raw_data);
public voidsetPreviousChild( child)
Set the previous Child

child the new 'previous' child; may be null, which has the effect of saying there is no 'previous' child

        _previous_child = child;
        _previous_property.set((child == null) ? _NO_INDEX
                                               : (( Property ) child)
                                                   .getIndex(), _raw_data);
protected voidsetPropertyType(byte propertyType)
Set the property type. Makes no attempt to validate the value.

propertyType the property type (root, file, directory)

        _property_type.set(propertyType, _raw_data);
protected voidsetSize(int size)
Set the size of the document associated with this Property

size the size of the document, in bytes

        _size.set(size, _raw_data);
public voidsetStartBlock(int startBlock)
Set the start block for the document referred to by this Property.

startBlock the start block index

        _start_block.set(startBlock, _raw_data);
public voidsetStorageClsid(org.apache.poi.hpsf.ClassID clsidStorage)
Sets the storage class ID for this property stream. This is the Class ID of the COM object which can read and write this property stream

clsidStorage Storage Class ID

        _storage_clsid = clsidStorage;
        if( clsidStorage == null) {
            Arrays.fill( _raw_data, _storage_clsid_offset, _storage_clsid_offset + ClassID.LENGTH, (byte) 0);
        } else {
            clsidStorage.write( _raw_data, _storage_clsid_offset);
public booleanshouldUseSmallBlocks()
Based on the currently defined size, should this property use small blocks?

true if the size is less than _big_block_minimum_bytes

        return Property.isSmall(_size.get());
public voidwriteData( stream)
Write the raw data to an OutputStream.

stream the OutputStream to which the data should be written.
IOException on problems writing to the specified stream.
