CDDiscImportExport.javaAPI DocExample1648Thu May 05 05:27:58 BST 2005com.samscdrental.importexport

package com.samscdrental.importexport;

import com.samscdrental.dataaccess.*;
import com.samscdrental.failures.*;
import com.samscdrental.model.*;
import com.samscdrental.model.adt.*;

public class CDDiscImportExport

	 * parseLine
	 * @param aString String
	public static CDDisc parseLine( String line ) throws ParseLineDeviation
		// The line is expected to be in <PhysicalID> <UPCCode of CDRelease> format
		String[] tokens = line.split( "\\|" );
		if ( tokens.length < 2 )
			throw new ParseLineDeviation( ERROR_CDDISC_TOKEN_COUNT +
										  tokens.length );

		String cdDiscPhysicalIDString = tokens[0];
		String cdDiscReleaseUPCCodeString = tokens[1];
			PhysicalID aPhysicalID = PhysicalID.parseString(
				cdDiscPhysicalIDString );
			UPCCode aUPCCode = UPCCode.parseString( cdDiscReleaseUPCCodeString );

			StoreDataAccess collections = StoreDataAccess.getInstance();
			CDRelease aCDRelease = collections.theCDReleaseDataAccess.
				findByUPCCode( aUPCCode );
			if ( aCDRelease == null )
				throw new ParseLineDeviation( ERROR_CDRELEASE_NOT_FOUND +
											  aUPCCode );
			return new CDDisc( aCDRelease, aPhysicalID );
		catch ( PhysicalIDFormatDeviation e )
			throw new ParseLineDeviation( e.getMessage() );
		catch ( UPCCodeFormatDeviation e )
			throw new ParseLineDeviation( e.getMessage() );


	private static final String ERROR_CDDISC_TOKEN_COUNT =
		"CDDisc line has wrong element count of ";
	private static final String ERROR_CDRELEASE_NOT_FOUND =
		"CDRelease Not Found for CDDisc ";
