CVS.javaAPI DocExample1675Sat Sep 12 03:01:00 BST 1998borland.samples.apps.chess.client


public class CVS extends Object
Contains all the strings used in the ChessViewer package that need localization...

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Methods Summary
public static java.lang.StringInsert(java.lang.String template, java.lang.String snippet)
Helper method for sticking variables into the string. Searches the string for a % and then substitutes the variable

    int index = template.indexOf('%") ;
    return template.substring(0, index) + snippet + template.substring(index+1);
public static java.lang.StringInsert(java.lang.String template, java.lang.String snippet1, java.lang.String snippet2)
Helper method for sticking variables into the string. Searches the string for a % and then substitutes the variable

    return Insert(Insert(template, snippet1), snippet2);