LocalStoreUnitTests.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API16819Wed May 06 22:42:46 BST


public class LocalStoreUnitTests extends android.test.AndroidTestCase
This is a series of unit tests for the LocalStore class.

Fields Summary
private final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private String
private LocalStore
private LocalStore.LocalFolder
private File
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private to, java.lang.String sender, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String content)
Build a test message that can be used as input to processSourceMessage

to Recipient(s) of the message
sender Sender(s) of the message
subject Subject of the message
content Content of the message
a complete Message object

        MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage();
        if (to != null) {
            Address[] addresses = Address.parse(to);
            message.setRecipients(RecipientType.TO, addresses);
        if (sender != null) {
            Address[] addresses = Address.parse(sender);
        if (subject != null) {
        if (content != null) {
            TextBody body = new TextBody(content);
        return message;
private static voidcreateSampleDb(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db, int version)

        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS messages");
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE messages (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, folder_id INTEGER, " +
                   "uid TEXT, subject TEXT, date INTEGER, flags TEXT, sender_list TEXT, " +
                   "to_list TEXT, cc_list TEXT, bcc_list TEXT, reply_to_list TEXT, " +
                   "html_content TEXT, text_content TEXT, attachment_count INTEGER, " +
                   "internal_date INTEGER" +
                   ((version >= 19) ? ", message_id TEXT" : "") +
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS attachments");
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE attachments (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, message_id INTEGER," +
                   "store_data TEXT, content_uri TEXT, size INTEGER, name TEXT," +
                   "mime_type TEXT" +
                   ((version >= 20) ? ", content_id" : "") +
private android.content.ContentValuescursorToContentValues(android.database.Cursor c, java.lang.String[] schema)
Helper function convert Cursor data to ContentValues

        if (c.getColumnCount() != schema.length) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("schema length is not mach with cursor columns");
        final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        for (int i = 0, count = c.getColumnCount(); i < count; ++i) {
            final String key = c.getColumnName(i);
            final String type = schema[i];
            if (type == "text") {
                cv.put(key, c.getString(i));
            } else if (type == "integer" || type == "primary") {
                cv.put(key, c.getLong(i));
            } else if (type == "numeric" || type == "real") {
                cv.put(key, c.getDouble(i));
            } else if (type == "blob") {
                cv.put(key, c.getBlob(i));
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported type at index " + i);
        return cv;
protected voidsetUp()
Setup code. We generate a lightweight LocalStore and LocalStore.LocalFolder.

        // These are needed so we can get at the inner classes
        // Create a dummy database (be sure to delete it in tearDown())
        mLocalStoreUri = "local://localhost/" + getContext().getDatabasePath(dbName);
        mStore = new LocalStore(mLocalStoreUri, getContext());
        mFolder = (LocalStore.LocalFolder) mStore.getFolder("TEST");
        // This is needed for parsing mime messages
        mCacheDir = getContext().getCacheDir();
protected voidtearDown()
Teardown code. Delete the local database and any other files

        // First, try the official way
        if (mStore != null) {
        // Next, just try hacking and slashing files
        // (Mostly, this is actually copied from LocalStore.delete
        URI uri = new URI(mLocalStoreUri);
        String path = uri.getPath();
        File attachmentsDir = new File(path + "_att");

        // Delete any attachments we dribbled out
        try {
            File[] attachments = attachmentsDir.listFiles();
            for (File attachment : attachments) {
                if (attachment.exists()) {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) { }
        // Delete attachments dir
        try {
            if (attachmentsDir.exists()) {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) { }
        // Delete db file
        try {
            new File(path).delete();
        catch (RuntimeException e) { }
public voidtestDbUpgrade18To20()
Tests for database upgrade from version 18 to version 20.

        final URI uri = new URI(mLocalStoreUri);
        final String dbPath = uri.getPath();
        SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);

        // create sample version 18 db tables
        createSampleDb(db, 18);

        // sample message data and expected data
        final ContentValues initialMessage = new ContentValues();
        initialMessage.put("folder_id", (long) 2);        // folder_id type integer == Long
        initialMessage.put("internal_date", (long) 3);    // internal_date type integer == Long
        final ContentValues expectedMessage = new ContentValues(initialMessage);
        expectedMessage.put("id", db.insert("messages", null, initialMessage));

        // sample attachment data and expected data
        final ContentValues initialAttachment = new ContentValues();
        initialAttachment.put("message_id", (long) 4);    // message_id type integer == Long
        initialAttachment.put("mime_type", (String) "a"); // mime_type type text == String
        final ContentValues expectedAttachment = new ContentValues(initialAttachment);
        expectedAttachment.put("id", db.insert("attachments", null, initialAttachment));

        // upgrade database 18 to 20
        new LocalStore(mLocalStoreUri, getContext());

        // added message_id column should be initialized as null
        expectedMessage.put("message_id", (String) null);    // message_id type text == String
        // added content_id column should be initialized as null
        expectedAttachment.put("content_id", (String) null); // content_id type text == String

        // database should be upgraded
        db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);
        assertEquals("database should be upgraded", 20, db.getVersion());
        Cursor c;

        // check message table
        c = db.query("messages",
                new String[] { "id", "folder_id", "internal_date", "message_id" },
                null, null, null, null, null);
        // check if data is available
        assertTrue("messages table should have one data", c.moveToNext());
        // check if data are expected
        final ContentValues actualMessage = cursorToContentValues(c,
                new String[] { "primary", "integer", "integer", "text" });
       assertEquals("messages table cursor does not have expected values",
                expectedMessage, actualMessage);

        // check attachment table
        c = db.query("attachments",
                new String[] { "id", "message_id", "mime_type", "content_id" },
                null, null, null, null, null);
        // check if data is available
        assertTrue("attachments table should have one data", c.moveToNext());

        // check if data are expected
        final ContentValues actualAttachment = cursorToContentValues(c,
                new String[] { "primary", "integer", "text", "text" });
        assertEquals("attachment table cursor does not have expected values",
                expectedAttachment, actualAttachment);

public voidtestDbUpgrade19To20()
Tests for database upgrade from version 19 to version 20.

        final URI uri = new URI(mLocalStoreUri);
        final String dbPath = uri.getPath();
        SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);

        // create minimu version 18 db tables
        createSampleDb(db, 19);

        // sample message data and expected data
        final ContentValues initialMessage = new ContentValues();
        initialMessage.put("folder_id", (long) 2);      // folder_id type integer == Long
        initialMessage.put("internal_date", (long) 3);  // internal_date integer == Long
        initialMessage.put("message_id", (String) "x"); // message_id text == String
        final ContentValues expectedMessage = new ContentValues(initialMessage);
        expectedMessage.put("id", db.insert("messages", null, initialMessage));

        // sample attachment data and expected data
        final ContentValues initialAttachment = new ContentValues();
        initialAttachment.put("message_id", (long) 4);  // message_id type integer == Long
        initialAttachment.put("mime_type", (String) "a"); // mime_type type text == String
        final ContentValues expectedAttachment = new ContentValues(initialAttachment);
        expectedAttachment.put("id", db.insert("attachments", null, initialAttachment));

        // upgrade database 19 to 20
        new LocalStore(mLocalStoreUri, getContext());

        // added content_id column should be initialized as null
        expectedAttachment.put("content_id", (String) null);  // content_id type text == String

        // database should be upgraded
        db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);
        assertEquals(20, db.getVersion());
        Cursor c;

        // check message table
        c = db.query("messages",
                new String[] { "id", "folder_id", "internal_date", "message_id" },
                null, null, null, null, null);
        // check if data is available
        assertTrue("attachments table should have one data", c.moveToNext());

        // check if data are expected
        final ContentValues actualMessage = cursorToContentValues(c,
                new String[] { "primary", "integer", "integer", "text" });
        assertEquals("messages table cursor does not have expected values",
                expectedMessage, actualMessage);

        // check attachment table
        c = db.query("attachments",
                new String[] { "id", "message_id", "mime_type", "content_id" },
                null, null, null, null, null);
        // check if data is available
        assertTrue("attachments table should have one data", c.moveToNext());

        // check if data are expected
        final ContentValues actualAttachment = cursorToContentValues(c,
                        new String[] { "primary", "integer", "text", "text" });
        assertEquals("attachment table cursor does not have expected values",
                expectedAttachment, actualAttachment);

public voidtestDbVersion()
Tests for database version.

        final LocalStore store = new LocalStore(mLocalStoreUri, getContext());
        final URI uri = new URI(mLocalStoreUri);
        final String dbPath = uri.getPath();
        final SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(dbPath, null);

        // database version should be latest.
        assertEquals("database version should be latest", 20, db.getVersion());
public voidtestMessageId_1()
Test that messages are being stored with Message-ID intact. This variant tests appendMessages() and getMessage() and getMessages()

        final MimeMessage message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY);
        mFolder.appendMessages(new Message[]{ message });
        String localUid = message.getUid();
        // Now try to read it back from the database using getMessage()
        MimeMessage retrieved = (MimeMessage) mFolder.getMessage(localUid);
        assertEquals(MESSAGE_ID, retrieved.getMessageId());
        // Now try to read it back from the database using getMessages()
        Message[] retrievedArray = mFolder.getMessages(null);
        assertEquals(1, retrievedArray.length);
        MimeMessage retrievedEntry = (MimeMessage) retrievedArray[0];
        assertEquals(MESSAGE_ID, retrieved.getMessageId());
public voidtestMessageId_2()
Test that messages are being stored with Message-ID intact. This variant tests updateMessage() and getMessages()

        final MimeMessage message = buildTestMessage(RECIPIENT_TO, SENDER, SUBJECT, BODY);
        mFolder.appendMessages(new Message[]{ message });
        String localUid = message.getUid();
        // Now try to read it back from the database using getMessage()
        MimeMessage retrieved = (MimeMessage) mFolder.getMessage(localUid);
        assertEquals(MESSAGE_ID, retrieved.getMessageId());

        // Now change the Message-ID and try to update() the message
        // Note, due to a weakness in the API, you have to use a message object you got from
        // LocalStore when making the update call
        // And read back once more to confirm the change (using getMessages() to confirm "just one")
        Message[] retrievedArray = mFolder.getMessages(null);
        assertEquals(1, retrievedArray.length);
        MimeMessage retrievedEntry = (MimeMessage) retrievedArray[0];
        assertEquals(MESSAGE_ID_2, retrieved.getMessageId());