HandleHeap.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API17070Wed May 06 22:41:08 BST


public final class HandleHeap extends ChunkHandler
Handle heap status updates.

Fields Summary
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
private static final HandleHeap
Constructors Summary
private HandleHeap()

Methods Summary
public voidclientDisconnected(Client client)
Client went away.

public voidclientReady(Client client)
Client is ready.

        if (client.isHeapUpdateEnabled()) {
            //sendHPSG(client, WHEN_GC, WHAT_MERGE);
            sendHPIF(client, HPIF_WHEN_EVERY_GC);
private java.lang.StringdescriptorToDot(java.lang.String str)
Converts a VM class descriptor string ("Landroid/os/Debug;") to a dot-notation class name ("android.os.Debug").

        // count the number of arrays.
        int array = 0;
        while (str.startsWith("[")) {
            str = str.substring(1);

        int len = str.length();

        /* strip off leading 'L' and trailing ';' if appropriate */
        if (len >= 2 && str.charAt(0) == 'L" && str.charAt(len - 1) == ';") {
            str = str.substring(1, len-1);
            str = str.replace('/", '.");
        } else {
            // convert the basic types
            if ("C".equals(str)) {
                str = "char";
            } else if ("B".equals(str)) {
                str = "byte";
            } else if ("Z".equals(str)) {
                str = "boolean";
            } else if ("S".equals(str)) {
                str = "short";
            } else if ("I".equals(str)) {
                str = "int";
            } else if ("J".equals(str)) {
                str = "long";
            } else if ("F".equals(str)) {
                str = "float";
            } else if ("D".equals(str)) {
                str = "double";
        // now add the array part
        for (int a = 0 ; a < array; a++) {
            str = str + "[]";

        return str;
private static voiddumpRecords(AllocationInfo[] records)

        System.out.println("Found " + records.length + " records:");

        for (AllocationInfo rec: records) {
            System.out.println("tid=" + rec.getThreadId() + " "
                + rec.getAllocatedClass() + " (" + rec.getSize() + " bytes)");

            for (StackTraceElement ste: rec.getStackTrace()) {
                if (ste.isNativeMethod()) {
                    System.out.println("    " + ste.getClassName() 
                        + "." + ste.getMethodName()
                        + " (Native method)");
                } else {
                    System.out.println("    " + ste.getClassName() 
                        + "." + ste.getMethodName()
                        + " (" + ste.getFileName()
                        + ":" + ste.getLineNumber() + ")");
public voidhandleChunk(Client client, int type, java.nio.ByteBuffer data, boolean isReply, int msgId)
Chunk handler entry point.

        Log.d("ddm-heap", "handling " +;

        if (type == CHUNK_HPIF) {
            handleHPIF(client, data);
        } else if (type == CHUNK_HPST) {
            handleHPST(client, data);
        } else if (type == CHUNK_HPEN) {
            handleHPEN(client, data);
        } else if (type == CHUNK_HPSG) {
            handleHPSG(client, data);
        } else if (type == CHUNK_REAQ) {
            handleREAQ(client, data);
        } else if (type == CHUNK_REAL) {
            handleREAL(client, data);
        } else {
            handleUnknownChunk(client, type, data, isReply, msgId);
private voidhandleHPEN(Client client, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

        /* Let the UI know that we've received all of the
         * data for this heap.
//xxx todo: only seal data that belongs to the heap mentioned in <data>.
private voidhandleHPIF(Client client, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

        Log.d("ddm-heap", "HPIF!");
        try {
            int numHeaps = data.getInt();

            for (int i = 0; i < numHeaps; i++) {
                int heapId = data.getInt();
                long timeStamp = data.getLong();
                byte reason = data.get();
                long maxHeapSize = (long)data.getInt() & 0x00ffffffff;
                long heapSize = (long)data.getInt() & 0x00ffffffff;
                long bytesAllocated = (long)data.getInt() & 0x00ffffffff;
                long objectsAllocated = (long)data.getInt() & 0x00ffffffff;

                client.getClientData().setHeapInfo(heapId, maxHeapSize,
                        heapSize, bytesAllocated, objectsAllocated);
        } catch (BufferUnderflowException ex) {
            Log.w("ddm-heap", "malformed HPIF chunk from client");
private voidhandleHPSG(Client client, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

        byte dataCopy[] = new byte[data.limit()];
        data = ByteBuffer.wrap(dataCopy);
//xxx todo: add to the heap mentioned in <data>
private voidhandleHPST(Client client, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

        /* Clear out any data that's sitting around to
         * get ready for the chunks that are about to come.
//xxx todo: only clear data that belongs to the heap mentioned in <data>.
private voidhandleREAL(Client client, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

        Log.e("ddm-heap", "*** Received " + name(CHUNK_REAL));
        int messageHdrLen, entryHdrLen, stackFrameLen;
        int numEntries, offsetToStrings;
        int numClassNames, numMethodNames, numFileNames;

         * Read the header.
        messageHdrLen = (data.get() & 0xff);
        entryHdrLen = (data.get() & 0xff);
        stackFrameLen = (data.get() & 0xff);
        numEntries = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);
        offsetToStrings = data.getInt();
        numClassNames = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);
        numMethodNames = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);
        numFileNames = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);

         * Skip forward to the strings and read them.

        String[] classNames = new String[numClassNames];
        String[] methodNames = new String[numMethodNames];
        String[] fileNames = new String[numFileNames];

        readStringTable(data, classNames);
        readStringTable(data, methodNames);
        //System.out.println("METHODS: "
        //    + java.util.Arrays.deepToString(methodNames));
        readStringTable(data, fileNames);

         * Skip back to a point just past the header and start reading
         * entries.

        ArrayList<AllocationInfo> list = new ArrayList<AllocationInfo>(numEntries);
        for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
            int totalSize;
            int threadId, classNameIndex, stackDepth;

            totalSize = data.getInt();
            threadId = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);
            classNameIndex = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);
            stackDepth = (data.get() & 0xff);
            /* we've consumed 9 bytes; gobble up any extra */
            for (int skip = 9; skip < entryHdrLen; skip++)

            StackTraceElement[] steArray = new StackTraceElement[stackDepth];

             * Pull out the stack trace.
            for (int sti = 0; sti < stackDepth; sti++) {
                int methodClassNameIndex, methodNameIndex;
                int methodSourceFileIndex;
                short lineNumber;
                String methodClassName, methodName, methodSourceFile;

                methodClassNameIndex = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);
                methodNameIndex = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);
                methodSourceFileIndex = (data.getShort() & 0xffff);
                lineNumber = data.getShort();

                methodClassName = classNames[methodClassNameIndex];
                methodName = methodNames[methodNameIndex];
                methodSourceFile = fileNames[methodSourceFileIndex];

                steArray[sti] = new StackTraceElement(methodClassName,
                    methodName, methodSourceFile, lineNumber);

                /* we've consumed 8 bytes; gobble up any extra */
                for (int skip = 9; skip < stackFrameLen; skip++)

            list.add(new AllocationInfo(classNames[classNameIndex],
                totalSize, (short) threadId, steArray));
        // sort biggest allocations first.
        client.getClientData().setAllocations(list.toArray(new AllocationInfo[numEntries]));
private voidhandleREAQ(Client client, java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

        boolean enabled;

        enabled = (data.get() != 0);
        Log.d("ddm-heap", "REAQ says: enabled=" + enabled);
private voidreadStringTable(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, java.lang.String[] strings)
Reads a string table out of "data". This is just a serial collection of strings, each of which is a four-byte length followed by UTF-16 data.

        int count = strings.length;
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            int nameLen = data.getInt();
            String descriptor = getString(data, nameLen);
            strings[i] = descriptorToDot(descriptor);
public static voidregister(MonitorThread mt)
Register for the packets we expect to get from the client.

        mt.registerChunkHandler(CHUNK_HPIF, mInst);
        mt.registerChunkHandler(CHUNK_HPST, mInst);
        mt.registerChunkHandler(CHUNK_HPEN, mInst);
        mt.registerChunkHandler(CHUNK_HPSG, mInst);
        mt.registerChunkHandler(CHUNK_REAQ, mInst);
        mt.registerChunkHandler(CHUNK_REAL, mInst);
public static voidsendHPGC(Client client)
Sends an HPGC request to the client.

        ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
        JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
        ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

        // no data

        finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HPGC, buf.position());
        Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HPGC));
        client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
public static voidsendHPIF(Client client, int when)
Send an HPIF (HeaP InFo) request to the client.

        ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(1);
        JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
        ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


        finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HPIF, buf.position());
        Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HPIF) + ": when=" + when);
        client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
public static voidsendHPSG(Client client, int when, int what)
Sends an HPSG (HeaP SeGment) request to the client.

        ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(2);
        JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
        ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);


        finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_HPSG, buf.position());
        Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_HPSG) + ": when="
            + when + ", what=" + what);
        client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
public static voidsendREAE(Client client, boolean enable)
Sends a REAE (REcent Allocation Enable) request to the client.

        ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(1);
        JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
        ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

        buf.put((byte) (enable ? 1 : 0));

        finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_REAE, buf.position());
        Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_REAE) + ": " + enable);
        client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
public static voidsendREAL(Client client)
Sends a REAL (REcent ALlocation) request to the client.

        ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
        JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
        ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

        // no data

        finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_REAL, buf.position());
        Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_REAL));
        client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);
public static voidsendREAQ(Client client)
Sends a REAQ (REcent Allocation Query) request to the client.

        ByteBuffer rawBuf = allocBuffer(0);
        JdwpPacket packet = new JdwpPacket(rawBuf);
        ByteBuffer buf = getChunkDataBuf(rawBuf);

        // no data

        finishChunkPacket(packet, CHUNK_REAQ, buf.position());
        Log.d("ddm-heap", "Sending " + name(CHUNK_REAQ));
        client.sendAndConsume(packet, mInst);