IndexFileDeleter.javaAPI DocApache Lucene 2.2.017153Sat Jun 16 22:20:36 BST 2007org.apache.lucene.index


public final class IndexFileDeleter extends Object
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Fields Summary
private List
private Map
private List
private List
private List
private PrintStream
private Directory
private IndexDeletionPolicy
Constructors Summary
public IndexFileDeleter(Directory directory, IndexDeletionPolicy policy, SegmentInfos segmentInfos, PrintStream infoStream)
Initialize the deleter: find all previous commits in the Directory, incref the files they reference, call the policy to let it delete commits. The incoming segmentInfos must have been loaded from a commit point and not yet modified. This will remove any files not referenced by any of the commits.

CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt
IOException if there is a low-level IO error

    this.infoStream = infoStream;
    this.policy = policy; = directory;

    // First pass: walk the files and initialize our ref
    // counts:
    long currentGen = segmentInfos.getGeneration();
    IndexFileNameFilter filter = IndexFileNameFilter.getFilter();

    String[] files = directory.list();
    if (files == null)
      throw new IOException("cannot read directory " + directory + ": list() returned null");

    CommitPoint currentCommitPoint = null;

    for(int i=0;i<files.length;i++) {

      String fileName = files[i];

      if (filter.accept(null, fileName) && !fileName.equals(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN)) {

        // Add this file to refCounts with initial count 0:

        if (fileName.startsWith(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS)) {

          // This is a commit (segments or segments_N), and
          // it's valid (<= the max gen).  Load it, then
          // incref all files it refers to:
          if (SegmentInfos.generationFromSegmentsFileName(fileName) <= currentGen) {
            if (infoStream != null) {
              message("init: load commit \"" + fileName + "\"");
            SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
  , fileName);
            CommitPoint commitPoint = new CommitPoint(sis);
            if (sis.getGeneration() == segmentInfos.getGeneration()) {
              currentCommitPoint = commitPoint;
            incRef(sis, true);

    if (currentCommitPoint == null) {
      throw new CorruptIndexException("failed to locate current segments_N file");

    // We keep commits list in sorted order (oldest to newest):

    // Now delete anything with ref count at 0.  These are
    // presumably abandoned files eg due to crash of
    // IndexWriter.
    Iterator it = refCounts.keySet().iterator();
    while(it.hasNext()) {
      String fileName = (String);
      RefCount rc = (RefCount) refCounts.get(fileName);
      if (0 == rc.count) {
        if (infoStream != null) {
          message("init: removing unreferenced file \"" + fileName + "\"");

    // Finally, give policy a chance to remove things on
    // startup:

    // It's OK for the onInit to remove the current commit
    // point; we just have to checkpoint our in-memory
    // SegmentInfos to protect those files that it uses:
    if (currentCommitPoint.deleted) {
      checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
Methods Summary
public voidcheckpoint(org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos segmentInfos, boolean isCommit)
For definition of "check point" see IndexWriter comments: "Clarification: Check Points (and commits)". Writer calls this when it has made a "consistent change" to the index, meaning new files are written to the index and the in-memory SegmentInfos have been modified to point to those files. This may or may not be a commit (segments_N may or may not have been written). We simply incref the files referenced by the new SegmentInfos and decref the files we had previously seen (if any). If this is a commit, we also call the policy to give it a chance to remove other commits. If any commits are removed, we decref their files as well.

    if (infoStream != null) {
      message("now checkpoint \"" + segmentInfos.getCurrentSegmentFileName() + "\" [isCommit = " + isCommit + "]");

    // Try again now to delete any previously un-deletable
    // files (because they were in use, on Windows):
    if (deletable != null) {
      List oldDeletable = deletable;
      deletable = null;
      int size = oldDeletable.size();
      for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
        deleteFile((String) oldDeletable.get(i));

    // Incref the files:
    incRef(segmentInfos, isCommit);

    if (isCommit) {
      // Append to our commits list:
      commits.add(new CommitPoint(segmentInfos));

      // Tell policy so it can remove commits:

      // Decref files for commits that were deleted by the policy:

    // DecRef old files from the last checkpoint, if any:
    int size = lastFiles.size();
    if (size > 0) {
      for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
        decRef((List) lastFiles.get(i));

    if (!isCommit) {
      // Save files so we can decr on next checkpoint/commit:
      size = segmentInfos.size();
      for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
        SegmentInfo segmentInfo =;
        if (segmentInfo.dir == directory) {
private voiddecRef(java.lang.String fileName)

    RefCount rc = getRefCount(fileName);
    if (infoStream != null) {
      message("  DecRef \"" + fileName + "\": pre-decr count is " + rc.count);
    if (0 == rc.DecRef()) {
      // This file is no longer referenced by any past
      // commit points nor by the in-memory SegmentInfos:
voiddecRef(org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos segmentInfos)

    final int size = segmentInfos.size();
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
      SegmentInfo segmentInfo =;
      if (segmentInfo.dir == directory) {
private voiddecRef(java.util.List files)

    int size = files.size();
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
      decRef((String) files.get(i));
private voiddeleteCommits()
Remove the CommitPoints in the commitsToDelete List by DecRef'ing all files from each SegmentInfos.

    int size = commitsToDelete.size();

    if (size > 0) {

      // First decref all files that had been referred to by
      // the now-deleted commits:
      for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
        CommitPoint commit = (CommitPoint) commitsToDelete.get(i);
        if (infoStream != null) {
          message("deleteCommits: now remove commit \"" + commit.getSegmentsFileName() + "\"");
        int size2 = commit.files.size();
        for(int j=0;j<size2;j++) {
          decRef((List) commit.files.get(j));

      // Now compact commits to remove deleted ones (preserving the sort):
      size = commits.size();
      int readFrom = 0;
      int writeTo = 0;
      while(readFrom < size) {
        CommitPoint commit = (CommitPoint) commits.get(readFrom);
        if (!commit.deleted) {
          if (writeTo != readFrom) {
            commits.set(writeTo, commits.get(readFrom));

      while(size > writeTo) {
public voiddeleteDirect( otherDir, java.util.List segments)
Blindly delete the files used by the specific segments, with no reference counting and no retry. This is only currently used by writer to delete its RAM segments from a RAMDirectory.

    int size = segments.size();
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
      List filestoDelete = ((SegmentInfo) segments.get(i)).files();
      int size2 = filestoDelete.size();
      for(int j=0;j<size2;j++) {
        otherDir.deleteFile((String) filestoDelete.get(j));
private voiddeleteFile(java.lang.String fileName)

    try {
      if (infoStream != null) {
        message("delete \"" + fileName + "\"");
    } catch (IOException e) {			  // if delete fails
      if (directory.fileExists(fileName)) {

        // Some operating systems (e.g. Windows) don't
        // permit a file to be deleted while it is opened
        // for read (e.g. by another process or thread). So
        // we assume that when a delete fails it is because
        // the file is open in another process, and queue
        // the file for subsequent deletion.

        if (infoStream != null) {
          message("IndexFileDeleter: unable to remove file \"" + fileName + "\": " + e.toString() + "; Will re-try later.");
        if (deletable == null) {
          deletable = new ArrayList();
        deletable.add(fileName);                  // add to deletable
private org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFileDeleter$RefCountgetRefCount(java.lang.String fileName)

    RefCount rc;
    if (!refCounts.containsKey(fileName)) {
      rc = new RefCount();
      refCounts.put(fileName, rc);
    } else {
      rc = (RefCount) refCounts.get(fileName);
    return rc;
voidincRef(org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos segmentInfos, boolean isCommit)

    int size = segmentInfos.size();
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
      SegmentInfo segmentInfo =;
      if (segmentInfo.dir == directory) {

    if (isCommit) {
      // Since this is a commit point, also incref its
      // segments_N file:
private voidincRef(java.util.List files)

    int size = files.size();
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
      String fileName = (String) files.get(i);
      RefCount rc = getRefCount(fileName);
      if (infoStream != null) {
        message("  IncRef \"" + fileName + "\": pre-incr count is " + rc.count);
private voidmessage(java.lang.String message)

    infoStream.println(this + " " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": " + message);
public voidrefresh()
Writer calls this when it has hit an error and had to roll back, to tell us that there may now be unreferenced files in the filesystem. So we re-list the filesystem and delete such files:

    String[] files = directory.list();
    if (files == null)
      throw new IOException("cannot read directory " + directory + ": list() returned null");
    IndexFileNameFilter filter = IndexFileNameFilter.getFilter();
    for(int i=0;i<files.length;i++) {
      String fileName = files[i];
      if (filter.accept(null, fileName) && !refCounts.containsKey(fileName) && !fileName.equals(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN)) {
        // Unreferenced file, so remove it
        if (infoStream != null) {
          message("refresh: removing newly created unreferenced file \"" + fileName + "\"");
voidsetInfoStream( infoStream)

    this.infoStream = infoStream;