SHA384Digest.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API1726Wed May 06 22:41:06 BST 2009org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests

package org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests;

 * FIPS 180-2 implementation of SHA-384.
 * <pre>
 *         block  word  digest
 * SHA-1   512    32    160
 * SHA-256 512    32    256
 * SHA-384 1024   64    384
 * SHA-512 1024   64    512
 * </pre>
public class SHA384Digest
    extends LongDigest

    private static final int    DIGEST_LENGTH = 48;

     * Standard constructor
    public SHA384Digest()

     * Copy constructor.  This will copy the state of the provided
     * message digest.
    public SHA384Digest(SHA384Digest t)

    public String getAlgorithmName()
        return "SHA-384";

    public int getDigestSize()
        return DIGEST_LENGTH;

    public int doFinal(
        byte[]  out,
        int     outOff)

        unpackWord(H1, out, outOff);
        unpackWord(H2, out, outOff + 8);
        unpackWord(H3, out, outOff + 16);
        unpackWord(H4, out, outOff + 24);
        unpackWord(H5, out, outOff + 32);
        unpackWord(H6, out, outOff + 40);


        return DIGEST_LENGTH;

     * reset the chaining variables
    public void reset()

        /* SHA-384 initial hash value
         * The first 64 bits of the fractional parts of the square roots
         * of the 9th through 16th prime numbers
        H1 = 0xcbbb9d5dc1059ed8l;
        H2 = 0x629a292a367cd507l;
        H3 = 0x9159015a3070dd17l;
        H4 = 0x152fecd8f70e5939l;
        H5 = 0x67332667ffc00b31l;
        H6 = 0x8eb44a8768581511l;
        H7 = 0xdb0c2e0d64f98fa7l;
        H8 = 0x47b5481dbefa4fa4l;