InstrClassLoader.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API17125Wed May 06 22:41:16 BST 2009com.vladium.emma.rt


public final class InstrClassLoader extends URLClassLoader
Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003

Fields Summary
public static final String
public static final String
private final ClassLoader
private final com.vladium.emma.filter.IInclExclFilter
private final com.vladium.emma.filter.IInclExclFilter
private final Map
private final IClassLoadHook
private final PoolEntry[]
private final com.vladium.logging.Logger
private int
private int
private int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final URL[]
Constructors Summary
public InstrClassLoader(ClassLoader parent, File[] classpath, com.vladium.emma.filter.IInclExclFilter forcedDelegationFilter, com.vladium.emma.filter.IInclExclFilter throughDelegationFilter, IClassLoadHook hook, Map cache)


        // setting ClassLoader.parent to null disables the standard delegation
        // behavior in a few places, including URLClassLoader.getResource():
        super (filesToURLs (classpath), null);
        // TODO: arg validation
        m_hook = hook;
        m_cache = cache; // can be null
        m_forcedDelegationFilter = forcedDelegationFilter;
        m_throughDelegationFilter = throughDelegationFilter;
        m_parent = parent;        
        m_bufPool = new PoolEntry [BAOS_POOL_SIZE];
        m_log = Logger.getLogger ();
Methods Summary
private com.vladium.emma.rt.InstrClassLoader$PoolEntryacquirePoolEntry()

        PoolEntry result;
        if (m_nestLevel >= BAOS_POOL_SIZE)
            result = new PoolEntry (BAOS_INIT_SIZE, BAOS_INIT_SIZE);
            result = m_bufPool [m_nestLevel];
            if (result == null)
                result = new PoolEntry (BAOS_INIT_SIZE, BAOS_INIT_SIZE);
                m_bufPool [m_nestLevel] = result;
                result.m_baos.reset ();
        ++ m_nestLevel;
        return result;
public voiddebugDump( out)

        if (out != null)
            out.println (this + ": " + m_cacheHits + " class cache hits, " + m_cacheMisses + " misses");
private java.lang.ClassdefineClass(java.lang.String className, byte[] bytes, int length, srcURL)

        // support ProtectionDomains with non-null class source URLs:
        // [however, disable anything related to sealing or signing]
        final CodeSource csrc = new CodeSource (srcURL, (Certificate[])null);
        // allow getPackage() to return non-null on the class we are about to
        // define (however, don't bother emulating the original manifest info since
        // we may be altering manifest content anyway):
        final int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf ('.");
        if (lastDot >= 0)
            final String packageName = className.substring (0, lastDot);
            final Package pkg = getPackage (packageName);
            if (pkg == null)
                definePackage (packageName,
                               IAppConstants.APP_NAME, IAppConstants.APP_VERSION, IAppConstants.APP_COPYRIGHT,
                               IAppConstants.APP_NAME, IAppConstants.APP_VERSION, IAppConstants.APP_COPYRIGHT,
        return defineClass (className, bytes, 0, length, csrc);
private static[]filesToURLs([] classpath)

        if ((classpath == null) || (classpath.length == 0))
            return EMPTY_URL_ARRAY;
        final URL [] result = new URL [classpath.length];
        for (int f = 0; f < result.length ; ++ f)
            result [f] = classpath [f].toURL (); // note: this does proper dir encoding
        return result;
protected final java.lang.ClassfindClass(java.lang.String name)

        final boolean trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 ();
        if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass",  "(" + name + "): nest level " + m_nestLevel);
        final boolean useClassCache = (m_cache != null);
        final ClassPathCacheEntry entry = useClassCache ? (ClassPathCacheEntry) m_cache.remove (name) : null;
        byte [] bytes;
        int length;
        URL classURL = null;
        if (entry != null) // cache hit
            ++ m_cacheHits;
            // used cached class def bytes, no need to repeat disk I/O:
                classURL = new URL (entry.m_srcURL);
            catch (MalformedURLException murle) // this should never happen
                if ($assert.ENABLED)
                    murle.printStackTrace (System.out);
            PoolEntry buf = null;
                buf = acquirePoolEntry ();
                final ByteArrayOStream baos = buf.m_baos; // reset() has been called on this
                // the original class definition:
                bytes = entry.m_bytes;
                length = bytes.length;
                if ((m_hook != null) && m_hook.processClassDef (name, bytes, length, baos)) // note: this can overwrite 'bytes'
                    // the instrumented class definition:
                    bytes = baos.getByteArray ();
                    length = baos.size ();
                    if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass",  "defining [cached] instrumented [" + name + "] {" + length + " bytes }");
                    if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass",  "defining [cached] [" + name + "] {" + length + " bytes }");
                return defineClass (name, bytes, length, classURL);
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new ClassNotFoundException (name);
                if (buf != null) releasePoolEntry (buf);
        else // cache miss
            if (useClassCache) ++ m_cacheMisses;
            // .class files are not guaranteed to be loadable as resources;
            // but if Sun's code does it...
            final String classResource = name.replace ('.", '/") + ".class";
            // even thought normal delegation is disabled, this will find bootstrap classes:
            classURL = getResource (classResource); // important to hook into URLClassLoader's overload of this so that Class-Path manifest attributes are processed etc
            if (trace1 && (classURL != null)) m_log.trace1 ("findClass",  "[" + name + "] found in " + classURL);
            if (classURL == null)
                throw new ClassNotFoundException (name);
                InputStream in = null;
                PoolEntry buf = null;
                    in = classURL.openStream ();
                    buf = acquirePoolEntry ();
                    final ByteArrayOStream baos = buf.m_baos; // reset() has been called on this
                    readFully (in, baos, buf.m_buf);
                    in.close (); // don't keep the file handle across reentrant calls
                    in = null;
                    // the original class definition:
                    bytes = baos.getByteArray ();
                    length = baos.size ();
                    baos.reset (); // reuse this for processClassDef below
                    if ((m_hook != null) && m_hook.processClassDef (name, bytes, length, baos)) // note: this can overwrite 'bytes'
                        // the instrumented class definition:
                        bytes = baos.getByteArray ();
                        length = baos.size ();
                        if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass",  "defining instrumented [" + name + "] {" + length + " bytes }");
                        if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass",  "defining [" + name + "] {" + length + " bytes }");
                    return defineClass (name, bytes, length, classURL);
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    throw new ClassNotFoundException (name);
                    if (buf != null) releasePoolEntry (buf);
                    if (in != null) try { in.close (); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
public final name)

        final boolean trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 ();
        if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("getResource",  "(" + name + "): nest level " + m_nestLevel);
        final URL result = super.getResource (name);
        if (trace1 && (result != null)) m_log.trace1 ("loadClass",  "[" + name + "] found in " + result);
        return result;
public final synchronized java.lang.ClassloadClass(java.lang.String name, boolean resolve)
Overrides java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass() to change the usual parent-child delegation rules just enough to be able to 'replace' the parent loader. This also has the effect of detecting 'system' classes without doing any class name-based matching.

        final boolean trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 ();
        if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("loadClass",  "(" + name + ", " + resolve + "): nest level " + m_nestLevel);
        Class c = null;
        // first, check if this class has already been defined by this classloader
        // instance:
        c = findLoadedClass (name);
        if (c == null)
            Class parentsVersion = null;
            if (m_parent != null)
                    parentsVersion = m_parent.loadClass (name); // note: it is important that this does not init the class
                    if ((parentsVersion.getClassLoader () != m_parent) ||
                        ((m_forcedDelegationFilter == null) || m_forcedDelegationFilter.included (name)))
                        // (a) m_parent itself decided to delegate: use parent's version
                        // (b) the class was on the forced delegation list: use parent's version
                        c = parentsVersion;
                        if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("loadClass", "using parent's version for [" + name + "]");
                catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                    // if the class was on the forced delegation list, error out: 
                    if ((m_forcedDelegationFilter == null) || m_forcedDelegationFilter.included (name))
                        throw cnfe;
            if (c == null)
                    // either (a) m_parent was null or (b) it could not load 'c'
                    // or (c) it will define 'c' itself if allowed to. In any
                    // of these cases I attempt to define my own version:
                    c = findClass (name);
                catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                    // this is a difficult design point unless I resurrect the -lx option
                    // and document how to use it [which will confuse most users anyway]
                    // another alternative would be to see if parent's version is included by
                    // the filter and print a warning; still, it does not help with JAXP etc 
                    if (parentsVersion != null)
                        final boolean delegate = (m_throughDelegationFilter == null) || m_throughDelegationFilter.included (name); 
                        if (delegate)
                            c = parentsVersion;
                            if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("loadClass", "[delegation filter] using parent's version for [" + name + "]");
                            throw cnfe;
                      throw cnfe;
        if (c == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException (name);
        if (resolve) resolveClass (c); // this never happens in J2SE JVMs
        return c;
private static voidreadFully( in, com.vladium.util.ByteArrayOStream out, byte[] buf)
Reads the entire contents of a given stream into a flat byte array.

        for (int read; (read = (buf)) >= 0; )
            out.write (buf, 0, read);
private voidreleasePoolEntry(com.vladium.emma.rt.InstrClassLoader$PoolEntry buf)

        if (-- m_nestLevel < BAOS_POOL_SIZE)
            buf.trim (BAOS_INIT_SIZE, BAOS_MAX_SIZE);