TaggedProfile.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API1699Fri Aug 26 14:54:36 BST


public interface TaggedProfile implements Identifiable, MakeImmutable
TaggedProfile represents a tagged profile in an IOR. A profile contains all of the information necessary for an invocation. It contains one or more endpoints that may be used for an invocation. A TaggedProfile conceptually has three parts: A TaggedProfileTemplate, an ObjectKeyTemplate, and an ObjectId.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public org.omg.IOP.TaggedProfilegetIOPProfile()
Return the TaggedProfile as a CDR encapsulation in the standard format. This is required for Portable interceptors.

public ObjectIdgetObjectId()

public ObjectKeygetObjectKey()

public ObjectKeyTemplategetObjectKeyTemplate()

public TaggedProfileTemplategetTaggedProfileTemplate()

public booleanisEquivalent( prof)
Return true is prof is equivalent to this TaggedProfile. This means that this and prof are indistinguishable for the purposes of remote invocation. Typically this means that the profile data is identical and both profiles contain exactly the same components (if components are applicable). isEquivalent( prof ) should imply that getObjectId().equals( prof.getObjectId() ) is true, and so is getObjectKeyTemplate().equals( prof.getObjectKeyTemplate() ).

public booleanisLocal()
Return true if this TaggedProfile was created in orb. Caches the result.